Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 02:23:44 UTC
in Barney sentence Post #41804
YES you were right I found it!! along with other funny things they took out of the main game too ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 02:13:41 UTC
in Barney sentence Post #41802
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 01:29:29 UTC
in Barney sentence Post #41796
I was playing someones level before that had barney saying "This is all happening cause of you Scientists" in a mean voice......anyway I have looked everywhere icluding the sentence text that comes with the game but cannot find it....can someone tell me it if they know please? thanx..... :|
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-15 23:49:56 UTC
in Pushables Post #41776
hmmm..I remember a map where you could push a soda machine into a glass window and it would break....If I got you the map could it help you in any way?
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-14 17:49:25 UTC
in sky problem Post #41388
thanx guys, when I named it without cl it worked! yay thanx and for the HOM thing, I am sorry mann, have no clue...
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 22:59:37 UTC
in sky problem Post #41167
yeah thats what I thought i tried em all....and yes it was in map properties, I tried cl_night alot......
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-13 22:33:24 UTC
in sky problem Post #41163
Hey I have a problem with my sky. The first sky name I apllied was desert, but when I try to change it on different levels I make, IT IS STILL DESERT!! AAHHHHH please help!! :
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-12 05:49:26 UTC
in rocket grrrrr Post #40621
yeah you could definately do this with spirit easily....I wouldnt know how on normal though.... :
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-05 23:39:49 UTC
in Strange problem... Post #39089
VM? I dont even know what that is and no they are not func_wall_toggles and everthing seems to be set up right, 1 of the breakable vents doesnt show up either unless I play the map alone....
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-05 03:28:22 UTC
in Strange problem... Post #38832
yes, I have been working on my SP map for a week, and am encountering a problem with on of the levels out of the other 5. In this scertain map some things dont show up. 2 walls wont show up in a corner, plus the change level doesnt activate. The strange thing is when I am testing the map alone all the stuff shows up and works, yet when I go through all my levels , and when I reach that one the walls dont show up and the change level doesnt work... :confused: If anyone knows the fix to this glitch please tell me..... :
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-02 19:55:15 UTC
in How do you make see-through windows? Post #38385
I see...thankyou......your avatar looks familliar.....hmmm.. :
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-02 19:43:10 UTC
in How do you make see-through windows? Post #38382
Yeah, I am continuing on my SP map and have made 4 unbreakable windows, but how do you make them see through? :
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-01 00:14:31 UTC
in Cant load second level, NEED HELP Post #37894
Oh, I figured out the problem, first I had too run (compile) my second map after covering all the leaks to make it a bsp file, now it can load it!! :P :D Thank you everyone for your help Captain P thankyou!!!!! :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-30 18:03:41 UTC
in Cant load second level, NEED HELP Post #37806 you need another player start?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-30 16:34:23 UTC
in Cant load second level, NEED HELP Post #37770
okay....I have both of those, see

but know I have another question, does the change level thing link to another level or must it be in the same MAP?(example: I made to MAPS, subject and subject_2, when I walk through the change level trigger will it switch to that map? :
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-30 16:18:32 UTC
in Cant load second level, NEED HELP Post #37768
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-30 15:51:14 UTC
in Cant load second level, NEED HELP Post #37756
Hello, I just found this site and noticed people were still posting stuff for Half-life(YAY).Well, I am a begginer mapper and am having a problem.....I have made two levels and want to connect them throught the change level trigger, but when I hit the trigger it will say Loading for a couple seconds, then it will just bring up a window saying it experienced a problem and needs to quit......Please help I have no clue and want to make a full SP map.... :(