Anyone speak Esperanto ?
(just wondering, i don't)
LCD's are shit. CRT's are far superior in the areas of color depth, resolution, refresh rates, picture clarity and price.But think of Your EYES!
The project, anyone?The what
can u use the null textue to fix a map with a leak without jeopradising r_speeds by placing a box around the whole map?No - does exactly the same as Skyboxing. Nasty - but its ok to use null textured brushes to Patch leaks
Heh, a habit I've picked up from bash.orgHeh.
the best boota is in Canada, and the United states.. You ALL KNOW THAT! Dont' you?
So imature.The irony
Nah, lets keep this "war" between TWHL and snark pit going. It sounds fun.Wanker.
Is this "silence" a good song?Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence
World Brushes: 982;0
Faces: 6084
Entities: Point(104) Solid(147)
Unique Textures: 108
Texture Memory: 3.68 MB
71% Complete