Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-12-15 22:16:16 UTC
in Xen and The Citadel *SPOILERS* Post #78569
Wow, stupid poll, is... Heh. But they are my two favorite places in the game of Half Life. All right, the poll is: What is your favorite place in Half Life? This includes both Half Life and Half Life 2.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-15 22:14:29 UTC
in hl2 reflective floors Post #78568
I was basing my theory off of Sprirt, ya know? Env_shine, a wonderful tool if I do say so myself.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-15 22:13:21 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #78566
Funny, I always imagined 7th to look somewhat like the gman, don't know why. Weird :roll:
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-15 22:10:18 UTC
in NO GUNS MR.FREEMAN ....(hl1) Post #78562
Well this site is going to move to srouce soon enough, give it time... which isn't good because I don't map for Srouce and don't want to convert Life Gear to Source, and am afraid by the time I release it nobody will play games with the original engine anymore. Of course... there are still 3rd party games that won't ever be Srouce... hmmm
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-15 22:08:15 UTC
in hl2 reflective floors Post #78561
Probably an entity setting, or you might have to lay a certain entity over the floor itself. I don't map for Source thogh, so this is just a hunch.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 23:01:17 UTC
in Avatars Post #78207
no you didn't
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 22:06:50 UTC
in Avatars Post #78200
w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t w00t
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 21:58:51 UTC
in A little riddle Post #78199
There is no sure way to spell Shakespeare, I learned last year that he canged the spelling of his name many many time. Some examples were Shakespeare, Shakspear, Sheakspere, even Shakestaff(its true!)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 18:12:51 UTC
in A little riddle Post #78164
Here's a riddle for ya:
hat famous person appears at this site and has been wapred several times wink wink
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-13 18:10:31 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #78163
I'm sure we have all had our own personal sex dreams, and we have all savored them because we know that we will never get real chickes because we all spend too much time on our computers...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 23:27:18 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #77824
Actualy I won't, too lazy...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 23:19:17 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #77821
Uh... negative art? Thats all? My dream wasn't negative art, I'll make you a quick picture of what it looked like.. from what i remember.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 23:17:57 UTC
in my maps are laggy Post #77819
Making hl maps the same size as Half Life maps? Well I certainly would think so, cosider that would mea your making a half life map the same size as itself.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 11:29:26 UTC
in Only way to make doors is by carving? Post #77638
I never understood that either. Every time I see it I think lmao though.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 11:28:38 UTC
in my maps are laggy Post #77637
Odds are there are some r_speeds problems making you lag. Check them, and if they arent the r_speeds then you either compiled the map wrong, put something(or too many of something) in the map that your computer can't handle(ex- lots of flashing lights), OR you didn't actualy finish the compile.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 11:27:17 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #77636
I don't think this dream a representation of the furute, I just thought it was really weird, nothing more.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 03:26:31 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #77581
There is no spoon...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-11 00:06:51 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #77570
PSeaking of the furtue, oddly enough. Almost all the time I'll be thinking of a certain episode of some tv show all day. I'll come home from school, turn on the tv and watch a channel and that exact episode is on. I've had many many other things like that happen before too.. ooooo ahhhhh ooooo ahhhhh
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-10 22:42:57 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #77544
Meh, I expected it to be longer. I was actually almost afraid to log in today, believe it or not...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-10 22:29:43 UTC
in Freakish TWHL dream (long writing) Post #77539
Last night I had a dream that I was at TWHL, trying to catch up for all the days i had missed trying to set up my old CS server again. When I tuned into TWHL it was completely different! The color scheme was a dark blue and the layout of the site was completely different. The homepage for it was for some other game that reminded me of Final Fantasy X, and news for upcoming sequels and addons to THAT game. Well it turned out that someone else had bought TWHL and changed it...
There was still a map vault, but nobody really cared about it. I checked into the forums, and they were all posts by sers I had never heard of before, I posted a message and they were for some reason angry at me, why I'll never know. They had no respect what so ever. I found a thread about a horror competition and posted asking if I could use Nightmare, even though it was made before the competetition started, people replied in unintellgible angry posts. After all this I got pretty angry and wanted to ask a moderator a few questons of what was going on. But I couldn't find a single post by 7th or any other active TWHL member, everyone had actually left TWHL, for good! Now, since this was a dream weird stuff could happen. I was actually "inside the website" and my way of navagation to the thread was to go down a large elevator(its a dream, weird things happen). Well... thats all i remember, weird isn't it?
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-10 22:10:04 UTC
in Avatars Post #77532
That was my first post in about a week...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-10 22:09:52 UTC
in Avatars Post #77531
Awesome avatar Kol! But whats with the Swatica?
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-07 22:47:41 UTC
in A little riddle Post #76927
I'll stick with hair, hair is made of dead skin cells. You lose it whennyou grow old, you get it cut and it grows back, and its all over your body.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-04 01:59:23 UTC
in ...And they told me I was mad Post #76212
This post reminds me that I am making a post on TWHL... wait...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-03 21:15:49 UTC
in We have to do somthing! Post #76188
Isn't there already a topic on this? To be honest, I don't think its anything to worry about. Remember when this same thing happened a few months ago? It was quite chaotic fro a while, then it toned down...
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-03 21:14:09 UTC
in A damn memory leak causes crash(es)... Post #76187
1kb? Bull, the lowest Ive ever seen is 64kb in a computer. My computer has 512, check your task manager, look around for Total Physical Memory.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-03 18:15:43 UTC
in R_speeds confusion Post #76176
I just saw Nipper's big_city2, wow. That map is HUGE!!!! I mean, bigger than full_city! And evn more open so I figured that this map HAS to have massive r_speeds right? Wrong... I checked and they maxed out at... 700?! Someone please tell me how I can lower r_speeds that low from where theywould normally be like 1500.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-03 18:13:36 UTC
in A damn memory leak causes crash(es)... Post #76174
How much memory does your computer have?
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-03 18:11:31 UTC
in :P DOOR PROB!! :P Post #76173
Try making a new door, maybe somewhow this one defective(hey, just maybe...) and make sure your compass is in the right direction of where you want the door to go.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-03 18:09:50 UTC
in HL2BUGGY STUCK! Post #76171
Well thank you Seventh, don't know why its in the advanced controls but at least I got it. ZOMBIE, YOU FOOLISH MORTAL! I DO have -console in my steam shortcut. But it only worked for the original Half Life engine games
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-03 18:08:01 UTC
in ...And they told me I was mad Post #76170
w00t steinen is back!
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-01 18:03:07 UTC
in HL2BUGGY STUCK! Post #75816
Whoever told me about the -console. I already know about that. All my Steam games have a Console but Half Life 2. There is no console in Half Life 2, at least not in mine. Nor is there an option to turn ON a console for half Life 2.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-29 21:53:26 UTC
in silencer on glock Post #75546
You dont need to google for one, just decompile it and sae it only with the sliencer submodel.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-28 21:47:07 UTC
in HL2BUGGY STUCK! Post #75342
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-28 21:06:28 UTC
in Leaving TWH for a week Post #75333
I'm not tuning in to TWHL for the week after December 25. I'm going across the country to California where my best friends live for a week. I'm so happy!
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-28 21:04:41 UTC
in Skybox includes whole map! Post #75331
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the void turned into sky after you put in a sky setting in Source?
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-27 17:24:12 UTC
in Finally! PwnageCakes are availible! Post #75107
Funny idea, but horrible picture doctoring.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-25 04:05:19 UTC
in scrolling- Post #74612
For the scrolling, find Texture Application on your toolbar ad click it, then go to 3d textured mode and find the face you want to scroll a certain way. Click on it and you'll notice a box pops up, find the curvy thingy (cant remember name righ now) and change it to -90 degrees for down, 90 degrees fro up, etc.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-22 21:35:23 UTC
in Avatars Post #74353
I don't care what anyon says, my avatar is a classic and it pwns
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-22 19:20:45 UTC
in Try this on for size(UHD pack for HL) Post #74344
You have to "save target as" to see the picture.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-22 19:19:56 UTC
in Try this on for size(UHD pack for HL) Post #74343
UHD-Ultra High Definition, I am workin on a conversion/reskinning of some of the best cs models and sounds out there to work with Half Life. Take a peek and no, I did not model any of these but I could, however, mix and match certain parts of the models (ex: scopes, etc.)

And, surprisingly enough, none of the models reach over 2400 polys, for al you fps freaks out there.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-21 20:03:31 UTC
in Lame. Post #74203
Well all that lokos fnie to me. Make sure your config.cfg has the followin line at the bottom:
exec userconfig.cfg
If not, well thats probably the root of your cs error.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-21 20:00:42 UTC
in Ghosts? Post #74202
Try setiing the render mode to additive, that work best for making things look like ghosts. And the ammount should be 255. If you want, you can go with what I did for Nightmare and set their render FX to hologram (will fade away when they walk away from you and their body flashes all over the place, makes for a really creepy effects)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-21 18:58:33 UTC
in Lame. Post #74165
You know, thats a side effect of defective hacks (gets suspicious...). Anyway I think I know how to fix your problem. Go to your cstrike folder and check if you have a userconfig.cfg (or if you know you have one, open it). If you don't have a userconfig.cfg then replace the word "userconfig.cfg" with "config.cfg" in the following instructions and go from there.

Check all your settings for userconfig.cfg, make sure the binds are correct and make sure cl_forwardspeed isn't 0, same goes for cl_backspeed. If they are messed up set them both to 400. Now that you've fixed all your binds and speeds make sure your fps_max isn't low and fps_modem isn't 1. That's all for your userconfig.cfg(should fix your problem)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-20 21:15:30 UTC
in ok the entities player_weaponstrip Post #74018
Don' use a mutlimanager unless you want it to be triggered right away though i assume you know what you doing.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-20 21:06:24 UTC
in ok the entities player_weaponstrip Post #74012
Put it in manually where the names of entities are, the only key player_weaponstrip has is "name"
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-20 19:48:50 UTC
in 7th I need a favor of you. Post #73990
7th I sent you an email with the files a few days ago. If you didn't get them because of some error then forget about it but if you got at least the .map file please delete it. I just got a memory upgrade for my computer which doubled my memory and the map compiled fane afterwards.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-18 22:08:33 UTC
in HL2.. Who has it? Post #73778
woot W00T! Just bought Half Life 2 and will install it tomorrow!
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-17 18:51:18 UTC
in HL2.. Who has it? Post #73646
Seriously guys, don't give ANYTHING AWAY. I haven't played it yet either.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-16 23:01:39 UTC
in question Post #73518
Right click and click "tie to entity"