Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2008-02-17 15:46:24 UTC
in compile accident .wad is wrong name Post #245835
ok i guess ill try that. if not no big deal. i just hate those long compiles
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-17 04:31:47 UTC
in compile accident .wad is wrong name Post #245799
long story short i need to know if i can get a different texture .wad to work even though all the texture names are the same. i made a map and edited the textures. then i compiled it with the wrong (original) .wad it is like a 4 hour compile. can i change it without having to recompile. (yes i was drunk and forgot to -wadinclude) at any rate. if i make a res file and edit it changing the wad name will that work?
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-13 07:38:32 UTC
in mapping/texture differences Post #245565
damn that sucks. i use textlights a lot
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-13 06:53:12 UTC
in mapping/texture differences Post #245563
i see. thank you this helps quite a bit. i will read up on those things. does the .vmt file then also replace the lights.rad?
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-13 06:30:20 UTC
in mapping/texture differences Post #245561
well on this page u can see a screen shot of a pyramid that glows and on that there is a beam of light coming out the top that i used with a fade texture. i want to replicate that in source but i cant find fade. the pyramid that is floating is a func_wall render additive 200 so it glows and i cant do that in source either.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-13 03:10:46 UTC
in mapping/texture differences Post #245558
can someone explain to me some things that i have not figured out. i am familiar with mapping for counter strike, but not for source. i have been porting a map i made to source but i am having a hard time understanding how to do these things. mostly texture based
1.i cant find the blue texture.
2.what is fade in source
3. please explain how textures work in source. i dont see a .wad anymore are the textures automatically added now?
4. if i want someone to help me with my map(in hammer) do i need to zip all the textures i used so they can edit it?
5. i used to make {aaatrigger texture for ladders, in source after compile they do not disappear they are pink and black checkers and i cant use my ladder.
6. i want some things to glow ie func_illusionary (additive 200) in source it is just black or transparent.

i searched for these things but didnt find any answers.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-11 17:54:16 UTC
in Open for TWHL3 Suggestions Post #245500
oh, i read the pages but didnt see it. :combines:
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-11 05:26:18 UTC
in texture utility request for muzzleflash Post #245454
holy shit! i have that downloaded too! wtf. im still on pain meds from my surgery and i swear to god i have lost a month of life
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-11 04:12:18 UTC
in texture utility request for muzzleflash Post #245446
since u have made other utilities i was wondering if u could make a utility that will do all the work for me when making a texture file for source. kind of like wally does for cz. i have some textures and i just want to drag them into a window and have them converted to the vmt format.
so no one feels left out, if you are able to do this feel free. i just know muzzleflash has done several helpful things program wise.
wasnt sure if i should post this in general or source.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-11 04:04:34 UTC
in !!LEAKED!! or is it? HELP ME PLZ! Post #245443
well its hard to help, with no screen shots or .rmf or .map. did u use the carve tool on strange shapes? it might just be a fucked up error that you cannot see. what about your pointfile?

you can try a huge hollowed out box around your map and make it bright pink. compile it, then wander around and try to find the leak in game. or u can use the box method and box off a section of your map and try to compile. if u get an error keep boxing off areas until u narrow it down.

i used to get leak errors a lot until i decided to stop being sloppy. now i compile often and make sure each new brush i add lines up with the others.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-11 03:59:24 UTC
in Open for TWHL3 Suggestions Post #245442
if you are still taking suggestions, id like to add one. When i get private message notifications, and delete one it takes me to a different screen and says message deleted. so if i have multiple notifications this has to be done several times. can u make a check box and select all option to delete said notifications?
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-03 00:23:45 UTC
in Hammer Texture Application Post #244890
shift A
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 06:45:04 UTC
in need input on porting Post #244815
this is my cz map i would like to port to source. would u be so kind to dl it and check it out? what can i do with it to improve it to better take advantage of the source engine? it is a deathmatchstyle map.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 06:23:43 UTC
in texture port from cz Post #244813
damn thats what i was hoping to avoid
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-02 06:21:25 UTC
in texture port from cz Post #244811
just wondering whats the easiest way to port textures from a .wad to a .vmt so i can use the same textures on my map. i know that u might wonder why anyone would want to do this but the textures i used in my cz map are good quality and i want to see how it would look in source.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-01 07:42:36 UTC
in a little confused. please advise Post #244740
ok i did nothing wrong. thanks for the replies in the future this is the fix.
paste: -engine ep1
into the launch properties. That's because (stupidly without warning..) Steam assumes you have Hl2 Episode2 and tries to run SDK with the EP2 content.
Posted 16 years ago2008-02-01 03:07:50 UTC
in a little confused. please advise Post #244736
well that did the same thing that i have been doing. started steam and then nothing happens when i try to launch source sdk. am i suppose to extract any files or use any new fgd files before it will work?
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-31 23:03:27 UTC
in a little confused. please advise Post #244716
well that didnt fix my problem. i read somewhere i needed to add a hl2 fgd or something. any ideas?
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-31 19:47:41 UTC
in a little confused. please advise Post #244710
i click on the source sdk icon, and steam starts, i go to tools and right click on source sdk. i select launch game. the hour glass comes up for a brief 3-4 seconds and then... nothing happens.

<edit> i will try deleting and re-installing
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-31 19:23:52 UTC
in a little confused. please advise Post #244708
i cannot get this picture. when i try to run source sdk all it does is open steam.

this is the screen i get when i try to open sourcesdk.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-31 18:57:24 UTC
in a little confused. please advise Post #244702
yeah i did all that. i do have steam. but this is where i cant seem to find any other options. is there a setup tutorial for source? i searched but didnt find it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-31 17:37:52 UTC
in a little confused. please advise Post #244695
Well i downloaded source sdk and i would like to try making a map for source. but i am confused, i searched the forums but didnt really see anything for source sdk or setting up hammer for source. what is source sdk (i thought it was hammer 4.0) maybe i am searching for the wrong terms, all i can find is setting up hammer for cs or half life.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-29 04:18:58 UTC
in source team/mapper/modler needed Post #244514
ah nuts. well i guess maybe ur right then. usually layout is the hardest part for me anyway. i just thought... eh nevermind. im bummed. im going to ice my.. well, bum.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-29 03:25:39 UTC
in source team/mapper/modler needed Post #244511
Hi i was wondering if anyone would be interested in porting a map i made for condition zero to source and making a few improvements on it. I like my map and so do many players, but i need some real expert help to port it to source so it takes advantage of the new engine. I would maybe be willing to pay if no one will take me up on it simply for bragging rights. it is a medium size map made for gungame, and deathmatch style play. I will include the rmf and i will try to help in anyway i can. i have not mapped for source at all so i am just wondering how hard is it to port.
you can see and dl the map here.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-26 16:00:50 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244342
well i tried captain terrors latest challenges and i gave up after a few minutes. i tried vm and i just cant get it going ive tried following the tutorials about it but i think i just want everything to happen so fast. if someone makes either of them can they include an rmf so i can see it in hammer?
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-25 16:25:47 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244300
hey ant maybe u can re-create this...
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Posted 16 years ago2008-01-24 22:33:27 UTC
in brush glitch in game on cylinder/arch Post #244254
im trying to make towers with spiral steps. kind of a castle style. i didnt carve anything, but i am getting weird screens. what am i doing wrong in these pictures. i need an easier way to make a spiral staircase fit inside a cylinder. i used clipping to make windows (which didnt really work and looks like shit). also the arch in the door has a glitch too, im not sure why. last thing, what part of this should i func wall?

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Posted 16 years ago2008-01-22 02:56:12 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244014
well to be fair i did start the balcony on a new thread, because i thought the same thing. but then we kind of talked about it here.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-22 00:46:36 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #244004
yeah its Bionic Commando. My favorite game of all time. yeah the textures are something i pretty much ignored i just really liked the windows. did u clip them or use vm
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-21 16:20:12 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243981
holy shit captn terror! that is amazing! its so much better than i can even imagine!
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-21 01:27:06 UTC
in Desktops of January Post #243930
my favorite screen shot from long ago playing SWG

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Posted 16 years ago2008-01-19 23:26:36 UTC
in balcony challenge/ideas Post #243865
yeah i guess i should have put it in the same thread as the others. oops maybe a mod can move it there
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-19 07:19:00 UTC
in balcony challenge/ideas Post #243809
ok here is an .rmf and .wad this balcony will be facing another playable building so u will see it from the outside inside and from the street below. obviously u may use what ever textures u want. the top of the prefab would be the max height and underneath needs to have windows of some sort. this prefab was pulled from the middle of my map so some of the walls are not all one brush. but u get the general idea.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-19 05:52:29 UTC
in balcony challenge/ideas Post #243803
well this is a very basic balcony. yes i am making a cz map but would like some ideas with the balcony. since the mini contest thing is going so well i thought i would see if anyone was bored. i posted screenshots of the balcony. size is about all i have done, but my imagination needs help.

it is on a sky scrapper and will be used for sniping so any cover would be sweet.

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Posted 16 years ago2008-01-18 03:23:26 UTC
in trigger camera and mirrors Post #243727
i have heard of Spirit and i have googled it in serveral different ways but i cannot find this program. do u have a link for it?
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-17 07:31:40 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #243594
man, you guys dont give us with little imagination much chance. very cool stuff so far. maybe i will try to join one of these mini compos after my surgery on friday
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-17 00:06:50 UTC
in How do I remove the gun and hands? Post #243582
cant u just use spectate mode?
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-16 13:47:57 UTC
in cull and null brush question Post #243523
oh ok cool, when i upgraded hammer i forgot to add zhlt.wad back into my .wad folder. thanks
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-16 05:10:08 UTC
in cull and null brush question Post #243511
i searched for both of these brushes in the forums and didnt see anything about the cull brush. what is the point of this brush is it like the null brush? also which .wad should null brush be located in, my hlbasics .wad doesnt have it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-15 03:38:40 UTC
in trigger camera and mirrors Post #243457
is trigger camera an option for making a mirror, and if so is it worth it if the map will have lots of players on it?
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-14 04:33:28 UTC
in block light with doors question Post #243386
well i definately use zhlt. there are 3 opaque settings and i have it set to opaque (blocks light). there are 2 other options though. one is + concave fix and the other is + embedded fix. am i using the wrong option? im trying a recompile now.

on a side note, does it matter what kind of light source thats causing the problem? ie sky light vs light spot
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-14 02:21:42 UTC
in block light with doors question Post #243377
i saw a thread about this somewhere but it didnt answer my question really. i dont want the light to go through the doors when they are shut. i dont want to setup a bunch of triggers to turn lights off and on. they glow constant. here are some screen shots of what i mean. i tried making the doors opaque but that didnt seem to do anything. each pic has a door open and then closed so u can see the areas.

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Posted 16 years ago2008-01-13 01:37:46 UTC
in Weapon game Post #243327
Kamikaze, meet Mr. Smirnoff. Too drunk to fly.
User posted image
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-11 05:37:04 UTC
in models vanish with clip brush Post #243188
hmm ok thanks for fast replies i will mess around with it a bit.
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-10 23:55:16 UTC
in models vanish with clip brush Post #243175
i am having a hard time getting a sink in my map. there is a half life based model called sink_small.mdl that would be perfect but i cant get the bastard to stop vanishing. any time i put something close to it so you cant just walk through it vanishes. this is the only model im having this problem with, the toilets work fine. any ideas?
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-10 20:14:01 UTC
in No Model Compiling Makes Me a Dull Boy Post #243160
have u tried a re-install?
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 18:04:26 UTC
in Multi texture question Post #243055
ok thanks! thats the part that i overlooked. IN GAME not in Hammer. u can delete this thread
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 17:19:37 UTC
in Multi texture question Post #243050
It has troubled me since the day i started mapping, and i have searched for this all over TWHL. Maybe it is because i am not using the right terms for this. How do i get textures with the -0,-1,-2 to work on a single brush (such as a wall or floor)?


they are all the same texture but with different scrolling features, am i getting the idea mixed up?
Posted 16 years ago2008-01-09 16:56:18 UTC
in klobbs dart of death Post #243049
yeah i know the cell phone recording isnt the best, but this was done on a spur of the moment. i might redo it with better filming