Alyx doesn't look very black imo.Probably to appeal to a larger audience.
I'd love a Quake 2ish scenario. That'd make me fall in love with the game for real once again.Quite so. The Combine and the Strogg aren't that different after all. For instance, they are both into assimilating humans.
Hating on Christianity is completely acceptable, just as showing dislike towards any other undemocratic way of life. [/sarcasm]Islam is most undemocratic as it does not favour equality (or even free will to some extent), which in my opinion is part of the foundation for a democratic society. This goes of course for any religion, but Islam seemed to pop up here and there in this thread. In any way, my point was that it is pure stupidity to base hatred on skin or birthplace. This riot has nothing to do with it either, it is just greedy leeches trashing their own home.
Islam is not an "undemocratic way of life". It's a religion. Just as it is with Christians, Buddhists, Jews etc., Muslims can be democratic or antidemocratic. Saying Islam is an "undemocratic way of life" is like saying Christianity is homophobic. True, there are many Christian idiots who hate gays. But there are also many tolerant Christians that let other people live the way they want.
Humanity should go back to swords.Funny you should say that. By old Swedish law you are allowed to carry a broadsword for defence purposes.