Forum posts

Posted 12 years ago2012-04-27 19:44:24 UTC
in func_breakables for cs; need help Post #305795
Would making a brush trigger_multiple around the box that triggers a mm that triggers the box not work?
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-24 19:42:28 UTC
in Unofficial Competition 33 Post #305677
Ha, cool ideas. It would be fun to make a scene that seemed real but then you realize it's all just a set. You could even take this further and make reality actually a set and show how reality is an illusion. Well somehow...
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-24 05:16:19 UTC
in Unofficial Competition 33 Post #305669
Just use this thread to brainstorm creative ideas for now. I think it's fun to think of what could be done, sometimes even more than actually doing it.

Map emptiness. Try to map a huge empty space replicating what hammer's black void might actually look like if it were a physical place waiting to be inhabited by a map. Just an ever so lonely desolate place. See, interesting idea, but would it really be fun? Well I think so but thinking about it imo is fun in itself.

Here's a thought, perhaps competitions should be longer or shorter pertaining to their complexity.

Here's one I thought of a long time ago. Map your house, and then copy, paste and alter it to make it however you want. Could be realistic rennovations or way out. I'd do a realistic idea I once had to knock out my ceiling and use the attick's sloping roof and height to allow for a sitting reading area balcony space. And other stuffs.

Gman. I dunno, do something with the fellow. It would be cool to recreate a Gman sighting from halflife but then allow the player to access his area to see something bizzarre or something/ whatever you can imagine.

Recreate a part of halflife. It would be jawesome to remake the dam scene. Or any other scene. I know it's been done in source, but nothing says it can't be way out done.

Map a secret. Build a map and make a secret that is somehow unique/ cool.

I could come up with ideas all day long. Post any ideas just for fun.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-23 21:39:45 UTC
in Unofficial Competition 33 Post #305664
Hahaha @ urby
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-22 21:36:09 UTC
in Unofficial Competition 33 Post #305629
Being that comp 32 just finished, I think i'd give it a good while.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-22 07:50:14 UTC
in Unofficial Competition 33 Post #305597
Thats the kind of ideas I like, I remember someone suggested that idea before recently actually.

How about a duo competition. Two people partner up, and communicate somehow. And work together on an entry. Think of weird ideas like that.

"Movement" make a map where movement is enhanced and innovative somehow. I was working on a map where the player jumps over a fan and is sucked into a circular door way that opens like a four pronged claw.

"sandpaper" map sandpaper.

"crack" smoke some crack and hit the mouse.

Yes, last two were jokes.

"Innovative" be so and do something that has never been done in hammer.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-21 20:24:07 UTC
in Can't find leak in Hammer Post #305578
If it's a leak, do what bruce was saying, I just take a normal textured brush and cover a chunk of the map. Compile an dif you don't get the leak, the leak is somwhere your brush is covering. If not, move the brush somewhere else until it compiles fine. Then keep making the brush smaller until you pinpoint the location. Make sure entities aren't outside the map etc. Or brushes with weird textures on them like origin or something.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-21 20:05:43 UTC
in Unofficial Competition 33 Post #305577
Cool, human interaction gives a map more depth. Never really thought about it much. This is a cool thing to think about.

Another thing I find amazing that can be implemented in maps is something I was actually introduced to in a dream. I had a dream where my grandparent's piano had buttons under the key panel and each one did a different function. This was around halloween time and one button for ex made the keys play a song like as if a ghost was playing. Another did some weird lighting effect and so on. Then there was one button that could only be pressed one time and it had to be within a few days of halloween to be activated. When you pressed it the top of the piano opened and a head came out "a giant frankenstein head" and when I looked inside I saw a few more fake halloween like heads that must have popped out randomly as well and when the head came out it did all kinds of other crazy effects like crazy lighting and stuff. Then the head returned inside the piano and I tried pushing the button again only to realize it could only be pressed once during halloween season. It was really cool.

So what I learned is that it would be cool to have a map that had different areas accesible at different times. Like areas close off and others open up through certain lenghts of gameplay and etc. This would give a bizzare dynamic to a map where you could explore areas that, well weren't there before... This isn't like the matrix map or maps that you fight in certain areas each round, but a map where new areas open and some close off un announced.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-21 06:14:18 UTC
in Unofficial Competition 33 Post #305568
Daubster, that sounds a little like the music idea. It is interesting to think about different atmospheric themes a competition could call for, like "peace", "serentiy", "bewildered" etc. Also makes me think of Soup Miner's blue paradise :)

Rufee i'm pretty sure source would win there. And do you feel that that is interesting? I guess it would be sort of a brush like challenge.

OMGOSH, why don't people think this is the coolest idea for a competition evah>>> "Abducted" ---> ftw
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-21 03:22:05 UTC
in Unofficial Competition 33 Post #305561
Yea, I pictured it with popular 90's music playing everywhere, and retarded hard puzzles that only hl masters could pull off. But it could be sort of dull. I could just see us all talking and laughing about how hard our puzzles were getting that were actually do able.

I would love to redo my rat's map, although my room is currently plain because i'm going to paint. Man, how differently I would do it. I could have my architecture models all over my shelves and them be to scale of the player so you could go in them.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-21 02:46:57 UTC
in Unofficial Competition 33 Post #305559
Though I hope it's a good little while till the next one because I have some projects in mind, it's alway fun to talk about what competitions can be about. I like interesting themes like 20/30 brushes, just was admiring screens from the 20 brush competition someone held.

I think the texture pack one was pretty cool but it didn't work for me because I designed the map and then tried to make the textures work for it and they simply wouldn't pull it off. "I designed an entire moon base but the white texture didn't pull it off at all like I assumed." Instead I should have figured what might be the best to do with the textures and come up with an idea from there.

Another competition that was really cool was the map a puzzle one. Map a dream was such a huge competition and i'm surprised I found the time to out put what I did for it.

For me, mapping has always been mostly all I knew and now that I use other 3d modeling programs I have a different perspective of hammer. It seems that the entire "theme" or goal of a map becomes more important than the actual map itself. This "theme/ goal" is like the prompt of a competition. While "making a map from a given layout" is hella fun and i'd do it a zillion times, I think interesting competitions are more, well interesting.

It would be fun to brainstorm interesting ideas that are broad enough to allow creativity but stipulated enough to make it weird and fun. Just the right balance.

"Triangle" is a cool them imo. Just use the geometric shape very predominantly in an interesting way. It's very broad yet constricting in an intriguing way. It could be as simple as kasperg's hexagerate "if anyone remembers that" or even taken further.

"Under the sea" would be cool, but everyone's ideas would be like atlantis or an under water lab. I could sea ;) some really cool stuff coming from this.

"rats/fats" Make a rats map of any area you'd like, or make any map/ area tiny scale so you feel huge. This would be pretty fun. When I did a rats map of my room it was fun to measure everything and multiply it by however many units I wanted to make it to scale yet huge. I've also seen a really cool remake of cs_assault where everything is tiny and you have to crouch to enter the front garage and stuff.

"Feel the music" Make a map that has music/ songs in areas influencing and correlating with the themes tying the map together in achieving a desired mood or response. Like Nipper's abstract maps that i've mentioned, which you can youtube/ nipper abstract map.

"half life skillz" Make a sp mini mod where you must exploit halflife's various bugs ie bunnyhopping, surfing, using tripmines/grenades to climb/jump etc. to complete the mod. I used to want to make an entire mod for this but never had the motivation. Would be an interesting mod for half life junkies to make mince meat of.

"tripping" Map doing drugs and tripping out. I've made a few of these and to this day plan on making a mod for it, and they were very similar to my dream competition entry whereas you'd return to your home with it altered and hallucinating strange occurances.

-end rant. -continue brainstorm, try to think outside the void ;)
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-11 18:22:00 UTC
in The Voice Acting Thread Post #305280
Sry, i'm a mute :aggrieved:
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-08 07:10:10 UTC
in The Official CS:GO Thread Post #305067
looks like fun! :crowbar:
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 01:59:32 UTC
in HONDO! ! ! >:( >:) Nipper! ! ! Post #305025
Thanks Mr. Soup mc minor! Hehe, it's easy to get in touch with people like that when you start off by telling them how awesome they are ;)
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 01:57:05 UTC
in The Official CS:GO Thread Post #305023
Sloppy movement? It's an error in my book. But that's ok; I just won't play the game. Let me rephrase that. "change it"... Don't get me wrong, the game is down right sexy. I just wish the gameplay was atleast as sharp as 1.6.

And yes I threw it, testing what I could do with the motif. Yes blinding your teamates is one thing but setting a fire barrier is another. I guess it wouldn't matter if ff wasn't on?

Dude I totally agree Collapse. In de_dust_thunder I have explossive barrels and xzec told me people might grief revenge their teamates by shooting them when their teamates are close to them, something I thought about myself.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 01:30:12 UTC
in HONDO! ! ! >:( >:) Nipper! ! ! Post #305020
nipper's maps

Hondo's enlessrain for scientist hunt "playable in hl"

vid of one of nipper's huhhh series maps

vid of nipper's source huhhh style map "more recent"

Nipper produced tons and tons of maps for cs 1.6. Most weren't of great quality, he was def a quantity over quality guy, but with quantity... overtime came quality.

I think he's most remembered for his abstract series of maps.

Hondo made some really great maps for scientist hunt mod. And I think for other mods as well. Endless rain is by far his most notable accomplishment and is very well admired by many.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 00:56:33 UTC
in HONDO! ! ! >:( >:) Nipper! ! ! Post #305018
They're so popular I guess I thought everyone knew them. 1 sec
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 00:48:06 UTC
in HONDO! ! ! >:( >:) Nipper! ! ! Post #305015
Archie, are you un aware of these guys? You can youtube their stuff.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-06 22:35:32 UTC
in The Official CS:GO Thread Post #305007
Well, it being the latest mod of cs; maybe they could have fixed the gameplay to feel more like the ever so popular 1.6.

I don't know about anyone else but I don't play cs source because of this and it would have been nice if they fixed it.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-06 22:00:22 UTC
in HONDO! ! ! >:( >:) Nipper! ! ! Post #305005
It would be nice to contact him/her. Anyone have any idea?

He/she made endless rain for scientist hunt which has always been a wonderful map and inspiration.

Nipper is quite a cool mapper too. I've always wanted to do a map like his wahhh/ huhhh series. But different in a few ways. They are purely "mega awesome".
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-06 21:55:02 UTC
in The Official CS:GO Thread Post #305004
Collapse, I didn't say it's only go. But go has the issue just like all source mods. What is your point?

And being on fire had nothing to do with movement besides player blockage.

It is a flawed idea because ie, I was playing nuke and on t side and threw a motif at the beginning and everyone had to wait for it to go out... You understand where there is an issue here?
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-06 20:57:20 UTC
in The Official CS:GO Thread Post #305001
I think what people are getting at is that like rufee said; the movement feels restricted. I welcome new weapons, and who wouldn't but restricted and slower/goofy movement is a major screw up imo. You have less control.

And although new weapons are nice, the tazer gun? In my opinion it's alittle lame to have a one shot kill pistol like that. The weapon just seems out of place in this game.

Yes changes are great, but not negative changes. I'd give up nicer graphics for better movement any day.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-06 15:47:57 UTC
in The Official CS:GO Thread Post #304988
I have 3 extra beta keys, pm me if you want one!

The graphics for cs go are awesome and the weapons are really nice. But the gameplay just wasn't as catchy as cs 1.6 and cz in my opinion. Movement seems a bit funky. And it feels like a console game.

Some of the weapons make the game seem a bit like team fortress in that they are a little cheesy. Like the tazer gun. But the motif cocktail is pretty cool. Besides the fact that you can block off portions of the map and block off your own teamates with it.

The smoke grenade is way cool and works super good with really thick smoke.

I just feel more inclined to play 1.6 still though. But go's graphics are pretty awesome. I would have to argue though that some level of ambience wasn't met with some of the maps even though the graphics and details are so nice.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-28 17:58:49 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #304733
Thanks a bunch guys, I will compile for 1.6 probably this summer or maybe sooner. I'll pm those who didn't play it when I do.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-27 20:47:03 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #304704
Wow, thanks so much for such a wonderful surprise on an otherwise work and study cram filled day.

This one was really close! I knew that RabidMonkey had me skills wise and could have easily taken the competition with his entry. If engines were judged seperately he'd have taken first. I really am jealous of your source skills and just may have to take a crack at it. I also loved your map's surrounding city, it was da** beautiful. I see you going far with your skills. If you had implimented gameplay just a tad more you'd have probably taken first!

And Skals, you also had me worried. Your map's layout and pleasant atmosphere was awesome. The sceneries were really impressive and the general layout was pretty darn good. And I am jealous of your non pixelated shadows and wonderful lighting, though perhaps a little bit too orange. It might work for dusk time.

Captain's ambitious goal to recreate 747 was pretty fun to watch too, as was the rest the entrant's progress. 747 could be pulled off but I think the entire layout would have needed to be completely re thought and perhaps carried more into the airport itself. The map fit you well though being more into modeling.

I've wanted to do a remake for de_dust for a long time and it is the only reason I put aside school work to attack this competition. I knew I was going to eventually do it, why not now. I always envisioned de_dust as way too dry and arid and wanted to give it vegetation and water like an oasis to a desert. But as I began mapping it with tons of grass and water it looked a little ridiculous so I had to cut back on it a little.

Anyways, good luck next time! Glad we had great judges with an in depth scope of knowledge. And again, I know how entirely "close" this one was.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-24 15:19:58 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #304572
Same here, I think I check everyday and have mini heart attacks myself, and then see that it hasn't been judged yet and exhale with relief lol.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-23 23:50:57 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #304546
Those results going to be in any time soon?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 20:29:14 UTC
in Team Mapping Post #304503
me is learning rhino instead of source ;)
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 10:46:13 UTC
in Team Mapping Post #304460
Sounds well organized. I would also let everytone know their date once started.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 23:16:00 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #304425
Nooo, i'm at school without my external monitor and cs doesn't work without it. Oh well, have fun.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-16 17:00:09 UTC
in Half-Life: Legend of Zelda Post #304350
Awesome idea, I wanted to recreate link to the past with halflife a long time ago.

Also your recreation of kokiri forest from oot was really cool though it could have been a little nicer. Maybe with some more cinematic effects and detailed brushwork. And nicer models. Those spinning gems could have been made better with brushwork/ func_rotates.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-11 03:50:06 UTC
in Team Mapping Post #304167
I don't like the glass in source, it's icky.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-10 20:57:32 UTC
in Team Mapping Post #304145
Yea I know what you mean in that you don't want it to feel idea confining, but if everyone collaborated together on the idea it could be free form in the way ideas grew on to eachother and in doing so they would relate rather than being way out there.

It would be cool to see the idea grow in this thread.

This thread is the pot and you are all planters, standing around it watering it and trimming it as it grows. :ciggie:
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-10 20:35:33 UTC
in Team Mapping Post #304143
I love this idea but it seems to need more structure. And better collaboration methods rather than, ok I did something here you go and so on.

1. Some one should be in charge, come up with what you all want to out put.

2. Brainstorm and discuss the design intentions amongst eachother.

3. Decide how it will be layed out and who will do what.

4. Begin and keep eachother updated on wip and allow everyone to criticize eachother's work as it is produced so that in the end it can all work together towards a similar goal.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-08 21:07:59 UTC
in The Official CS:GO Thread Post #304071
Only weapons I use are m4a1, ak, deagle, scout, mp5, awp, m3, sg552 and aug. The defender and famas are sometimes the only affordable rifle. Other than that, "garbage". Oh and the autos are decent but usually restricted as is the awp. And the para is fun for servers with tons of idiots in them.

So that covers just about all of them besides the tmp, uzi, ump, auto shotty and other pistols. I think the auto shotty used to be really effective back in the day, so much that it was often banned like the awp.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-04 08:15:18 UTC
in Vertices and Merging Post #303937
Wtf I didn't know that either, I went hotdog's route with that. Thanks TJB.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-02 12:47:38 UTC
in Hammer clip tool sucks? Post #303878
You keep posting that various hammer functions suck but it is because you aren't properly using them. Just zoom in and make sure that you are selecting the corner vertice.

You could easily figure this out before posting about it.

And when you use mirror, it will only have a problem if your construction has geometry errors to begin with. Hammer is an old tool and has to be used carefully.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-24 01:13:07 UTC
in Advanced Elevator Post #303674
I made the mm also trigger a changetarget that triggers the buttons to trigger nothing and then 5 seconds later "Long enough to cover the longest distance" a change target that makes the buttons trigger the elevator again but it did'nt seem to do anything. You can still press other buttons right after.

Yes making it was fun and felt like a huge accomplishment. It's a very helpul function for gameplay.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-24 00:19:05 UTC
in Advanced Elevator Post #303669
Hahaha, so it triggers one changetarget, and then the elevator and then immediately after another change target. Ha this should work!
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-24 00:04:38 UTC
in Advanced Elevator Post #303667
What the fu**. This worked the first try! Thanks guys! :biggrin: I'll post an example map eventually. Surprised there wasn't one done for it already, it's so useful.

So, when one button is pressed, is there any way to prevent other buttons from being pressed for a certain time. Otherwise it stalls the elevator. Ooo, let me take a poke at trigger_relays.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-23 22:20:00 UTC
in Advanced Elevator Post #303663
Ok i'll experiment with this. Glad it has been proven possible. Think what fun it would be in a cs map. Probably would get buggy with extra players slamming buttons though.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-23 19:43:44 UTC
in Advanced Elevator Post #303653
Could it be possible to make an elevator that goes to the floor of the button you press? Rather than only going in an order established by path_corners. If so, I have a building that the elevator starts on floor two of four and it would be nice to have it for this. Any takers?

I have a feeling Potatis, Rimrook, Captain or GrimReafer might be able to help. Sorry if I didn't name you and you can! :lol:
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-23 06:41:53 UTC
in Long-time lurker, first-time poster Post #303637
Welcome meester stayne.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-22 15:09:46 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #303600
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-20 03:51:55 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #303574
Oh snap competitions over. Time to piddle paddle and pop bubble gum.
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-18 21:37:30 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #303546
Had fun testplaying de_dust_thunder and streetlevel last night with thecool gman and potatis.
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-18 03:33:22 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #303528
I just type the cz ftp line in the adress bar before the rest of the adress I want to upload?
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-18 03:16:17 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #303526
The upload thing
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-18 02:17:59 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #303524
I'm in the super awesome server, come on in guys. But I couldn't upload my map, so could someone for me? :D The site wouldn't work.
Posted 13 years ago2012-02-18 01:29:54 UTC
in Competition 32 Post #303522
So you can start over, set, GO!