
Rahzel20 years ago2004-02-16 06:16:40 UTC 0 comments
Sheep Dip

Once upon a time,
There was lots of crime,
And buckets designed for sheep.
But then one day,
They had no pay,
And bought us all a jeep.
craash42020 years ago2004-02-14 23:34:51 UTC 0 comments
Thanks to this website I'm known around the world for my mapping skills.
I'm famous, lol!
pepper20 years ago2004-02-14 12:19:43 UTC 3 comments
CRAASH420 i played on your server wiht a few people, nice maps :)
pepper20 years ago2004-02-14 01:11:41 UTC 0 comments
i send in the new tutorial about ground, hope you like it might take a while before andy cheks his mail :P
Jax20 years ago2004-02-13 19:48:52 UTC 0 comments
well not quite yet
Jax20 years ago2004-02-13 17:36:36 UTC 0 comments
have joined the 'Heist' team!
Seventh-Monkey20 years ago2004-02-12 23:57:19 UTC 0 comments
I've join a mod team and am now the second mapper for Heist. Should be pretty fun.
jonny20 years ago2004-02-12 21:53:51 UTC 0 comments
Dos ne1 kno how to make a tank wit 2 functions?
eg func_tankcontrols combined wit func_vehiclecontrols
homer20 years ago2004-02-12 16:02:32 UTC 0 comments
Doh i have having spelling mistakes i'll start again

WOW! it has been a long time so what is in the news today nothing BUT crap :)
homer20 years ago2004-02-12 16:00:44 UTC 4 comments
WOW! it has been a lont time so what is in the new today
pepper20 years ago2004-02-12 12:30:35 UTC 0 comments
lazermanic, i found out about your scientisthunt game after it was so i was horribly to late, if i had the time i would have come cuz i love scienhtist hunt :P
LaZermaniac20 years ago2004-02-12 11:06:54 UTC 0 comments
ugh... i now have the 1337 sk1llz0rs to render stuff in 3D, not worldcraft, Bryce5. i am already trying to render a piece of the Xen Borderworld... :cool:
Tlax20 years ago2004-02-12 03:10:29 UTC 0 comments
Hunting bugs!
Go to
and look on bad bugs screens (if it so interesting)
Once more I hate bugs! but they are instructive for the future.
HaX Clan Leader20 years ago2004-02-10 12:38:56 UTC 0 comments
LaZermaniac20 years ago2004-02-10 11:12:43 UTC 0 comments
well, it's my 12th log-on. and my contest is still delayed. that's pretty much it. oh yeah, new HL2 screenies are up on PHL