TWHL Tower 2 Created 5 years ago2019-10-31 13:51:27 UTC by Strider Strider

Created 5 years ago2019-10-31 13:51:27 UTC by Strider Strider

Posted 5 years ago2019-10-31 13:51:28 UTC Post #343265
User posted image
Download the mod template HERE.

Starting now and going through until the end of February 2020.

1. Every member must work from the base map. Stick within the room space - 1024x1024x224.
2. You can carve into the walls, floor and ceiling, add balconies, windows, lighting insets... whatever you please, as long as the player stays within the room space and nothing extends too obviously into where someone else's room will be above or below.
3. We're descending the tower this time, but that shouldn't make any difference to how the map is navigated (see the base map).
4. Make it as easy or difficult as you like, you don't even need much gameplay, just some reason to enter the room before moving downstairs. It could be as simple as pushing a button to open a door out in the hall.
5. Custom content of all kinds welcome (textures, models, sounds), please just prefix things with the the first three letters of your name (e.g. str_potplant.mdl). I'll merge all the textures into a single WAD before release to keep things neat and tidy.
6. If you're using third party content (with permission) please include a text file with the appropriate credits, otherwise no stealing, obviously!
7. You can change the hall as much as you please to suit your idea. Add another door, move the existing door down the hall, add lasers, Snorlax, anything that doesn't greatly alter the shape of the hall. Just make sure you pass through the purple weapon stripper at the end, where a level change will occur.
8. There's a light_environment and an info_texlights included in the space outside the stairwell window. Please don't alter the environment light (or the skybox), it's facing south into your room if you want to add windows. Add whatever you need to the info texlights.
9. Final compile will be done with Vluzacn's ZHLT v34, and the -full vis and -extra light parameters. if you're using any specific compile commands, let me know.
10. Don't do anything Half-Life wouldn't do. By that I mean no porn or sweary tirades, this is a community project. I don't expect any problems, just keep it M, not R.
11. New this year is a collectible Half-Life CD included in the base map. Hide it somewhere in your floor, if players find them all something cool might happen in the last map. If you don't want to put it in your room that's fine, just leave it out in the hall.
User posted image
12. Have fun!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?
You must have an account on the TWHL website or be on the TWHL Discord, so you can send Strider your level. That's the only requirement - you can be of any skill level. We will accept any completed map that obeys the rules outlined above. Teams are allowed.

Where do I send my floor?
Send your map source files (in RMF, JMF or MAP format), and all required custom content to Strider - either via private message on TWHL or contact him via Discord at @Strideh#3588. If you want to submit your floor to the TWHL vault, you can -- however, it's probably better if you can keep it as a surprise.

Can I use custom decals?
To be safe - no. Goldsource has some special logic surrounding decals, and it can be difficult to get it working correctly. Decals can be replicated using sprites, see The303's tutorial:

Should I create a texture for the map name in the hallway? (example picture)
No, Strider will complete these textures at the end of the project, to ensure consistency. When sending your files, include a title for your floor so the texture can be created.

What progams do I use to create my map?
See the Tools and Resources wiki page for options. The tutorials on the Wiki can help you get started.
Most people these days use the J.A.C.K editor and VHLT v34 compile tools.

I get an error when compiling the map in JACK, how do I fix it?
If you get an error like this:
User posted image
This is a bug in JACK. To fix it, go to File -> Save As and save your map with a new name. Use this file from now on, and it will work correctly.

I've never used SOHL before, do I need a special setup for it?
No - mapping for SOHL is the same as mapping for vanilla HL. In your editor of choice, add a new config for TWHL Tower 2 and add the "spirit18" (from the mod folder) and "zhlt" (from your compile tools) FGD files. The mod folder should be twhltower2, all other settings are what you would expect them to be. Be sure to playtest your map using the TWHL Tower 2 mod, as there are minor incompatibilities between vanilla HL and SOHL. Unless you're doing complicated entity work, you probably won't experience any issues.

What extra functionality does SOHL provide?
The main functionality is "entity parenting" using the "moves with" entity property. This lets you attach one entity to another so they move together, and can be a very powerful tool when used correctly. Unfortunately all the features of SOHL aren't documented very well. You can find details on many of the changes here: If you know C++, you can search the source code here: Spirit-of-Half-Life-1.8--VC2010.

Why are sparks appearing above my NPC's sometimes?
This is a quirk of SOHL being compiled in debug mode. The final mod will be compiled in release mode, and the sparks will be gone.

The .rar download doesn't work for me, is there an alternate download link?
Try these:
The rules are essentially the same as last year, so check that thread if you need more info.
Please let me know if I've missed something, or messed something up, I'm rusty with Goldsource.
Original post:
TWHL Tower 2

Who's up for it? Urby's given me his blessing to run a new one. At least he said it was his blessing, he put on a robe and anointed me with something.

Just want to gauge everyone's interest. I'd start it next month and give everyone a good three months at least to work on their floors. More than one floor welcome. I'd be making the intro and exit maps, and I'm already knocking up a template. The plan this time is to start on the roof and work your way down to the lobby.

We'd most likely be sticking to 1024x1024 (though I'm open to suggestions), and raising the room height 64 units to give you some more vertical space. I think the small size is what kept the first one so interesting, but just a little more couldn't hurt.

Spirit of Half-Life 1.8 once again, for people who want fancy features.

The old rules would apply, as seen in the original thread. Everyone gets a small space to do whatever they please with. Custom content is more than welcome, just prefix everything (models, textures, sounds) with the first three letters of your username so I can keep everything neatly organised. You'll get your name on a fancy plaque!

Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-31 14:13:36 UTC Post #343266
Sign me up!

The first TWHL Tower was pretty dang popular as there are a number of playthroughs of it on the Youtubes. See for yourself. I bet TWHL Tower 2 is going to be as popular as the first one, of not even more.
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-31 14:16:30 UTC Post #343267
I'm down.

Just need to think up an idea. The best levels tended to be the ones with a super unique idea, less the ones that were centered around combat. Hard to set up an interesting combat scenario with such a small map size, I think maybe 2 of the maps that tried it made it work.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-31 16:49:19 UTC Post #343268
a = "TWHL Tower 2?"
print(a,"I'm in!")
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-31 16:52:23 UTC Post #343269
I will participate. If it starts in December then I'll have solid chances, but knowing myself, I may just as well drop out at some point. If you're fine with that then write me in.
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-31 17:17:56 UTC Post #343270
Two words:
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-31 21:04:12 UTC Post #343271
I'd be interested.
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-31 21:26:28 UTC Post #343272
Blessing dispensed.

Also, yes. Give me a floor.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2019-10-31 23:42:59 UTC Post #343273
Cool beans. I'll get some official rules written and up, and should have the template mod ready hopefully tonight or tomorrow. I'd like to give everyone from November all the way through to the end of January to find some mapping time over Christmas.

I also had an idea to include a small collectible token in the base map that everyone can hide somewhere in their floor. If you found them all you could open a bonus door in the final map with a great big gun, or something else special. If you didn't want to hide it in your map I could place it out in the hall. Does that sound like fun?
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-01 02:20:05 UTC Post #343274
Sounds good. This time I'm in. No sub-basement released years later this time.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-01 14:57:11 UTC Post #343276
Sounds good. This time I'm in. No sub-basement released years later this time.
Kinda wish I'd been more careful with the source files... I definitely would have patched your floor in for some kinda anniversary patch.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-01 15:17:03 UTC Post #343277
Kinda wish I'd been more careful with the source files... I definitely would have patched your floor in for some kinda anniversary patch.
Are you saying that you lost the source files? That kinda sucks, I'd like to have a copy of my floor with the edits you've made to it (the orange arrows).
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-01 17:52:12 UTC Post #343278
Yup I gonna join this.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-01 20:58:35 UTC Post #343279
Give me some info before... What game mode will be used, singleplayer with deathmatch 0 or multiplayer with deathmatch 1? Is gauss hopping allowed?
MrMystery MrMysteryBanned
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-01 21:11:52 UTC Post #343280
Give me some info before... What game mode will be used, singleplayer with deathmatch 0 or multiplayer with deathmatch 1? Is gauss hopping allowed?
Likely singleplayer, as for gauss hopping, it depends if Spirit of Half-Life 1.8 allow it in singleplayer.

I can try to participate.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-01 22:24:24 UTC Post #343281
Give me some info before... What game mode will be used, singleplayer with deathmatch 0 or multiplayer with deathmatch 1? Is gauss hopping allowed?
As with the first TWHL Tower, single player only and Gauss jumping is most certainly allowed.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-01 23:33:36 UTC Post #343282
I’ll try to get something in this time. :)
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-02 00:33:22 UTC Post #343283
I want to do something for this, but I have no idea if I'll ever finish it.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-02 05:03:04 UTC Post #343284
No sweat, you've got 3 months... or probably more, we're not known for sticking to schedule.

So here goes...
User posted image
Download the mod template HERE.

Starting now and going through until the end of January 2020.

1. Every member must work from the base map. Stick within the room space - 1024x1024x224.
2. You can carve into the walls, floor and ceiling, add balconies, windows, lighting insets... whatever you please, as long as the player stays within the room space and nothing extends too obviously into where someone else's room will be above or below.
3. We're descending the tower this time, but that shouldn't make any difference to how the map is navigated (see the base map).
4. Make it as easy or difficult as you like, you don't even need much gameplay, just some reason to enter the room before moving downstairs. It could be as simple as pushing a button to open a door out in the hall.
5. Custom content of all kinds welcome (textures, models, sounds), please just prefix things with the the first three letters of your name (e.g. str_potplant.mdl). I'll merge all the textures into a single WAD before release to keep things neat and tidy.
6. If you're using third party content (with permission) please include a text file with the appropriate credits, otherwise no stealing, obviously!
7. You can change the hall as much as you please to suit your idea. Add another door, move the existing door down the hall, add lasers, Snorlax, anything that doesn't greatly alter the shape of the hall. Just make sure you pass through the purple weapon stripper at the end, where a level change will occur.
8. There's a light_environment and an info_texlights included in the space outside the stairwell window. Please don't alter the environment light (or the skybox), it's facing south into your room if you want to add windows. Add whatever you need to the info texlights.
9. Final compile will be done with Vluzacn's ZHLT v34, and the -full vis and -extra light parameters. if you're using any specific compile commands, let me know.
10. Don't do anything Half-Life wouldn't do. By that I mean no porn or sweary tirades, this is a community project. I don't expect any problems, just keep it M, not R.
11. New this year is a collectible Half-Life CD included in the base map. Hide it somewhere in your floor, if players find them all something cool might happen in the last map. If you don't want to put it in your room that's fine, just leave it out in the hall.
User posted image
12. Have fun!

The rules are essentially the same as last year, so check that thread if you need more info.
Please let me know if I've missed something, or messed something up, I'm rusty with Goldsource.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-02 05:22:56 UTC Post #343285
Why not?
PopDoggo PopDoggoThe doggo of pop
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-02 15:34:59 UTC Post #343286
Is there an official download for Spirit 1.8? I found one at Moddb but that doesn't seem 'official'.

And that Half-Life CD model could use a higher resolution texture, it's supposed to be a special collectable item, see. :nuts:
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-02 15:44:41 UTC Post #343287
It doesn’t even have the phone number for the Sierra hint hotline on it.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-02 16:13:32 UTC Post #343288
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-02 16:49:27 UTC Post #343289
Is there an official download for Spirit 1.8? I found one at Moddb but that doesn't seem 'official'.
Did I package something up wrong? I'm using the same Spirit files as Tower 1 as far as I know.
And that Half-Life CD model could use a higher resolution texture, it's supposed to be a special collectable item, see. :nuts:
Considering it's pretty damn small, I think it'll do. :P
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-02 17:24:03 UTC Post #343290
Does 1.8 have fog or is that broken? Can anyone confirm? I miss fog.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-02 22:33:38 UTC Post #343291
Did I package something up wrong? I'm using the same Spirit files as Tower 1 as far as I know.
No no, there's nothing wrong, I just wanted to have the Spirit mod itself so I can read up on entity guides and features as well as trying out the demo maps because I really have no experience with any of Spirit's entities en features.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-02 22:40:00 UTC Post #343292
A while ago I made a HD pack for TWHL tower by retexturing Blue Shift's HD models and recreating the changes made for TWHL Tower (yellow crowbar, duotone pistol). Would it be possible to include this as a HD addon at launch with TWHL Tower 2?
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Dr. Orange Dr. OrangeSource good.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-02 23:01:16 UTC Post #343293
Yes, particularly helpful is the info in the docs folder in the Spirit 1.8 download.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-03 00:10:12 UTC Post #343294
That pistol looks a lot better than the normal HD one
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-03 07:36:42 UTC Post #343295
Awww yeah! It's happening! I guess I need to stop playing The Outer Worlds or something?

Not gonna lie, that's a big ask.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-03 08:12:20 UTC Post #343296
Same situation for me UrbaNebula :D
The game is so fucking good.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-03 15:16:50 UTC Post #343297
Does 1.8 have fog or is that broken? Can anyone confirm? I miss fog.
Fog does indeed seem to be broken, I just tried. It says it needs OpenGL mode even though I am running OpenGL. Maybe some kind of additional dll file is required or something?
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-03 15:29:48 UTC Post #343298
Fog does indeed seem to be broken, I just tried. It says it needs OpenGL mode even though I am running OpenGL. Maybe some kind of additional dll file is required or something?
I recall having seen a forum thread about it, apparently the fog only works on a specific set of outdated drivers/hardware that nobody really uses anymore, so it's apparently obsolete.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-03 16:18:19 UTC Post #343300
Do 1024x1024 maps really need fog? Remember, there's a whole particle system in Spirit (Aurora).
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-03 20:12:36 UTC Post #343301
Do 1024x1024 maps really need fog?
Maybe I want to set my map during a high school disco!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-03 21:35:52 UTC Post #343302
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-04 11:36:13 UTC Post #343303
Can't you use "fake" fog? By "fake" I mean sprites, func_illusionary, non-solid func_conveyor...
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-04 17:08:02 UTC Post #343305
Yet again I have no idea's for my floor and I don't want to do another "find hidden keys to open door to next floor" type of deal. Bummer.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-04 19:39:46 UTC Post #343306
You’ve got plenty of time to figure something out, Muzz.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-05 11:58:55 UTC Post #343310
I'm having a similar creative blank but have an idea for an onslaught wave based thing set in a nightclub. Could work, have some ideas to make fake lights and sync them with audio
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-06 01:18:02 UTC Post #343315
will very likely join. I still have a couple of map snippets waiting for an excuse to get released. Gonna download the template and check it out later
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-06 01:29:03 UTC Post #343316
@Jackathan: Yep, team entries are allowed.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-06 01:31:35 UTC Post #343317
i cant open the rar file with my rar handling software. do u have a zip version?
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-06 07:41:30 UTC Post #343318
sounds like you need new rar handling software
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-06 10:29:13 UTC Post #343320
WinRAR or 7-Zip should open it, but here's a ZIP.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-06 21:02:05 UTC Post #343323
My word, why do you care so much? Of course SoHL 1.8 has bugs but it's probably the most stable release. 1.9 may have more useful features but I'd go for stability over features. And since we're already started, upgrading to SoHL 1.9 would be too much of a hassle now anyway.

And why are you directly addressing Unq? It's Strider who organized TWHL Tower 2. Please pay attention, man.
My God, this guy. :tired:
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-11 11:01:38 UTC Post #343344
Can you write me some of the known bugs for SOHL, I would try to fix them.
Please in a separate thread :)
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-23 22:12:54 UTC Post #343398
Count me in! (Seriously, this time, I will do it)
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-24 19:18:56 UTC Post #343399
Uhmmm...I want to participate. But I can't get the archive to open. I have WinRAR and the archive is in .rar format. It says that it is either unknown format (which it is) or it is damaged. It might be damaged, because it is known format, which leaves me of only with the "damaged" option.
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-24 20:22:32 UTC Post #343400
Check the FAQ in the blue box, there are alternate downloads.
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