Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-04-09 20:58:12 UTC
in Pointfile won't load up Post #102910
Did you ever get the answer to this?
I checked your posts over at Steam, and the staff there were blindingly quick to answer (not!)
I noticed that you were going to check Tommy's...but I couldn't find anything there. Nothing new at Countermap... so

Does anyone else know why this error occurs when entering 'pointfile' in the console running through Steam.
"Can't load mymap.pts".
Given that all the switches are correct and there is a .pts file in the right folder?
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-09 17:27:34 UTC
in Links Post #102827
I wanted HL related Programs.... Not HL related sites.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-08 23:01:50 UTC
in Links Post #102639
Time to overhaul the Links Page:
I need suggestions for good mapping program links that are not already covered in Slackillers HL Programs
This is not a place to pimp your website!

List all suggestions here.... What would you like to see?
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-08 22:55:33 UTC
in Ok im back, is this any good? Post #102638
Nice layout...
If you want some serious abuse, go ahead and add the flash :-)
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-05 18:01:55 UTC
in Original CStrike Maps Post #101911
And a quick google came up with this..
Eiger tower falling

You guy's need to start researching stuff. Get out to other sites.
Half-life is so diverse that one site can't cover it all...
I still cannot find one single reason to decompile a map. The stuff you want to know is already explained here at TWHL or on other sites, and it is easier to search for the information than to decompile anyway...
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-05 17:56:47 UTC
in Falling pylon, which breaks? Post #101910
I know this is an old thread, but it was mentioned elsewhere.
I really think you guy's should google a bit more.
Eiger falling tower
Describes the start of the process.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-05 17:38:18 UTC
in HL - Random things u may not have known Post #101905
Gman's briefcase has someting in it... change the rendermode of the .mdl to check it out.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-05 00:58:50 UTC
in Original CStrike Maps Post #101653
There is a forum at VERC called Anomalous Materials that is full of the How too's...

Either way this is the HL1 forum, and decompiling of HL1 maps has always been considered wrong.

Tower colapsing, env-render, func_doors, func_door_rotating.
Weapon strip... Umm, try player_weaponstrip.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-05 00:56:43 UTC
in Fast compiling? Post #101652
I think we are missing the point here?
If it is stuck at leaf threads, then how long is it stuck and what sort of processor do you have.

Compiling over an RCS system won't fix anything, and may well take longer to get the results than waiting for the complie to finish...
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-04 04:28:30 UTC
in Return an item if thrown into a trigger Post #101360
Sorry Combat.. I didn't reply because I wasn't sure of my facts and the site I wanted to reference has gone.

Try this anyway DoE Team Check
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-04 04:17:19 UTC
in SOUNDS BAD Post #101355
This defines those options:

(4) Interrupt speech - Will interupt the normal speach to the "Speaker Type" to play the sentence.
(8) Concurrent - NFI

Since I wrote this, you would think I would write it here as well, but it doesn't seem I did :-)

Oh, and chill out.. they are only trying to help!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-04 04:12:11 UTC
in Original CStrike Maps Post #101353
Should have asked RD, he is making an fy_iceworld Source as we speak, or he may have palmed it off... but I do know it is being made.

If old CS maps are anything like DoD maps, the reason they were not remade is that they didn't attract stunning server rotations. And while I agree that there are some maps I really did like, I still don't see the point in resurecting them.

Each to their own I 'spose... Decompile if you must, but as I said earlier... don't expect to learn much.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-04 04:08:21 UTC
in ZHLT setup Post #101352
Don't get rid of your old tools... stack them safely away in a separate folder... just incase you don't like the new ones.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-04 03:57:23 UTC
in SnarkPit down Post #101349
Thank you for the update.. my words 'now' seem a little strong and no offense implied.
I just always saw VERC as the primary authoritive site and figured it would grow accordingly with HL2. (Unreal expectations? possibly)

As with all 'unpaid staff sites' content is only going to be there if the interest is generated amoungst the new blood and the old guy's hang in long enough to let them settle in.
Many people have level design talent, but that does not always translate into the ability to produce good content or moderate.

[As an inside thing, this debate has been raging at RUST for the last 8 months or so. It too is dying, although we might be lucky.
Lack of interest is not the major problem amoungst the staff.. the ability to keep up with new game design is. Jherax put it well when he say's that Real-Life™ interfers with Game-Life and eventually wins out altogether..]

The community in general has waxed and waned in a semi cyclic pattern over the last 6 years that I have been involved.
VERC may well rise again, as 69thVlatitude seems to have done for the umpteenth time (gotta love Archville's persistance).

Comments such as 'satchmo's' always encourage me to keep going...
As do all the rest of you, so I am sure that you will all join me in wishing
VERC and Snarkpit a speedy and successful recovery.
This isn't about who pisses you off... this is about resources!
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-03 02:18:45 UTC
in Texture Lighting Post #101026
A complete how to and where to find the info...
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-03 02:05:37 UTC
in Original CStrike Maps Post #101024
Ethically, Decompiling is BAD.
Reconstucting already famous maps, even without decompiling is just plain stupid.
"A bit like painting the Mona Lisa by numbers, as long as you hang it at your place, that is fine... but going public proves what an idiot you are.."

If you must decompile, then don't expect great results or to learn a great deal. Countless topics on the VERC forum discuss 'how it was done'.

What part of the Train Ride do you want to know about habboi?
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-02 20:22:19 UTC
in compilling errors... Post #100992
They are God's gift to incompetent lazy mappers ;)

Posted 19 years ago2005-04-02 20:13:31 UTC
in Game-Over when killing a scientist. Post #100990
Have a look at this fine example map:
Game End

Instead of the door triggering 'stopit' change your Sci's 'TriggerTarget' to "stopit" and 'Trigger Condition' to Death...

Also have a read of :
Trigger Endsection
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-02 19:46:06 UTC
in SOUNDS BAD Post #100986
The scientist will 'speak' all or any of the sentences within the sentence text that you have chosen. //Sci or whatever.
He should start with the one you selected, and seems to be doing that.

Which sentence have you asked him to speak?
Have you listened to the wav of that sentence?

Have you interupted the Sci? by 'using' him? this sometimes causes him to start the next sentence in the string.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-02 19:40:14 UTC
in confusing Post #100983
Should give you the basic information, but what the guy's said above is right,
Just think of the nodes s a road map.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-02 19:28:37 UTC
in I LOVE TWHL!!!!! Post #100978
Speaking of SlayerA...
I realise he made Minimicus...but has he ever actually done anything else, it is just odd he is a Mod without doing anything I can see...maybe I am missing something?
You are missing something.
Once you become a legend, you remain a legend...

Speaking of Moderators... I think we need one more.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-02 19:23:36 UTC
in SnarkPit down Post #100975
The Snarkpit losing a few of the newer and attached "newbie" crowd to refind (that's not a word) it's identity would not be a bad thing, TBH !
Couldn't agree more...maybe we could do with a cull here?

Problem is that n00bs add life, annoying but out of 2000 idiots there is always one gem willing to produce content and help out.

The whole HL mod community is huge these days, resources like Snarkpit are no longer premier sites.. Sad, but that's the way it is.
Have you had a look at VERC recently, how dead is that... apparently there is a V2 in the making, but you think they would have thought of that a while back and had it on-line for HL2.

I honestly wish Snarkpit all the best, it is as I said a great resource and hopefully it will rise from the ashes, if not for anything else, then for the great tutorials.
Who needs Snarkpit when you hav TWHL and HL2files etc.
You do.
If you haven't figured it out yet, then let me say it again....
Sticking around the same site does not allow you to learn.
TWHL is predominantly a n00b site, once you have learnt all we have to offer, you are encouraged to seek out more and (hopefully) pop back in to let us know 'new' things.
Check the profiles for 'great' level designers here at TWHL... all of them have affiliations with other sites.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-01 18:36:09 UTC
in Just a suggestion... [closed] Post #100647
While your waiting:
Ways to prevent Leaks
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-01 18:32:41 UTC
in SnarkPit down Post #100644
Interesting that Snarkpit is down, it was a good resource.
Downtime in the community is death...
People don't wait Gwil, they find somewhere else to go.
When a resource 'like 69thVlatitude or' comes back up, all that is left are the faithful...
The rest have found a new home.

If you are hungry for HL2 stuff, check out yesukai's contributions.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-01 05:51:36 UTC
in How to make your own custom sky Post #100473
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-31 17:33:00 UTC
in Wads Post #100417
This is funny actually because de_dust wasn't the most detailed map in the world but it was most popular for mysterious reasons.
The reason de_dust was popular was that either team could win, there was no advantage. New players could join the map and within seconds understand the lay-out. It was fun...
My point is that if somebody makes a remake of dust then it isn't loved as much even if it is more detailed!
Because remakes are rip off's, Detail means nothing if the map is not fun.
Now that lucky guy got great opportunites for making a few maps. Why can't we get lucky like he did huh?
When Dave made Dust, there were only a handfull of sites dedicated to producing maps. Back then almost all new maps were reviewed by the major sites, the community was small.
You can get lucky.. you just have to figure out how to get all the servers to run your map. :-)
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-30 10:22:47 UTC
in R_speeds (viewing in Steam) Post #100112
Gl_wireframe viewing in CS and DoD run through Steam.

Add your map to the launch properties,
Run the game.
Select 'Spectate'
Enter gl_wireframe 2 in the console...
Hey presto, wireframes.
Now add bot's and join the game... weird.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-30 10:19:58 UTC
in Skyrocketing r_speeds!! Post #100110
Simple sentence r_speeds.
"If it has a texture on it it will increase the r_speeds."
There are a few exceptions to this rule, specifically those textures that are NOT rendered.
"r" stands for rendering...
Pretty simple really.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-30 10:15:41 UTC
in Just a suggestion... [closed] Post #100108
But I can,

Thanks to all for you thoughts.. keep them coming.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-30 10:10:38 UTC
in Wads Post #100107
While we are talking about Dave...
I strongly suggest that all our members read the articles on the making of de_dust at

Never know... you might learn something ;-)
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-26 01:31:21 UTC
in R_speeds (viewing in Steam) Post #99134
I mentioned this in a recent thread but can't seem to find it...
The discussion was about viewing r_speeds when running maps in Steam and the person who posted it was concerned because they got a single line of 'speeds' but they showed
60fps 0ms 0wpoly 0epoly.
I couldn't re-create the error as it displayed correctly on my maps in DoD and CS.
I am not sure if anyone posted the fix, but it is reasonably simple.
Turn your minimap off, normally by using the 'm' key and then run the speeds again. Seems that having the minimap on will zero the speed numbers.

[edit: or cl_minimap 0 and 1 for off and on, or was it on and off? Oh well, I am sure you will figure it out. - Andy]
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-25 18:37:47 UTC
in Map Vault Suggestion [closed] Post #99079
Especially now..
This has been discussed to death. There is very little Seventh and I can do.
Thank you for your interest ES, but we will have to wait and see.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-25 18:35:15 UTC
in Just a suggestion... [closed] Post #99077
Fully support any attempt to streamline a simple FAQ style tutorial.

What you guy's probably don't know is that the 'Find' or search bar (when searching Tutorials) at the top depends on the keywords we enter when a tutorial is published.
A couple of years ago, we just stuck with the basics, and have updated search keywords when people have brought it to our attention.
It is a limited function!
I've seen that most problems happen when they try to do something the wrong way.
Fully agree with this.
Reducing forum posts by producing some sort of FAQ seems like a good idea. Best of luck...
Let me know when you finish it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-25 18:15:33 UTC
in ARGH! OMG! Post #99072
Speaking of mirrors,
I hope you are all well aware that in the information at the top of Tommy's site.
Note: Servers are flaky, websites go down - these are facts of life. It may be wise to save to your harddrive any tutorials here (and eslewhere) that may interest you.
Make use of this and save Tommys error table frequently.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-25 18:10:20 UTC
in Book your reading currently Post #99071
Will finish today:
One Thirteenth of an Elephant - Ian Denys Peek
Just finished:
The DC3 - Glines and Moseley (1966)
A short history of almost everything - Bill Bryson
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-25 18:03:23 UTC
in Favourite quote!! Post #99069
Perhaps the problem is in between the monitor and the chair...and I'm not talking about the keyboard...X) Posted on 14 Mar 05 09:04
by RabidMonkey777
We used to refer to this as 'Seat-Stick interface' if we knew that the reason the bombs were still on the plane was that the jock hadn't selected the correct switching sequence.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-24 18:50:22 UTC
in restricting classes in dod Post #98880
It is done with a 'mapname'.cfg.
Here is the one for Zafod:
echo dod_zafod.cfg loaded

mp_limitallieslight -1
mp_limitalliesassault -1
mp_limitalliesheavy -1
mp_limitalliessniper -1
mp_limitalliesmg -1

mp_limitaxislight -1
mp_limitaxisassault -1
mp_limitaxisheavy -1
mp_limitaxissniper -1
mp_limitaxismg -1
To figure it all out, you are going to have to search the web as the site I got all my information from is now long gone, hopefully someone out there is still providing it.
Although this thread might give you some ideas:
cfg discussion
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-24 18:43:28 UTC
in Just a suggestion... [closed] Post #98878
Basically you are asking what most of us have learned through trial and error.

A long time ago, we thought it would be a good idea for people new to mapping to list their problems and the solutions they found, so we could generate a noob's guide.

This didn't occur, because as most of us are aware, once you get started in level design, you learn as you go and don't have time to jot things down.
The next best thing was to post tutorials on basic concepts to help people get an understanding of the simple things.

The best site I found for explanations of 'how it works' was Firebinders Test Chamber.
This is limited to theory of level design, but gives the viewer some good insights into the way HL works.

I doubt anyone has the time to write up a tutorial, or wiki on the most common basics of design... and I wish M_gargantua all the best in rewriting the 200 entities with full interactive linking.

What is it about the tutorial 'light' that lacks what you need? Maybe we can add to that?
1292 topics about Light have been discussed in the forums, if the answer is not there... let us know :-)
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-24 18:30:40 UTC
in ARGH! OMG! Post #98875
Has a few things to say about this...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-23 00:24:50 UTC
Aint im right!
wink-wink - ;)
Have a read of the documentation and change your command line switches to suit. But that shouldn't be necessary because you should have been avoiding light_entities and using textured lighting or a combination of enhanced texlights.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-23 00:16:48 UTC
in Why Half-Life??? Post #98645
I am guessing they did some serious market research to find the title. Either way, it suits the game.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-23 00:15:32 UTC
in Thumbnails Post #98644
Satch and Seventh are right on the money here.
Create a small version of the piccy with IrfanView or something and use this:

<a href="image.jpg"><img src="image_small.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="Small pic" title="Small pic" /></a>

Major changes here are removing the 'border' attribute, because it sucks and should be defined in the CSS.. Oh, um, I mean it is not really well supported and add a close out line to the image /> so that it is compatible with all browsers.
Add the alt attribute to enhance the pic and the title attribute to allow non IE browsers to display a title for the pic.

ChickenFist quoted the attributes which is good :-)
But if I visited you site and had to wait for the piccy's to be compressed, I would just leave... never to return.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 19:57:55 UTC
That was the fix suggested when XHLT 3.0 wasn't behaving itself..
I am starting to wonder if it might be a good idea to go back to 253 and put up with the compile time, although I like some of the funky new command line switches...

If your compile fails.. go back to what you know.. That's what I did, and it worked.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 19:50:21 UTC
in Custom Gibs Post #98284
Use an Env_shooter
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 19:47:21 UTC
in question on sewers... Post #98282
Rubbish... ;-)
This is where the 'fun' of Carving comes in, along with all the associated errors!!
dandyli0n` has uploaded some good examples.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 19:42:54 UTC
Welcome back ES.. Guess the first thing you would need to go with the CD is a 'puter?

Mix 'n Match, New csg new bsp, XPcageys 17p13 or 15 for rad and vis
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-19 07:50:15 UTC
in Path Tool... Post #97848
Path Tool,
If you get it to work, write a tutorial :-)
As far as I know it is, as previously mentioned, buggy.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-19 07:48:10 UTC
in Suggestion Post #97847
Why didn't you ask Atom yourself?

As Seventh said, the forums are running at about 3000 a day and the main page at 700 or so. Oh and there is a heap of other stuff in the stats that wasn't there before..
Shows I don't check it too often :-)
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-17 07:56:52 UTC
in Compo 13 - [closed] Post #97471
Guy's n Girls...
If this is anything like all the other compos, you will drive yourselves mad thinking of something to map while the deadline rapidly approaches, and then at the last minute you will have a brilliant idea and no time tio impliment it.

Decide what you are going to map and start TODAY!
Remember that you are your own worst critic.
I would prefer to see 20 crap entries :-) and 10 good entries instead of 1 entry that was Ok, and no one else entering.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-17 04:52:06 UTC
in Steam's rear entry Post #97459
Awesome double post... :-)