Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-04-21 18:21:08 UTC
in Problems with Surface Extents Post #175963
It's not wise to react offensive if you need help, but that should be obvious, non? As for feedback, feel free to ignore it if you don't like it. You may throw away a possible source of valuable feedback (knowing Kasperg, he can provide some good insight if you would've asked), but who cares about that these days? :roll:

As for working on a map for 2 whole days... some people work on maps for many months, and on mods for years... and no, that shot Kasp provided doesn't look promising indeed. By the looks of it, you lack some technical knowledge. Read around a few sites, visit the Valve wiki and spend some time familiarizing. Asking for tips isn't a bad idea either.
// Reading your profile... So you're 11 years old? That's no problem. My little brother of 10 can map too and doesn't do a bad job actually. But your attitude looks troublesome though. If you don't care, why would anyone care to help you out? If my brother wouldn't give a thing about mapping, I would never have taught him. It's that simple.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-21 09:05:09 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #175795
Uhm, you mean? Extra depth?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-21 08:03:24 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #175786
For pipes, it's good, since it actually affects their shape and all. For wall corners, it's useless.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-21 02:45:52 UTC
in A Tribute Post #175750
Ah, I see, seventh. :)
Easy to overlook after such a big image (thumbnail!). ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-21 02:37:18 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #175749
Just don't waste your time mitering corners. It won't help, instead it'll make modifying the map more difficult. Plus, simply applying the same texture to the face of the other brush in case of an outside corner is faster anyway. Using the Alt key while texturing does a good job.

As for looking tidy in the editor, using visgroups for that helps a lot. Though these aren't as handy to use as in Hammer 4.0, they can still be valuable. Actually, when looking for leaks, I put all entities in a single visgroup and hide them before I start flying through the map. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-20 19:17:12 UTC
in UV-Mapping! Post #175699
I've used LithUnwrap a few times, but found it wasting a lot of space on the texture area. I still skin by hand for that reason (which isn't the most difficult part of skinning for me, as the skins themselves usually take the most time ;)).

Looks like a nice boat, though pretty high-poly for an essentially simple shape. How large will that boat be in a map?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-20 19:14:08 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #175698
Oh, no problem. It seems to have been a quite popular method 'back in the days'. I know at least I did it some times. ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-20 18:04:27 UTC
in A Tribute Post #175685
Nice. But there's a little itchy edge on top of that logo, in the center, a bit to the right. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-20 18:01:29 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #175684
ZL: Waste of time and resources. The 45 degree surface adds a plane as far as I know, and is generally harder to manage in case you need to shift around some brushes. This may be an interesting read, too bad the images are lost: Mitered Corners: The Undying Myth.

Personally I believe such methods don't give significant results. A well-planned layout is much more worth than things like nullifying surfaces and that kind of tricks. Not that those aren't usefull, but they come at a whole lower level and I think they should (only?) be used in the latest stage. Some programmer (I think) once said: "premature optimization is the root of all evil". The same goes for level-design.
Ok, I might exaggerate a bit here and there but the idea is clear, methinks. ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-20 13:33:00 UTC
in Defense - Offense = Forts! Post #175568
Sounds like an aw_ or whatever it is called map with a twist. Nice idea, might cater well with the majority of CS players.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-20 13:31:32 UTC
in Half-Life: including files into bsp Post #175567
As far as I know, nope. To get all files across when your map gets downloaded from a server, use a mapname.res file. All files named in this file will also be downloaded with your map. It's less easy than simply including it all (gotta love Source ;)), but it does the job...
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-20 13:29:38 UTC
in TWHL3 Post #175566
Good idea, Rimrook. The Snarkpit allows 3 hosted on their site, or 5 external links - though these don't show up as thumbnails then (which could be a nice feature: uploading thumbnails that link to off-site images, or perhaps thumbnail generating code...). :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-20 04:03:16 UTC
in Keyboard maintenance Post #175458
I see a doctor everyday.
Hehe... :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-19 16:14:53 UTC
in Keyboard maintenance Post #175304
I sometimes clean out my mouse with a knife. Hardly ever cleaned my keyboard, though. They're so cheap these days that buying a new one from time to time might be more effective counted in time versus money. Nope, I don't buy expensive latest tech keyboards. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-19 12:48:56 UTC
in The TWHL mod! Post #175186
Being able to work with a team is a skill in itself, yeah. And motivation is a key resource, too.

I think it's better to start a mod casual and slowly expand it rather than aiming too high (as most mods do these days - it's cool to start a mod after all, right?).
Oh well, not that I have too much experience with mod teams or such... :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-19 11:28:43 UTC
in The TWHL mod! Post #175162
More mappers doesn't automatically make a mod better... think of 'team management'... ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-19 09:23:02 UTC
in Need good HL2 Skinners Post #175115
A little overview of what the mod is like could be usefull...
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-18 08:09:56 UTC
in The TWHL mod! Post #174931
Reminds me of Tron 2.0. Interesting game. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-17 13:51:10 UTC
in Vmex with no security Post #174820
What do you mean with 'codes for doors'? If this is pure entity information, open the .bsp with a text editor and check the end of the file. Entities are stored as plain text in the .bsp files.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-16 08:52:23 UTC
in Monster only CLIP brush? Post #174593
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-16 08:50:39 UTC
in Octageddon DM Post #174592
Instead of using triangles or cylinders, you can clip the edges off brushes. Probably more workable than cylinders.

Anyway, that those brushes all touch doesn't matter much - it's still a pretty simple map for the VIS process by the looks of it.
What I believe is a problem with this map, a gameplay problem, is that there's little flow throughout. All octagons are finally connected to a single spot, with little connections between them. How are you supposed to run happily through the map if there's just one route to take - and you'll always meet your opponents at the same spot? Looks too predictable and restricting to me. If you change that, the map might become much more fun to play.

Keep it up! :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-15 19:04:56 UTC
in Monster only CLIP brush? Post #174532
There's an entity for this, yes. Seek and ye shall find.

// Hmm, srry was faster. Oh well, it's func_monsterclip anyway. ;)
Nice thing about it is that it's triggerable.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 18:22:23 UTC
in Fdg for contest Post #174364
It's likely to work, unknown entities are simply ignored usually, but indeed, you'll limit yourself by not using the HL .fgd for a HL compo. Simply create a new profile within Hammer for Half-Life, and select that when you start a new map. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 18:20:00 UTC
in Valve Hammer Editor Problem Post #174362
If you take some more time to type words correctly, it'd make your post much easier to read.

Anyway, there's little info you give us. A compile log would be helpfull here.

Also, alexb911, what do you mean with Hammers tools and asking for trouble? He's using ZHLT compilers by the look of it, and compiling from the Hammer compile box isn't troublesome unless you've configured it incorrectly...
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 03:15:02 UTC
in making monsters Post #174159
Nope. You don't have access to the CS/CZ gamecode. Also, if you would have, and made modifications to it, it wouldn't be CS/CZ anymore but a different mod.

Maybe there's a way you can fake that fly with mapping, though without being able to parent entities that looks pretty tricky to me.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 18:08:15 UTC
in compiling error - rad Post #174103
Always VIS, yes - if it's taking a long time you either have a large map or an unoptimized one, there are tricks to reduce the compile time.

And perhaps this contributes to the problem as well:
Error loading studio model ""!
As for skyboxing, you do know it's a bad habit, right?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 18:03:32 UTC
in creating textures Post #174100
Heh, that looked pretty cool. Fun stuff. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 17:59:43 UTC
in HL2D Post #174098
Looks funny. What did you use to create that?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 09:38:46 UTC
in New Compo... Steam... =[ Post #173982
Usually maps that run fine under HL run fine under Steam too. You may want to ask someone to test your map, though (I recommend asking feedback anyway so why not combine it? ;)).
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 09:37:21 UTC
in Custum .mdl files in Source Post #173980
As I said, they just go in the same folders, except that you place them in your half-life 2 folder rather than your garry mod folder.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 08:11:18 UTC
in Building Your Prop Models Post #173960
A friend of mine once made a little tool that could convert .map files into a format Milkshape can import. Only the vertices though so in the end I never really used it much.

Oh, bytheway, if you can model for HL, you can model for Source just as easy. The only difference, besides a different .qc setup and using a Source model compiler, is that you'll have to export .smd files with a weight (only the latest versions of Milkshape support this).
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 08:08:35 UTC
in PC gamers are stupid Post #173959
I don't like dark maps either - you've got to be able to play at least, plus bright maps feel happier. I'm no competetive player so aestathics matter more to me, but gameplay is pretty important to me as well. Detail has to be sufficient to look good for me, but me too would turn down the settings to get a playable framerate.

I think I've gotten more balanced towards the gameplay side. There was a time I was very keen on visuals, but everything has it's time and place. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 07:59:46 UTC
in Custum .mdl files in Source Post #173952
.mdl files go into your models folder, their materials into your materialsmodels folder.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 07:57:58 UTC
in info_nodes Post #173951
Nope, it's not important, if used at all.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 03:43:34 UTC
in PC gamers are stupid Post #173912
And then to think the author of Dust is quite the opposite of the players of his map... :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 03:43:18 UTC
in Idea! Looking for feedback. Post #173911
Ehm, people... we're not talking about using a color key for transparancy here... Unbreakable wants to create the inverted version of the additive rendering mode, so that dark(er) area's will darken what's behind the surface, and brighter parts won't do anything, as opposed to bright spots being more visible and dark spots being invisible.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-12 02:44:12 UTC
in very full ? Post #173630
You're still using the old compile tools. Try switching to ZHLT first - those are updated, much better, compilers.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-11 18:41:35 UTC
in Project: Polhem Post #173601
A first counter-question would be: what game are you mapping for? :P

I assume this is Source, and in that case you'll use point_spotlights and spot_lights.
As for ray effects, or volumetric light, there's a model for that, I believe it's in the effects folder.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-11 17:08:23 UTC
in Idea! Looking for feedback. Post #173578
Just try it. Can't hurt, except for taking some time (with knowledge as a reward anyway). :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-11 13:43:45 UTC
in Running maps and mods from a shortcut Post #173514
Heh, I didn't know that +skill parameter. Not that I've investigated HL startup parameters much, but hey.

Looks like a usefull site. Keep it up! :)

// From a web-designers point of view, I don't like those scrollbars for long lines - you don't want to scroll for every line that's a little longer than normal. Just continue the line on the next line or such, makes the article more organized too (I can't help but think after every such scrollbar a new text block/subject starts).
Those quick screenshots on the left could use some more description and linkage to their sites too. All in all, some more organization of text with paragraph titles and such would clear it up. Not that it's bad right now, it could just be done a little bit better. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-11 12:49:31 UTC
in 1337 H4xX0r Post #173493
I've seen this question come up many times. I don't remember having seen a single answer that always works (if there was something at all). But, maybe multiple walls behind each other or such things have some effect, you're free to try.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-11 09:55:48 UTC
in Help with official mod - DOBM Post #173474
Code is just like a map when it comes to compiling: you'll be doing it a lot. Asking someone to compile your untested code basically means he'll be busy debugging it for quite some time - so basically, you'll just need a coder.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-10 19:59:17 UTC
in Help with official mod - DOBM Post #173384
I still don't know why people type their recruiting posts 'in a hurry'. No real need for good recruitment, perhaps?

Anyway, I wonder, why would you need to compile the SDK? If you need to change game-code, you may as well want to look for a programmer instead of a single compile...
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-10 07:56:13 UTC
in [CS:S] - de_venetia (WIP) Post #173245
Brushes aren't visible from the inside, people... ;)
@Ant: I assume that's going to be a back-alley?

I think it's time to give some comments on the version I played (well, ran through). It's late, I know, but hey. :)
Well, the map looks great, that's for certain. Nice style, maybe a bit too 90-degreed but not as bad as I expected. I like the architecture and the sunny feeling of the map.

I've got some things about the layout though, and that's those small canals to the right of the library, when seen from the water. They don't seem to furfill a purpose and are essentially dead-ends. Besides that, it looks like a very close-packed yet open layout. Might be a good thing for fast action, might be less for tactical play. Well, I don't play CSS so I'll leave that to others. :)
One thing I had rather seen is the use of canals for actual gameplay (besides fitting well with the Venice theme, they also make interesting situations because water makes noise...). They're much more Venicy than streets (I love that little plaza in front of the library though) and bridges would be nice too. Probably too late to throw it in the actual gameplay but you definitely should put those into the background.

All in all, a small but good-looking map. I hope it turns out well and becomes a fun-to-play map, then you've got it all settled. Keep it up!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-07 09:55:34 UTC
in Cameras in Counter-Strike Source Post #172799
As far as I know, point_camera is supported in CSS too. Why don't you try it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-07 03:14:26 UTC
in Links Post #172768
Wow, was it really a year ago we had this thread? Ow...
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 10:08:33 UTC
in Recruitment for Dark Truths Post #172664
I agree graphics are less important than gameplay. But we're not speaking of an 'or' situation here - going for Source doesn't mean the gameplay will suffer.
As for those old games, it's what I call the difference between content- and gameplay-driven games. Most modern shooters rely heavily on content (single-player). Games like chess, tetris and multiplayer games rely much more on gameplay.

Besides, especially in this genre, graphics are quite important. Without gameplay they're still nothing but you can't simply ignore them and expect many people to get excited. The Source engine is easy to get into when you're familiar with HL modding and creating HL quality maps is faster (of course, creating higher quality still costs more time).

But, I know I'm too hammering now. Whatever you do, good luck with this. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 09:15:06 UTC
in My custon textures in maps are pink Post #172652
You can Google for GCFScape. Only official material files are stored in these .gcf files, custom ones are stored in their game folder in the materials folder.

However, if you want to put these materials into the .bsp file, you don't have to convert them to .tga files. Just download PakRat (again, Google for it - it's a free tool) and follow the instructions - it's a fairly simple program to use.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 08:21:13 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #172645
Different methods suit different people, that's true. Sketching down a layout beforehand helps me a lot, and most professionals do it, but some pro's don't. Depends on who you are I guess. :)

As for idea's, I usually create one or more test maps, for the theme, mood, feeling and such and of course some layout test maps. I sketch and note down a lot of idea's on paper beforehand and during the process, to keep track of things.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-06 04:09:32 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #172622
A usual approach for a starter, to do room by room.
But with that approach, I found myself getting stuck on the layout so often though, that I decided to take a different approach: creating the basic layout first, with simple blocks to indicate cover objects and simple textures, so I wouldn't loose myself in the details but focus on the layout and gameplay elements instead.
After the layout works and the map plays well, you can give each area the time it deserves. An additional advantage here is that doing the whole map step by step means all area's will have roughly the same amount of detail, or quality so to say.