Forum posts

Posted 6 months ago2024-08-01 13:01:49 UTC
in Competition 43: Make Black Mesa Come Alive! Post #349025
I am in! This gives me a chance to recycle this piece of crap from my attempt at creating a deathmatch map for the HL25 compo we had a while ago. Going for a singleplayer experience this time though.
User posted image User posted image User posted image
Posted 7 months ago2024-07-01 15:14:10 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #348940
Ah I see what you mean, I never noticed it before because I use a low FX amount value for these window panes. I guess we can get away with a lightmap resolution of 1, this isn't Half-Life like its 1999 any more.
User posted image
Posted 7 months ago2024-06-26 14:57:02 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #348929
I think the agreed upon default value for zhlt_embedlightmapresolution is 4, so I'd say go with that, been using this for glass windows/panes.
Posted 7 months ago2024-06-25 18:48:34 UTC
in Half-Life Featureful SDK Post #348921
Can you add these ZHLT Base classes to the fgd and add references to these to eligible entities?
Every time you release a new build, I have to add these back in.
@BaseClass = ZHLT_usemodel
    zhlt_usemodel(string) : "ZHLT Template Model Target"

@BaseClass = ZHLT_customshadow
    zhlt_customshadow(string) : "Custom Shadow (when opaque)"

@BaseClass = ZHLT_embedlightmap
    zhlt_embedlightmap(choices) : "Embed Light Map (when translucent)" : 0 =
            0: "No"
            1: "Yes"
    zhlt_embedlightmapresolution(integer) : "ZHLT Embed Light Map Resolution" : 4

@BaseClass = ZHLT_noclip
    zhlt_noclip(choices) : "ZHLT Noclip" : 0 =
        0 : "Clip"
        1 : "Noclip"

@BaseClass = ZHLT_invisible
    zhlt_invisible(integer) : "Apply NULL texture in Game" : 0 : "Removes faces and NULLs them."
Not sure if ZHLT_usemodel is of any use since you already have model trains and sprite trains, I'll leave it up to you to decide whether you want to include this.
Posted 1 year ago2023-08-30 15:08:27 UTC
in Tracking +1/-1 Counter Post #347808
On the wiki page of the game_counter entity, it says that you can decrement its value by triggering it with a trigger_relay with Trigger State set to 'off'. I've never used this entity so I'm not sure if this will work, best to try and see for yourself.
Posted 2 years ago2022-10-01 19:35:13 UTC
in Func_Button Never Works (HL1) Post #346921
I don't think 1 is the default value for the health property, should be 0, however, as Bruce pointed out, changing from one entity to another causes the properties from the first entity to carry over to the second entity, including values. This is a bug with Jack. If you have func_detail set as the default entity, the first time you create an entity out of brushes, it'll be func_detail and from there you can change to the entity you want. Func_detail properties don't carry over.
Posted 2 years ago2022-10-01 15:41:54 UTC
in Func_Button Never Works (HL1) Post #346918
Ok, I found the problem. You somehow gave the button a Health (shootable if > 0) value, which was at 1. So with a health value of 1 or higher, the button can't be used by 'use-keying' it but instead will activate if shot at. Cheat in some weapons and see for yourself. Set the health value to 0 should make the button usable again.
Posted 2 years ago2022-10-01 15:02:10 UTC
in Func_Button Never Works (HL1) Post #346916
Would you mind posting the jmf?
Posted 2 years ago2022-10-01 14:09:23 UTC
in Func_Button Never Works (HL1) Post #346913
Make sure the door has a speed value high than 0. If it's 0, the door won't move.
If it does have a speed value, make sure the lip value isn't the same as the speed value. Values above 0 but bellow, let's say, 5 or 6 are good values for lip. The wiki says: The lip value is the number of units left after move (the lip value is subtracted from the move distance).

If you set the Don't Move flag on the button, the button won't move.

Some unrelated thingies:
Avoid using Jed's HLMV, it's old and buggy. Use Half-Life Asset Manager by Solokiller instead.

Judging from the compile log you posted, you seem to be running HLVIS twice, and HLRAD is skipped.
Posted 2 years ago2022-08-27 15:50:11 UTC
in Here, have a Minecraft server Post #346816
Looks like people stopped playing. I'll keep the server online for another week or two. If no people play within that time frame, I'll shut the server down.

For now, updated to 1.19.2.
Posted 2 years ago2022-08-03 13:27:34 UTC
in Here, have a Minecraft server Post #346757
Updated to 1.19.1

Updated all datapacks added two new datapacks:
  • Player head drops
  • Graves
Please report any issues here or on Discord.
Posted 2 years ago2022-07-29 01:53:56 UTC
in Here, have a Minecraft server Post #346756
Well balls. It's going to cost me. I need to think about this. I really don't feel like paying even more so maybe this Let's Encrypt is the solution.
Posted 2 years ago2022-07-26 18:12:57 UTC
in Here, have a Minecraft server Post #346753
If I see the image, what does that mean?
Do I need to get a SSL cert to enable HTTPS?
Posted 2 years ago2022-07-22 18:45:25 UTC
in Here, have a Minecraft server Post #346744
Minimap mod, anyone?
User posted image
Follow these instructions on getting Xaero's Minimap mod working in the game:

1. Download and install Fabric:
This is enables mod support for Minecraft.
The installer will create a new profile for Minecraft, make sure you select this profile in your launcher.
Go into your %appdata%.minecraft/ folder and find the mods folder. If you don't see it, create it.

2. Download this pre-packaged zip file which contains all the stuff you need, plus extra's. Place the contents of the zip file in the mods folder inside your .minecraft folder. The zip file contains the following:
  • Fabric API, required mod for all the stuff below
  • Xaero's Minimap mod, the mod proper
  • Xaero's Worldmap mod, allows full screen map view
  • Lithium, a general-purpose optimization mod for Minecraft which works to improve a number of systems (game physics, mob AI, block ticking, etc) without changing any behavior
  • Sodium, a free and open-source rendering engine replacement for the Minecraft client which greatly improves frame rates and stuttering while fixing many graphical issues
  • Phosphor, a mod which works to optimize one of game's most inefficient areas-- the lighting engine
The last 3 mods are optional and you may choose not to install them, which is totally fine.
Posted 2 years ago2022-07-22 13:14:56 UTC
in Here, have a Minecraft server Post #346742
This was posted in Discord but got scrolled off screen too fast to be noticed.

I just happen to have a Minecraft server that was collecting dust and I repurposed it for TWHL once again.


Version: 1.19
Whitelist: disabled (everyone can join)

Installed datapacks:
  • Afk display
  • Anti enderman grief
  • Armor statues
  • Armored elytra
  • Cauldron concrete
  • Double shulker shells
  • Dragon drops elytra
  • Durability ping
  • Fast leaf decay
  • More mob heads
  • Multiplayer sleep
  • Nether portal coords
  • Player head drops
  • Real time clock
General rules apply: no griefing, no hatred towards other players, stuff like that, use your common sense.
Also please don't leak the IP outside of TWHL as there's no whitelist.


Enjoy and have fun while it lasts.
The line is in 320hud2.spr and 640hud7.spr. You'll need a sprite editor to export the sprite to a bitmap image so you can edit out the line in an image editor and then you'll have to convert it back into a sprite file.

You can use Half-Life Texture Tools to import and export files.
Posted 4 years ago2020-12-17 02:45:29 UTC
in FUNC_VEHICLE 2020 Post #345077
Too bad, my func_vehicles are literally all rockets
Got this one?
User posted image
Hmm, so, 3 days left? Maybe I should jump aboard and build this thing myself!
Posted 4 years ago2020-08-10 16:04:01 UTC
in Custom sprites not animating in game Post #344615
When you created the sprite, what sprite type did you select? It should be vp_parallel for most sprites. If you selected something else other than vp_parallel, that might be why the sprite isn't showing up in-game.
Posted 4 years ago2020-07-14 01:28:42 UTC
in TWHL's Rat Problem Post #344532
This is interesting. I should totally do some mapping again (feeling a bit rusty though), however I'm spending most of my time playing Minecraft 1.16 with friends, but I'll see if I can find time to get started on this.
Posted 4 years ago2020-06-05 17:38:21 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #344365
Are you picking this up? Good.
User posted image
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-01 15:28:54 UTC
in Competition 39: The Buddy System Post #344158
Where the heck did that guy come from all of a sudden! :aghast:
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-21 18:36:33 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343763
Well crap.
My room is pretty much empty still, I might not make it this time.
I've started working on my entry way too late and what I wanted to make turned out way too complicated for Goldsource, even for Spirit. Also my lack of knowledge about Spirit specific features didn't help either. My motivation to continue working on it and to simplify my idea I had in mind has dropped to near zero.

Maybe this will help, here's an example map I put together: (created with JACK).

You'll start in a room with 3 button_targets labeled A, B and C. Shooting these will teleport you to corresponding rooms also labeled A, B and C, like you wanted with the only difference that I have 3 rooms instead of 4. Inside each room is a trigger_teleport to send you back to the main room (the lobby), marked by the yellow-black striped texture. Back in the main room, you can continue to shoot the buttons to teleport you to the corresponding rooms.
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-28 15:07:28 UTC
in Fate of Gunman Chronicles Post #343525
We should do a community mapping project specifically for Gunman, like TWHL Tower, Cubicles or something completely new, except this time we'll be making it for Gunman, not Half-Life.
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-20 14:25:14 UTC
in Hidden gems / Underrated games? Post #343496
The Gold Edition of The Talos Principle (contains all DLC) is 87% off. Now would be time to get it.
Posted 5 years ago2019-12-15 01:02:43 UTC
in Hidden gems / Underrated games? Post #343464
Nox... that rings a bell, wasn't that made by Westwood Studios, the guys who made Command & Conquer, C&C Red Alert and C&C Tiberian Sun?

Anyway, Duck Game is great fun, but it's tough getting friends together to play a couple rounds. If more TWHL members own this game, we could organize a Duck Game showdown. We could even turn it into a competition where teams of two or free for all combatants battle it out in a couple of rounds. The ultimate winner could then win a free game or something.

The Talos Principle is a no-brainer (wait, it IS a brainer), it's mandatory gaming, this game.

I don't know if this is considered hidden or underrated, but if you enjoy pixel-arty retro style Mentroidvania platformers, I can totally recommend The Messenger. Holy crap, that was an experience. And the OST, my word, the OST. This game is worth it just for the OST.
Barma'thazël commands you to play The MessengerBarma'thazël commands you to play The Messenger
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-06 21:02:05 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343323
My word, why do you care so much? Of course SoHL 1.8 has bugs but it's probably the most stable release. 1.9 may have more useful features but I'd go for stability over features. And since we're already started, upgrading to SoHL 1.9 would be too much of a hassle now anyway.

And why are you directly addressing Unq? It's Strider who organized TWHL Tower 2. Please pay attention, man.
My God, this guy. :tired:
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-04 17:08:02 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343305
Yet again I have no idea's for my floor and I don't want to do another "find hidden keys to open door to next floor" type of deal. Bummer.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-03 15:16:50 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343297
Does 1.8 have fog or is that broken? Can anyone confirm? I miss fog.
Fog does indeed seem to be broken, I just tried. It says it needs OpenGL mode even though I am running OpenGL. Maybe some kind of additional dll file is required or something?
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-02 22:33:38 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343291
Did I package something up wrong? I'm using the same Spirit files as Tower 1 as far as I know.
No no, there's nothing wrong, I just wanted to have the Spirit mod itself so I can read up on entity guides and features as well as trying out the demo maps because I really have no experience with any of Spirit's entities en features.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-02 15:34:59 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343286
Is there an official download for Spirit 1.8? I found one at Moddb but that doesn't seem 'official'.

And that Half-Life CD model could use a higher resolution texture, it's supposed to be a special collectable item, see. :nuts:
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-01 15:17:03 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343277
Kinda wish I'd been more careful with the source files... I definitely would have patched your floor in for some kinda anniversary patch.
Are you saying that you lost the source files? That kinda sucks, I'd like to have a copy of my floor with the edits you've made to it (the orange arrows).
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-31 14:13:36 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343266
Sign me up!

The first TWHL Tower was pretty dang popular as there are a number of playthroughs of it on the Youtubes. See for yourself. I bet TWHL Tower 2 is going to be as popular as the first one, of not even more.
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-24 20:30:26 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #343247
Here are a couple more photo's of my adopted cat Mila:
Look at that pretty face :heart:Look at that pretty face :heart:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
:heart: :heart::heart: :heart:
Laser dot always worksLaser dot always works
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-13 13:59:03 UTC
in Unable to add entity to Hammer Post #343216
You can include definitions from one fgd file into another by adding the line ''@include "filename.fgd" (no quotes) as is explained here: but I'm certain this applies to goldsource fgd files as well though I'm not 100% sure.
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-17 17:21:36 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #343137
User posted image
I gotta say Minecraft and GalactiCraft with Half-Life textures go very well together. And yes, those HL monitors and the big HL computer mainframe texture on the right, are all animated.

Courtesy of LittleTiles and Online Picture Frame mod.
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-12 15:08:03 UTC
in HL2x Custom Maps Post #343120
I don't know much about mapping for Source, let alone mapping for the XBox version of the game (why would you, even), but what I do know is that, at this point in time, you shouldn't be using the CST compile tools, they are way too outdated and may not even work well or at all under the Steampipe system as CST was made long before Steampipe was a thing. So I'd say stick to the stock tools.
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-04 15:07:47 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #343101
Neato. There's even a complete rewrite and overhaul of LambdaCraft, called Project Lambda. Looks pretty good and faithful.

I'm having fun with the Little Tiles mod:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
All of it unfinished yet.
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-03 02:45:48 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #343097
Ah, good old John Smith Legacy, one of my favorite resourcepack available.
In case you don't have Hammer 3.5 and the fgd file, here you go:

Hammer 3.5 (executable only)
Hammer 3.5 fgd file
Counter-Strike expert fgd file for Hammer 3.5
Posted 5 years ago2019-08-20 01:33:13 UTC
in Turret muzzle flash light combo. Post #343053
Just tried it myself, it works for me. Have a look.
Created in JACK.
Posted 5 years ago2019-08-20 00:23:02 UTC
in Turret muzzle flash light combo. Post #343051
Really all you need to do is trigger the light twice every time the gun fires. This can be done with the multimanager that you're already using. Just add another keyvalue to the multimanager representing the name of the light entity and the delay in milliseconds which represents the amount of 'on' time of the light, which should be a really short delay like half a second or less.
Posted 5 years ago2019-06-25 20:43:06 UTC
in Black Mesa Xen Post #342800
The first three Xen maps can now be played in a beta release: Xen Technical Beta
Posted 5 years ago2019-06-18 18:49:30 UTC
in Change font color Post #342752
You mighty be able to do just that using the cached.wad and gfx.wad SDK, available here.

I have never used it myself and it may not even work at all.
Posted 5 years ago2019-06-10 12:33:01 UTC
in E3 2019 Post #342720
Dopefish will be furious!

What is it with mobile release only these days. Frick. Remember last year when EA announced a new Command & Conquer? Yeah.
Speaking of Command & Conquer, this was dropped a couple of days ago:
Posted 5 years ago2019-05-31 14:34:51 UTC
in Gun with laser? Post #342679
Unless he actually meant a targeting laser that's always visible, which, to my (very limited knowledge of the HL SDK) isn't possible without modifying the gamecode, like you said.
Posted 5 years ago2019-05-29 15:07:35 UTC
in Gun with laser? Post #342669
Posted 5 years ago2019-05-19 22:46:26 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #342636
That console has a Half-Life textureThat console has a Half-Life texture
Sounds like... Saving Private Ryan? I just watched that movie the other daySounds like... Saving Private Ryan? I just watched that movie the other day
This game is titled Blade of Agony, a story-driven FPS. The project is inspired by WWII shooters from the 90's and early 2000's, like Wolfenstein 3D, Medal of Honor, and Call of Duty, but with faster-paced gameplay in the spirit of Doom! The game can be played standalone using the GZDoom engine as a base (taken from the BoA website).

Get your own copy here

Graphics options are very extensive and you may need to spend some time configuring your preferred settings and whatnot.
Posted 5 years ago2019-05-17 13:03:11 UTC
in Triggering blocks Post #342630
Seems this is texture lighting, I guess it's done the way The Mad Carrot suggested?
Certainly looks like it.
Posted 5 years ago2019-05-15 15:29:30 UTC
in Triggering blocks Post #342621
I think the tutorial Jessie posted is the old way of doing switchable texture lights. Nowadays, with Vluzacn's Half-Life Tools, you can get a better result when you use the light_surface entity.

Quote from VHLT version 23:

Provide a convenient way of creating texture lights.
Usage: Place a light_surface entity near the face which you want to emit light.
'Texture name' shall be the name of texture of the face.
'Filter max distance' can exclude faces whose centers are far from this light_surface.
'Texture brightness' is the brightness value that the face obtains. 80 is enough to ensure brightness of the texture itself.
'Inner angle' and 'Outer angle' are 90 and 'Adjust emit scale' is 1.0 for normal texture lights by default. Smaller angle and larget scale can be used to simulate spotlight.
'Fast' is useful when the face is large and brightness is low. The result of fast lighting is very similar to bounce lighting.
The light_surface can be triggered and have appearance like other light entities. Actually its classname will be changed to 'light' or 'light_spot' according to your choice.
Note: If you want to set any of these value to 0, fill in 0.0 instead. Otherwise Hammer will ignore the keyvalue.