Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-08-28 10:47:51 UTC
in Compo 10 Post #54799
BTW, my sister just explained properly to me what an e-mo is. and turns out im not one... she said im a trendy...

i suppose shes right.

^ fav shops and there all trendy.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-28 10:46:00 UTC
in mp3 on ambient Post #54795
because he's an idiot and never answered your question properly... the fact of the matter is that wav sounds terrable especially when your playing music from an ambient generic. and the theres the fact that it sounds like its coming from a certain direction witch is just naff. i understand what you mean about making mp3's play on ambient gen. it can be done if your coding your own mod you would just have to learn about Fmod API. and C++ but its actally really easy to do... if your wanting music mp3's playing as background music then the best way might be to make a new entity like i did in my custom version of spirit... athough i dont use it i use trigger_command.

as for the menu music in steam, i cant get it working. but i havn't really played with it enough to say i failed.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-18 18:10:39 UTC
in Everyones best tips Post #51929
:) oh and another
  • Zoners tools can use individual .RAD files for each map (allowing for fine lighting ajustments, just leave the .RAD file in the same directory as the map with the same file name as the map and the compilers will pick it up automaticly and override any default .RAD texture lights with the duplicate entrys.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-18 18:07:40 UTC
in Everyones best tips Post #51928
-get good compilers

-DONT use hammers compiler front end.

-shutdown EXPLORER and anything unnessasary running, when compiling big mapps, in some cases it can shave hours off compile times.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-15 19:31:22 UTC
in Custom steam splash screen Post #51280
he didn't mean a skin... he means a mod splash screen, i've just started playing with it myself. hoping to get it working for my new release of malevolence. but i havn't actally tried to make a working one yet, im just messing around at the mo. when i get it working ill make a tutorial.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-15 18:36:10 UTC
in mp3 on ambient Post #51260
Seventh-Monkey about the whole music in the menus thing. i didn't know that was possable, im going to have to investiage that further.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-15 17:22:13 UTC
in Malevolence14BETA released - HELP PLS Post #51244
i should probably point out that the crash doesn't seem to happen when the mod is run under steam.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-15 16:57:43 UTC
in FATAL ERROR Post #51239
that doesn't help.... when you used hte browse for file button you didn't use the path it entered did you because it uses the entire path. as in "c:/sierra/half-life/valve/models/model_name.mdl" were as everything before the /models* should be removed from the path.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-15 15:42:44 UTC
in mp3 on ambient Post #51230
wow... i didn't know that.. ;) thanks man.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-15 15:16:29 UTC
in Malevolence14BETA released - HELP PLS Post #51221
I need some help with the loading points somthing to do with the level load points is making the maps crash the HL engine at random and no one from my team seems to be able to figour it out... so if anyone can come up with anything then it would be of great help... :)

ofiously ill give creditation in the finnished mod and the TWHL community will be aknowlages as a whole. :)

thanks for anything...
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-12 18:23:15 UTC
in fog! Post #50490
one word "spirit" its hacked from the fog type effect you see when underwater.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-12 18:12:53 UTC
in Flat Sprites Post #50488
i feel i should point out that sprites are flat... thats what sprites are, they are flat by nature and by function.

i know the problem you mean.... its more a matter of possitioning the sprit in a clever way so that it cant disapire into a brush when the angle is as such.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-12 18:09:25 UTC
in See through sky. Post #50485
SOLUTION: dont build rooms above sky level.... i dont understand why you would want to anyway.!

maybe you can explain.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-08 12:05:40 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #49044
do i just add myself to the bottom of the list. :P ... here we go... lol
+3:JB + Anthony
+4:es major
+5:rabid monkey
+6:m Gargantua
*7:Seventh Monkey
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-08 11:52:34 UTC
in The twhl project Post #49041
thats why we have IRC for communication... although MSN would be more appropriate.

as for the thing with the mappers, i think for a project of this size we would end up waiting a long time for the mappers to finnish the mapping if they had to tweak all the lighting them selves thats why it might be a good idea to split the mapping proccess its self into smaller proccesses. also when i said lighters i didn't mean the mappers would be leaving it totally up to them i ment the mappers would light it but then the lighters would tweak the lighting tones etc to get it just right.

I can be called on for any of the following:
Mapping (Im the Mapper of malevolence)
Graphics ( < all my own graphics.)
Web site ( < HTML coded no WISIWIG used)
Textures (theres a texture pack on my site)
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-08 11:31:20 UTC
in Custom steam splash screen Post #49033
you might have the format wrong... is it using progressive encoding or anything like that.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-08 11:27:25 UTC
in Reflective glass Post #49030
Seventh no ones talking about mirros .... there talking about shiny reflections not mirror reflections.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-08 11:15:01 UTC
in best version of wc or hammer. Post #49025
i know what he means .... its somthing to do with the texture handalling but it rearly happens so dont worry about it its just a bug thats why its still called BETA. but its still a damd site better than the previouse versions.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 21:12:00 UTC
in The twhl project Post #48854
ok now i know what your doing...

if you need anything doing or need help with anything you know were you can find me.

and dont forget my dynamic muzzle flash... it rules and you know it.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 21:03:34 UTC
in This will probably ruin my reputation Post #48853
Coolfat3459 you never had a reputation to begin with... lol
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 20:59:22 UTC
in The twhl project Post #48852
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 20:57:55 UTC
in Playing online. Post #48851
yeh i agree its a nice system but for dialup users it sucks balls.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 20:55:00 UTC
in ToDo Post #48850
i like the idea of a ranking system maybe you could do it with little pips bellow the user name.... so that even people who are unfamiliar with e sites hiyerarcy can understand it.

for example a set of say 5 pips or starts but greyed out untill you earn them at witch point they go red and then once you get a full set of red they could go silver and then gold. or somthing like that....

that way its simple so that everone will understand the ranks.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 20:45:25 UTC
in My New Mod Post #48842
name: half-evil.

ummm, your screenys are nice.. although to make your mapps feel more detailed try using a wider array of textures... rather than using that same one on the walls and ceiling try adding say a band around the middle of the room and make the upper half of the wall differant or somthing like that and make the ceiling a slitly differant texture. also try experimenting with lighting... lighting can make a huge differance to the feeling of your maps... especially spot lighting in tight areas... so as to give intense shaddows...

ENOUGH with the software mode, its horrable change it to open GL already.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 20:19:06 UTC
in Compo 10 Post #48839
yep you just described me.... lol.... so what are you goth? geek? punk? what?
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 20:09:06 UTC
in Playing online. Post #48838
CS and TFC are now available on the steam network.... :( BAH stupid WON shutdown sucks./
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 20:06:41 UTC
in The twhl project Post #48837
its a bad idea to have it so it gets passed on... you need a hyeracy... overwise you just end up with a mish mash of different styles of mapping...

maybe it could be done like they did half-life:
team 1 - mapping
team 2 - texturing. (texture creation, and alignment etc.)
team 3 - Props... (adding little details)
team 4 - lighting and atmos
team 5 - Technical (adding mechanisma)

then you have coders, modelers, graphics people... etc etc.

some kinda hyeracy like that would work alot better. remember project quantum leap... :S i didn't like that because it was too all over the place.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-07 19:23:14 UTC
in Reflective glass Post #48832
all of the above are possable... the flip trick is crap. forget about it, as for dynamicly rendered mirrors yes it is possable but its very slow and very difficult to set up.

shiny glass is very easy to do... i dont mean relfective glass i mean "shiny" the best and easist way is to use a shiny single polygon made in milkshape with a crome effect on it. Mannon C. Martin made a good one... its called MCM_Polygon... look for it. if you cant find it i think i have it some were, just add me to messenger and ill send it you.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-05 22:59:12 UTC
in Making the glass on a door breakable Post #48282
if its a func_door or func_rotatingdoor then its impossable to have it break... if its a func_breakable you can have it break but you wont be able to have it move with the door.... however if its a spirit map or for a mod your working on and can add spirit too then you can implement the movewith feature and have the func_breakable simple move with the func_door...
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-05 22:45:45 UTC
in Compo 10 Post #48280
whats "e-mo"
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-05 22:39:14 UTC
in USS Darkstar Post #48279
Neil Manke has become a mapping legend... hes the reason i started mapping.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-04 14:49:10 UTC
in Compo 10 Post #47908
sooooo. where is it? :(
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-04 14:26:52 UTC
in Twhl is becoming concious again! Post #47901
i thought andy was the owner of the site.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-01 20:17:19 UTC
in Adding to my map... Post #47458
post the map so we can take a look.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-01 20:03:55 UTC
in Member Websites Post #47454
my site is never on there :( but i log in a fair bit.
Posted 19 years ago2004-08-01 19:59:25 UTC
in ERR....household electrics! Post #47453
lol.. its a chip or device that switchs its state when told too no matter what state its already in... like like a func_master can be set up to do in HL... lol

:S scarry when you think of things in HL terms.

two switches in your house will be done with a special switch called a 2-way switch it has everything already build into it... its actally a really simple concept... just look for a diagram :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-30 10:31:22 UTC
in Xbox colour argument? Post #46722
yeh but even if it is a recent version its still far from complete...

RED GUI.... the original screenshots of long horn showed a new red GUI. it was hidiouse.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-29 20:47:35 UTC
in Xbox colour argument? Post #46494
Longhorn looks like it might actally be decent... they just ditched the red GUI and they are using a blue one now that just looks like an update of the default windows one... as for the features and how it runs... well who can say at this stage :S
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-29 10:11:56 UTC
in a mod idea (not dumb really) read! Post #46341
:s come to think of it i think there is an age of empires expansion called age of conflict :S.... im not sure but it does seem familiar.... best check it up first.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-29 09:56:48 UTC
in Xbox colour argument? Post #46339
emulators.... SEEE!... thats why i use windows and the same reason i use ms office... its all a compatability issue... open office scares so does linux... as for other operating systems... well name me a good one and ill try it but im douting its better than XP even though XP isn't exacly brilliant.

PS: BTW..... the whole gay thing was established months ago, its not an issue. besides this is a mapping community not a bitch about eachothers sexuality community. nuf said!
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-28 09:18:26 UTC
in Xbox colour argument? Post #45833
lol... indeed
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-28 09:14:36 UTC
in MY COMPUTER. PLEASE HELP :( Post #45832
you lost everything :O.... geeez... for future referance get a second hard drive or just set up another partition... then use it for all your files, games and downloads. that way you wont lose anything when you format your primary drive.. thats what i do... also that way formating and reinstalling everything isn't such a big deal because you dont have to backup and restore everything and even if windows wont load becouse of an error your data is still safe even if you have to format...

you do know you probably didn't have to format, you could have just installed a fresh OS!. without a reformat
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-28 09:05:59 UTC
in Xbox colour argument? Post #45825
i disagree with there programs being good there just leave us with very little option, and there not "good" there "average"... and YES i do use XP and yes i do use MS office, but thats only becouse they dont leave us with much choice because they monopolize the market. if there was anything better out there then i would be using it. especially as far as windows is conserned, i mean the only other real option would be linux and i just dont like it. so it looks like im stuck with windows.

anyway this thread isn't about how much people hate/support microsoft. its about the colour of the Xbox.. :P lol
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 22:05:26 UTC
in Xbox colour argument? Post #45714
I wont buy an Xbox because i wont support microsoft. i love the gamecube because its got some really chilled out games, i dont want to play games that are all seriouse all the time i wana play games that are fun and have wacky ideas like mario and sonic... oh and dont give me all that "oh the Xbox has more power" shite, because it doesn't matter, incase you never noticed state of the art graphics and special effects dont make for a better game.. they just enhance what good gameplay is already there...

oh and the currency (?) is a great british pound symble... $1.00 (USD) is = to ?0.57p (GBP) (the small "p" is for pence, as apposed to cent)

as for the avator... well you deside what its all about... durrrr!
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 14:01:13 UTC
in Xbox colour argument? Post #45520
i dont own one i got a gamecube for ?80 so i was happy with that, although dont play it anymore... lol

anyway... colour!
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 13:41:53 UTC
in How much different is Steam? Post #45514
have WON closed DOWN! :o
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-27 13:39:50 UTC
in Xbox colour argument? Post #45513
ok... two of my friends who have an Xbox say its green and i noticed this too... there right it is a bezzar green colour... almost completly black but if you get it in the right light and look there is definitly a green tint... can some people please back me up on this. my roomie swears its not.. he says its black even though the microsoft web site says it according to him there talking about the centre logo...

BTW im not talking about the special edition xBox that was a very deep green im talking about the origial "standard" xbox, thats very delicatly tinted green.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-26 20:39:48 UTC
in Compo 10 Post #45213
ummm, weres the new compo someone said it was already up!.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-28 10:58:07 UTC
in Machine Compo Post #37185
do we get marked on poly counts. will high r_speeds effect your score.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-26 09:00:59 UTC
in Build a Machine Post #36568
ohhhh! just read back. does this mean that the winner of each comp gets to set the theme for the next one? cos im entering if thats the case.