Forum posts

Posted 7 years ago2018-01-10 15:15:04 UTC
in game breaking glitch Post #338613
Verify the integrity of your game cache?
Restart the level via the map c#a# command?

It'd be interesting to decompile that map and get a good look at the entity setup though.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-10 14:21:25 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #338610
That screenshot reminds me of this:
User posted image
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-09 19:50:20 UTC
in HL2 mod Post #338607
You seem to change your mind a lot
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-09 18:10:43 UTC
in HL2 mod Post #338604
In Steam, go to the Tools tab, and search for [b]Source SDK[/b] and Install it.

When you launch the Source SDK, there will be a Utility for creating a mod.

1) Choose your Engine (Use 2013 version)
2) Create a Mod
3) Follow the prompts
3a) Here you choose if it's single or multiplayer and other options


I'm wrong, valve changed it. My book is now wrong forever.

Read that.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-09 17:54:19 UTC
in HL2 mod Post #338602
I suggest you follow the steps involved with making a Source 2013 mod, that's the best and easiest way to make a Source mod.

Download Steam, Get the tool kit (IT'S FREE) and then you have a Mod - simple.

Then you need to code in your entities, and add your own assets.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-09 16:47:49 UTC
in HL2 mod Post #338597
What steps have you followed so far?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-09 16:10:14 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #338595
Second screenshot looks like Stade de France
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-08 15:11:48 UTC
in Modular level design in Half-Life? Post #338588
I've always wanted to do this with the hopes I could generate a random level in C++ using the prefabs and then immediately compile.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-04 15:54:54 UTC
in Help me Post #338561
I'm not going to make you quit anything.

It seems you're kinda depressed right now, and quitting is never the answer when you're in that state of mind.
I can't program
From what I've seen you've created the basics of a mod. Scripting is a simple form of programming and you need that for doors and triggers and even your model QC files. What do you WANT to program exactly? I'm sure you just mean "you don't yet have the ability to program whatever you want." If you want to learn how to program, try. You will fail. Keep trying, you will succeed.
I can't make music
Do you own an instrument? Have you tried?
I can't make anything because I'm not a genius
False, also you don't need to be a genius to do anything. Do you think the person who built your house was a genius? No, but i'm sure he learned how to swing a hammer pretty well - he had a certain skillset for a certain application.
I'm not an artist
I've seen your mod demo video. The atmosphere of the alien ship is pretty good. I would 100% call you an artist.
I'm not a good speaker
In English? If it's not your native language, that's fine. We can all understand what you're saying.
I'm not fast
Why do you even think that matters?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-04 14:36:07 UTC
in Help me Post #338556
Learn from your mistakes, try again.

If you keep coming back to it, you must like it in some way.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-03 23:56:41 UTC
in Rotating joints in Milkshape3d Post #338554
The model you uploaded isn't rigged properly.

The original download actually has a blender file included and it's all set up for animating.
User posted image
I know you tried really hard up to this point, but trash everything you've had, then re download that model.

Download BLENDER

Enable the addon in blender, open the blender file from the original download and you're good to go.

For reference, watch VIDEO #3

That will take you through the following steps:
:hammer: creating a basic idle animation
:hammer: exporting the SMD
:hammer: Converting the exported SOURCE smd to a GOLDSOURCE smd
:hammer: writing a QC
:hammer: compiling

It all seems like a lot but once you do it a few times, it gets easy.
good luck!
Also, to make it easier to manipulate joints, refer to this screen shot:
User posted image
Clicking the curve shows the rotation gizmo when you select a bone.
Selecting Local sets local bone rotation so you can easily move things around.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-03 13:58:16 UTC
in Rotating joints in Milkshape3d Post #338551
Esprimo, I might be able to check out the files tonight and offer some help. I was consumed by the holidays and the Pockets project but i'm free now.

In the meantime, if you're up for learning yourself, I made a series of Blender -> Goldsource tutorial videos -
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-03 13:43:44 UTC
in TWHL Pockets Post #338549
A Wild Tetsu0 Appears
User posted image
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-29 15:29:39 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #338524
@Shepherd, you are correct.

Looks great when lit, Windaws
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-28 21:27:27 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #338519
little something pocket something...
User posted image
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-28 05:31:11 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #338513
I think, for me, it was trying to combine entities. For instance selecting an existing func_rotating and another world brush and trying to tie them together. Didn't really work out.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-27 19:38:08 UTC
in marina Post #338510
Easiest way would be to create a cylinder and cut it into quarters
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-27 00:13:57 UTC
in Rotating joints in Milkshape3d Post #338503
Come to the light side (Blender) and I'll teach you all I know haha
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-25 05:17:03 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #338493
So I was happily sledging away just a few minutes ago.. I ran a map and noticed everything was spinning about the origin.. ok weird...

Checked sledge and all my origin brushes are gone. Over 10 entities, of different types, doors, rotatings, in different axis.. gone.

There's no visgroup issue (i can disable but not re-enable)

Checked vmf in notepad and there's no reference to "material" "origin". I made another test map with a fun_rotating to compare.

They're gone! Lol

thankfully I have a backup but it's a bit odd that only the origin brushes went missing.

A handful of entities keep moving themselves to the origin and being empty - having no volume. I cannot resize them or move them however i can see their properties.

Also Also, if i select one of those zero volume brush entities and go to move the 3D view, i get an infinite loop of error windows woo! --- seems to be related to the 3D camera? if i drag a new camera out and move around, it doesn't crash... however i can select the other cameras that have been placed at the origin that are looking at those broken brush entities and delete them and everything seems fine.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-25 04:04:40 UTC
in Black Mesa Post #338496
I bought it because it was $5.

Even if they just retextured xen, it would be an improvement. I'm definitely looking forward to it.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-24 19:37:58 UTC
in Black Mesa Post #338490

It's nice to finally meet you!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-23 14:34:35 UTC
in Sorry Post #338478
would it show up if you viewed the map in wireframe? gl_wireframe 2 in console
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-23 11:41:47 UTC
in Sorry Post #338476
Try OBS studio or camstudio for screen recording. Both are free
Cam studio is great for time lapses.

Also I haven't made a map in almost a year. I hang around to answer questions and participate in compos when they're hosted.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-20 23:55:34 UTC
in What the Health? Post #338446
I think more cattle should be free range. It takes a lot of land, and is therefore expensive, but it's so much better for EVERYTHING.

Lab grown meat? Idk it reminds me of Better off Ted I'll certainly try it though.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-20 09:23:44 UTC
in What the Health? Post #338437
Yep. I love eating my plants and animals.
I just have to be more active and drink less beer haha.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-15 04:54:50 UTC
in win10 is the most retarded os i ever see Post #338389
what if you put something inside the folder, like a .txt with mumbo jumbo in it.... then try to delete the folder?
can you move it or rename it?

Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-14 05:12:48 UTC
in Crowbar 0.35 Model decompiled incorrectl Post #338371
Doesn't HLMV have a decompile option?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-14 00:24:18 UTC
in win10 is the most retarded os i ever see Post #338369
if you run command prompt as an admin, navigate to the folder, can you delete the files that way?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-03 04:47:57 UTC
in Questions surrounding entity limit Post #338284
Brushwork spheres? Goldsource doesn't play nice with those.
Is there a way you can replace that for a model?

I think i also ran into the ALLOCBLOCK error once before due to an excess of clipnodes.

Try changing fancy brushwork into func_illusionaries and then placing rectangular clip brushes over the geometry to simplify your clip nodes.

If you don't want to use a model for those spheres, I'd start there

Also which set of compile tools are you using?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-03 04:39:58 UTC
in Models invisible after compiling Post #338283
There's a limit of around 1000 vertices per smd but you can compile multiple smds into a single .mdl file.

use multiple $body lines in your QC
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-11-21 04:33:42 UTC
in Need Inspiration (Engine Room) Post #338128
Well think about the application.
What are the engines powering? A spaceship? A boat? A giant train?
Perhaps each of those applications will have different engine variants. Nuclear, electric, steam, diesel, gasoline, fission....

An engine room needs an engine, fuel supply, control equipment, maybe maintenance equipment, some sort of cooling system... It needs a power output either via cables (like a generator) flywheel or spinning shaft (rotational/mechanical)

Then you need entrances and exits for personnel, maintenance access areas, regular lighting, emergency lighting, alarm lighting....

Picture the room and it's purpose, then give every detail in the room a purpose.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-11-16 17:07:35 UTC
in What editor do you use? Post #338072
I like Sledge. It's made in house here by penguinboy. There are some tiny bugs but it's better than 3.5 by a long shot
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-11-08 23:49:19 UTC
in Model Artist support requested. Post #338002
You need to manually bind the mesh vertices to bones Via vertex groups. It's a pain. Select which vertices you want to assign to a bone, and assign them to a vertex group that has the same name as the bone.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-09-24 17:24:52 UTC
in Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D. Post #337512
This showed up in my google feed this morning!! Grats. I have to grab it when i get my desktop up and running.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-27 00:43:02 UTC
in Timer in HL1? Post #337087
Looping MMs are troublesome. I use 2 if I want to loop. They trigger each other and seem to work fine.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-08-21 01:19:43 UTC
in The Great US Solar Eclipse Of 2017 Post #336970
So glad I moved from CT to FL I'll see 90% at work tomorrow.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-23 10:42:51 UTC
in Lights lulz!!! Post #336247
You could always post the map to the vault.

Perhaps there's other errors that's slowing it down and it's not just the lighting
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-18 22:45:23 UTC
in New and Simple Post #336147
He isn't using the stock skeleton. He made his own bones. Does he need a specific walk animation name?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-18 12:45:40 UTC
in Half-Life: The Core Post #336114
@PB flights are probably pricey but I can arrange transportation to and from the airport with beverage and bag service
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-18 00:09:51 UTC
in Half-Life: The Core Post #336111
The invite is only so they can work on the core in peace. If you're a member of the team or can steal whatever source files they have, you're invited..

Your mission.. should you choose to accept it......
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-17 21:23:58 UTC
in Half-Life: The Core Post #336109
Urby, Archie. how about both you blokes take a week off and come visit me at my new digs in sunny Florida USA.
We have beer, beaches, great music and fast wifi.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 22:29:35 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #336084
I'm 160 hours into Breath of the Wild. Hard mode is good. Also it's hard.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-15 22:28:48 UTC
in MDL QC Compile command list Post #336083
Killer thread! Can't wait to get back into modeling once my computer is online again
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-10 10:08:55 UTC
in I want to make new textures. Post #335965
I had good luck using and getting source images from

Wally takes a bit to yet used to however.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-07-03 02:04:20 UTC
in Help with an entity setup Post #335879
Then you re-target the previous platform again after the 5 second delay so it comes back.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-21 10:27:53 UTC
in Func_tankrocket: make it shoot a target Post #335620
Goldsource or Source?

Try this if it's for GS:
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-20 02:13:46 UTC
in MDL QC Compile command list Post #335592
Oh dude this is awesome. I can't wait to test some of these. I don't know of any special orders though.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-12 13:00:03 UTC
in light model which falls Post #335409
Are you getting any specific failure messages?
I wish I experimented more with the various texture types for models :-/
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-12 12:56:15 UTC
in A Bug in my jb map Post #335408
It's not the editor fellas, hammer has been used for well over a decade and it's fine. Just because there's a better hammer doesn't mean the old one doesn't work.

That being said... The new compile tools are better in every way. They're more efficient and produce better results all the while giving you better feedback in the console; get them.

From what I've been seeing from the screenshots, it looks like there's some pretty sloppy brushwork and the engine is having a hard time with it - it could also be the dated compile tools.

have you tried running the level in wireframe mode to see when exactly the vis bug occurs?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-31 23:55:04 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #335195
yes. So long as the displacements are of the same power (you should really use 3 mainly) and the underlying brushes themselves line up
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos