Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 14:18:26 UTC
in convert file Post #35735
Err, does a new window appear and show up some text messages before HL starts?
Try to check the 'don't run the game' checkbox before you start compiling.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 14:16:43 UTC
in i cant take anymore! Post #35734
This wouldn't fair. Just because you have a problem with the quality of the maps, we cannot limit access this way. I've seen no one else here who was equaly annoyed by this.
Why don't you look at the profile of the map posters, if he's "older" than a week, you give him a chance, otherwise not.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 14:09:01 UTC
in i cant take anymore! Post #35731
TWHL is for everybody.
Image you'd travel to a foreign country and there they tell you to stay at home the first week because you're new there. That's pretty much the same.
Everyone must have a chance to make mistakes, even if it annoys others.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 14:03:26 UTC
in convert file Post #35724
In the Valve Hammer Editor, press F9.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 14:02:28 UTC
in ambience_generics Post #35723
Er, I think wally fits onto a single diskette.
Why do you ask anyway, just download it and you'll see that it's only 1.2 megs big.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 13:59:02 UTC
in i cant take anymore! Post #35718
Very bad idea. Then no one would upload maps anymore. The vault made for everyone to upload his maps. It is not made to provide quality maps only.
If you have a problem with the quality, why don't you push it up a bit by posting own high quality maps?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-23 07:28:13 UTC
in Soldiers-Schmoldiers Post #35613
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 16:09:35 UTC
in Build a Machine Post #35481
You did not understand my post.
I do not want you as my opponed or even enemy. So I won't say anything else. Just one thing, the last post concerning the spirit discussion was written on 22 Jun 04 13:11.
I'll leave it at that. And I hope neither you nor any one else here is mad at me after that spirit thing.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 13:32:57 UTC
in Build a Machine Post #35467
I do not intend to carry on with this discussion.
But you, ministeve, should reconsider your tone. You're one of more than one thousand members here. Everbody has a different oppinion and right to express it, as long and as excessive as he wants.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 13:23:22 UTC
in Space Post #35465
I think it's quite hard to fill your space ship with enough fuel to exit the earth traction field.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 13:19:26 UTC
in Soldiers-Schmoldiers Post #35464
I know, but Jahzel didn't name the author and since no one in this thread said it, I asked.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 13:17:37 UTC
in Stupid Computer. Post #35463
You seem to be an expert with formating, MOP.
Can you tell me what type of formation does?
That's the way I do formating.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 11:00:44 UTC
in Soldiers-Schmoldiers Post #35422
There is no glory in war
??? Who did you quote. I'd like to know to who you refer. No one here said this, besides you.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 10:58:24 UTC
in Space Post #35421
Hey you forgot the '!' behind hazardous! ... :P
I don't believe that, with present technology, a human can fly far enough to get 'lost in space'. I even have my doubts about the moonlanding.

Anyway, a car crash in space is probably less lethal than it'd be on earth. You only get an impulse by the car, you don't fly against any walls, drop on the ground from high above it or get rolled over by the car afterwards. You'd maybe have broken legs, but the chances to survive are better than on earth.
:D A short excursus into hazardous!' world of physics.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 10:48:56 UTC
in Soldiers-Schmoldiers Post #35417
You can bomb the World into pieces,
but you cannot bomb it into peace.

Jahzel, fighting does not always mean violence. It's okay to fight in a peaceful way.
Faring a war is a way to achieve the goals of one specific group very fast, nothing else. And you never achieve the goals of the attacked.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 10:37:03 UTC
in Build a Machine Post #35411
Poor BL.
Well, to make you a favour, I'll agree with your second post, not with the first one though.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 08:17:38 UTC
in [NEEDHelp]Adding New Sprites To Monsters Post #35385
CP, your post explains how to use the body option of a model.
This thread was about tying sprites to models, as far as I didn't get anything wrong.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 08:13:57 UTC
in textures Post #35384
Err, filters?
Independent on what you're talking about there, I suggest you to read this.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 08:11:06 UTC
in Build a Machine Post #35383
@muppet: see? perfect situation for spirit.
Still I think that this compo should stay pure HL, since most people, icluding me, started mapping without spirit already.
But it'd be nice to have the next compo a spirit one.

kol said:
Spirit: Is a modification therefore not Pure HL
As I said two times before, about 80% HL. That's why it's called Spirit of Half-Life.

7th surprisingly said:
Don't be suprised when Andy deletes this lot.
I doubt that Andy would do this. He is a moderator of a forum where a quite big community can discuss their oppinions. He could, and seemingly does, ignore the whole discussion. Deleting it though, would be anti-social.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 07:58:54 UTC
in Movie? Post #35382
What d'you think about getting back 'Movie?'?
Using spirit in this project shouldn't be a problem for BL. He makes the terrain, which does not require a lot of entity work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 07:56:02 UTC
in Soldiers-Schmoldiers Post #35381
Sacrofices have to be made to achieve such thing, and it may be hard along the way, but in the end is a satisfying result. People are freed, and peace is restored.
The problem is that almost only iraqis belong to the sacrifices 'that have to be made'.
It also is quite obvious that this 'satisfying result' does not really satisfy the iraqis, the people who should have the decision whether they're satified or not.
BL, I cannot belive that you are so ... easy to influence.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-22 07:49:45 UTC
in Latest Security Breach screenies Post #35380
Gnn! Can you make a smaller version for me and modem users please?
I don't need super quality, and 15fps are enough for me too. :)
I have about 5-8kb/s downstream. 20megs take about one hour and I don'T have a flatrate.
Btw: Do you know Xvid? It's at least as good as DivX and, afaik, for free. Virtual Dub is also a very good program for converting videos.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 13:50:11 UTC
in Build a Machine Post #35250
@7th: I'm just trying to make spirit legal for future compos. This one has already started and there's no need to cange it. But It'd be cool to have the option to use spirit on the next compo.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 13:45:46 UTC
in Build a Machine Post #35248
No one will find a map more fancy because that damn windshield moves with the train. The judge, I think it's Andy, certainly knows what can easily be done with spirit and what is tough and will give a judgement based on that.
When people hear spirit, most of them think of the stupid movewith function. Spirit is more than that. Half-Life does have more features than a 3 storey elevator, too. And no one will let you win a compo because you have been...
...when using spirit.

It's not mapping skill, and only increases file size. Sounds, models and textures can easily be taken from other mods anyway.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Taken models that other people made do not show you mapping skill, using them well does. Spirit shows your mapping skill, because the entity handling and the complexity heavily dencrease the ease of working with it.

Spirit is an HL mod.
It is now! Even in the custom games dialogue of HL it says 'toolpack'.
As I said above, spirit is still 80% Half-Life. It increases the flexibility and the possibility of using the features of the engine with the need to code.

Why are you so afraid of spirit? Do you fear a spirit-monster-mapper attack?
Someone who can build good maps on spirit, must also have a lot of experience with normal Half-Life mapping. With spirit he can just add some fancy boni to the map. If spirit add pixel shader FX or something far away from the basic Half-_ife, I'd agree with you. But it doesn't. It offers more entities, that's all.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 13:05:10 UTC
in Build a Machine Post #35238
So, tell me what does spirit make easier that could really improve your map.
Of course, if someone is using spirit, he should also make use of it in an interesting way.
So, you want to send us down, eh? Be sure you're not the only one who planned this. :badass:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 13:01:41 UTC
in [NEEDHelp]Adding New Sprites To Monsters Post #35235
With spirit comes the entity guide. Browse it for movement_manager, afaik that's the entity you're looking for. It can, amongst other things, tie objects to one attachment point of a model.
You might have to decompile the model and modify the attachment point, if you want more than 'head' and 'weapon' attachments.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 12:48:29 UTC
in [NEEDHelp]Adding New Sprites To Monsters Post #35232
I, once again, propose to use Spirit, it's a bit tricky getting into it, but it's worth the efforts.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 12:43:41 UTC
in Build a Machine Post #35231
^Doesn't seem like a thoughtful reply to me.
Have you ever tried using spirit? It's not just about 'movewith' shit. :x
Spirit is powerful and using it does require a lot of trying around and coping with many problems, just like photoshop, 3Dsmax etc.
Hello Andy, are you still out there. I'd just like to know what you think about my point of view, after all you do the final decision.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 12:37:33 UTC
in Soldiers-Schmoldiers Post #35226
You're so right, Jahzel.
Maybe this should be put on a newspaper or so.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 12:32:56 UTC
in Applying textures individually Post #35223
Did I say right side? That's wrong of course, it's on the left side. :confused:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 12:29:48 UTC
in [NEEDHelp]Adding New Sprites To Monsters Post #35220
As 7th said, code.
You can use spirit though, it offers limited possibilities to 'glue' object to the attachment points of models.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 12:27:31 UTC
in Applying textures individually Post #35218
On the right side you usually find the tool bar.
There are three block symbols. One has the same texture on each side, one has different textures. Click that button to open the texture application tool.
Now you can modify the texture on each face seperately.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 12:24:20 UTC
in A clock? Post #35217
The rotation speed is degrees per second.
The second hand has to do 360? in 60 seconds, so 6?/s.
The minute hand has to rotate 360? in 3600 seconds, which is 0.1?/s.
The hour handle performs one rotation in 43200 seconds, about 0.0083?/s.
I think the speed of the hour handle is too slow for HL.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 12:16:41 UTC
in Build a Machine Post #35213
After all this is a mapping-contest. You're supposed to show your mapping skills. Yes, the other stuff is important too, but the focus is on mapping.
You're right, having spirit is not skill.
Handling spirit is! Being able to use the power of spirit is similar to being able to use the power of photoshop or other programs.
Still spirit is more than 80% Half-Life, it just adds a lot of improvements which require skill to master them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 12:09:20 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #35210
Getting points at all, nah!
Maybe for not wetting your pants in the most horrible scenes. :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 08:22:29 UTC
in Movie? Post #35175
It makes movie making a lot easier.
Spirit offers thousands of improvements concerning movement management, special FX and entity work in general.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 08:18:40 UTC
in Space Post #35173
Hehe, the price is 10.000.000 bucks and these guys already spent like $35m.
I somewhere read that astro-scientists predicted that window-seat in a space ship will only $100.000 within a few decades.
Things are getting cheaper and cheaper, eh? :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 08:14:02 UTC
in Movie playback using sprites Post #35172
I can remember that this technique was used in 3dMike's ts_bikini.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 08:12:16 UTC
in A Horror Idea, Some Screens Post #35168
me <-- stays tuned
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-21 08:08:07 UTC
in Build a Machine Post #35167
I slightly disagree with you. It's ok to forbid spirit if it's based on the fact that not everyone has.
BUT! Then the same should apply to textures, models, sprites and maybe sounds too. Because not everybody is skilled enough or simply does not have the software to make own grafics and sounds.
I believe that it's not a big thing to download spirit. And for the entries it could be included just like textures, models, sprites and sounds.
A lot of people could compensate their lack of skill in 2d design by kicking the last out of the HL engine with spirit.
I think the issue about custom media and code in the TWHL compos should be reconsiderated.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 17:02:51 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #35095
Hehe. Yup, when I was browsing your website, I often saw things that reminded me of myself.
I know it's offtopic again, but there's one thing you really need to do.
Signing in here.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 16:50:45 UTC
in Latest Security Breach screenies Post #35093
What errors? Just post them here. This community is made for helping.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 16:41:58 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #35090
Yep, I'll probably find some time for working on my little mappack, which also includes drawing sketches.
Also because drawing is a pretty important component of making games. And I intend to work in this branche.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 16:30:32 UTC
in Rotating button Help! Post #35084
Hehe, happened to me too in the early mapping days.
You'll get used to it over the time.
I do it without really noticing it already. :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 16:25:31 UTC
in Rotating button Help! Post #35081
Open the texture browser and type 'origin'. Create a brush covered with that texture in the middle of the wheel. The center of this brush will be the rotating axis for the wheel.
With the flags you can set the axis around which the wheel will rotate.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 16:22:53 UTC
in pump Post #35080
1. Is the 'wait for retrigger' flag checked? If yes, switch it of.
2. Does the lower path_corner have the upper as 'next stop traget'? If not set it to the upper path_corner.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 16:08:33 UTC
in pump Post #35076
Actually, giving the train an initial speed should make it work, too. There are many ways, try all and find your favourite.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 16:06:18 UTC
in pump Post #35075
Try trigger_auto.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 16:02:55 UTC
in Advised reading for new posters Post #35073
Hm, what about a fake sticky function? A moderator periodically posts bump-replies for the thread. That'd become the longest thread ever. :D
Seriously, would it be possible to add an extra link above the the boards, or next to the forums button in the sidebar, so as the helplink?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 15:59:36 UTC
in Compo winner chooses next topic. Post #35072
Really? So muzzleflash picked this topic. Why didn't you write it on the compo site.
Anyway, now that this is cleared - congratulations, cool idea!