Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-09-03 22:47:58 UTC
in Hard Drive Space Post #195520
Just curious, how much (total) hard drive space do you guys have available in your systems? I have a total of 480GB (approx. 160GB for applications and approx. 320GB just for games). Both are Western Digital drives with 8MB cache.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-29 19:13:32 UTC
in They Hunger Source (Lost Souls) Post #195069
Where the hell did this mod go???

This mod looked so sick and after I played the ones for HL1, I was really looking forward to playing it. Last october they claimed they were 75% done and there hasn't been any news on the site since april. WTF!?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-29 18:57:12 UTC
in Episode 2 Box Art? Post #195066
I think there should really be a hunter with a bunch on striders in the background or something.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-29 18:54:52 UTC
in What is Half-Life Post #195065
...who cares???
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-29 18:51:30 UTC
in Episode Two - Insert Coin to Continue Post #195064
I prefer to actually go out and buy my games retail for the purpose of feeling like I actually "own" a copy of the product. I also like having the box that comes with the game so I can add it to my collection. I have only downloaded a few things that I have paid for through steam. I think the system is good thought.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-26 14:18:39 UTC
in VALVe and ATi Post #194654
Fuck you.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-26 13:51:55 UTC
in VALVe and ATi Post #194649
I'm already in anger management but thanks anyway.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-26 13:48:15 UTC
in VALVe and ATi Post #194646
The 6200 isnt an FX dumbass and my 6800 runs HL2 at all high settings without a problem.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-26 08:55:34 UTC
in VALVe and ATi Post #194614
They didn't optimize anything. They programmed the shaders n such to make nVidia FX cards sluggish. The didn't even really favor ATi. I don't really care cuz i got myself a nVidia 6800GT that runs HL2 flawlessly. I just wanted to post this because i found it "interesting."
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-26 08:20:20 UTC
in VALVe and ATi Post #194610
Some of you may already know this but VALVe purposely crippled the performance on nVidia FX series graphics cards in HL2 for the sake of their affiliation with ATi. That's right, they didn't optimize the performance on ATi cards, instead, they made it so that nVidia FX cards would have a tough time running the game. That's just scummy if you ask me. Anyway, visit to find out how you can boost your performance if you have a nVidia FX card. People with 6600 and 6800 series cards are not affected by this so don't bother.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-26 08:08:58 UTC
in Compiling HL1 source code Post #194608
VALVe used MSVC++ 6 i think. Heh, I probably shouldn't tell but you can get a free version (with a serial) on any P2P network easy.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-26 08:05:18 UTC
in New Episode 2 Trailer *SPOILER WARNING* Post #194607
Still cool though. I like the snorkel exhaust on the new buggy and for that matter i like how it actually has an engine with workin radiator fan woot!
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-25 01:44:18 UTC
in Portal Post #194457
Not sure i like all the "cavyness." I'd much rather be in some kind of extremely large research facility/missle base kinda... o wait that's already been done.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-12 01:13:38 UTC
in Scripting Post #193176
What the hell does that mean?
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-11 20:18:39 UTC
in Headcrab Navigation Post #193158
Tried it, the movement was choppy and glitchy. I think I may have to try the func_conveyor method...again. Last time I tried it it seemed to be hit or miss. Sometimes the conveyors would push em along and other times the crabs would just sit at the spawn.
Posted 17 years ago2006-08-11 18:27:31 UTC
in Headcrab Navigation Post #193149
I need a bunch of headcrabs (say 8) to go to a certain point after they are spawned. There will be 8 headcrabs spawned at one time that will need to got to this point. Here's the thing, the crabs must follow a maze-like duct system before they reach the goal point. I have already tried a few things but haven't had much luck. I tried a aiscripted with nodes but only one headcrab will follow the nodes out of the 8 that spawn. Is it possible to do this with paths, corners or tracks?
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-30 12:05:00 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #192028
I am the one that shut down the site Luke you stupid fucking prick. The freewebs administration never did a thing about it. I deleted it because the bandwidth was almost expired already. Doesn't matter anyhow, I don't think I'm even going to make another because everyone seems to be bashing it already and I can't find a host.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-30 00:38:27 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #192000
Dammit, I made the entire site brand new from scratch with FrontPage and I can't find a free host. I'm not paying a dime so maybe I wont even do it. The new site is basically the same, just some minor changes.

(If you haven't noticed yet, the FreeWebs one has been deleted.) The friggan bandwidth was almost used up already! >8( The admin never said a thing though lol, not even an email!
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-27 17:04:01 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #191830
Yeah I'm probably going to get banned but I don't care. This stupid freewebs site is just temporary. I am currently working on a site under its own domain name. It should be ready within the next couple weeks or so.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 23:08:46 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #191784
Well then aren't you just the sh**!?
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 22:42:57 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #191781
Its called Emulator Zone...
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 22:39:00 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #191779
Fusion will run ROMs for Sega Master System.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 22:07:45 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #191769
On freewebs you are limited to 40mb which totally sucks. You can pay and have unlimited space but I'm using space on They allow you up to 1GB FREE!!! This is more than enough for what Im doing. All of my ROMs are in my account there.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 21:58:12 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #191767
Heh, I said I had an emulator for N64... I do have some N64 ROMs on my hard drive. I didn't bother uploading them because some are so hard to play on a PC even with my gamepads. I suppose if you have a gamepad with an anolog stick it would be ok.

For N64 roms, go to (insane site)
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 21:46:19 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #191763
There is an emulator for Gamecube but GC ISOs are impossible to find... not to mention it's super illegal to download one if you don't own the actual game. Im not even sure I could make the image from the tiny disk!
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-26 21:38:30 UTC
in New Emulation Site Ready Post #191761
If anyone is interested, I finally opened my new emulation site. Its not all that big but there are emulators for NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, PS1, and Game Boy Advance. I also have over 60 working ROMs! The site is a freewebs domain so it has no pop-ups and is very secure. Check it out!

*Oh yeah and I'm the one that made the sick banners :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-17 13:31:05 UTC
in 8.30 MB Texture Memory Post #190515
Awesome, i just didnt want to do all of this work and not be able to compile it. My system should have no problem then. Yeah I saw that 4 MB limit in the compile before but i think that may be just a guideline for when VALVe was making HL or something.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-17 13:17:43 UTC
in 8.30 MB Texture Memory Post #190509
The map I am currently working on is up to 8.30 MB of texture memory. Is this too much??? Am I pushing the limits or is it okay? I just want to know because I still have things to add to it. I dont care about compile times I just want to know if it is okay to have a map with this amount of texture memory.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 09:16:29 UTC
in Hammer Sprite View Post #183696
Sprites aren't appearing in Hammer 3.4 in the 3D window. I've set the env_sprite correctly and targeted the correct sprite but nothing appears ('cept the little purple box). I've fixed this before I think but I had to store sprite backups somewhere where they weren't in the pak files. Are they supposed to show up if they are in the paks?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-17 15:08:36 UTC
in Sub Zero - Abandoned Post #180610
Yeah I know, but I was just so sick of looking at em let alone working on them. Yeah they may have been great maps but I just didn't enjoy working on them at all. It seemed like it would never get done. Again, sorry to dissapoint everyone. I am currently nearly half-way done with my first DM map for Half-Life titled "Datastream." I'm probably just going to make DM maps from now on since SVEN is practically dead and they take only like a week to make. Idk, I'll put this one on when i finish it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-16 13:08:04 UTC
in Sub Zero - Abandoned Post #180401
My mod Sub Zero has officially been abandoned as of 5/16/2006. The mod is completely DEAD and none of the content (except for some screenshots) exists on this here earth. Sorry to dissapoint anyone who was looking forward to the project but I was sick and tired of working on the damn thing. It was simply too much work for one person. I know I promised to finish it eventually but...I lied and there's no bringing it back now.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 21:05:14 UTC
in HALO Half-Life Skin Post #179392
Here is a Half-Life skin that I made for the HALO Warthog when I was bored. There are two lamdba symbols on the hood if you look closely. I was going to put the Black Mesa logo on it but there werent any good spots to place them.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 22:38:57 UTC
in Sub Zero Mod HUD Post #178080
Yeah, I tried to go for somewhat of an "arctic" look. I wanted the HUD to match both the environment and the HEV suit. I'm glad you like it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 17:24:48 UTC
in Sub Zero Mod HUD Post #178050
Well, after countless tries, I finally managed to customize the HUD for my mod. I had to use the long way around and change all the code that the existing color was applied to but it worked. I hope you like how it came out...

You can't see the crosshair that well in the pick but it matches the color of the HEV suit.
(Maximize the window and expand the view)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 17:22:24 UTC
in Alternate Approach Post #178049
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 15:35:43 UTC
in Alternate Approach Post #178009
I am trying to follow this tutorial on an alternative way to change the HUD color by merely modifying the code rather than adding code. It's working but I'm stuck when he says:

"Now do a search through all the files in the client.dll project for "RGB_YELLOWISH". Do this by using the 'Find in Files' function. Just replace "RGB_YELLOWISH" with your new color."

...what? The only thing that I have successfully changed is the color of the little bar in between the health and the armor. I just don't know how to finish the task with the rest of the HUD.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-02 15:03:53 UTC
in Crysis Post #178005
Yep, I saw those screens awhile back AND I watched the demonstration video. The engine looked pretty decent and I could clearly see the differences from the CryTek 1 engine. Since the game will NOT be even related to Far Cry, I'm hoping that the game will be sick.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 19:55:56 UTC
in HUD Color Coding Issues Post #177803
Nope, still not fuckin working. I changed the settings accordingly, changed the code, build the dll, and copied it to my mod. The client.dll was 640KB when I built it. This is still 100KB bigger than the Half-Life client.dll. As for how it looked in-game, the HUD didn't even show up aside from a few red and green spots. At this point I am just completely annoyed with this whole deal. No matter what I try it's probably just not going to work.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 17:07:52 UTC
in Headcrab! Post #177761
I was gonna buy one until i noticed how much i didn't like the design. Headcrabs aren't brown with stripes WTF! The plush isn't even to scale! The price is def. not worth it either.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-01 16:11:14 UTC
in HUD Color Coding Issues Post #177732
Yes that MUST be the problem because it copies the finished dll into the debug folder along with a bunch of other crap. Alright, I'll fix it right away. As for the SDK, I have DLed the FULL version.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 19:42:15 UTC
in HUD Color Coding Issues Post #177582
Yeah, the client.dll builds (what seems) correctly without changes...but why is it so big when it is built? The one for Half-Life is only 540KB. I just want a damn white HUD!!! Gaad this is so dumb. I'm using SDK 2.3 and MSVC++ 6.0 Does anyone REALLY just code for fun? Cuz that's just friggan whack!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 19:28:32 UTC
in HUD Color Coding Issues Post #177575
What if it does? What if it doesn't?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 18:33:16 UTC
in HUD Color Coding Issues Post #177562
I finally built the client.dll for my mod with C++ 6.0. I changed the code EXACTLY to how it is laid out in the Custom HUD Color tutorial here. When the client.dll was built it seemed that there were problems from the start. First of all, the dll is now 2.10MB instead of 540KB. Is that wrong? This seems very large for the file. Secondly, when I copied the client.dll to my cl_dlls folder, the new HUD color (supposed to white) failed and I was left with a "ghost-like" HUD layout. I could BARELY see the HUD as it was translucent and grey. It was almost not even there. What the hell is wrong? I am SO sick of trying to do this shit. This is like the 20th time I've tried to get a white HUD. This is so stupid. I would really appreciate it if someone could finally just do this for me. I can't really try to care anymore it's just retarded.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 16:20:58 UTC
in cl_dll.dsw Post #177536
Woot to me lol! Now all I gotta do is figure out a way to build the dll with Visual C++ 2005 Express. It seems that this version of the software differs a lot from the previous line of 'em. I just need to set up the compiler and maybe for once it will work! I've also heard a bunch of things regarding its compatibility with Source. It seems that this version is a little buggy when dealing with Source code. Hopefully it's not the same with the HL1 engine.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 13:54:57 UTC
in cl_dll.dsw Post #177517
I just downloaded the FULL 2.3 SDK from your like you provided. I installed it to C:SierraHalf-LifeSDK and there is NO folder that is titiled "Source Code." There's Single-Player Source and Multiplayer Source with seperate cl_dlls folders but there is no cl_dll anywhere.

[Update] Sorry, I finally found the "cl_dll.dsp" file. Is that the same thing as the "cl_dll.dsw?" Anyway, sorry for the confusion. I'll be alright from here, thanks!
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-30 09:40:58 UTC
in cl_dll.dsw Post #177474
Where the hell do I find the cl_dll.dsw? I searched for it many times in the HLSDK (2.3) but it wasn't there! Is it even included with the 2.3 SDK? Which SDK do you people recommend using? Also, where can I find the "best" version of C++ (not the newest)? I am currently using the 2005 Express Edition. This version just doesn't seem that compatible with anything I am trying to do.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-29 14:29:57 UTC
in Aiscripted Post #177355
It will studder the whole time and will not react to anything else like enemies or the player. It will sit there and shake forever. It doesnt seem like the script is being completed since the monster wont attack anything when it is studdering. This particular monster is the Garg but it happens a lot with smaller models as well.

I am trying to use an aiscripted_sequence because it overrides the AI. When I use the scripted_sequence, the Garg will ignore the script when it "sees" a squad of human_grunts. Is there anyway to bypass this with a regular scripted_sequence? Usually when i use the scripted_sequence the model will always play the animation smoothly.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-29 13:33:52 UTC
in Aiscripted Post #177345
When I add an aiscripted_sequence to my map and compile, the model that is supposed to be doing the script studders and doesn't really do the animation correctly. It seems that every time i try to do this this happens. What is wrong and how can i get the scripts to work?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-27 23:36:23 UTC
in Chevy Blazer Available!!! Post #177133
Nope, cannot seem to picture Gordon driving a sports car for some reason. He seems more like the quiet type who keeps to himself so I doubt he would want to drive an attention-getting vehicle. Because of his anti-socialism, I see him driving your basic, everyday hatchback or sedan. The Viper looks real good tho.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-27 20:16:03 UTC
in Chevy Blazer Available!!! Post #177111
Nah, the Blazer's absolutely fine for a security guard. Those vehicles I listed are just what I thought about when I thought of Black Mesa personnel. You already got an SUV so I'd say keep going on what you're working on. Your models look great so I wouldn't get too side-tracked on what make or model they are. Just keep up the good work!