Mindcrack style:
• Play with UHC (Ultra Hardcore, no auto-regen, heal only with golden apples or regen/health potions) mode on for the first couple of days.
• We can also schedule our own UHC series like Mindcrack Ultra Hardcore (TWHL Ultra Hardcore?) in which players don't automatically regenerate health even if they have a full hunger bar, and death is permanent. Members of the TWHL server will randomly spawn in a 2000x2000 world to fight each other to become the last man standing, alone or in teams.
I happen to watch the Mindcrack UHC Season 12 currently going on on the Mindcrack server, it's very tense.
And finally we can use one of those
TWHL Planet maps that Rimrook made as our initial world. I think that would be fun.