Forum posts

Posted 6 years ago2017-07-27 18:40:41 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336478
Heh, I've been working on The Core for nearly 9 years... I've had a lot of practice. :P

It's still mediocre compared to others that I've seen
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-27 18:20:28 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336475
That's right SSB, you can do whatever you like with that space. You can make a tower if you like :P

I've made an URBTEC suit charger for my maps. :D
User posted image
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-27 17:09:12 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #336471
I'll take fun gameplay over graphics any day of the week. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-27 16:49:14 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #336469
I honestly never saw the fascination with Crysis' graphics. It never looked particularly pretty in my opinion. Not to mention the gameplay which got sooo dull after the first hour or so.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-27 16:46:02 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336468
I cannot see SSB's image either...
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-27 12:44:09 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336454
Hold on. I'm confused. The plot says TWHL eggheads opened a portal to an alternate dimension. In that dimension, they opened up another portal that lead to an hostile alien world. So there are two portals right?

That's a quick and easy job, sealing only two portals.

So what's the idea behind having all those airlocks if there's only one portal going to the alien world? That doesn't make sense to me.
I need to clean up the first post. The essentially opened a portal in each dimension, a sort of inception style thing.

If we consider string theory, the first portal goes from string 1 to string 2, then a portal in that string leads to string 3, then to string 4 and so on.
Also, can you define "The theme is pockets of reality, hopping between dimensions."? What does that really mean?
Basically, what I mean by that is, the map is set in it's own universe. You can make it's own lore and build a map with it's own theme completely unrelated to everything else in the pack. The pocket is just a reference to the 1024 cubed space that the player has access to. :)

...I'll update the plot with the version I have on Google later. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-27 12:14:48 UTC
in Shifting a whole map in hammer? Post #336451
Which is exactly why you sort layout and gameplay first, before applying details such as decals :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-27 12:11:51 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336450
Yes please I'd like to join
Count me in as well. Will try to find some time for this one...
Glad to hear it. Added you both to the first post.
Stupid question, but will airlock be retextured in the future?
I don't intend to. You can change it in your map though, since the airlocks in the maps either side are technically separate places. :P
Good luck for everyone! Please win, Trempler because he is king of mapping with Half-Life.
There are no winners. It's a collaboration, not a competition. I'm also yet to receive official word from Trempler... I didn't quite understand his first post. Would be good to have him on board, but for now he's a maybe.
Started working on the layout and the architecture:
Intriguing :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-27 06:11:51 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336439
Hopefully you aren't using the milkshape decompiler as its a more outdated version of mdldec.exe that misses stuff like additional skins & at times introduces vertex shading errors in some models.
I was using that, but it fixed the issue so who cares? :P
Also is there going to be a review of areas that may have optimization issues? I did a whole playthrough of TWHL tower and things for the most part were fine but there was an area on one of the cubicle maps that dropped my fps hard and the other end of the wind tunnel seemed to do the same thing (im assuming due to overly error prone brush stuff that could have been done with a model).
I never experienced these issues in TWHL Tower, but I know a lot of people did. The brushwork was fine. i think it might have been an issue with the particle effects used on the vents. A moot point in Vanilla HL. But essentially yes, if a map has issues it will be down to the mapper to correct them after testing.
That shouldn't happen, renaming models doesn't cause problems really... unless the game requires that it loads it. Are you sure you're also renaming the T models as well appropriately?
You're welcome to replicate it. Take the Blue-Shift scientist model, save it under a new name, assign it to a monster_generic entity and try a scripted sequence. As I said, recompiling the model worked, so Gearbox must have created the model by some other method. (They also have spaces in texture BMP names which also freaks out in Milkshape, so... yeah)
Oiy, where did my post saying I'm in disappear to? I feel ditched...
You put it in the wrong thread. Added you.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-27 06:02:46 UTC
in Coding Ironsights Post #336438
Crossbow zoom is a toggle, just FYI
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-26 22:36:48 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336429
I'm actually interested in what is actually causing this since I am considering some monster_generic needed stuff (also writing a troubleshooting guide so this would be important info to note down).
Recompiling the model in MS3D was enough to fix the problem it seems.
I just have to figure out how to justify the presence of these airlocks...
Because science.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-26 21:35:03 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336425
I stripped my lights.rad file and added an info_textlights entity to the new airlock map in the zip archive :D

Dimbeak and I have just discovered a potential problem. monster_generic entities appear to crash the game if you attempt to animate them...

False alarm: Appears to be specific to the model we're testing.

Yup. Gearbox models freak out if you rename them and try to use them in monster_generic entities. You learn something every day :rly:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-26 20:24:35 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336423
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-26 19:49:24 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336421
UPDATE: Base mod files have been updated with a new airlock map
Make a second airlock and add the changelevel entities as soon as feasible (so we'd have 2 copies, coming and going)
Link in the first post has been updated.
Put in an info_texlights for the lights in the airlock or tell us your settings - so that if we leave it as-is it looks the same from map to map
Does info_textlights override lights.rad? At the moment they're just using the base values by valve, but I can stick them into a info_textlights entity if need be.
Am I allowed to use cs 1.6 textures (storm.wad and piranesi.wad preferably) or do I have to make my own ones?
You can use them, but I don't really want to package those wad files with the mod, so I'd need you to possibly export them and add them into the wad included in the files. :P
So it's sort of like the Cubicles project.
I'll take your word for it... :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-26 14:58:49 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336414
Files should be available again. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-26 12:33:39 UTC
in TWHL Collaborations Post #336408
Meh, check the time stamps. My statement checked out for a few hours.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-26 12:31:58 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336407
If you aren't going to make the deadline, just put a note in the thread. These things ALWAYS end up running over. :P

Yeah... It appears my site is down... If it's not up by the time I get home I will upload it elsewhere :)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-26 10:11:10 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336401
Oh yeah... Duh. It would be a separate chamber. Haha.

Silly me.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-26 09:07:48 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336397
So its basically the same principle as TWHL Tower - create something on a set dimension base map with a setting/idea of your choosing?
Possibly in. I also recommend a rule disallowing the longjump module, since you can't remove it once given.
Good shout. Updating first post.
Firstly, will there be any standardized level transition effects? As in, if we're hopping dimensions and all, will the level be changed during a white fade or something of the like? My idea would be most effective if the player can't see the first second or three, is all.
A blue flash and fade probably around one second but can be adjusted as required.
Secondly and relatedly, will we be allowed to modify the airlock at all? Obviously not so as to make it look notably different. Just maybe some additions for effect, like making it look worn/damaged, or throwing some boxes and scientists in there.
Yes. I would just need to remember to add said adjustments in the joined map.
Would it be possible to have a custom model for said monster in the mod folder but have the customization be in another bodygroup/skin so its normal for everyone else until you explicitly set it in hammer?
That's a good way around it, but we would need to settle on a base model style to begin with. Some people like the originals, some people like HD and mixing the two is just ugly...
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-26 07:01:52 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336391
Oh god no
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-25 21:33:26 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336376
A lot more than people had to make in a 1024x1024x160 box 2.5 years ago! :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-25 20:53:47 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336373
Let's say yes on that one. I'll amend the initial post.

The base mod files that add it to your steam list are available in the first post! Also, contains the airlock RMF, and a BSP so you can see it in game.
User posted image
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-25 19:50:49 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336369
If I understand correctly, the player is "jailed" in a 1024x1024x1024 box?
So I can freely destroy the start portal with some falling rocks or something like that as soon as player gets out of it?
No problem.
Can the map be made with the premise that the same area is represented in different dimensions? In other words, multiple 1024³ rooms that are actually the same room?
You can do anything within a single 1024 cube. If you wanted to do three versions of a single room, then I'm afraid that the original room would need to fit within the space 3 times. :P
Are we allowed to replace the media tracks with our own files to play proper music during our levels?
You can, but you would need to note in the thread which track you are replacing so that others know not to use it. Also, the track mustn't infringe copyright, etc. Same goes for all content really.
Question: is the 1024 height limit the highest reachable floor of the level, or is it the max allowed height of the ceiling?
Technically the ceiling can be as high as you like, but the player must not be able to access anything outside of a 1024 unit cube.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-25 17:39:21 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336365
As with TWHL TOWER, the player would be a nameless agent of TWHL.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-25 15:08:34 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336359
Not a requirement. I was going to work in a plot device that the TWHL Suit destroys the portal as it passes through.

Maybe in your universe it malfunctions? :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-25 14:09:19 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336352
The vote in the other thread was a landslide in favour of Vanilla HL. Updated the initial post. So are you in Dr.Orange? Trempler?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-25 13:52:50 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336349
Glad to have you aboard, infuriated root vegetable.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-25 13:22:06 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #336347
TWHL Pockets
A singleplayer mod for the Goldsource engine.

Plot (relevant to the intro and outro, but may be referenced in your entry)
The TWHL Science team has opened a series of portals in the ‘interest of science.’ This has had unforeseen ramifications when one such portal opened into a hostile world, allowing hostile aliens to spread throughout multiple dimensions.

The player, an unnamed TWHL agent (possibly the veteran from the ‘Tower incident’) is called upon to resolve the issue. Using a modified suit of combat armour, they will travel through the portal, and stop the spread of hostile life. An algorithm programmed into the suit’s onboard computer will seal the portals behind the agent as they pass through them.

Based on the landslide results of the vote in the previous thread, this mod will use the Vanilla Half-Life code. No Spirit.

1. Every map must start and end in a TWHL airlock (to be provided), the player facing eastwards (0 degrees)
2. The player must only be able to move/play on surfaces within a 1024 unit cube, including the topmost brush. You do not NEED to fill this space. You can also build beyond this for the sake of scenery, but the player must not be able to access it, or must be punished for doing so. Note: The airlock can be attached outside of this space.
3. The theme is pockets of reality, hopping between dimensions. Therefore, the theme is totally up to you.
4. Feel free to include custom textures, but prefix them with the first three letters of your username (e.g. "urb-wall1"). These will all be merged into a single WAD before release.
5. Feel free to include custom models for props/characters, again prefixing the filename with your username (e.g."urb-scientist.mdl").
6. If you use third party content, you MUST include a text file with your entry, containing credits to the authors. Any content not accounted for WILL be removed or replaced.
7. Feel free to make things as easy or as tricky as you like. The player will be stripped of their weapons and given a chance to replenish their health in the airlock. Note: This means that the long-jump module is not allowed as it cannot be stripped and could affect the gameplay in maps following your own.
8. Because each map will be a different reality, you MUST name it. Your TWHL username will be listed with it as the 'Discoverer.'


Dr.Orange - Submitted
MistaX88 - Submitted
NineTnine - Submitted
Victor-933 - Submitted

I'm going to say that the deadline for the first version of this for playtesting will be October 22nd. This will not be moved again as I have a week off in October, which would be ideal for spending time on getting things stitched together.

After testing, people would get a chance to make changes and adjustments to their maps before a final version is put together, tested and released.

The base files for the mod can be downloaded here! (Updated: 26.07.17)

Yes. The Core. It will continue to be my primary project. I will manage TWHL Pockets, and will likely throw in my own map (as well the intro and outro, obv), but I will not be spending a lot of my own time on this one.

Sooo, who is in?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-25 05:12:51 UTC
in TWHL Collaborations Post #336344
There's always room. Nothing has even been officially announced yet. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-24 21:27:10 UTC
in TWHL Collaborations Post #336329
This is not a competition.

It would work in a similar way to TWHL Tower. Everyone makes a map and I string them together. It wouldn't even have a story as such.

If people wanted to get together and make a mod with custom coding and all that jazz, then go for it, but I don't know if it's really necessary for one of these quirky little collabs.

I personally would be interested to see what people can achieve with vanilla. It's just more simple that way.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-24 20:45:32 UTC
in TWHL Collaborations Post #336319
Heh, it's never actually a month. This is TWHL, not :D

It's good to give people some sort of a deadline to work towards, but it always gets pushed back. I mean... TWHL tower limited people to a 1024x1024x160 unit space and a lot of people needed an extension.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-24 19:57:27 UTC
in TWHL Collaborations Post #336315
I don't believe you can. Is there a problem?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-24 19:41:28 UTC
in TWHL Collaborations Post #336313
Depends what kind of features you would be adding. There would be a strict time limit on the first draft of maps (probably around a month), so the code and FGD updates would need to come through quickly.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-24 19:24:15 UTC
in TWHL Collaborations Post #336309
Heh, it seemed that SoHL was more popular, but now it seems the opposite is true...

So, let's settle it. If you're going to participate, stick your vote in here!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-24 12:41:22 UTC
in TWHL Collaborations Post #336295
Double Post for thread bump. Don't judge me...

Update: So I'm thinking Spirit of Half-Life after all. I've got an idea for a theme in my head. This might be happening sooner rather than later...

I can feel you all judging me. I said don't do that!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-23 22:40:05 UTC
in I want to make new textures. Post #336284
Making texlights with lights.rad is obsolete.
Literally the only way I do it. Creating an info_textlights across multiple maps with the same values is just needless busy work.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-23 21:57:35 UTC
in Well... Some help for Sledge. Post #336282
Glad you got it worked out. Happy mapping. :P
User posted image
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-23 21:55:20 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #336283

Playing this a bunch today while working on a map. Plus, it's part of the Monstercat/Rocket League update. Favourite label -> one of my favourite artists -> one of my favourite games. Win.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-23 20:02:18 UTC
in Well... Some help for Sledge. Post #336271
What FGD are you using because the file name seems unusual. I'm guessing it's an edited version that has a fault.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-21 19:13:46 UTC
in TWHL Collaborations Post #336213
I'll be honest, I've not done anything particularly complex with SoHL, only using it for swapping out character models and making certain things like entity masters more streamlined.

As such, the minor glitches that come with Spirit concerning scripted_sequences and monster_makers irritate me all the more.

If people preferred SoHL, I'd just grin and bear it.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-21 14:20:49 UTC
in TWHL Collaborations Post #336198
To reiterate, the rules may not be in regards to available space this time.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-21 12:26:19 UTC
in TWHL Collaborations Post #336193
Just another bump on this one guys. Again, don't get excited. I'm just gathering information.

TWHL Tower used Spirit of Half-Life which offers up a lot of cool features, but isn't particularly stable.

My question is this: Would you want to use it again for a TWHL sequel, or would you be happy with the base Goldsource engine?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-19 12:35:19 UTC
in Mega Maker Post #336151
Nintendo shuts down things like this and the whole 'Zelda in your browser' thing... so why don't people rename them, change up the sprites and then say "In the style of Zelda/Megamam/etc"

Just saying, if somebody made a classic side scroller and made it easy to create and share levels like this? Crazy monehs.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-18 12:01:16 UTC
in The Core Post #336113
Pfft, Tetsu0 just wants to play it while we're over there!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-17 15:08:36 UTC
in The Core Post #336107
Speaking from experience there or...?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-17 13:12:06 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #336104
I recently found out about an emulator hack that lets you play Goldeneye and Perfect Dark using keyboard and mouse controls
Intrigued and fully erect
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-17 13:10:31 UTC
in The Core Post #336103
We are most certainly in the last stretch. The problem is that it is getting harder and harder to find time or drive to work on it.

When you work for 8 hours, travel for 2 and then have to go home to a toddler, it can usually mean you only get a couple of hours of time to yourself and you don't necessarily want to spend that working on something.

Sometimes you need to blow of steam with a quick game of something, other times you just want to relax and do literally nothing.

I'm not saying that I'm not enjoying it when I do work on The Core, but there is always something else that needs doing in the back of my mind.

It sucks to admit, but my mapping/modding future is looking bleak. After The Core, I think I'll be taking a very VERY long break from it.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-16 18:00:42 UTC
in The Core Post #336091
I vote we finish this.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-13 12:20:33 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #336011
55 hours is pretty tame by my standards. I've clocked upwards of 10 full days of gameplay in Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4 and Skyrim.

I don't mean combined either. Ten days each. I have spent over a month living in Bethesda's worlds. Haha
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 6 years ago2017-07-13 12:18:08 UTC
in Urby's Multiple Choice Fan Fiction! Post #336010
Is there a B in here? There sure is! Stay tuned.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer