
Skals11 years ago2013-11-09 21:41:23 UTC 10 comments
Hmmmm so, maybe somebody's wondering where I went, probably not, but maybe somebody will read this journal! And that would make me happy, yay!

Since the beginning of this school term, I've been very busy with Uni. Being a second year games design student, I spend 50% of all my time working on games design assignments:
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,and the other 50% partying:
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,going to events:
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and procrastinating (very important):
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,so I've had no time to do things like playing games, or coming to TWHL for that matter. I felt like making a journal to let people know I am in fact not dead. So yeah, how is everyone doing?
Archie11 years ago2013-11-08 18:34:26 UTC 11 comments
This thing is an absolute beast. I heartily respect any card that looks like it was designed by Tony Stark.
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(It's worth noting my CPU was clocked higher when the 480 test was run back in February. I have since reduced the overclocking for cooling reasons which is why the physics test scores lower)


Ok, this is just fucking ridiculous
monster_urby11 years ago2013-11-06 23:43:09 UTC 17 comments
How is it that an international corporation can charge you to high heaven to use their operating system, when it can just stop working?

I'm totally serious, I made NO changes to my system, I've been using the same AV software since I got this PC, the last time I used it I played some BF4, posted a couple of things on TWHL / Moddb and went to bed.

This evening, I get home from work, turn on my PC and find that it just wont do anything. No net connection, no security, can't even open the task manager sometimes. Spent the last hour looking for a solution on my tablet which came down to me editing my damn registry to fix something that just apparently broke because of reasons!
Tetsu011 years ago2013-11-04 00:42:04 UTC 3 comments
Working on some more scripting stuff.
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Yay for assaults!
Suparsonik11 years ago2013-10-31 08:33:41 UTC 7 comments
Can you feel my love buzz?
Notewell11 years ago2013-10-25 16:33:10 UTC 19 comments

EDIT 06/11/2013
I like how this has exactly 19 comments.
Archie11 years ago2013-10-23 17:13:56 UTC 8 comments
Remember back in 2009 when every journal was accompanied by an appropriate Futurama image? I miss that.
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satchmo11 years ago2013-10-21 14:38:35 UTC 2 comments
Martial artists, father and son.

Practicing Siu Lim Tao together.
Instant Mix11 years ago2013-10-20 20:45:37 UTC 11 comments
I fucked up. I go to a LAN, come back, notice that something is rattling in my tower when I was unpacking .. and well.
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not sure how i'm going to fix this. Going to get some rubbing alcohol / methylated spirits from homebase and find somewhere to buy some thermal grease.. eugh.
monster_urby11 years ago2013-10-18 11:51:08 UTC 31 comments
Merry 27th Urby Day everyone.
zeeba-G11 years ago2013-10-16 19:55:57 UTC 7 comments
Working from home. My room is my office! :D
DiscoStu11 years ago2013-10-13 20:26:04 UTC 18 comments
//update: Meh. It ran out of battery and the charger didn't work. I suspect it might be the reason she gave it to me. No time to go buy a new one, so I'm back to the old phone while I'm busy.


My sister got a new phone, and gave me the old one. My mother had used it before her, and after seeing it I'm guessing neither of them ever cleaned it. It's bloody filthy.

No box, no manual, no earplugs, nothing except that also filthy pouch (which I'll probably ditch) and a cheap aftermarket charger (that apparently messes up the screen when charging, I'm told) because who knows where the original charger is.
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But, it's a Samsung 5500something, so if the battery lasts more than a day, it could be an interesting upgrade from my old phone.

And yes, the battery is about my only concern. I don't care about the fancy gimmicks, I just want it to make and receive calls - which the old one did just fine.

[edit] definitely looks better now.
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[edit2] I think this is an additional reason to set up that wireless network. Got the router months ago and never had time to set it up.
LaVolpe11 years ago2013-10-13 11:57:13 UTC 10 comments

You guys know when you've been working on something for around a month and a half straight... And then you lose it... And the only back-ups you have of it are over a month old.


I'm going to cry.


I am going to start backing-up like a b!tch in heat.


At least I'm inspired to make a new yt series. (Might be just because I wanna complain about this ho XD)


(Also, just so you guys know, I get really anti-social and stuff so I kinda disappear sometimes, but I'm still actually here, I just don't reply/talk.(think I'm getting over it now.))
zeeba-G11 years ago2013-10-10 23:34:29 UTC 12 comments
Paracord watches are cool. Made a few recently.
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Instant Mix11 years ago2013-10-10 21:45:05 UTC 8 comments
haskell's a bitch

first time programming , and i'm given tutorial exercises to which I have no idea how to complete. eugh.
Using the function rotate from the previous question, write a function
makeKey :: Int -> [(Char, Char)]
that returns the cipher key with the given offset. See above for the description of how the cipher key is represented as a list of pairs. Example:
Main> makeKey 5 [(’A’,’F’),(’B’,’G’),(’C’,’H’),(’D’,’I’),(’E’,’J’),(’F’,’K’), (’G’,’L’),(’H’,’M’),(’I’,’N’),(’J’,’O’),(’K’,’P’),(’L’,’Q’), (’M’,’R’),(’N’,’S’),(’O’,’T’),(’P’,’U’),(’Q’,’V’),(’R’,’W’), (’S’,’X’),(’T’,’Y’),(’U’,’Z’),(’V’,’A’),(’W’,’B’),(’X’,’C’), (’Y’,’D’),(’Z’,’E’)]
The cipher key should show how to encrypt all of the uppercase English letters, and there should be no duplicates: each letter should appear just once amongst the pairs’ first compo- nents (and just once amongst the second components).
i mean seriously what the hell