Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-03-10 20:46:18 UTC
in Problem with Nodes Post #215490
Just a slight problem with the Info Nodes.
I've had this happen quite a few times now, where I place a Node down in a map (a standard node, for monsters such as grunts) it will create strange sparkle things (similar to the yellow pixel things but red, orange and yellow) and there will be an invisible, impassible block where i placed it down. Along with this, the node will have no noticable effects on the AI like it should.

Has anybody else had and solved this problem before?
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-27 13:05:26 UTC
in New lines in game_text Post #210759
Ah, Yeah. Sorry. :
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-27 12:51:33 UTC
in New lines in game_text Post #210755
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-27 12:39:05 UTC
in New lines in game_text Post #210752
Sorry, i havent mapped in a while, i've forgotten how to do something. How do i create a new line when creating 'game_text's? I know its a combination of a symbol and 'n' but i've forgotten it.
I'd highly appreciate it if someone would let me know what it is. :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-01 19:09:41 UTC
in hw.dll and sw.dll Post #208164
Thanks so much. :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-01 15:27:39 UTC
in hw.dll and sw.dll Post #208145
If possible, would it be possible for someone to upload the latest rendering .dlls (hw.dll and sw.dll) as i dont have the steam version of half-life, as I would like the benefits of model transparency, and plus it looks nicer :)
I would really appreciate it.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-24 09:35:02 UTC
in HUD issues in custom mod Post #200661
Good Idea, ill have a look around.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-24 09:05:06 UTC
in HUD issues in custom mod Post #200658
This is probably a really noobish question to all of you modders out there but when i create my mod, and say create a map and test it instead of saying like Crowbar with the picture of the crowbar it will say something like HL2_Crowbar# or something very similar to that, and its like that with all of the weapons on the HUD. Could someone help me out please, i'd like my HUD just like the HL2 one.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-23 04:53:55 UTC
in opposing force Post #200491
Its under Half-Life Editing, its in a little .zip file with a few other fgd files. :) Hope thats what you are looking for.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-06 16:39:41 UTC
in Looking for a name for my mod Post #198741
Never Mind, ive scapped the black mesa thing and am doing something original and different (hopefully), im not going to reveal the new story thought until i got it all sorted out then i will reveal the new story (nothing to do with the BM Incident, or the HL story in general). Thanks anyway and srry looking foward to hearing more about that mod, if you're still working on it ;)
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-06 16:10:00 UTC
in Looking for a name for my mod Post #198736
Im really really bad when it comes to naming things. I have a mod here (starting mapping shortly) where you play as an average HECU soldier sent to black mesa but i cant think of a name for my mod, do you guys (and girls) have any ideas what i can call my mod? (the name that will appear on the Main Menu and the Custom Games list). Please serious suggestions. :D
Thanks! And more info coming as time passes. :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-04 17:37:09 UTC
in Is this possible? (please answer) Post #198531
I think ill use the camera method, as i dont want it player controlled. Thanks Guys.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-04 16:38:30 UTC
in Is this possible? (please answer) Post #198515
For my mod a great thing would be to have the player rappel from an osprey at the beginning (like the soldiers do throughout via rope). Using triggers and whatever else is needed is this at all possible and if it is, having it look good?
Thanks for any help or info provided.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-02 02:12:36 UTC
in How do you delete an NPC? Post #198261
Whereever you want him to disappear, set the trigger to kill the npc, then it will disappear when it walks through the trigger :) Hope that helps a little because i cant remember exactly how to do it, sorry.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-01 15:59:00 UTC
in My Mod: Intervention Post #198201

Sorry, this needs a delete topic/post button.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-01 09:10:32 UTC
in Info_Node Problem Post #198168
I get a problem with Info_nodes most of the time. When playing the map where i placed nodes in, it says node graph out of date rebuilding as the level is finished loading then the nodes turn solid (i cant walk through them, like an invisible box) and multi-coloured "sparkles" appear around where the node(s) were and they dont appear to work.
Anybody know why this is? Any help/info would be appreciated.
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-30 12:28:32 UTC
in Quick Question Post #198095
Ok Thanks.
And thanks for the quick reply.
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-30 12:21:50 UTC
in Quick Question Post #198092
Just a quick question about mod making. If i use the OP4 dll and everything else OP4 releated that i need in my mod however include it in my mod's folder in all the correct places, will other players need Opposing Force on their computers to play the mod?
Hope thats clear.
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-27 13:50:24 UTC
in Model Help Post #197756
-Never Mind, Got It-
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-24 16:19:29 UTC
in Major light help Post #197443
When u press Run (F9) is the RAD (or watever the light thing is) thing on none or off or whatever, when it should be on normal?
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 14:32:12 UTC
in Weird Goggle Probs on custom grunts Post #197207
Thank You.
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 13:36:20 UTC
in Weird Goggle Probs on custom grunts Post #197202
Ok, Thanks. It wasnt a huge problem it was just out of curiosity, Thanks again.

Just another question: At the beginning of a map how would i keep the screen faded out/black until all the stuff i would like has appeared on the screen (Mission/mod info/story) then fade in like it does with the mission fade in thing enabled?
Thanks in advance. :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 13:27:39 UTC
in Weird Goggle Probs on custom grunts Post #197199
Its stange, the custom models in the MDLViewer show the goggles on most custom skinned grunts (usually Super Def Grunts) as being see through (so you can see the grunt's eyes/face on the other side) however when played ingame the grunts goggles look like coloured chrome, depending on what colour the goggles are supposed to be, is there anyway i can sort this out so they're see through like in the MDLViewer?
Thanks! :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-21 09:51:42 UTC
in A How do you.....? Question. Post #197121
I thought it might have something to do with them, thank you. :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-21 09:40:05 UTC
in A How do you.....? Question. Post #197118
First, sorry about all the questions but im in the process of making a mod and most of the stuff i ask would be of great use, now the question. If you've completed Half-Life you should of seen this, chunks of rock/rubble/solid brushes that fall in the way and block your path/prevent you from backtracking (like the fight with the garg in power up), now what i would like to know is how do you do that? I've never been able to figue this out so help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks! :D
Well, how do i get solid brushes to move in a map, like a box which is unpushable by the player to slide across the floor at high speed, or the unmovable rubble fall to the floor.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-20 16:56:56 UTC
in Coding Weapons Post #197057
Glad i could be of use. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-20 08:21:59 UTC
in Help, Creating mods with OP4 Stuff. Post #197015
Yeah i just had to copy a few different things and remove the stuff i dont want but everything is working fine, thanks again.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-20 08:07:52 UTC
in Help, Creating mods with OP4 Stuff. Post #197012
Ok, I'll try that. Thanks.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-20 07:50:24 UTC
in Help, Creating mods with OP4 Stuff. Post #197010
I really need help, im trying to create a mod with Opposing Force stuff in it but i dont know what to do, ive tried doing it the normal Half-Life way but with the OP4 FGD and the OP4 stuff appears in Hammer but when i go to run my mod, only the Half-Life stuff is present, or even exists. I simply just dont know what to do, please someone help me. :D (Just to make it clear if it isnt: Im trying to create a mod with Opposing Force stuff in it, i am not trying to create an opposing force map, i know how to do that.)
Thanks! :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-20 05:12:24 UTC
in Coding Weapons Post #197000

Never used the tool myself but it might be useful to you.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-19 12:34:26 UTC
in WHAT THE...! Post #196953
When compiling, just after you press run and the box comes up, type
"-game modname" (without the ") and run it, its a possibility its trying to open the map from the default half-life map directory and not your mod's map directory. :) Hope that works. (sorry if you've tried that).
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-19 08:53:51 UTC
in Game_Text crashes HL, Help? Post #196912
Ok, Thanks ill try that. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-19 06:08:41 UTC
in Game_Text crashes HL, Help? Post #196903
Normally when i try and create a Game_Text, it crashes the game (the error report box comes up). I know how to set them up and trigger them but most of the time they crash the game, but occasionally they work, i believe i do everything the same each time, does anyone know why this happens?
Thanks. :
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-18 09:42:19 UTC
in Displaying Hud Without suit? Post #196835
"You don't have to remove/edit any HL sounds.
All you have to do is to remove the HEV sentences from the sentences.txt and place it in your mod's directory..:)" - Great Idea, Thanks! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-18 09:08:13 UTC
in Displaying Hud Without suit? Post #196832
Ok, Thansk for your help, very highly appreciated. :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-18 08:26:35 UTC
in Displaying Hud Without suit? Post #196830
Ok Thanks, but what if i want to keep the sounds for Half-Life and everything that uses the sounds but only have no sounds for this mod for me and anyone who downloads? Thanks for any help and thanks for the help already.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-18 07:51:22 UTC
in Displaying Hud Without suit? Post #196826
Im creating a Single Player mod called Forces of Conflict (maybe more info later) but im having some trouble. Is there anyway to display the HUD on the screen without having to pick up the suit? Because i dont want all the HEV sounds being played when the player takes damage and as soon as the map starts i dont want all the "Welcome to the HEV Mark IV...." stuff. Basically is there any way to stop the suit noises from playing altogether or any way of creating the HUD on screen without need of the suit? (Only in the mod and not just on my pc but anyone who plays it.) Thanks! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-17 04:47:05 UTC
in New Entities? Post #196753
Ok Thanks, i already got the reskinned soldiers so I'll just use them, Thanks again. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-17 04:02:52 UTC
in New Entities? Post #196751
Is it possible to easliely create new entities in Half-Life, i dont mind if its difficult because this would be really useful? (I dont mind about scripting/coding if thats required because i can give that a shoot) by new entities i mean like in Azure Sheep they have the special forces soldiers and the normal soldiers. Example: In my mod i would like Russian Soldiers, in Russian colours and American soldiers, in their colours to fight against each other (Like the Special Forces and the Soldiers in Azure Sheep).
Sorry if this isnt clear, just tell me if it isnt and ill try and make it simpler.
Thanks! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 15:40:03 UTC
in Question about Wally Post #191496
Ah, alright, Thanks, GIMP it is then :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 15:35:11 UTC
in Question about Wally Post #191494
Ok, thanks, will paintshop pro suffice?
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-24 15:32:58 UTC
in Question about Wally Post #191492
Hi i was wondering, sorry this isnt specificly about the HL engine but its about skinning for it, so... is it possible to change the colour palette in wally to a wider range of colours or are you stuck with the ones if gives you depending on the skin you're editing? because i was hoping to reskin some models but the colours it gives me are not sufficient.
Thanks. :)

(sorry if its a dumb question but i only really just got it)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-22 15:23:14 UTC
in Good Skinning Tools? Post #191293
Thanks alot, really. :) and i worded it a bit wrong i meant to say that i cant use gimp because it wont read VTFs, sorry.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-22 14:25:12 UTC
in Good Skinning Tools? Post #191287
Hi this may be a stupid question but does anyone have any good skinning tools to reskin models for HL2. I havent got and cant DL Photoshop, i cant use GIMP and it doesnt seem to be able to read the texture files of the models. Is there any other good tools available to use?
Thanks :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-20 06:57:51 UTC
in Using Reskinned Hands? Post #190928
Thank You.
Highly Appreciated.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-20 06:31:33 UTC
in Using Reskinned Hands? Post #190923
Hi, ive been doing alot of skinning lately and ive reskinned one of the weapons (the actual weapon pickup and the one which appears in the characters hands when its selected) and i was wondering, how would i use both of these skins in my map or half life altogether? I have spirit so if i have to use that i can.
Summary. Reskinned Weapon, Want to use it in map, how can this be done?
I know how to do it with monsters like grunts but not with weapons.
Thanks. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 15:41:23 UTC
in Changing Weapon Models on HUD? Post #190368
Damn, Alright not to worry. Just curious.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 15:18:52 UTC
in Changing Weapon Models on HUD? Post #190366
Sorry, well i basically want to change the default weapon model to a different weapon model (like change the Assault Rifle to a er..Thompson SMG from Operations 1944), damn could of just said that first, sorry.
Just wondering if there's any way to do so.
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-16 15:10:37 UTC
in Changing Weapon Models on HUD? Post #190364
Hi im using spirit and using spirit to use The Different Models from the different mods i have to create maps (using the models) (only maps here, not releasing them anyway) and i was wondering, i would like to replace the 9MMAR (MP5 without High Def.) with the Really High Def. 9MMAR from the Cleaners Adventures Mod, is it possible using spirit and stuff? i dont mean the icons i mean the actual weapon model (the hand and weapon and stuff).
All Help and/or info appreciated.
Thanks :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-07-15 02:25:37 UTC
in Reskinning Prob. Post #190145
Ok, Thanks. I'll give it a try.