Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-08-10 16:14:38 UTC
in Vista Doesnt Like Gmod Post #253565
old specs:
300 mb's ram
64 mb's vram
1.2 ghz proccesser
geforce4 MX 440
new specs:
512 mb's ram
256 mb's vram
2.5ghz ghz proccesser
ati radeon x1300 pro
oh, btw, i never ran vista on this one, it was another pc, my dads you dumbfuck, not mine
Never used it
hey, dipshit, i just fucking said, me and my dad used it, we both aggreed its a steaming pile of shit and is a waste of money

Vista isn't the problem.
i never said that you dumbshit

has anyone even LISTENED to me?


how fucking simple could that be?
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-10 14:04:26 UTC
in Vista Doesnt Like Gmod Post #253558
see? even he doesn't like it!

rlly, dude, try reinstalling it. (GMOD not vista :pwned: )
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-10 14:03:04 UTC
in [UTILITY] Twister 5 Post #253556
Shutup >:(


sooo, i guess since i've never tried it i should? :zonked:

EDIT: exactly what is this program, and what does it do?
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-10 13:57:37 UTC
in Vista Doesnt Like Gmod Post #253554
i see, you just like it because you use it, now really, i said it's stupid to start another fucking flamwar over nothing, jesus christ.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-10 13:43:35 UTC
in Vista Doesnt Like Gmod Post #253551
I haet Vista, it ruiened my computeh
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-10 13:34:09 UTC
in Vista Doesnt Like Gmod Post #253546
Stop spouting bullshit you hear on the internets.
vista fanboy or just trying to protect it?

i HAD vista at one point, it was just a waste of money, my dad thought so too.

after a week vista was gone, it was too much, it's over protective, no games would run on it, and like i said, vista is more of a "looks better then runs better"

now really, this is ridiculous, how about we try to help the topic creator, not create another usless flame war.

EDIT: try reinstalling gmod, once i couldn't run counter strike because it was missing a dll, and it did exactly what's happening to you, it just closed without a error.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-10 13:26:32 UTC
in .rmf got deleted for some strange reason Post #253545
when you try to load it the first time, were you trying to load it from the recent files list in hammer?
or did you choose file>open?
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-10 13:22:08 UTC
in Vista Doesnt Like Gmod Post #253542
why vista?

why not get a operating system that actually works and isn't a ripoff of mac?

Posted 16 years ago2008-08-09 01:26:14 UTC
in Rimrooks Modelling Tutorials Post #253482
huh, recently got 3dmax, super program, made a couple models, then comes meh birthday, got a new upgrade, and now i had to reformat my hd because of the new motherboard!

now i don't have 3dmax anymore
User posted image's not fair...
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-22 16:17:40 UTC
in laser trial for grenade? Post #251361
aha, apparently, i was using ggrenade.cpp instead of handgrenade.cpp :P sorry

EDIT: nevermind, apparently, i had to edit ggrenade.cpp, i have a new coder for my mod, and he managed to add the laser tracer:
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Posted 16 years ago2008-07-22 15:57:49 UTC
in SoHL Noob Question... Post #252857
@potatis_invalid: i see you found my topic :crowbar:
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-22 15:47:31 UTC
in Slight issue when compiling.... Post #252856
hi ember, welcome to the twhl.

the skybox error you get is not a unusual error, it's pretty much there every time i try to compile my maps.

but it is not a error, it's just a warning, it won't affect your compiling, which is strange how your map has a problem, were there any other errors?

can you post your full compile?
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-20 17:12:22 UTC
in Cannot select in 3d window Post #252753
No it didn't.
what do you know? nobody can use anim8or on vista because it doesn't support opengl.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-20 16:12:46 UTC
in Cannot select in 3d window Post #252746
It makes them about as good as Vista ^_^
that's true on every level, including the fact that vista dropped opengl support completly, like ati :pwned: :aggrieved: :death:
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-19 14:10:49 UTC
in Cannot select in 3d window Post #252694
Strokes NVidia card.

ouch indeed...
I had less problems with my ATI card then I do my Nvidia.
Ati is better then NVidea? orly? how about the fact that Ati dropped opengl support? does that make Ati "better"? :pwned:

damnit, i've edited my post like, three times now due to spelling and grammar issues :pwned:
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-18 00:20:40 UTC
in Connectivity Issue with Servers Post #252601
i have the same problem as you, only it doesn't give the "timed out" error, it gives the "delta ticks out of order" error.
i did a google search on this, and apparently it was my router.
perhaps it's your router too.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-17 23:36:11 UTC
in Launcher Error. Please Help! Post #252599
this is simple, it can't find one of the hl2 dlls needed to launch it, this is not hammers problem, it's your hl2's problem. try to reinstall half life 2, see if that works.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-17 23:34:23 UTC
in Cannot select in 3d window Post #252598
never use worldcraft, it's old outdated, and they are not updating worldcraft, they are updating hammer now (even though hammers the same program, it's newer and is better then worldcraft)

and yeah, what card are you using?
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 16:33:18 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #252309
"because it would be awsome" "because it was a classic" "so i could play hl2 on my ipod nano :nuts:" - some random people i found on the internet, responding to the same question :walter: :pwned: :plastered:
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-09 16:03:27 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #252292
rimrook, do you still want that 512X512 texture support? cuz' i'm talking to my coder right now and i can ask him if he can share the code with you.

EDIT: i'm sure you've all heard about what he's able to do, but is he actually able to do them? only screeneys can tell!
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Posted 16 years ago2008-06-29 14:45:45 UTC
in Post Your Skins/Models! Post #251956
hey, i remember, that's the model you said you had to split the trunk or whatever. glad you got it finished :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-29 14:29:36 UTC
in Post Your Skins/Models! Post #251954
heres a crappy mp5 model replacement, it's my first replacement model:
User posted image
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-27 21:07:15 UTC
in Modeling question Post #251915
you don't have to use 2 textures for it, you can use uv mapping, go look for a tut on uv mapping.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-27 19:29:53 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251910
6 of those images aren't necessary, after the first one i can clearly see you put the irifle in.
the purpose of those 6 images are to prove i added it in.

i'm pretty sure if i added one image, there would be at least one guy saying "omg, you just photoshopped that in in 2 seconds", so i took 6 images, each in different spots and in different lighting conditions, to prove it's actually in-game and not just a image pasted on top of another image.
For best results - hit everyone with the finished product when they're all thinking you've given up. ;)
this is what i actually did, you see, a long time ago when i said i gave up (not sure if i posted it here or not) i didn't actually give up, i did this to stop them from telling me "omg, this mod's ginna fail" so, i was actually working on it the whole time, behind their backs. :P
what ever you do, don't do that lame SoHL gravity gun crap. its no good for an extensive project.
i wasn't planning to, infact, i couldn't even get the damn thing to work.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-27 18:07:02 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251902
BTW, are you the guy who wrote Half life: Full Life Consequences ?

huh? what the hell are you talking about? a kid wrote that? if so, it certainly wasn't me who made it :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-27 16:38:57 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251681
if you guys were homeschooled, you wouldn't be asking these questions or saying she's my math teacher, geez

ant: meh, thats too bad, when you're homeschooled, you can just do you're schoolwork, and then 2 seconds after that you can do whatever you want to do, play games, play with you're guinea pig, watch tv, whatever you do after school.

EDIT: i finally found a tut on adding a new weapon to half life, and now i have the ar2
(aka irifle, combine rifle, overwatch pulse rifle, ect.) added to my mod! i will edit soon with screeneys.

but there are also some problems i will fix soon, the gun doesn't appear in hud, and the gun also can't fire because i don't know how to give the stupid gun some ammo.
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not bad for a 11 yr old who just started learning c++, eh? :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-27 16:28:39 UTC
in Spirit - Custom model on hgrunt_repel Post #251896
huh??? i don't think i understand, from my point of view, it looks like daubster says theres no feature for a custom model in the monster "monster_grunt_repel", but there is.... or do you mean theres only the option to use custom model for it in fgd, but it won't work ingame because the mod doesn't support custom models for the repelling grunt?
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-27 15:29:56 UTC
in Spirit - Custom model on hgrunt_repel Post #251884
daubster, there is a option to use a different model for the monster_ entities, just create a monster_repelling_grunt or whatever, and in the properties, look for the following: "Model (e.g. models/can.mdl)", then just click on the "..." button next to the blank square.

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This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 19:48:22 UTC
in school shootout mod idea Post #251707
you know, the guy who started this topic was probably expecting a big flame war, wich is the reason he started this topic, saying a lot of peoples mods ideas were dumb, which would start a flame war for sure.

all he's doing is becoming trouble on the forum, and and probably admiring his work while eating popcorn, this aint no nooby- it's a alien who is able to eat popcorn without disinergrating! :P

seriously though, he IS becoming trouble, his mod idea is dumb, first he says it's about student's killing other student's and teachers, then he says they're there for decoration, this thread is usless now.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 00:50:16 UTC
in Help me fix this problem. Sky clipping? Post #251678
aw nuts, muzz changed it back, now i look like a idiot... and i also am being forced to say very off topic things....:P
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 00:47:25 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251676
shes not a math teacher.... i said that like 3 times already...
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 00:18:14 UTC
in Help me fix this problem. Sky clipping? Post #251672
muzz, nice new avatar :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 00:12:25 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251671
you guys are right, who she to tell me what i can have on my machine, i reinstalled half life and downloaded spirit 1.5 alpha 4 again.

i'm just going to ingore her when she complains again, it's my fucking computer.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 21:34:42 UTC
in Help me fix this problem. Sky clipping? Post #251663
offtopic: muzzleflash, for a second there i thought that was you in you're diplay picture, then i stopped and sayed "nah, girls can't play video games" "and muzzleflash is a dude, too" :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-19 23:35:09 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251612
then how does she know the mod is on your machine.
also, you could just make a seperate account and put it on there...
no, you don't understand, she thinks i'm working on my mod more then i am working on my math, it doesn't matter if i put it on a different machine, hell even put it on a different planet, it won't make a difference.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-19 23:15:52 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251607
If you are homeschooled, that would explain half of your social problems.
yeah, i'm homschooled.
How does your math teacher even know about you being into modding?
rofl, she's not my math teacher and she comes over and uses my machine most of the time because of a school project being on my machine.
You live with your teacher allowing her to track whats on your computer AND she approves of Vice City??
she doesn't keep track of whats on my machine, read last reply
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-19 20:16:40 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251598
well, due to my teacher getting mad and blaming my mod for me always forgetting to work on my math, i've been forced to fucking remove half life and my mod.

i decided to start the mod in summer again, but oh, no, i just "have" to be having more social behavier during the summer!

you see, i actually have a life, but oh no, my teacher just has to ruin all that, so now everythings uninstalled, nothing left but gta: vice city and my stupid schoolwork.
i can't wait until shes gone, then i can get back to my mod. well, if she's ever gone, that is.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-19 16:44:58 UTC
in Finally, my compile log errors. Post #251585
purple and black means missing textures, you must be using a illegal copy of half life 2, something went wrong in the installation of half life 2, or you might've deleted the half life 2 materials folder.

and i'm not sure if you can do it for half life 2, but load the pointfile, in map>load pointfile... then the pointfile is called "yourmapname.lin" open that file, then follow the lines to the leak.

EDIT: if that doesn't work, just create a box slightly bigger then you're whole map, then right click and hollow it, then recompile, it definitly should fix it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-19 15:14:03 UTC
in Finally, my compile log errors. Post #251575
purple/black dots ingame, but fine in hammer.
you have missing wad files, whatever the wad file is you have to move it to the right folder, so if you are mapping for a mod, you'll have to put the wad in the mod folder, if you are mapping for regular half life...

wait, ocrap, this is for half life 2... nevermid everything i just wrote then. but you also do have missing textures or you might be using tf2 or portal textures in half life 2 or somthing.

** leaked **
Entity light_environment (-3130.50 63.55 887.00) leaked!
you have a leak, fix that.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-19 15:09:02 UTC
in school shootout mod idea Post #251571
like saw said, luke occasinally says "dumbass" or "dipshit" all the time, it's his way of being nice, you got to get used to it.

also, isn't it a little strict for someone to get arrested for making a map that looks like his school?
i mean, seriously, almost every game in the world is based on a real location, and they aren't considered as terrorists just for making a map based on something real!
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-19 11:21:34 UTC
in school shootout mod idea Post #251538
and you also should definatly use goldsource for modding before jumping into something like source engine 2007, it's not as simple as you think.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-18 22:34:01 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251510
oh no, he just asked if he can join my mod, he isn't even part of the mod yet, he didn't read my response to his request to join yet.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-18 21:21:01 UTC
in Desktops of June Post #251508
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who could not possibly love teh companion cube?
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-18 20:44:29 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251507
well, i could give you the code if my coder agrees to share it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-18 20:14:21 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251504
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-18 20:01:09 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251501
awsome, guess what? someone wanted to join my mod as a coder. guess what he can do?

DOT3 Bump Map, Glossmap , Tga decals , New VGUI HUD, Particle system, Breakable Models, Projective Sky, Reflective Water, Motion Blur, 512x512 Texture Support, Model Rotating Doors and many new things.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-18 14:56:31 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251491
okay, thanks for the suggestions, but right now i need to worry about other maps, i'm currently adding "d1_trainstation_02". it runs fine, just need to add some textures to the "halflife2.wad" then i will move onto models, then finally adding the citizens and combine soldiers and such which will be easy.