scrap that. valve updated software rendering or this 800 poly thing every one goes on about it wrong cause I just got 1300 polys in a test map useing software without a problem
I fixed it. It wasn't fireing the stingers at a rebel 1000 units away cause there was another rebel under the bridge 50 units away which as it is on the bridge it couldn't kill. I noticed rebels seem not to fire there rpgs at apcs not sure why. they do sometimes but then they stop and let it kill them.
are you running in "software" mode? cause sometimes it does that in detailed areas with me. Also is there render mode set to texture and fx amount set to 0?
I can't get apc's to fire there stinger missiles. They will only fire there other gun. I have set an npc_apcdriver up. Is there something else that must be done to make them to fire there missiles?
lol...i thought you might have but it is like the only thing i managed to do when playing around wirth it that had the effect you said you were getting for me.
3d view is still broken. And so everyone knows the last value (wasn't it "bullets" befor? Any way it says "ammo type" now) needs resetting in func_tanks.
Nice one valve! Well they have done someting with func_tank 's that has fucked up my large turret (twin gattling cannons, rockets ect) Not sure how but they won't fire anymore
MY hammer works (apart from physics objects are falling trough displacements and slow map loading) untill it crashes (average time till crash:2 min) I want to downdate my hammer...
I tried everything i can think of now. It seems it ttakes no notice of what I set and they just go up. Also I can't get a feild that destroyers the player, NPC's ect but NOT the balls.
Anyway. as for left and right i'll just forget about that unless someone posts a way.
i think monsters can see other monsters that are renderd invissible. Make a monster (any of the smaller ones ahould work as long as the grunt can't kill it in one shot). set the render mode up (i forget which makes it 100% transparent just play around with it) Put by window Tick monster_clip flag make func_monsterclip box around it. add func_hurt box with -1000 dmage and noclients ticked.
the grunt should try and kill the monster but will never kill it because of -func_hurt and the player can't see the monster. To stop it target the monster with "kill target"
they only go either up or bounce up and down in hl2. but my combine complex i'm building isn't a tower so up isn't good. I don't have ep1 yet so don't know but i'm gusseing they have options hl2 doesn't have but i could be wrong.
you can't just place a func_train it has to be brush based. and it seems some objects like env_beams loose there location so I won't make beam1 start at beam1 anymore.
put something behind the window for him to kill that respawns but can't kill him. eg zombie. he should shoot at the zomibe and if you get the angles right the player won't see the zombie but will see the grunt.
ok...i got my balls going up to work but i still can`t get them to move left to right And i still don't fully understand how and why it works and hammer help doesn't say that much.