Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 23:06:00 UTC
in Angled Sunlight? Post #192724
Oh wait, I just realized, where do I put this information in? Map Properties? light_enviornment?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 19:10:10 UTC
in Angled Sunlight? Post #192707
Oh wow, thanks Kasp, I'll check this out :biggrin: .
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 19:07:55 UTC
in Block-Pickup or somthing similar. Post #192706
Well you see, what I meant to have was have a drawer/cabinent, for example, with ammo boxes n weapons n such inside, but if you get close enough, you can still pickup things, even through brushes. I wondered if there was a way to prevent that. I'll give the many clip texture idea a shot. :confused:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 12:56:41 UTC
in Angled Sunlight? Post #192680
How do I cause a light_enviornment to cast light at an angle, like it's 3:00 in the afternoon or 10:00 in the morning?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 12:45:47 UTC
in Block-Pickup or somthing similar. Post #192677

That's still way over my head : Oh well, thanks for your help :) .
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 12:41:43 UTC
in Xyos projects! Post #192676
Thanks Xyos :) I'll definitely read through it when it's finished.

Yes, it sure does look like a teleport or somthing to that effect. I can picture Combine Soldiers comming through; How awesome would that be! :badass:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 10:23:52 UTC
in Here We Go Post #192667
It was amazingly well choriographed for a bunch of guys who got together and did this without being paied any money. Ima go watch it again :heart:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 10:11:44 UTC
in Block-Pickup or somthing similar. Post #192665
How would i set that up for puck-ups like, for instance, an ammo box or a shotgun? :
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 01:12:21 UTC
in Block-Pickup or somthing similar. Post #192646
Is there a way to use a brush (such as a texture of some kind) that prevents pickup of objects behind it. For instance, could I use a 'block pickup' brush and parent it to a func_door_rotating to keep the player from getting the goodies inside untill they open the door?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 00:45:27 UTC
in 3D/Camera View Quit Post #192639
I think i just realized somthing. I think that the view wasnt broken. After using Shift C and clicking in the 2D view, a small blue circle appeared that moved as the camera moved, so its gotta be the camera. I theorize that there wasnt an actual graphical issue, but that the camera was placed at a "start point" or simmilar, and wasnt near the map itself. I hope this completely useless tidbit of information has cleared things up :P .
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 00:30:36 UTC
in Xyos projects! Post #192638
Those textures look absolutely amazing; you have got to teach me about bump/normal mapping sometime :nuts: !
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-06 00:28:00 UTC
in Entity question Post #192637
I'm sure it would be possible in Source using several "Enable" outputs on the bottle n such to turn on the rocket. I'll try a mock-up of it some time.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-05 18:51:57 UTC
in Opera problem with TWHL Post #192607
hmm... I dont think there's a way around it, I try using IE when its down with Opera and it doesnt go back up : . I think you may just have to live with it, unless somebody else can pull a rabbit out of hat for you :nuts:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-05 18:49:54 UTC
in Valve SDK Update Post #192606
likewise: non-reflective textures (IE, textures I haven't cubemapped yet) glisten in full, reflective glory. Rather annoying, but it doesnt show up in-game, and it's rather interesting to look at :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-05 18:39:08 UTC
in 3D/Camera View Quit Post #192603
:o That worked for me too! TY Xyos :heart: :heart: :heart:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-05 15:23:38 UTC
in Valve SDK Update Post #192593
Looks like you got screwy gfx card drivers or something :S
Ill look into it: I havent updated in about 2 months, so perhaps I'm outta date. Who knows? Maybe it could fix it.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-05 11:50:48 UTC
in Valve SDK Update Post #192566
Neither the camera trick nor the texture trick works for me, instead (after trying both) I get this:

The 1st time, it made the other 2d views go black, the second time, it pasted the lower left's picture into all the other views (seen in the picture). I wonder if this will affect the Source Compo?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-04 21:32:58 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #192508
LOL ROWLY, I WANT that song. We played it as part of the Jazz Band's performance at the Spring Concert for my school this year. PERFECT for an elevator!
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-04 21:26:58 UTC
in Valve SDK Update Post #192507
I'm not even gonna touch the update untill this all is resolved. :zonked:

Oh, gee, thanks Steam for putting the update on my computer... now i cant map :o
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-04 17:37:41 UTC
in Xyos projects! Post #192483
I really like the texture, but such high levels of reflectivity, especially link number 3, make them look somewhat like plastic. Rest of the stuff looks killer though! :D
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-03 19:19:50 UTC
in Religion. Post #192384
Tosse! so true! :D
You're totaly right. I say: You can't justifiably hate either side because you can't prove either is right. There is no 100% solid proof of the Big-Bang, there is no 100% solid proof that Jesus walked the earth. In my opinion, being an agnostic, I believe in the Big-Bang, however I dont immediately say 'there is no god' because we cannot prove or disprove either view.

And you're statement of hating the use of religion in politics is also true. Look at the outlawing of gay mairage that President Bush is trying to put into effect: "Mairage is the bonding of a man and a woman" and yet, it says right in the constitution that there should be sepparation in the power of church and state.

So what I'm saying is, can't we all just get along?

Posted 17 years ago2006-08-03 19:09:05 UTC
in Strange shadow appearing. Post #192380
Hmm... If it reaches across the map, then could there be somthing up with the skybox?

Slick looking building, BTW
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-02 19:44:15 UTC
in UNEVEN BRUSH! Post #192312
use the vertex manipulation tool to move the vertices so that it makes a triangle. When it asks you if you want to merge the vertices, choose "yes", otherwise you will get some nasty errors.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-02 18:24:27 UTC
in RAID, is it worth it? Post #192301
I plan to build a new computer, and I found a 200 GB SATA hard drive for 80 dollars, and I was wondering, is it worth it to get a second one and set them up for RAID? I dont know if its a new concept or somthing and because of that, its unreliable. I'm leaning towards getting the 2nd one, but It's just that I dont want to drop an extra 80 dollars on somthing that may not work properly.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 21:08:35 UTC
in Advanced-Brushwork Minicompo: SOURCE Post #192240

I'm really actually thinking about that... but I'm not simply going to drop source immediately. I like mapping for it, and I'm going to re-open this idea when the Source Compo is over.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 21:06:27 UTC
in one way glass? Post #192239
Ahh... well I can't help you there : sorry.

Just for future reference though, anything HL or CS related should go in the HL forum.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 20:55:12 UTC
in one way glass? Post #192234
Source or HL1?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 20:50:59 UTC
in Advanced-Brushwork Minicompo: SOURCE Post #192233
Exactly. Thats the point I was trying to prove. Even if it's not with brushwork, I could make a thread simply put as "Source Mini Compos" or somthing to that effect.

I've lost my inspiration for the map I'm currently making and am bored out of my skull. I just want to do somthing, and I'm glad to see some people support my idea.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 20:01:04 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #192229
It may be common sense, but this can save much misery and many tears. When using highly complex systems of entities and parenting, its always good to invent an acurate naming system. I'm currently maping a subway system with a working train. There are 4 trains, 4 cars per train, and 10 doors per car. I cant just name each door "door" because they must A) be parented to each car properly, B) be opened properly, and C) have glass windows and trims parented to them. And so I came up with a naming system like so:

slidingdoor_(train#)(car#)(left side, right side, front, or back)(group#(for side doors))(left or right in that group)

So each door would have a name like "slidedoor_1_3_R_L_R" or "slidedoor_1_3_F"

I know it looks confusing as hell, but continualy following it ensures a fail-safe map thats easy to sort through. Because Parent lists and Output lists are alphabatized, it makes it infinitely easy to use.

Also keep in mind that not all entities need a name. In my case, the windows parented to the doors dont need names because nothing is parented to them.

Organizing your map well is paramount to an easily built level.

Oh, I forgot to mention, a map (at least in Source) won't run if it has weird characters or spaces. For instance, a map named "dm_mymap(backup).bsp" will not run, nor will "dm_mymap backup.bsp". I haven't experimented with other names yet, but if I do find some, I'll put them up too :cyclops: .
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 17:06:29 UTC
in My train is black. Post #192224
Always here to help :D
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 12:29:25 UTC
in Advanced-Brushwork Minicompo: SOURCE Post #192198
Thats partly why i started this - Because there are almost no Source compos, it would be nice to be entertained for a little bit. I guess I'll take your word for it though..
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 11:55:11 UTC
in Advanced-Brushwork Minicompo: SOURCE Post #192194
There are 4 days left

And a Source compo comes along almost never.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 11:54:17 UTC
in ball models Post #192193
Also make sure you hit 'Apply' before moving to a different object; I've made that mistake several times in the pasrt
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 11:12:32 UTC
in My train is black. Post #192183
It will also b a good lesson for others anyway.
Indeed it is.

Ok, so I've figured out how to solve the problem, however I'm still unsure as to what the problem is. All I know is that it has to do with the train itself. What I did was turned the train back into a normal brush, then re-tied it to a func_tracktrain, and presto! it worked fine. There was clearly somthing in the train's properties, but I wasn't able to find it, so I might run some tests later and see if i can re-create the problem.

Give that a whirl and it ought to work

BTW, thats a nifty train build ;)
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 11:02:13 UTC
in ball models Post #192181
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 10:14:00 UTC
in ball models Post #192175
You could always make a ball out of brushes and turn it into a physbox.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 10:02:03 UTC
in My train is black. Post #192173
Ah, yes: forgot to mention: I made a new train, made it follow a new path (2 path_tracks) in the same area that the tram follows. Ots in a sepparate room from the tram at it's origin and that room is light by a 750 power light. That one it up.

Ill do a couple more tests though: i just realized i missed some tests that could potentialy solve the problem.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 09:55:23 UTC
in Advanced-Brushwork Minicompo: SOURCE Post #192172

Fine, ill ask a moderator to close the topic.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 02:15:11 UTC
in Advanced-Brushwork Minicompo: SOURCE Post #192149
What are you talking about? Brushes are made the same way in HL as they are in Source, That and more detailed textures are the only differences.

Look at the compos in the HL version of this thread: build a toilet? Thats equaly as hard in Source: the only difference is the increace in quality of the textures.

You also forget that there are also people in this world who dont posses a copy of HL1, such as me. There's nothing wrong with this idea.

You guys told me to start a thread, so here it is.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 01:18:01 UTC
in HL2 ingame playerview movement Post #192147
I have no idea at all, but there may be other ppl where who do know. You may also want to use the search function at the Valve wiki and search for "scripted sequence"

Good luck :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 01:13:17 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #192146
THER, i got the thread up, so HA :badass:
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-01 01:11:53 UTC
in Advanced-Brushwork Minicompo: SOURCE Post #192145
Well because the HL Advanced Brushwork Minicompo idea was so successul, and because im a jealous bastard (I dont have HL) I think we should make a Source version of that thread.

If we were to run it, then the setup should be the same: 5 day max compo time, voted compo ideas, voted judges, etc.

Hopefuly us Source mappers can show those HL1ers whose boss! :badass:
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-31 22:08:33 UTC
in HL2 ingame playerview movement Post #192136
I know this isn't much help, but im thinking its a scripted sequence.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-31 21:39:57 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #192134

We need to make a Source version of this thread soon. I want to compete so baddly!!!!!! :badass: :badass: :badass:
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-31 21:06:46 UTC
in My train is black. Post #192133
ill get it and have a look

Well, I got it, looked at the room where the train starts (its covered in black and it took me a while to find it :) ) and retextured the box so that it was brick, not black. That did nothing. I tried removing the cubemap that was tied to it and built them in game. That also did nothing. I made a new track train in a different room lit similarly to yours. The odd thing is that it actually got lit. So Im guessing that you will have to scrap this map and start over (and be sure to test it often too, so you may be able to isolate the problem more quickly), but before you do that, have a look at your compile log, there may be useful tidbits of info in it.

I hope this helps.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-31 18:31:16 UTC
in My train is black. Post #192127
I think there's an option in the flags section that makes the train "unblockable by the player".... unless thats in the 1st tab... in any case, I think Kasperg might be right: is the train in an area that's pitch black before it's moved to it's 1st stop target? The train will take the lighting from its place of origin and keep it even after it moves to the 1st stop... which can actually be useful in some cases.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-30 20:23:06 UTC
in Advanced Brushwork Mini-Compos Post #192054
It would also be great if the people who said they were going to participate actually did, but I suppose that is one of the age-old problems of mapping competitions :)

Anyway... ideas for compos: I suppose the one about building the inner-workings of a highly complex thing like a clock would be a nice idea? Custom content, 3days, the works n such. It would be a good opprotunity to excercise some fine-brusshwork skill :cool:
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-30 11:01:48 UTC
in u know your obsesed with HL when... Post #192027
You know you're obsessed with HL when you can post a valid reason into this thread as to why you are obsessed with HL.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-30 02:55:19 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #192008
Well, Luke, I wouldnt be asking the question if I already knew... :
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-30 01:03:26 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #192002
So why did it get shut down?