Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 10:33:32 UTC
in Moving skys. Post #62916
EDIT: I've got the convayor to work but the texture wont move, Is the convayor texture the only specific one that moves and what is it called?
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 10:26:22 UTC
in Moving skys. Post #62915
Hmmm... Nice. Didnt realise that. Ok new question:

How do you get conveyers to work??? I've been bashing at this for a good 30 mins now lol.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 10:02:28 UTC
in Moving skys. Post #62910
I have browsed around a few tut websites and I was wondering how you make moving skys, like in the Op4 intro - I am making a map situated on a massive plane and I cant figure out how to get the sky to move. I have tried getting Conveyors to do it but I just cant figure it out. Any ideas?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 08:44:19 UTC
in HL2 Release Candidate Post #60932
"According to, upon yesterday confirming that Half-Life 2 (and also Counter-Strike: Source and Half-Life: Source) had been sent to Vivendi for release candidate testing, they also managed to get some information from Doug Lombardi regarding the release date:
We don't have a release date from VU at this time, but we're hoping they will put out a release date soon.
And of course, why wouldn't it be soon? Valve are reknowned for their perfection when producing games, something that's clear from the six year development cycle to get us Half-Life 2. With Half-Life taking a mere 48 hours from release candidate stage to going gold, it's pretty clear that we're on the final stretch and the waiting game is nearly over."


Posted 20 years ago2004-09-21 08:36:59 UTC
in what will u map when hl2 comes out? Post #60931
OMG yes, I have a stream of Ideas for HL2. The first thing I am going to do (as someone already mentioned is build a set of cages with a glass walkway overit and experiment with all the stuff. When I get my barings I'm gonne build a massive war torn enviroment with ppl shooting shit outa each other all over it. I may consider making several WW3 maps etc. :D

I really like the look of that Hull Breach MOD, and I was actually thinking about making somthing similar before I found out someone was doing it on a much grander scale. I think some of the first things I will do will envolve space and a giant ship crashing somwhere. I may even make a MOD based around a planet that is being invaded from space :D

OMG I cant wait for HL2 (who can) and I cant wait to get my hands on teh new Valve Hammer.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-20 07:40:46 UTC
in Mod Idea Post #60792
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 14:19:24 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #53964
Thanks. I did actually first go for a Geocities site but bah. I think I may have to put this mod on hold due to other commitments, you can see loads of my work in the HL:I mod Critical Mass.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 14:13:12 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #53959
Sorry cant do my part in teh map ne more. I'm still gonna DL it when its done but I am working on a MOD called 'Critical Mass' and it's just come back online due to some code injections so I will have to be concentrating on that now. Sorry peeps.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 12:28:08 UTC
in Prefabs Post #49766
I make all my own prefabs, stuff like a custom des kand chair and a nuclear rocket, I made them all myself even if i did blatently base them on other stuff.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-08 11:41:26 UTC
in Worst way to die Post #49035
One bad way to die would be to have your hands tied behind your back and then to be dragged feet first, face down from the top step of the Empire State Building to the basement at about fifteen miles an hour.

The ULTIMATE death; to be slapped around the face with a meter long big wet fish with a grenade lodged in its mouth followed by a 600 ft wind up toy stampy robot that stamps you into a 4 mile deep punji pit with the fish and grenade, then a blimp flies over the pit and rains raw sewage down onto his twitching body just before the grenade goes off... KERSPLODE."
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-08 11:30:44 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #49032
Your gonna have to remove me from the list, havnt got the time to work on this ne more - sorry... cant wait to see the final product though :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-07 07:58:16 UTC
in Worst way to die Post #48680
Being paid to be a test subject on some new project with the promise of lots of money but instead they test you with weird shit that mutifies your body beyond recognition and you spend the next 40 years of your life a crawling mutant blob that can barley pull itself allonf the ground and pukes up every six minuets constantly in extreme pain in a small concrete holding cell while scientist do masses of experiments on you testing new drugs and such to be finnaly injected with a chemical that turns you into a small blob and you then suffocate in your own shit and puke.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-03 07:10:06 UTC
in Life Gear, previews and news Post #47684
looks sweet, hope u finish it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 09:26:26 UTC
in favorite hl hero or villian Post #47550
Good guy: Barney
Bad guy: Shocktrooper
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 17:54:53 UTC
in Opposing Force Idea's Post #46030
No i dont mean use all of them, i mean use the new Op4 enemies, not nesisarily all of them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 17:32:31 UTC
in Opposing Force Idea's Post #46017
Ok, I have an idea that sortof co-insides with Hazardous's TWHL map. Using the full capabilities of Opposing Force whats the BEST story line you can come up with? A very short and simple story, doesnt have to be ub3r c0mpl3x just somthing thats cool and original.

Post your ideas here and then I, and anyone else who want to volenteer, will make the short set of maps based on your idea.

There can be no more than 3 maps worth of story, maybe later if this catches on I may incorperate a 5 map limit but for now 3 maps is the limit. Come up with an idea and if I think the idea is original and will be cool and effective then I will map it for you and post it in the map vault :) - Start thinking.

Some pointers -

1. Try to think of ways of using the full Op4 potencial (e.g. all the stuff that is not in HL).

2. You dont have to be adrian but it would help as all the allies say shephard this shephard that.

3. TRY to come up with a story where the Gman ISNT the evil menecing badguy!

Why are you still reading this? Get planning.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 15:58:43 UTC
in Prisoner / Member Numbers Post #45990
805 here.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 15:51:48 UTC
in what are YOU? Post #45988
I can map anything for any mod, my skill with mapping remains the same so i'm pretty well rounded at mapping anything for any MOD, My fav has to be Op4 - so cool being a soldier.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 12:47:12 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #45497
Have a teleporter join the map and a player_weapon_strip.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 08:52:51 UTC
in Delete Floater6L9 Post #45434
Who was impersonation who now?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 19:30:01 UTC
in The HL story Post #45211
Yea, Valve probably didnt go to the trouble of planning freemans whole life story, if it looked good it went in the game, it doesnt ALL fit together nicley.

Eitehr that or Gordon keeps a random pic of a baby and a girl in his locker and tells his co workers that hes married... when really he covering up the fact that hes gay.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 14:59:35 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #45067
Yea, i would say no screeny aswell, keep it totally secret other than the mappers who have made it :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 04:03:58 UTC
in Funny pics! Post #44960
Yea the 'warn a brother' pic is the best so far.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 14:56:24 UTC
in The HL story Post #44745
Evil Twins Page, got LOADS of explainations of pretty much everything to do with HL.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 21:02:15 UTC
in The HL story Post #44556
Evil Twin lives @ I know this because I work for him :)

Yea, just read the manual and play the game enough times and you can pretty mych make your own assumptions as to what the story is, until HL2 comes out which should hopefully make things more interesting.

And about the "we are an alien experiment" thing Throws a bucket of ice cold water over your head I think we all need to get back to reality, even though the Half-Life serise owns all, its still just a game!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 20:55:28 UTC
in Nihilanth Post #44554
He dont say "your alone" its "you alone, you cannot, you alone" all overlapped basically saying you alone wont kill me.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 11:27:38 UTC
in The HL story Post #44339
yea he's a sly one, and good point Crusader_bin if Gman had planned the invation there would have been blackops / grunts on standby ready to move in or somthing you know. On the other hand, he may have not put all troops on standby because if it all went wrong and the public got wind that the millitary had planned an invasion of another dimention there would be uproar. If it appears the aliens are invading and the millitary are just responding then the public would support the invasion.

Ahh, we could make asumptions and point out stuff about the politics of HL all day long.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 09:24:07 UTC
in The HL story Post #44299
Gamn working for Naihlith? no, just no. Xen had only recently been discovered, hence why survey scouts in HEV suits had been sent through. Are you saying the Gman is an alien, that his "employers" were actually Nihalith?!?! crazyness!

And remember, the experiment went wrong in about 60 seconds (from when you activate the machine) Is that really time enough for them to stop whats happeneing? Plus they said they "tried to warn them" implying that they didnt manage to warn them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 22:43:53 UTC
in Help > ? Halflife problem Post #44214
I think i know what problem your having, like 'Muppet' (metalica rox) said try changing to 'Open GL' in the video modes. If that fails i found somtimes when creating a LAN game i had this, escape to the menu and then resume game, may work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 22:40:31 UTC
in The HL story Post #44213
The HL story as seen by Tecell:

Gordon freeman, employee of black mesa, much untapped potencial as seen by the Gman (agent of the administrator's organisation). Happens to be the unlucky sod who has to place the "sample Xen crystals" into the massive highly unstable generator/ test machine. Unlucky for him the equipptment and pre test theory fails and the sample causes a 'resonance cascade' (If u've ever played Star trek elite force on of the engineers in the engeneering section says "check the resonence cascade modulator" a little clip from/ tribute to HL :) ). lucky for him hes wearing this new HEV protective wear that helps him survive the accident. He fights his way learning what little he can of what is going on around him from what you play in HL. At the end of the game the Gman hires him because he alone managed to fight his way through black mesa and then single handedly defeat the last leader of the Xen (nihalith says at one point "I am the last you dont know what your doing" or somthing allong those lines). So the Gman hires him because of his achivements. The whole point of HL is that you see an epic story unfold through the eyes of one participant (in the case of HL the main participant, Freeman).

The whole point, as stated by 'Hazardous!', is that you dont know the whole story, you can only put together a few peices of the puzzle, which leaves the player to assume or conclude the rest making room for mods and whole mapping comunitys on which the story can grow and evolve. Like Blue shift and Opposing Force which stick to the primary story just from a diffrent perspective. Half life is an Enigma so to speak. HL2 (and 3) may answer a few more questions and probably generate a lot more, thus creating a never ending story which is just what Valve want. A story that never ends can never die and so the mapping and modding comunities will never cease to exist, or at least not for a very long time (hopefully lasting until appocalypse).

The whole story of Half-Life is based around that fact that you will never know the full story, only parts of it. so comming back to the original question, you will probably never know if the Gman wanted the accident to happen, or even if he played a part in creating the Resonance Cascade so that humanity could invade Xen. From what I saw in Xen in HL it looked like the Nihalith already planned some sort of millitary action because there were all those factory like places such as interlooper making Alien Grunts in pods, why build an army if you dont plan on using it? Bottom line is, all you know is what Freeman, Shepard and Calhoun saw, bits of the story never actually making a full picture, just parts of it. To truley know the full story you'd need to get inside the head of Laidlaw and the other members at Valve, somthing which will probably never happen. Maybe they didnt even make a whole story, perhaps it was just ment to be incomplete, a parcial view of what went on at some research base. Who knows...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-22 20:44:38 UTC
in Could your site have a........ Post #43877
hsakes head is dismay I'm not having a go at you!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-22 19:15:01 UTC
in Joke's Post #43851
Your mommas so fat when she wears high heels she strikes Oil.

Your mommas so fat her belt size is equator (old)

Your mommas so fat she felll down the grand canyon and got stuck (also old)

Your mommas so fat when she turns round they throw a welcome back party

Your mommas so fat I had to take a train and two busses to get on her good side.

Your mommas so fat her class photo was taken from space.

Your mommas so fat when she was sat in class at school she sat next to everyone!

Your mommas so fat your dad had to slap her thigh and ride the wave in.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-22 19:11:29 UTC
in Joke's Post #43850
SPILL IT!!!! We... I love bad jokes... no i dont... Ah but i hate being in suspence...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-22 19:10:22 UTC
in HasAnybodyeverplayedUSSdarkstar Post #43849
Ok, I'll submit a map somtime within the next day or so. A dont take it so personal dude I have owned HL for 6 years and have been mapping the same ammount of time.

And if you got bored and stoped playing why didnt you say that instead of "I've never beaten it" Chillout, I wasnt having a go at you it was constructive critasysem (SP) so dont go all defenceive and multi post when you think of things to say ;)

You should check out the Tutorials section... might find some stuff there you'll like.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-22 19:05:54 UTC
in Could your site have a........ Post #43848
LOL Check the COMPETITIONS page. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-22 18:07:36 UTC
in HasAnybodyeverplayedUSSdarkstar Post #43833
Floater619, You cant complete a simple mod like Darkstar and you mapping abilities need LOTS of work, all this leads me to belive you are a noob and have not owned HL for long. Dont worry everyone was a noob at sum time but DAMN, not being able to complete darkstar, that takes it to a whole new level. No offece but jese that mod is simple, you want somthing hard try Conundrum 1 & 2, Especcially 2 without looking at the walkthrough SUPER HARD!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-22 18:02:23 UTC
in Joke's Post #43830
Conclution: Its a non funny common joke :D!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-22 15:16:52 UTC
in Joke's Post #43805
HAHAHA that cartoon is class
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-22 15:15:28 UTC
in where.can.i.get.prefabs.?.?.?.?.? Post #43803
Me too, I was considering posting my own Prefab Library coz they were all made by me and they dont look like that ^^^^^^^^^ 'rusted flying brick lift of shite' or whatever it is.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-22 09:33:19 UTC
in The funniest CS sound clip. Post #43739
I reckon it was set up.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-21 18:09:04 UTC
in Sanitarium Teaser Video Post #43560
I'm currently part of a mod called Critical Mass ( and I'm making my own mod at the same time (Missile logic - ) But if i get some time i wont mind making a map or two.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-21 06:06:41 UTC
in Map Ideas Post #43395
My ideas come from neurons sparking and colliding in my cortex.

Yes sorry for the kill family thing, was in a bad mood, no offence intended.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-21 06:04:12 UTC
in New Mod coming soon... Post #43394
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-21 05:35:35 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #43393
I think we should stop the list at 20, if we take on any more people then were never gonna finish this thing.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-21 05:31:51 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #43392
Sweet sweet. all looks well... The site looks better now too, i got rid of most of the pics that looked outa place and re coloured it all.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-20 12:00:28 UTC
in Competition idea Post #43164
I have an idea for a competition. Map the most interesting set of scripted sequences you can and have the player watch through a trigger camera.

Eg you could have Gman come in and kill scis, or grunts invading blasting computers to bits whatever you like. But it has to be at least 1 minute of script time.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-20 10:36:52 UTC
in HL music Post #43157
Funny that, I copied the HL music onto my comp just this morning through media player.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-20 08:27:37 UTC
in Map Ideas Post #43139
Heres an idea: Come up with your own ideas! Map your house so that you have to break in and kill your family or somthing... anything!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-20 07:40:32 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #43124
Ok the second map is nearing completion now, hows things at your end Rabid? The Websites going to go under some serious changes soon, I'm thinking of getting a Geocities site purley because theres less advertisment space and it will look much better than it does now lol.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-20 07:33:35 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #43122
Ok so hows the list looking now?