Forum posts

Posted 13 years ago2010-10-16 12:06:47 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #286422
Bassnectar - Wildstyle

Honestly, the new EP is pretty disappointing.
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-15 19:44:43 UTC
in Grenade Launcher Post #286408
Honestly, it looks like some sort of hybrid between the OICW, H&K MP7, and Pancor Jackhammer.
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-15 19:30:32 UTC
in Grenade Launcher Post #286406
I'd argue that a magazine would always be better than a revolving cylinder.
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-15 18:10:15 UTC
in Grenade Launcher Post #286399
I'm REALLY surprised something like that made it's way into mass production!
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-14 01:19:36 UTC
in TWHL's Got Talent Post #286346
Too bad nobody reviewed my old Alien Blast mod :walter:
Still very cool.

And seeing "Nightmare" on that list reminds me that it has no place in TWHL's top maps vault.
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-14 01:08:55 UTC
in TWHL's Got Talent Post #286344
Sweet find, but how about a link or at least a name to look for?
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-13 20:06:53 UTC
in Last movie you saw? Post #286338
I thought I posted this already :|

I saw The Social Network a few days ago. This was an astounding film--easily one of the greatest films I've seen in years. No bullshit, do yourself a favor and see it.
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-11 16:54:08 UTC
in Looking for an artist - will pay. Post #286291
I am not amused :|
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-11 12:09:47 UTC
in Looking for an artist - will pay. Post #286288
He is hunched forward with his face in his hands. Chem-lab equipment can be seen in the background.
Should this be hands on the face or hands on the forehead with palms over the eyes? Hands on the face would imply shame or sorrow, hands on the forehead would imply exhaustion.
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-08 14:37:43 UTC
in tank with gun Post #286221
Yeah, unfortunately even with Spirit, this is impossible. You can have certain entities move with other entities in Spirit, but that won't work with all of the point entities you need to make a tank.
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-08 14:33:43 UTC
in Desktops of October Post #286220
but that vanished off the face of the forums
I was thinking the same thing. Strange.
User posted image
Ha, I like how TJB's start button is a Moon.

Zeeba, you used the exact wallpaper last year :P
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-05 14:47:04 UTC
in L4D's "The Sacrifice" comic is Post #286167
The last installment is out, and so is The Sacrifice.

"Shut up, Louis! Nobody wants to go to your stupid island."
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-03 05:06:39 UTC
in Funny internets Post #286038
User posted image
Having Cobb looking at the errors is a nice touch.
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-01 22:54:33 UTC
in Desktops of October Post #285971
My favorite is need for speed, i don't see what's so awesome about trackmania to be honest.
It's free, fast-paced, and there's virtually infinite tracks for it.
Recycled wallpaper:
User posted image
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-01 20:19:51 UTC
in Last movie you saw? Post #285964
I watched Machete this past Tuesday.

It was gloriously awesome.
Posted 13 years ago2010-10-01 00:09:29 UTC
in The TF2 Manconomy Update Post #285921
I don't think anyone here plays competitive CS, unless I'm mistaken.
Also, playing CS isn't really a way to justify fucking someone over in a completely separate game.
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-30 22:36:05 UTC
in The TF2 Manconomy Update Post #285917
soon trade them
Actually, trading is in effect right now. People are asking for hats left and right :zonked:
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-30 21:35:38 UTC
in The TF2 Manconomy Update Post #285913
Nobody runs vanilla servers.
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-30 20:43:29 UTC
in The TF2 Manconomy Update Post #285910
Like crafting before it, buying items is an alternative to waiting for drops for people who would rather have it now than have it eventually.
Should have mentioned trading too, now that it's finally set in motion.

@potatis: Not going to argue about TF2 being far too complicated now. I wholeheartedly agree.
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-30 20:37:16 UTC
in The TF2 Manconomy Update Post #285906
are you saying what I hypothesized was wrong, or that this way to garner cash by valve is wrong in the moral sense?
I'm saying you're wrong to say that players need to pay real money for virtual items. Like crafting before it, buying items is an alternative to waiting for drops for people who would rather have it now than have it eventually.

@Potatis: Well, at least the Steam wallet thing was going to be a part of Steam anyway.
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-30 20:02:31 UTC
in The TF2 Manconomy Update Post #285900
Need real money to buy virtual items.
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-30 17:16:14 UTC
in The TF2 Manconomy Update Post #285894

Have a look-see. 3 consecutive blog posts today, and a hell of a lot of new information regarding Polycount, which is now apparently called the Mann-conomy Update.
Apparently you will be able to outright buy items now (as well as just waiting for drops, like before).
Mann-conomy Update Page
Update FAQ
Polycount weapon stats

This is colossal, to say the least. What do you think?
Oh, and weapon stats are becoming utter bullshit. Seriously.
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-30 11:53:33 UTC
in L4D's "The Sacrifice" comic is Post #285887
I hate you all :walter:
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-30 08:14:03 UTC
in L4D's "The Sacrifice" comic is Post #285882
Who else do we know that wears a gas mask like that...?
I'll backhand you to the wall if you're talking about TF2's pyro.
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-29 16:07:37 UTC
in Competition 29 Voting Thread Post #285859
It's not a mapping forum
How fucking stupid are you?
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-29 15:03:46 UTC
in Competition 29 Voting Thread Post #285855
I'd totally be down for an encore of the original "Texture it, Light it, Play it" competition with the limit of only using vanilla resources.
Posted 13 years ago2010-09-29 11:09:54 UTC
in Competition 29 Voting Thread Post #285848
With only a few weeks, I vote for a smaller area.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-28 11:26:37 UTC
in I used to map Post #285815
Does zombieloffe still frequent here?
You'll see him make a post every now and then. I think he mostly lurks these days.

Worldraft Dude/World Crafter here after my 2nd sexname change.

I'm the one with green shorts
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-25 22:31:37 UTC
in What's the origin of your username? Post #285746
So why don't you?
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-25 12:25:01 UTC
in What's the origin of your username? Post #285706
It's Atom :cool:
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-25 12:22:57 UTC
in Organic/Natural Path Blocking Post #285705
I think the hole would look a hell of a lot better if the bricks weren't so perfectly broken, that only looks good on surfaces like flat concrete or plaster.
Bricks and cinder blocks don't just get cut in half when something is chucked through a wall; You get a whole bricks missing and whole bricks remaining along the edge.
User posted image
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-25 12:16:05 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #285703
User posted image
Is this some sort of alternative Black Mesa?
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-25 12:04:23 UTC
in What's the origin of your username? Post #285702
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's Sean Warner :)

Luke, get your ass in here and explain "I Eat Monkey Chow" to everyone.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-25 02:36:20 UTC
in Trouble with server crash when loading n Post #285678
I'm compelled to believe there's some sort of conflict going on with your map and AMXX.
Have you tried testing it in vanilla CZ?

I seriously doubt it has anything to do with your custom textures, as missing textures always present an error message after crashing.

For future reference, if you have a problem with a map you're working on, post it in the Goldsrc or Source forum. Don't start a new thread for this, just remember it for next time.

Edit: Then again, if you're working with a server, you won't get error messages. Ever. You might simply have a misplaced sprite or model. Those can be silent killers when dealing with hosting maps on a server, so triple check their locations.

Download RESGen and generate a resource file for your map just to make sure you're looking for the right files. Drag your BSP into the EXE and it'll generate a text file with paths to all the necessary files for the map to run.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-25 02:23:14 UTC
in What's the origin of your username? Post #285677
Worldcraft Dude: My first TWHL username from way back in late 2003.I picked the first relevant name I could think of. I was fmapping on Worldcraft at the time, I had never been a member of an internet community, and I really just planned on lurking TWHL, so I really didn't care about having a clever name. This is why, to this day, you still might catch TWHLers calling me "WCD".

World Crafter: My second TWHL username, created with my first username in mind. I switched to this one to take on a more "longstanding member" persona. The idea was to convey a creative thinker and a Half Life mapper in one name. It was also influenced by my prior name.
This is still my username for anywhere that I've registered where I haven't been able to change my name.

Soup Miner: My third TWHL username, and likely my last. I used this name for a long time online before deciding to ask a TWHL mod to change my name. Honest to god, I picked these two words because of how much I like seeing the word "soup" in people's names and because of an old VG Cats comic that mentioned "mining for fish". I switch on and off with other names on Steam, but Soup Miner is most definitely "me" in the long run and I always come back to it :P

Coolfat3459: We're not even going there, just know that it was a name I used.

Edit: @Potatis
So... you went from being a disabled potato to an invalid potato because of a character limit :)
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-22 02:39:57 UTC
in L4D's "The Sacrifice" comic is Post #285621
Part two was exponentially better than part one, though I found it hard to care about Zoey's story given how much information as crammed into the tiny space that was alloted for it.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-21 01:14:27 UTC
in Competition 28 Post #285585
Great write-ups, guys.
I was surprised to see DocRoc's name in the reviews. The little bugger pulled a ninja submission.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-17 12:04:30 UTC
in Obama the Gamer Post #285432
the gaming industry is bigger than the movie and music industries combined
Get the fuck out, not even close.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-16 21:42:22 UTC
in Desktops of September Post #285410
So what's it like playing Solitaire with the task manager?
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-14 21:22:34 UTC
in L4D's "The Sacrifice" comic is Post #285362
It's... pretty bad, to be honest.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-12 23:32:06 UTC
in Funny internets Post #285310
Thought some of you might appreciate this.
User posted image
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-12 17:56:30 UTC
in Desktops of September Post #285305
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-12 17:40:18 UTC
in Desktops of September Post #285303
Screwing around with alternative themes. It was only a matter of time.
User posted image
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-12 01:55:48 UTC
in 100 cats in IKEA "just to see what Post #285286
No worries there. IKEA is pretty much glorified Target furniture anyway.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-12 01:37:26 UTC
in 100 cats in IKEA "just to see what Post #285284
Was this in america? if so, then it was probably funded by Obama's stimulus bill.
"An English IKEA..."
It's the very first sentence of the article, come on :|
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-10 11:56:52 UTC
in 100 cats in IKEA "just to see what Post #285250
So some crazy English reporters decided to let a herd of 100 cats roam free in an IKEA store after night. Why? "Just to see what they'd do."

Oh, and there's a video.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-09 17:47:06 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #285233
That second on sounds more like straight up breakcore to me.
Actually, I know I enjoy the song when... it vibrates inside me... I hope you understand. It's like saying to somebody "hey, we're on the same frequency!". My mind just perceives it as being cool and my mood suddenly changes... almost feeling high.
No need to be so persistent with explaining yourself, I know exactly what you're trying to say. People's favorite music has that effect on them. And if it doesn't, then I'd argue they haven't really found their favorite yet.
Unless you mean the tactile sensations that come with bass-heavy music, in which case I still know what you mean.

Sinecore - Suffering
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-08 18:06:11 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #285203
^Great song

Don't lie. You're looking into DnB now, aren't you? ;)
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-07 13:38:46 UTC
in Competition 28 Post #285178
You made those songs? I thought they were taken from old N64 games!
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-07 02:45:32 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #285156
What are you talking about, just split it up into submodels.

$body "studio" "arms"
$body "studio" "gun1"
$body "studio" "gun2"