Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 13:12:52 UTC
in The Ghost encounter (like yatso's pa Post #147799
Chaptah 1 - Getting ready

Old Bizzak darwin Spent ages on the internet about Ghosts.He loved the things and always wanted to see one.His pal , Jimmy WankWell Loveed them to so they decided to go for a 'spookster' night out in a graveyard/cemetary .They got all their gear and set out in a corner near the gates to the graveyard/cemetary .They set an alarm for 1:00am and went to sleep.But Things were about to happen....
I don't give a damn who writes but i'm gunna give it to Fragmeister

Bizzak must not die----------------
Nither Jimmy-----------------------
The ghost does not smoke , wear anything , just stand there being friendly- he must be E-V-I-L--------
--------------------------------- :heart:
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Posted 18 years ago2005-11-18 13:03:54 UTC
in i should'nt say this.. HL IS FUCKED Post #147796
:D I 've fixed it now.If you're using XP use system restroe (you won't beleive how helpful it is to me) :D
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Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:33:56 UTC
in Ghosts Post #147656
-Thump-Thump-Thump (i don't care if it's fake but that freaked the hell out of me.
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Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 15:30:37 UTC
in i should'nt say this.. HL IS FUCKED Post #147654
NONE OF YOU ARE LISTENING! How can i fix the congiguration? That's whats wrong , not steam! i've pressed 'restore to default'about 50 times and it still does'nt work! HELP-ME!
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 14:54:13 UTC
in Now Playing (game) Post #147631
I vill say vis only once . Battle zone , Resi 4 and Hl. (please tell me waht bf2 is but i know what black and white is ; good game)
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Posted 18 years ago2005-11-17 14:52:03 UTC
in i should'nt say this.. HL IS FUCKED Post #147630
I've got science and industry but because i don't have steam , i cannot play it. SO i went bugerring up the models and sounds so i can use the weapons ,.. but 15 mins ago i tested it and.. It said mouse 1/2 was unbound and the keyboard was'nt functioning , and i can only move by scrolling my mouse in the right direction! I Need help? I've went on configuration 100 times and it still dose'nt work! I Need hhhheeeelp!! (Seventh plz help me!) :aghast:
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Posted 18 years ago2005-10-27 11:10:20 UTC
in Thank you to those who submit! Post #143973
Yes. Have a good time here.But i do have a sense you won't be updating from a crazy French Theme-park with an internet cafe.Still , welcome! :D
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Posted 18 years ago2005-10-27 10:53:28 UTC
in Resident Evil -- 4 Post #143965
The most scary game.. At an age limit of 15?!. Still
You can submit posts for Code veronica and 4 --
What time did you piss your pants - or - whats your best weapon?
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-27 10:49:55 UTC
in Your first Games console? Post #143963
We-e-ell ....... MY first games console was a Game-Cube.( I've got a pc , but it was not bought for me. It was one which was in the office for dads use , 4 computers..)
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-25 12:30:29 UTC
in The Whingy Laserdoor Post #143653
Ok. If you know what to do , Can you give me a ZIP. by Pm. (PLz , can it have instructions and an example (instructions make the example .MDL)). I'll probably have a hard time.
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-25 12:18:04 UTC
in The Whingy Laserdoor Post #143643
Ok. You must be blind.(Stop it wank).H-o-w d-o y-o-u m-a-k-e y-o-u-r o-w-n w-e-a-p-o-n-s-?(Blurk) Is that clear?(Buuurp) :nuke:
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Posted 18 years ago2005-10-25 12:08:18 UTC
in The Whingy Laserdoor Post #143635
(Do i always start with i am?) Ok , I am making a laser door , (Hav to shoot control panel to stop it.)(Things : 4 env_beams , env_glow , Button_target , trigger_hurt)wWhen i hit the panel the lasers don't go off , if i do it again the go off , but the glow and hurt stay on? why is this-

Mini Ask (Put MINI before your text if you are answering this)

Is there any possible way (not being a Wan*er but i mean it!)
That i can make my own weapon? (I am crap at making textures)
If there is Can someone send me (link in PM) a blue chrome TEXT
and a greyish colour. I'm gunna make a rail driver.(IF I CAN!)
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 12:34:27 UTC
in Func rot mad Post #139814
I am making a dtrap map. (Textures are crap but i got the idea from Rogue Agent MP)First you press a button and spikes come up on a grunt and murder him.Next button it will squash the grunt by doors in the wall. Lastly HELP this was the tricky part.There's a grunt standing on a trapdoor (Funcd_Door_rot with origin and it wrks) But when i press the button the doors go halfway down instead of all the way? What's wrong
i spent ages doing the properties to make them go the right way , do you think its the grunt? :
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 07:30:17 UTC
in Cheats for TFC Post #138728
DiD i say if youve got a Glitchy cheat put them here.(Plz don't post the God , noclip impulse 101 cheat cos everyone knows it!))
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 07:05:04 UTC
in Cheats for TFC Post #138721
Here's my first cheat - Spawn as a HW guy or a pyro. Run out the special weapons' ammo , then switch to the crowbar and hold down R mouse button , still holding it down , pick up ammo. Your C45rowbar should Start firing bullets or flames.. Geh , It's cool
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-20 15:56:35 UTC
in Now thats..waah! Post #136016
How The Hell do you make 'ring' beams and WTF are maps from base
I DEFENETLY Cannot make ring beams and Maps from base....
What the hell are they? PLZ RESPOND
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Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 17:00:57 UTC
in Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed Post #135324
...To this Thread (Gotcha then Spag - Ya wee Stinkin' Maple Tree)
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Posted 19 years ago2005-09-17 16:40:29 UTC
in Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed Post #135317
1st, The Gamecubes R Ace!Me Got one , Got F-zero Gx (Gkid should)
Turok Evolution , Mario Sunshine , Metroid P.1 , Metroid p.2 and Mario party.Metroid Is Ace
No-ones played it so People say it's crap (When it's NOT)
2ndly What The Hell Have Nintendo Done ? A Remote Which is sensitive to movement ?!? I would Plug me Camecube Controller in the port!

3rdly, The games Will be good like MP3 , And some zelda game. This forum ain't going anywhere so I'll Not reply again :heart: :nervous: :quizzical:
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Posted 19 years ago2005-09-13 11:18:37 UTC
in Water ain't Making Waves Post #134395
TOSSE - The water texture , It can be Walls , But it must have a ! Infront of it before It will show (I Thnk).Tosse , Sccramble thru the tutorials before spamming the forums.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-09-12 14:13:36 UTC
in Water ain't Making Waves Post #134265
My water isn't making waves , not Why are my waves crappy? You Bullbossese
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-11 11:59:39 UTC
in BB Code dinnae work on shoutbox Post #134021
Why does BBCode not work on the shout box (Pret-aiy big problem)
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-11 11:46:50 UTC
in Water ain't Making Waves Post #134020
Tnkx Chickenfist. I Will randomly post Tips for Hammer on the shout board so Kepp An Eye Out (Ps.Don't rip them out , it's just a saying)
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-11 11:33:35 UTC
in Water ain't Making Waves Post #134018
I've updated and got HL Running Fine.Ive made about 6 maps , And ripped rewolf.wad out of muy Gunman folder.I Made a wee tunnel filled with water , But it isn't making waves , Why? Also , Can i make my water more see-thru instead of using Rendermode:Texture Renderlevel:200
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 15:51:47 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #131288
A Story..Chickenfist , how did you know hammer? It existed? Connection required, not a 2 sentenced loada tosh.
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 15:46:09 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #131286
What made you a mapper?Here's my Loong strory.
I was about 8 , When i came downstairs and found my bro , Nick , On a pc thingie.He made levels , and i was getting confused. I Copied nick and tested it. Then i realised a texture was changing.I Got even more confused.Nick made a Bunker which was ace. And i made a super-crappy level.Then nick deleted it cos i used it more than him. Now , About 9 Months ago , I Got Valve H.I Forgot everything. I Made a crappy map called Crappy sky scraper. Iwas crap , i went ongoogle, and found TWHL. I joined and I Realiswed i knew 50% more things than an 15yr old. But nick made more -- Improved maps. That was my begging to be a mapper. how did you Become a mapper? Come on , Be honest!
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 11:38:23 UTC
in TA - Rulz or drulz? Post #131254
Rulz Or DrulzRulz if you like it or Drulz if you dont. Easy. My turn- Rulz
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 11:23:23 UTC
in TA - Rulz or drulz? Post #131249
And Planet annihilation Spices it up. I Downloaded loadsa cool units made by chavs (spam). I'm trying to learn how to make them.
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 11:19:46 UTC
in TA - Rulz or drulz? Post #131247
I'm still cooking cookies in yer cooker And if yav got it ur chavs is spam. I Did quote cos i think it's swish.Truly that was spam.
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 11:17:33 UTC
in Cd Don't work. Post #131246
D'oh! I Forgot to say,... When i re-installed it The game just said 'Please insert the HL Cd' And then cannot play it , ..Ps. The cd Was in the drive at the time.
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 11:15:26 UTC
in TA - Rulz or drulz? Post #131245
Total Annihilation is a Very good 'C&C' Game. It's Popular Cos' Its got Unit making sites.I'll try and Get afew Screenies. Still , it's ace.
If yav got it ur chavs , Look here.
Still game is after coast 9.00. i'm still cooking cookies in yer cooker
Post Rulz if you think it's good and Drulz if you don't.
Warning continuoes drulz Will be counted as spamming.I am not.
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 11:02:06 UTC
in Cd Don't work. Post #131242
Ok , I Deleted Sierra (THE FOLDER) And re-installed Hl , You dinnae answered the question! :tired:
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 03:35:51 UTC
in TWHL worldwide Post #131161
Nahh, I Represent Scotland , Though i live there but i was born... In... I Forgot but somewhere in england , moved house when i was 6mnths old.
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-31 03:33:17 UTC
in Cd Don't work. Post #131160
I Tested a map yester, When i play it it says 'Please insert the hl cd' When it's in the driveAnd i cannot test those Rewolf.wad Textures. :cry: Somethings got to be wrong Ps.I Deleted sierra with spirit , then re-installed it.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 11:41:00 UTC
in Is Spirit a virus ur what? Post #130213
Oh , so youre sayingg Delete Half-life? But where should i place it?
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-27 11:14:27 UTC
in Is Spirit a virus ur what? Post #130210
Recently i installed Spirit.I Moved EVERYTHING Into the valve folder.When i play it everything is fine But then it says Please insert the Half-Life CD , when the cd is in , i pressed ok and it it said 'Could not Validate have life. Is there any way to stop this?
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-22 06:08:04 UTC
in Post (real) pics at Post #128966
Ugh , Yes I AM TEN , Born on the 23rd of july , 1995.
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-21 07:04:53 UTC
in Post (real) pics at Post #128784
Hurra!Hurra! Pick on the kiddie. , One day.. im gunna , Cool , Can i use that as my av?
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-21 06:58:41 UTC
in Scotland! Post #128778
???? I Live in scootland But I Dinnae Scootish , .Geez , i lIve in moffat , Nice town , Schools ancient and Teachers are fucking Gay. I Hafta do the lords prayer and im not a Facking Christian , OH Fack , And im go8ing back this tuesday.. Shat.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-08-21 06:55:31 UTC
in Post (real) pics at Post #128777
Got new avatar , so do one of me for Fack sake.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-08-21 06:36:31 UTC
in Picture Hosting Post #128768
1st i Definately DONT Have happy meals. Those are for 4-y-olds , I Usually have a Mc.Premaier , mc.Premeiare , oh shiza...
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-21 06:33:35 UTC
in Your Voice Post #128765
Sheesh , there is 1 thing i know and that is Gmans voice is 100% real , i know somebody who's got a voice a bit like that.Tom fisher.. Er , no. Forgot his name..
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 17:19:30 UTC
in Your Voice Post #128702
ZOMBIELOFFE , That sounds like sam from Ejay 6 , on the sound genertator.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 17:17:09 UTC
in Your Voice Post #128701
Umm , Urbannebula sounds like Eugene , My Fan..
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Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 17:15:12 UTC
in Your Voice Post #128700
Youre gunna Throw a Grenade aat me if i record my voice (somehow) cos its so dull and boring.. Nothing like GMan.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 16:51:20 UTC
in Picture Hosting Post #128692
Talking about Wrangler249
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Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 16:49:13 UTC
in Picture Hosting Post #128691
Holy crap..OH , Ya see that guy , oh yeah louis , ...(Mr . good map Imposters peter griffin from the family guy . Oh yeah lois... Ya got breatss.. .Mr. Good Map says 'I Have a series of Family guy.. Its good , Road to roade island' (True , and think its roade)
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Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 16:45:55 UTC
in Picture Hosting Post #128688
>?<>Mr.good map shouts 'It's my Fucking Forum
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 16:38:11 UTC
in Picture Hosting Post #128685
Shut The FUCK Up About Mac donalds (In france theyre pretty strange..)
1st.I'll not do that cos of the .us. International calls cost WAY TOO MUCH :furious:
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 16:37:14 UTC
in Picture Hosting Post #128684
Shut The FUCK Up About Mac donalds (In france theyre pretty strange..)
1st.I'll not do that cos of the .us. International calls cost WAY TOO MUCH :furious:
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-20 16:32:49 UTC
in WOTW Post #128683
Now Thats STUPID.. Hey ...i Love pickles...Theyre sour...I'M GUNNA EAT YOU!!
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