
Striker12 years ago2011-11-08 14:39:58 UTC 3 comments
I am home again. I can't express my happiness, especially towards the fact of having privacy again and a non-smelling toilet.

I am currently rediscovering how to use a mouse. For some reason I still try to move my fingers on the mousepad instead of moving the mouse :).
The Mad Carrot12 years ago2011-11-07 02:12:45 UTC 13 comments
OK so, I'm having fun with Construct 2, the game creator by Scirra. I have a couple of idea's I'd like to make with Construct, the question is, can i keep myself motivated to actually complete them. I don't know, we'll see.

So here's what I've made so far. My first attempt is a Dune 2 clone/remake/revisit.

Right now, all you can do is build and place a Wind Trap. Try it out here:
My Dune 2 clone/remake/revisit

If you want to try the original Dune 2 (the DOS version by Westwood Studio's), you can download a free copy here: Download Dune 2 from Abandonia
You'll need DOSBox to run it.
DiscoStu12 years ago2011-11-06 04:47:55 UTC 14 comments
So there's this friend whom I haven't seen in over two years. She lives far enough away that we don't casually come across each other in everyday routine. I'm suddenly presented with the opportunity of actually going across most of that distance, so I'm definitely visiting. I know she'll be thrilled. Also there's a chance I'll have to stay for a few days. However... I have two ways to do so, and I'm finding it difficult to decide what to do. I can:

a) Tell her I'm coming. She'll love it and we'll both rejoice over the thought of meeting once again after such a long time. Plus there's the minuscule chance that she'll decide to take the day (or days) off at work.

b) Not tell her I'm coming, making it a surprise and maximizing the effect. I can plot with her friend to make sure she doesn't make other plans. It's the least thing she expects to ever happen and she'll crap her panties when she sees me there. BUT, I'd have to sit around idling for most of the day (or days) while she's at the office. Potentially boring myself to death.

What would you guys do? Also, those with girlfriends/wives, please ask them what they think and what they'd like if you can. Women see the world differently :)

I'd appreciate any comments and advice :)
Striker12 years ago2011-11-04 07:38:50 UTC 3 comments
I'm going on a little 'holiday' for about a week. I'm currently hospitalized for frontal sinusitis treatment. I really hope the treatment will go well and I won't require surgery. I'm really scared of that. It's the first time in my life when I have to be hospitalized.
The thing is, I don't quite have all the sinusitis symptoms besides the swelling of one sinus. It doesn`t hurt( yyonly when pressed hardly), and I don't have fever either. That's what scares me, I hope it's not something else.
If all goes well I'll be back in about a week.
Instant Mix12 years ago2011-11-03 18:16:00 UTC 11 comments
Fun times for me! Person I was seeing went out with someone behind my back , My results in recent school tests have been dissapointing in everything apart from maths and physics , having to rush to find someone for prom and generally having shit depressing boring days.

And some people wonder why i'm a pessimistic cynic..

In other news , my competition is slowly coming together , with 1 1/2 rooms done. No way i'm going to have it done by the deadline...
The Mad Carrot12 years ago2011-11-02 16:03:59 UTC 9 comments
So i got me one of these (did not include cat!):
User posted image
It's pretty huge! Me like! :D
goldsrcforever12 years ago2011-10-31 20:17:46 UTC 19 comments
Happy Halloween!

Also don't any candy that has been injected with heroin. I had to learn that the hard way.
Archie12 years ago2011-10-31 16:20:47 UTC 13 comments
Can't believe I get away with this shit.
Just got Arkham City, Crysis 2 and Space Marine courtesy of gaming magazine PC Gamer (UK) for doodling a picture of Half-Life for them in MS Paint.
I've now received about 12 AAA games and my £1500 ($2,420 USD) PC from them over the past 2 years. I think I might be taking advantage of them.

User posted image
brendanmint12 years ago2011-10-31 13:10:48 UTC 8 comments
So, I'm checking my email while getting on my costume(Yes I go to school dressed up), and I see this

"My name is Jane. I'm a single young girl willing to talk with people and learn more about
each others culture and ways of leaving because friends are like clothes without them you feel naked ,I hope to have a good communication with you if you care no matter
the space and distance.............................

I am interested in having a relationship with you, I will appreciate it if you write back to my email add ( so that we can communicate and move from here
Hope to hear from you.
Big Kiss Jane. "

I'm such a fucking pimp.

I think she wants my penis.
Skals12 years ago2011-10-29 15:35:33 UTC 2 comments
This week is a fun week! Today I went to the MCM Expo in London, great fun, a lot of nice costumes (except a fat mermaid that will hunt my dreams forever). Yesterday I went "mountain boarding" with my friends, it's like skateboarding but down a mountain, the board is bigger and has big wheels. I nearly broke my arm at that, My arm will be ok but i can still barely move it. Tomorrow I will have to go to another party as well! Cool week!
Archie12 years ago2011-10-28 14:05:14 UTC 19 comments
I really think this has to be shared
Striker12 years ago2011-10-28 12:32:36 UTC 3 comments
I just bought some kind of alcohol bitters drink from the pharmacy. The formula for the herbal essences is almost the same with the Swedish Bitter.

It's the first time I get to drink such a beverage. The taste is awesome, and it leaves a pleasant aroma in my mouth after I drink it.
monster_urby12 years ago2011-10-26 20:25:16 UTC 10 comments
So I've decided to start a new series of videos regarding minor issues that are on my mind.

Battlefield 3 complaints
Alabastor_Twob12 years ago2011-10-25 16:22:51 UTC 17 comments
How to get a Halloween costume, by TJB:
•Get a bus to town
•Take €25 out of the ATM
•Buy a suit in a charity shop
•Find out that was all the money in your bank account
•No bus back now
•Spend hours walking back home without knowing which way to go

At least I got home eventually
Notewell12 years ago2011-10-25 09:37:44 UTC 17 comments
17! My mom just handed me a card a few minutes ago that contained a pre-order slip for Skyrim.
Best Birthday I've had all year.