When fact is fiction and TV reality.....
-pie, because we can
And whoever said to 'shut up about Darfur' can go fuck himself in the ear. It might make him smarter. Genocide is happening and if you don't consider that a problem than you are not making this world a better place and should die.Thank you, i love you too. Arcan is bothering us with this in right about every topic. Why dont he stop living his rich western life then if he cared, because in essence it is our wealth that causes such things to happend. Long live poverty.
If I would have been in the situation I would have opened fire aswell.Therefore handing guns to civilians is a hughe mistake.
I mean, she was 92 years old, could probably not see well and was probably scared as hell, would you go check who they where before opening fire? I wouldn't.
Because not everyone is christian, you narrowminded fuck?