Forum posts

Posted 8 years ago2017-02-06 18:36:33 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333366
But a 3500 GTX? What the hell is that?
Exageration, plain simple ;), I mean that those guys are capable of buying a 600€ gpu and the next month buy another of 1000€ just because it gets "outdated" (those high end pcs ended in the second hand market).

I did see a extrange amount of lighter greenish pixels surrounding the "2" number, but It can also be a camera backside effect. ;)

Be sure to use vis blockers if not r speeds will skyrocket...
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-06 13:19:00 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333363
I must take photos of my pc, it´s a Frankenstein one... BTW, I can´t see what´s wrong with the pixels, in fact, I almost can´t see them :/

I don´t think you´ll find those PC Masters round here, if so, tell them to send to you the second-hand components they don´t like and you will build a good PC for sure... Knowing how those kind of guys work, I´m sure they will send to you a GF 740 because they get tired of it because the new 3500 GTX (don´t know if it exists...yet...) rocks!!.
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-05 23:14:27 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333356
That´s right, more pics and less foreign languages please!!! LOL!!! :walter:
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-05 12:03:01 UTC
in I do correct way to make transparent tex Post #333350
Save it as bmp, indexed color. Then open color table, color palette or colors used. On the palette you will se, as it is saved as indexed color, the 256 colors that are used, pick the last of the list (right corner, down) and put there the blue color(0,0,255), remember to change all blue-ish colors into something different or you will see those colors on the alpha's edges. To make the texture work on HL you must put the "{" sign in front of it, and, voilà!! , alpha texture done! ;)
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-05 11:53:53 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333349
Haha!! I think we can speak spanish freely here!!, but that pic's name I mentioned could be found only in spain, it is a local expression. ;)
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-05 11:12:01 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333346
The name of the third photo starting from the top right says it all, man!!, haha! ;)
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-05 10:52:40 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333344
Te pillé!!, tú eres español!!, jaja. XD

Gotcha!! you're spanish!! XD
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-05 09:35:01 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333341
You must live very quiet there! :glad:

I like small places, in fact I am now on a 200 people village. Tomorrow I'll return to my not so big town ;)
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-04 19:47:48 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333336
Sorry for the indiscretion, but where are you from?.

Oh, and beware with this...
Oh screw it, I'll call the entire town nearby to celebrate! Just kidding XD
A girl did that kind invitation...

Btw: nice machine!, more than enough to play hl and hl2 mods, and for developing games and mods aswell. ;)
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-04 09:36:37 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333331
I am sure we will wait for it!! :glad:
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-03 22:23:31 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333328
It will always be like that until I build an actual PC, so please, stop telling me to get newer programs, just stop, because I can't.
The moto I did to you was made with the Athlon system. Go figure... ;)
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-03 00:34:40 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333310
User posted image
Ok, here you are, if you like it I can send the file to you. ;)

BTW: I have to add the exhaust!!!, silly me!!
User posted image
Done!! ;)
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-02 23:29:48 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333307
How could I shoot you from an empty gun?
Even with a pan one could be lethal (ask Rapunzel) :walter:
User posted image
Even if I could hit you with the stock, I wouldn't, because:
1. It's insanely immoral and useless
Nothing more truth, I love to live...
2. Respect for the elderly (you're 1 of them)
I don´t agree, I am THE ELDER... :crowbar:
User posted image
3. I have no intention to damage/hurt/kill anyone
I know, only a bunch of targets, I love sharpshooting too :ciggie:
4. It's a terrible sin in my religion
Forget religion, read your own point 1. :roll:
5. I'd break the law
Not if we play a deathmatch game, on that case points 1,2,3,4 and 5 are pointless ;), one day we should do that, man!! :^_^:

Returning to the 3D model´s editor, even if it will look a bit bulky, MS3D is good for begginers and is very easy to learn, and, most important, works on a 17 year old Athlon with 396 MB Ram anda Voodoo3 2000 with 16 MB (yes MB) of GPU RAM... ;)

Oh, and if you are so desperate, I can give it a try, the only thing I can not do is UV map it, not for a lack of will but for a lack of time, UV mapping is the worst part of modelling!!, well, UV mapping and sometimes animating (I hate you Hand of God!!!).
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-02 23:18:36 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333309
You´re the man. No doubts about it, that´s yours Shepard!! :^_^:
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-02 23:00:54 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333304
Hope you like it... :glad:
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-02 20:23:09 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333301
Seriously, do I look like I care? My avatar says it all.
Your avatar says that you are near to blow my head off with that rifle just because of saying that Max is harder to learn!!, hahaha!! :pwned:
Max needs plugins to export and import SMDs, while Milkshape supports it natively. Good idea =D
Knew that!!, once upon a time I tried to do something with Max (1998 I think it was) and almost go nuts... :death:
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-02 10:36:55 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333299
I can't get used to Milkshape's controls, too. So, I'll use 3ds Max.
Cool!! :glad: , you can do it savig the file as 3ds or obj, ages ago I have studied the 3ds files for the hgrunt included into the HLSDK v2.3.

3DSMax is 100 times more difficult to use than MS3D, BTW... :roll:

You can import 3DSMax files into MS3D, then compile the model (it´s waaaaaaay basic) and use it as a prop in your maps!. :crowbar:
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-02 08:10:49 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333295
Mmmm, I thought that you can target a model to make it move with func_vehicles, I mean, for example: Moto´s targetname: "moto", and in the target field of the func_vehicle you must put "moto". Something similar to breakables and cyclers (counter-strike´s chicken on cs_italy). :) But on that case I remember that it uses also a roundereset entity to make the chicken re-appear. :/
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-01 22:52:57 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333291
For saint pixel... use a modelling program Admer!!, if you can do that with brushes I´m sure you can do a superb moto on Milkshape or Blender!!

Good work!! :)
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-01 13:57:44 UTC
in What motivates you? Post #333284
The last project I successfully finished only succeeded due to it's own sheer simplicity, and allowing myself to be satisfied with it's simplicity even though I wanted to push it much farther than what I had on paper.
Beware!!, I said the same thing on 2004 and look at me now... The path of creativity and so the path of a project of this kind, on which many areas ar involved (2D and 3D art, sound editing, 3D environment design, coding, story writing, etc.) suffer a phenomenon that I call the "whirlwind effect", on which the center is tiny and expands as it gets bigger, all your efforts are concentrated in the beggining of the project, is when de deepest concept of it is done, then you can expand all the project towards infinite, the only way to stop it is, like in a real whirlwind, find obstacles in your way (lack of skills on one or more than one of those areas of the mod), but, no matter how much of them you find, if the center of the whirlwind is strong, it will continue to spin until it reaches its max power, that is, when your mod is finally released and then it will stops to spin... :crowbar:

Sorry, "zen overdose warning" has started to sound right now... :nuts:
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-01 11:06:50 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333283
Second EDIT: OF course it works!!. I added the new HUD for the overheat process and adapted the cooldown effect to each rate of fire.

Also I am adding the overheat effect that was present in one of the earlier beta of the mod (previous to the "shitbeta", yes , I call it htat way ), I am in doubt about making the weapon glow red or if I shall put a smoke effect, I did both options in 2006 but on that beta there was not any overheat on the weapon (for obvious reasons, that is: that was impossible for me to code ;) ), the effect just happened when ammo reached zero, so I deleted this feature from the SDK as it was stupid to see an overheat effect with no overheat behaviour at all.

I accept suggestions!!. I am sure you will be amazed of how the mod looks like now.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-31 22:16:03 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333277
For all gods sake, Shepard. :o I said "don't be in a hurry", not "hurry up or I'll kill you" XD. I will implement all now and make some shots.

Thanks Shepard. I can consider oficially Zion Warcry SDK finished after 13 long years. I can't believe it.


Works great!!, need some minor adjustments to fit the ZWC weapons and to make it work for the mod, but it Works!! :D
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-31 13:50:47 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333274
Thanks Shepard, I know you have not much spare time so don´t be in any hurry please, first is first, ok?. ;) If you need ANY files or even the full SDK of the Mod and te mod itself just tell me. :)
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-31 09:44:08 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333272
Well, I have re-written all form scratch and found myself again in the starting point. Overheat code works like a charm, but the hud bar won´t show :(

I remember something similar in the far 2003 when there were hundred of threads about the "Team system with vgui menu" tutorial from BigGuy. Even if some people just copy-pasted it, it happened that sometimes it does not work or even sometimes it even compile at all.

I was one of the lucky ones that make it work at first try even if I did some modificatios (you know, trial-error).

I feel now like all those guys in the year 2003, all seems to be ok but a part of the code does not work unexplainabily. :(
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 23:17:23 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333268
int CHudOverheat::Draw(float flTime)

// Don't show this if the health HUD is ordered to hide or we are in spectator mode
if ( gHUD.m_iHideHUDDisplay & HIDEHUD_HEALTH || gEngfuncs.IsSpectateOnly() )
return 1;

// Don't show this if we don't have the HUD (HEV suit)
if ( !(gHUD.m_iWeaponBits & (1 << WEAPON_SUIT)) )
return 1;
int w = ScreenWidth;
int	h = ScreenHeight;
// HUD Health Bar (c) Lord Draco .
// Code based upon the PERFECT DARK MOD Source Code
// Dibuja un rectángulo NEGRO en el borde inferior del HUD
FillRGBA(w/2.46  , h/1.07, 240, 22, 0, 0, 0, 255);
FillRGBA(w/2.46   , h/0.95, (2.4 * m_iHeat), 5, 255, 0, 0, 255);//ZWC OVERHEAT
return 1;


Done! luck,, I am sure it is my fault. I will do further test tomorrow... :(
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 23:04:44 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333266
weapon code (FULL)

Don´t know what else to do. I did swap the:
MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgOverheat, NULL, m_pPlayer->pev);
WRITE_BYTE( m_iHeat );
code all over the weapon code with no luck... But, I did not add the variable on the multiplay_gamerules.cpp file... :/ (I know, it´s a desperate procedure...)
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 22:24:29 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333264
Yesh, tried all but no luck again. Should I post the actual code in pastebin?
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 21:43:02 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333261
Well. I put all my legendary skills in coding (that is, I did see another function similar searching with the mighty FindIn files tool, and then deleted that parameter) and left the function like this:
MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgOverheat, NULL, m_pPlayer->pev);
WRITE_BYTE( m_iHeat );
All compiled fine this time!!, the function seem to not "swallow" well the ENT parameter, so I tested the code in three positions (I did searched as you told me) and...

Nothing happened, no hud overheat bar... :(

-Put in the PrimaryAttack part... no luck. :\
-Put in the SecondaryAttack part... still no luck. :(
-Put in the Cooldown method... no luck again. :nervous:

Sure that I screwed the code somewhere. :crowbar:
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 20:55:00 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333259
Yep!, I copy-pasted bad the quoted text. But maybe I did misplace the code... if I am sincere I think that the primaryattack and secondaryattack function of the weapon probably is not a good place to put the code in because each time I will fire the Hud will update and returns m_iHeat to zero values, right? :/
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 20:35:54 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333256
No worries, I did a bit of trial-error searching how CHudHealth was declared and saw that it was on hud.h, so I gave it a try ;) ,no coding skills involved.

I'm right now smashing my head on the keyboard (nothing extrange, it happens 9 of 10 times each time I "do" code for half-life) because of
MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_ONE, gmsgOverheat, NULL, ENT( pPlayer );
is telling me that gmsgOverheat... well, as usual this dog's day... :(

But I will make it... I want to party hard, and if all works I will write the tutorial, you just sign it because all credit belongs to you.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 19:16:09 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333254

Don´t hate me, please. It was an awful day at work and my head is giving me warning signs like this... :cry:


All compile fine if I put what is in overheat.h into hud.h, if I include it as an "h" file I obtain 55 errors... :/

Now it´s time to make the MESSAGE_BEGIN part into server side...Annnnd, 1 error only!!.

I will try all and then I´ll post again.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 18:11:32 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333251
Ok. I will wait for any news you´ll post.

I have started to implement all the new code:

The overheat.h and overheat.cpp are here:

I declared the server side elements in player.cpp
int gmsgOverheat = 0;//ZWC OVERHEAT (c) Shepard 62700FR
gmsgOverheat = REG_USER_MSG( "Overheat", 1);//ZWC OVERHEAT (c) Shepard 72700FR
Yes, they´re (c)you. Admit no complaints about this. ;)

Tried to compile server dll (which does flawlessly) and client dll, AND, I have no troubles now with the FILLRGBA part, this part shows no problems and seemed to recognize the m_iHeat integer, BUT: I,ve found several errors... In my defense I have to say that I performed several re-writing, and checks before posting this:
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\hud.h(650) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'm_Overheat'
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\hud.h(650) : error C2501: 'CHudOverheat' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\hud.h(650) : error C2501: 'm_Overheat' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
Points here:

int GetSpriteIndex( const char *SpriteName ); // gets a sprite index, for use in the m_rghSprites[] array
CHudAmmo		m_Ammo;
CHudHealth		m_Health;
CHudSpectator	m_Spectator;
CHudGeiger		m_Geiger;
CHudBattery		m_Battery;
Here--> CHudOverheat m_Overheat;//ZWC Overheat (c) Shepard62700FR

Then I did also receive:
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\overheat.cpp(39) : error C2039: 'm_Overheat' : is not a member of 'CHud'
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\overheat.cpp(39) : error C2228: left of '.MsgFunc_Overheat' must have class/struct/union type
And ppints here:
Even if it is perfectly declared on overheat.h
int MsgFunc_Overheat(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf);
The next is also extrange (at least for me):
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\overheat.cpp(45) : error C2653: 'CHudOverheat' : is not a class or namespace name
Points here:
int CHudOverheat::Init(void)
But it is on Overheat.h !
Starting going nuts after two hours of re-writing all from scratch...
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\overheat.cpp(48) : error C2065: 'm_iHeat' : undeclared identifier
Points here:
m_iHeat = 0;
Into the function int CHudOverheat::Init(void)

But, again, it is declared into overheat.h as int m_iHeat;.

as things go further I hit again with:
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\overheat.cpp(49) : error C2673: 'Init' : global functions do not have 'this' pointers
Pointing to:

WTF? Why there´s no problem with this then?
int CHudRadar::Init(void)
return 1;
And finally I started to surrender:
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\overheat.cpp(55) : error C2065: 'm_hSprite' : undeclared identifier
That points to:
m_hSprite = 0;
But in overheat.h...

HSPRITE m_hSprite;

I´m a total newb, I admit, but I think I can declare things properly, and all those things are in their places. (I did re-compile for doubts sake).
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\overheat.cpp(59) : error C2653: 'CHudOverheat' : is not a class or namespace name
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\overheat.cpp(60) : error C2373: 'MsgFunc_Overheat' : redefinition; different type modifiers
Here I started to think that I am a totally moron because it points to:
int CHudOverheat:: MsgFunc_Overheat(const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf )
That is the same function that CHudHealth... :(

And if you have any faith in me, here you are to bring you back to reality...
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\overheat.cpp(69) : error C2653: 'CHudOverheat' : is not a class or namespace name
That points to:
int CHudOverheat::Draw(float flTime)
Believe me, I´m sure they all are on overheat.cpp

I then quited, but not before taking note of this last:
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\hud.cpp(354) : error C2065: 'm_Overheat' : undeclared identifier
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\hud.cpp(354) : error C2228: left of '.Init' must have class/struct/union type
G:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\hud.cpp(506) : error C2228: left of '.VidInit' must have class/struct/union type
That points to:
m_Overheat.Init();//ZWC OVERHEAT (c) Shepard 62700FR
m_Overheat.VidInit();//ZWC OVERHEAT (c) Shepard 62700FR
That are already there, in overheat.h.

As you can see, I did all neccesary, except the third part of the code that is starting the drawing via MESSAGE_BEGIN, etc in the server side, but the declarations are there, if necessary.

I know that those are too much errors, believe me if I checked ALL and EVERY of them, for missing ";", for function location and misspelling, declaration of every integer and function.

I better take a time to re-study all.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 13:39:18 UTC
in vehicule map problem Post #333246
According to a reversed engineered version of Counter-Strike 1.6's source code

W-w-w-w-whait!!, is that possible?, I mean, taking a dll and extracting what functions are called and lots of stuff like that (I think)...

I thought that reverse engineering a dll will turn all into "machine code" which is almost impossible to read (I´ve read ages ago about this "machine code" when making my first mods of games for BASIC).
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 13:28:58 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333245
As we say in spain: "te tienes ganado el cielo", or "You have earned go to paradise". ;)
MESSAGE_BEGIN is not related to sprites, it's related to "HUD messages".
Oh, I said taht because I did see this part of the code always with the showing-sprites part of many elements of the SDK, like the apache´s explosion when dead, the houndeye shockwaves, the bullsquid´s spit, etc. Of course, It did not occur to me to relate MESSAGES with HUD messages (It´s true, sometimes the branches won´t let me see the forest).
Nothing to show (yet), sorry.
Oh, c´mon!, there must be something!, anyway, if you need help making models or any gfx thing you only need to ask me, as you have seen I´m not bad at modelling, and I´m quite good making conceptual designs of any kind like buildings, weapons,vehicles, characters, monsters, etc. (apart of my real work I´m more a Comic drawer and designer).
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-30 11:54:13 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333243
I hope the KILLING BEES will hit that target... ;)

Anyway, I can not understand how can u do all those things at the same time!, seriously :o

For the code I am working on, I have made a clone of CHUDHealth deleting unused parts (I want only the code to draw a bar, the rest of the code related to each type of damages, damage sprite, and so on is not used at all)and obtained more than 180 errors, of course it was my first attempt and still did not try the serverside part (you warned me about it), so it is not a problem of the clientside code (still,I hope it´s not).

What I am not sure how to use it is the SPRITES part (MESAGE_BEGIN, etc.) because this block of code is used by sprites mainly (afaik), and I don´t know how to make it draw an horizontal or vertical bar, maybe with a giant sprite similar to the flashlight´s one, I must see how it is done. :/

Anyway, if I surrender I think I will study how to put the heat number in a good place to be seen (not in top left corner) and modify the HUD layer of the mod (a tga file) so it will look cool, something like 400ºF in RED and 0º in BLUE (yes, probably that´s not extensive and wise coding, but I spoke about surrenderring!!, haha ). XD

BTW: give us updates of your OWN mod (or a good link) ;)
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 23:40:26 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333239
Just one last word... pendulum and nihilant!!!! ;) did I hit the target?
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 23:16:41 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333237
You are very bad :crowbar: , haha!!, no, seriously, you gave me faaaar more help than I deserve, thanks, thanks, thanks. :)

I will start to do as you say. Oh!, and you must do a tutorial of this!! (except the hud bar, of course ;) ), I have seen others freaking because they´ve done something similar without giving a clue to others, this works is perfect and will serve others to make better mods, well, it´s just a suggestion ;).
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 22:46:41 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333235
Works flawlessly!!, I have modified a bit some numbers to fit what I need but works sooooooo fine.

For the glitch you did say I have only put 3 instead of 0.15f in the nextprimary attack, and worked OK (more than OK!! :) ). Now it´s time for the hud bar. If I add:
FillRGBA(w/2.46 , h/1.1, (2.4 * m_iHeat), 5, 255, 0, 0, 255);//ZWC OVERHEAT
in the weapon code under:
ALERT( at_console, "Heat = %d - Game time = %f - Cool down time = %2f\n", m_iHeat, gpGlobals->time, m_flCooldownTime );
In the hl workspace... there are three errors appearing.
C:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\dlls\mp5.cpp(411) : error C2065: 'FillRGBA' : undeclared identifier
C:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\dlls\mp5.cpp(411) : error C2065: 'w' : undeclared identifier
C:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\dlls\mp5.cpp(411) : error C2065: 'h' : undeclared identifier
On the cl_dll workspace I obtained the error:
C:\DevZWC20\Elementos\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\health.cpp(312) : error C2065: 'm_iHeat' : undeclared identifier
I have declared it on hud.h, of course.

Well, I know what is causing this in the server workspace (all those w , h, and FILLRGBA things are in the client part), but, how can I "connect" the int Heat with the FILLRGBA part in the client side?. :(
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 19:39:25 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333230
I have made a very basic overheating system for HL's 9mmAR, the only thing you have to do is to understand it and make the code that updates your HUD.
For the understanding part, well, I think I will understand it (cross fingers again), but for the "making the code", expect some major disasters here, haha!! :crowbar:

If the code is made by you, it is yours. Mine came from a Wavelenght tutorial, dashkey part 2...

I think that it must not be your inspiration because, as you see, the code I struggled to make based on this tut is 100% client side... :/

To fix that, either you disable the client side prediction system (the CLIENT_WEAPONS define) or you perform all the animations/sounds on the server (this means removing the weapon event).
Do you mean the void ev_firemp5(struct event_args_s *args); part?

Or the #if defined(client_weapons) flag =fev_nohost; part?

Or the playback_event_full (etc.) part?

BTW: let me study it and make a copy, please ;) BTW, author or not you are again on credits, and, finally, I can finish the credits video!! Weeeeeeeehaaa!!!! ( ahem!, sorry for being so enthusiastic).
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 16:40:25 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333223
No luck. If I try to pass the heat control to the weapon in the server part the game crashes even before loading the game menu, all after a lot of "undeclared" stuff, finding ways to make the heat vary throgh gpGlobals thingy and weapontimebase shit, etc. (maybe too much for my poor skull). Then I returned to the client version and work fine except , of course, that it don't decreases/increases... for the rest it works fine :(

Btw: why should not use it on the client side?, if it is because it could be overriden by cheaters, sincerely, I don't care.

Damn!, It works!, just id does not work 100% well. :(
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 13:38:28 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333221
Thanks to all gods old and new. I was afraid I have to do it in other part of the code (I have the hud health bar there since 2005 and it is one thing I can modify without struggling so much).

I will try the server part putting the iHeat on weapos.h player.h ( this way heat will not restet when I change the weapon, right?) and then, as you said, the heat increasing part on fire and cooldown on idle. Wish me luck!.

BTW: why the heat is not decreasing\increasing?, You know I am no expert but I thought that the timedelta part should do the job. :/
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-29 01:07:17 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333218
Oh. Again, wrong. :(

I have to work on all that. But, the HUD part is ok, or must I use it in the server-side instead?

I left this part undone for almost two years and now that I re-encounter it I am lost again.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-28 23:01:24 UTC
in Overheat system for HL Goldsource Post #333214
Hi. I was doing an Overheat system for weapons for Goldsource Half-Life that is, well, more or less successful.

The weapons overheat and stop firing, BUT, there are some glitches.

-Heat NOT increases if you keep the FIRE and ALT FIRE button pressed, it only raises EACH time you press those buttons.
-Heat NOT decreases if you release the FIRE and ALT FIRE buttons.

Here´s a picture of it "working"
User posted image
The code is this:


Replace the original functions:

void IN_AttackDown(void)
KeyDown( &in_attack );
gHUD.m_Spectator.HandleButtonsDown( IN_ATTACK );

void IN_AttackUp(void)
KeyUp( &in_attack );
in_cancel = 0;



void IN_AttackDown(void)
if(gHUD.g_iHeat < 100)//Heat must be less than 100
	gHUD.g_iHeat += gHUD.m_flTimeDelta * 300;

if (gHUD.g_iHeat > 100)

	gHUD.g_iHeat	 = 100;// Avoid amounts over 100
in_attack.state &=  ~1;// Release ATTACK button

gHUD.m_Spectator.HandleButtonsDown( IN_ATTACK );

void IN_AttackUp(void)
KeyUp( &in_attack );
gHUD.g_iHeat -= gHUD.m_flTimeDelta * 100; //ZWC OVERHEAT.Cooldown
if (gHUD.g_iHeat  < 0 ) gHUD.g_iHeat = 0; //Heat not under 0
in_cancel = 0;


FillRGBA(x, y, iWidth, iHeight, 255, 160, 0, a);
FillRGBA(w/2.46 , h/1.1,(2.4 * gHUD.g_iHeat),5,255,0,0,255);

#include "vgui_TeamFortressViewport.h"
int g_iHeat;//ZWC OVERHEAT

float GetSensitivity();
int g_iHeat;//ZWC OVERHEAT

It´s not much what I´ve done, even the little modifications I did to the original tut.

Any ideas on what is failing?. This code is quite old, i have just cleaned it a bit and make the status bar look better (it was bigger the first time).
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-28 10:37:11 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333206

3 Long Plays

1st: 6 minutes. 5 FEMP shot. No changes, all worked fine.
2nd: +7 minutes. 5 FEMP shot. All Ok.
3rd: +7 minutes. 5 FEMP shot. All Ok.

Can´t believe it. A single line of code did all taht mess. :/

Will post the video on Moddb tomorrow...
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-27 21:41:27 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333201
This time, in the list of things done by you into the credits video I have added "monstermakers final fix" ;). I will release the credits video as soon as I find a fix for the overheat code (works only at 50%) and find a fix for the bot's aiming and weapon selection routines. :). Thanks Solokiller!
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-27 16:39:12 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333198
That's still conditional, you shouldn't make it check that boolean. I'm not sure why that's there though. It should really be checking if the monster called DeathNotice before, but that requires the monstermaker to track the children.
the if (m_fFadeChildren) etc. is original code, I did not know why it checks if monsters are fading or not to do the pevChild return NULL.

I found that monsters now spawn properly, but they don´t fade at all making the map be covered with sentinel´s bodies. :(

Checked. If I left the function like that, monsters won´t fade when dead. Any advices?


Think I got it!!, please, fix anything you see it´s bad written or is wrong, please.

void CMonsterMaker :: DeathNotice ( entvars_t *pevChild )
pevChild->owner = NULL;

Function now is like that.

In monster´s death code:

void CIchthyosaur::BecomeDead( void )
// removed conditional "if ( ShouldFadeOnDeath() ) "
// With this game does 
// not crash ARM: 26-1-2016
CBaseEntity *pOwner = CBaseEntity::Instance(pev->owner);
if ( pOwner )
	pOwner->DeathNotice( pev );
UTIL_Remove( this );
UpdateOnRemove();//New. from GitHub 19-10-2016 (c)Solokiller

Now the sentinels fade and the monstermakers stop making nonsenses. I have to make several long gameplays and I will post the results. Anyway, tell me if you see something that could be better written and I will do so.

I have also to do firing sessions with the FEMP and see if all woks also.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-27 15:29:13 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333195
Like this?
if ( m_fFadeChildren )
pevChild->owner = NULL;
If so, you are on credits again!! (is like If I have you always on my developing team, haha! :P )
Note that UTIL_Remove will call UpdateOnRemove already (unless your version doesn't) so you don't need to call it manually.
Oh!, see?, I made a redundant code there, I hope it will not cause troube...
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-26 21:43:31 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333191
You see?, I spent the last half hour searching on Github the "pastebin" tag... :( I will post also the full code of the turret and the FEMP.

I have made a last try inspired by Solokiller´s problem...

In monstermaker.cpp

the function

void CMonsterMaker :: DeathNotice ( entvars_t *pevChild )
// ok, we've gotten the deathnotice from our child, now clear out its owner if we don't want it to fade.
if ( !m_fFadeChildren )
	pevChild->owner = NULL;

I did comment the "if ( !m_fFadeChildren )" line and now it seems to work fine... I can not understad anything. Of course I did only three tests-gameplays, but I´m a bit shockd about this. I will do more testings to see if that´s only a glitch, a bug, call it what you want.

Could it be related to this?

// Killed - overrides CFlyingMonster.
void CIchthyosaur :: Killed( entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib )
CBaseMonster::Killed( pevAttacker, iGib );
pev->velocity = Vector( 0, 0, 0 );
Vector			vecSplatDir;
TraceResult		tr;
CBaseEntity *pOwner = CBaseEntity::Instance(pev->owner);
if (pOwner)
SetActivity( ACT_DIEVIOLENT );

pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS;
pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
pev->spawnflags = SF_MONSTER_FADECORPSE;
DeathSound( ) ;// Descomentado el 2-3-2016
UpdateOnRemove();//NUevo. Sacado de GitHub 19-10-2016 (c)Solokiller

void CIchthyosaur::BecomeDead( void )

if ( ShouldFadeOnDeath() )
				// this monster was created by a monstermaker... fade the corpse out.
//Intento de que no pete el sistema ARM: 26-1-2016
CBaseEntity *pOwner = CBaseEntity::Instance(pev->owner);
if ( pOwner )
	pOwner->DeathNotice( pev );
UTIL_Remove( this );
	UpdateOnRemove();//NUevo. Sacado de GitHub 19-10-2016 (c)Solokiller

I am probably culprit of, after many goofing and trial-eror sessions, having screwing something since the beggining of ZWC development, the code above is the result of YEARS of tries with no luck, the Solokiller part was taken from Github and seemed also to make nothing to prevent the MM behaviour...

Give me a day or two, I will post the results.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-26 17:52:33 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333189
Ok!... errr, what is pastebin? , this days I have the Moron Mode always ON.
Posted 8 years ago2017-01-26 17:31:59 UTC
in Monstermakers doubt.. Post #333187
No!!, it is just the opposite!!, I don't want it to "destroy" the m_imaxlivechildren flag :( . In the version of the mod I am working now the monstermakers, when their child are killed by the FEMP or the turret's bullets, they create ALL monsters they have assigned by the monstercount flag whithout being affected by the m_imaxlivechildren flag, so they create all 1000 sentinels without stop, filling the map with npcs and thus making the game unplayable.

That's an old problem I had, but I did not know how to fix it or where to start to look into the code so I could ask for help properly. :( I did read Solokiller's mm issue there, but I do not think it is related whith my problem, well, what happens to him is just the oppodite but caused by an entity (oh, probably a bullet is a kind of entity, no?)... :\

I did read the "issue" definition in the Wikipedia, of course, and thought that what is happening to me was a bug indeed, like Solokiller's problem with the npcs created by mm not spawning properly if killed by a killtarget.

I have read here and there that the monstermaker entity is one of the weirdest, pickiest and most buggy entity in half-life, sometimes wrork, sometimes not, and most times act in weird manners.

Anyway I will close it, I don't want to be banned so early!!

Update!: Issue closed.