Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-02-15 16:40:58 UTC
in Entities Post #212576
I want to learn to map for Half Life 2 as well as 1 but I found a load of the entites don't work and come up with error's in game. I asked my mate from school today about this and he said he had heard that even if you don't have ep1 and choose "Half Life 2" from the game list in the SDK hammer will have ep1 only entites.
This isn't helping me learn as 9/10 I have chosen something that won't work in HL2 and as Ive completed ep1 round my mates I don't want to buy ep1 as I think the money could be better spent else where.
Is there any way around this?
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-15 15:51:27 UTC
in Cliffs...? Post #212567
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-15 07:06:22 UTC
in Trains Post #212538
I got a track train to follow a track but I want to add a turn table type thing. I looked in the entities list and I think it wants to be a func_trackautochange and I set it up as best I can and made the last path_track before it target it on dead end (no next stop target set) but my train just goes on to it stops and nothing happens? What am I doing wrong?

(only adding non default values)

Name: Train01_04_05
Spin amount:90
Train to switch:Train01
Top track:Train01_04
Bottom track:Train01_05
Move/Rotate speed:15

Auto Activate train
Rotate Only