Forum posts

Posted 4 years ago2020-05-18 19:06:20 UTC
in Compiling dll problem Post #344231
Touché... If it is not in the liblist.gam file it should not work.
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-18 17:13:35 UTC
in How to create Pak files Post #344229
Hi. I have tried to use Wally and Pakscape to make a PAK file, and both two failed because some errors (lenght of the file, or s**t like that), I have tried everything but, since PAK files are old, I did not find any solution except "download Wally" or "download Pakscape", no tutorials whatsoever.
Is tehre a program that TRULY works? or any SERIOUS tutorial, not "do it with Wally/Pakscape, it is easy!!"... because, no, I repeat, I tried with no luck.
Thanks in anticipation. :)
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-11 15:36:48 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #344201
Estimate Release Data...Please?
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-10 09:56:13 UTC
in Benefits of changing player hull size Post #344193
Because all stuff in the Zion map is made of cyclers. The map is not but a big container for all the props that made the map, I have used the way the scenes are done in movies. For the map de_caceres I must do a research, I have tons of old CDs and many of them has not any indication of wat´s into, but as soon as I find it, I´ll upload it on the vault. :) Of course, I can upload other maps I have, they´re quite big, and unoptimized, shame on me. :lol:
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-09 18:19:33 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #344185
Me = Fucking idiot!! ahaha!!!, sorry. ;) Thanks Admer :crowbar: BTW: Koe1 is an artist. I´ll love to play his (or her?) mod!
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-08 22:11:54 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #344176
Its name is Zion Warcry, it is a private projec and iIt´s almost 100% done. ;)
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-07 20:27:59 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #344174
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
The new APU guns, re-skinned and complete (finally). :crowbar: Well, some parts of the skin must be completed, but the model has all pipes and parts which were left undone in its previous version of year 2015. ;)
Posted 4 years ago2020-05-06 13:21:57 UTC
in Benefits of changing player hull size Post #344171
Natural Selection also did this thick for one of the aliens. The maps in HL could be really big, My zion map occupies almost all available space in the editor, and de_caceres (an old map I´ve done in 2002 for CS) occupied ALL the availabe space, and it did not cause much lag.
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-13 10:47:40 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #344099
I mean, if DooM 1 were to be made now it would have glory kills, because technology!
Not so accurate. Brutal Doom is older than Doom 2016, which, btw, copies all the mechanics of Brutal Doom and, afaik, Bethesda did not mention the guy who created Brutal Doom. Correct me if I am wrong.

BTW: Doom Eternal is overwhelming in what secrets, easter eggs and exploration is about. And I love it!
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-06 14:09:46 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #344026
Forza Alberto!!, Italia is suffering, I hope all this shit will finsh soon. ;)
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-05 15:13:03 UTC
in How to add spectator option to existing mod Post #344021
Did not check the files, but the site says:
Code is cleaner and marked well for easy porting to mods/other code bases.
Maybe the SDK is there... :)
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-05 15:08:57 UTC
in Get rid of menu options. Post #344020
Will take a look at that then, as son as I finish the quarantine. ;)
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-03 20:04:36 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #344009
Haha!!, I can say that people here at TWHL are the most kind and lovely persons in the world in what respect and patience with newbies is about. I suck at what coding is about, but ALWAYS find help and spoonfeeding here in TWHL, thanks of that I did finish my mod.
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-03 19:18:08 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #344007
Oh @abbadon, oldest member of TWHL-King!
Did not kow that... :( But I'm far from sayng sergeant Murtaugh's favourite líne "I'm too old for this s..." ;)
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-01 13:10:23 UTC
in How to add spectator option to existing mod Post #343998
Get the jumbot source and put the spectator mode in there using a tutorial. I am sure there's one because I have used it for my mod.
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-01 10:03:30 UTC
in TWHL! Sound off! (who are you) Post #343997

About You

Name: Angel
Age: 46
Hometown: Cáceres (Spain), but I live in Toledo for the last 17 years
Relationships: just one, since 1992, two child, unfortunately one died
Occupation: D.U.E (nurse), working for the State Health Care System since 1998, I have done some vectorial work for web pages, published Health Care related comics, worked in a call center and even in a videogames store, well, we have to eat, right?
Current goal(s): finish the fight against COVID19, I am in the 13th day of isolation, after this, continue with my life. Finish a comic book I have started ages ago...
Politics: all are crap (sorry)
Religion: atheist

Favourite Things

Food: almost everything, pity I have diabetes.. I love ice crean.
Hot drink: cafe
Cold drink: non alcoholic beer, lemonade
Snacks: ALL... (shame!!)
Movies: all known sagas (lord of the rings, indiana jones, matrix, jurassic park, star wars, back to the future, harry potter, alíen, predator, riddick, martial arts movies, and so on.
Videogames: Doom saga, Half-Life saga, Quake saga(1&2 overall) Undying, Blade edge of darkness, The Hunter Primal, Carnivores Reborn, Mechwarrior 3, Unreal 1(one of the best games ever!!), Epic's Firefight, Aliens games (except AvsP 2 and Amstrad ALIENS), CV's Jericho, Counter-Strike G.O and v1.6, Jedi Knight saga, all mame oldies goldies.
Music: ALL Heavy Metal(metalheadbanger here), Enya, ABBA, Mango, Cher, Madonna , the Cranberries, old songs from my childhood (80s) some 90s dance and techno, some handsup songs, recently I have discovered nightcore,( it's extrange but fun) Karl Orff's Carmina Burana.
Other: I did several martial arts for years, I have published three technical books about Airsoft guns modification, I do comic books and draw very fast (no one wanted to play Pictionary with me... EVER), I have readed several times all Cthulhu mythos books, I have composed a four variation 40 minutes long song for piano, I am the one who repairs and build things at home, I have built my actual 2 PCs from scratch, I have studied classical ballet, I have written a book studying the anathomy and medical derivations of martial arts techniques (feel ashamed one day and I have destroyed it), I did my first game mod in 1988, a variation of Amstrad's Wallbreaker with powerups and music, and... A lot of stuff here.

Disliked/Hated Things

Food: cauliflower (my stomach burn)
Hot drink: broth
Cold drink: all that has alcohol except wine and gintonic(drank twice of this in my life but tastes good)
Movies: spanish films, they are all almost crap, except two or three exceptions.
Videogames: Peter Jackson's King Kong, Quake 3, mobile games, Far Cry 1, Amnesia, most modern FPS that are all but slight modifications of old games requiring a 10 times powerful PCs, HL Alyx... Boring as hell. Multiplayer games.
Music: flamenco, almost all spanish singers with little exceptions, hip hop, rap, r&b, el Divo (please...).
Other: drug dealers, parasitic people, all those who does not add anything to society but problems, people who don't remember that once they were newbies too... Typing all this with a smartphone, I hate smartphones and tactile devices.
Posted 4 years ago2020-04-01 08:28:33 UTC
in Get rid of menu options. Post #343996
Hi, that looks to be source, aniway I got it "done", more or les, because even if you cannot see the letters you can still " select" those options. But this solution do the work.
It could be cool. I am a super fan of Blood and Clive Barker's Undying, and un some manner, TH reminds me of those games. Pity of the bad mapping, worst modelling and almost unexistant new code to give some "life" to NPCs and weaponry... Good luck!!
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-18 06:43:55 UTC
in de_dust2 map without errors Post #343924
Advice for avoiding © issues:

1. Decompile de_dust.bsp
2. Take a screenshot of the map in Hammer or Quark
3. Create a new file
4. Use the screenshot as background in Hammer or Quark
5. Build the map using the background as reference.

It is the ONLY way to do it right.
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-15 15:33:50 UTC
in Get rid of menu options. Post #343911
Yep!, that´s what I did :P Pity that my lack of coding skills are keeping me from getting a true solution... :( Thanks UrbaNebula!!! :crowbar:
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-14 16:50:19 UTC
in Sierra.avi and valve.avi video format Post #343899
I gon it. I did just wanted to left crystal clear that the work is practicaly of WB, I deserve no credit for the things that are not mine. But you are 100% right, I have deleted the video, and the mod was retired from Moddb in 2017 even if it was on the site since the year 2006 or 2007, I can not remember very well. In fact, I never pretended to earn nothing of It, au contraire, also I don´t care if they take it and use it, only I hope that what they earnwith it will be used in some charitable association or something like that!! I was lucky of not being sued, as I can see, thanks for the info Oskar. :crowbar:
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-14 11:51:13 UTC
in Sierra.avi and valve.avi video format Post #343895
Well, I hope they don´t get too much angry... I thought that tribute works are not prosecuted, but It´s clear that I am SO wrong. :(
Aniway, the mod is a personal work, and I give it only to people that ask me for it privately, and it has an EULA quite restrictive about re-distributing it. :)
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-11 13:19:32 UTC
in New computer, nothing compiles, pls help Post #343884
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-09 23:27:33 UTC
in Get rid of menu options. Post #343879
Hi again.

I am finishing the 2D part of the mod, and I want to get rid of the CUSTOM GAME and MANUAL options of the main menu. I got rid of the explaining text, but I don´t know what file to edit so I get rid of those two options.

Got it. Please close thread. Thanks aniway :)
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-08 12:21:49 UTC
in Sierra.avi and valve.avi video format Post #343878
It works!!, after 2 and a half hours it compiled a useable avi!!, pity that I did read the quality stuff after that time lapse because at 8 bps it sounds horrible, haha!!, thanks Penguinboy, you should do a tutorial from all this information. :) I will re-compile it using 32 quality ;)

Edit: pcm_s32le gave me no sound video :( I´ll try pcm_s16le instead

Edit 2: Eureka!! These are the commands that work. I have obtained a very good quality video with reasonable good audio :)
ffmpeg.exe -i source_video.mp4 -c:v cinepak -c:a pcm_s16le -vf scale=640:480 sierra.avi
Despite the fact that the Don Davis music was erased from the video... ;)
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-08 10:31:53 UTC
in Sierra.avi and valve.avi video format Post #343876
Is there a command to increase the sound quality?
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-08 00:19:41 UTC
in Sierra.avi and valve.avi video format Post #343873
Yeah. ffmpeg sucks bad about documentation. I am trying Virtualdub but with no luck with the files I am working with, it does not swallow neither MPEG-1 nor MPEG-2 and so on. I am quite surprised about the lack of info about this element of a mod and the lack of knowledgement in the modding community aswell!!, I thought intro avis were necessary to know how they are done because the LOGO avi has the same format, and without it WON mods did not work.
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-07 22:44:44 UTC
in Sierra.avi and valve.avi video format Post #343871
ffmpeg need commandline coding, as I see. I hate linux for that... :/ Is there something more "visual"?. Like Movavi.
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-07 16:26:12 UTC
in Sierra.avi and valve.avi video format Post #343865
It´s been ages since I did the intro and valve avis of my mod and i forgot what I did to make them. So what´s the format, bitrate, etc. of those videos? And what program you reccomend that can do the conversion?
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-05 21:23:49 UTC
in HIDEHUD not working in observer mode. Post #343857
Nevermind. I did "almost" fixed it. Two little hidden lines of code were the culprits. :crowbar: Still a little glitch, buuuut, all is fine now. Thanks!! :) :crowbar:
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-04 15:38:01 UTC
in HIDEHUD not working in observer mode. Post #343841
Hello again. Hi have found this problem with the observer mode, the startobserver function in observer.cpp has this part of code that previously deleted all the content of the screen but the spectator menu:
It worked fine, until I discovered that the code I added to make run clientside functions as seen in this TWHL Thread make one of the HUD parts still appear:
User posted image
I have tried several things in the server side on client.cpp where the code for entering the spectator mode is:
	// ARM: Observer Mode                                                                 //
    else if ( FStrEq(pcmd, "zwc_cmd3" ) )
		// Prevent this is the cvar is set
		if ( allow_spectators.value )
			CBasePlayer *pPlayer = GetClassPtr((CBasePlayer *)pev);
			pPlayer->m_iHideHUD |= HIDEHUD_ALL;

			edict_t *pentSpawnSpot = EntSelectSpawnPoint( pPlayer );
			pPlayer->StartObserver( VARS(pentSpawnSpot)->origin, VARS(pentSpawnSpot)->angles);
With no luck at all. This code WORKED fine even before adding this part :(
pPlayer->m_iHideHUD |= HIDEHUD_ALL; 
In the other hand, the clientside part, responsible of the code that shows that part of the HUD, is in ammo.cpp"...
 if ( CL_IsThirdPerson ())

		//Zion: Ocultar el Crosshair en Tercera persona.
		//SetCrosshair(m_pWeapon->hZoomedCrosshair, m_pWeapon->rcCrosshair, 255, 255, 255);
		gViewPort->HideScope();//No mostrar HUD en 3ª persona NUNCA. Cuando cambias de arma te lo enseña el joputa.
		//SetCrosshair(0, nullrc, 0, 0, 0);//new
		return 0;

	if ( gHUD.m_iFOV >= 90 )
	{ // normal crosshairs
		if (fOnTarget && m_pWeapon->hAutoaim)
			SetCrosshair(m_pWeapon->hAutoaim, m_pWeapon->rcAutoaim, 255, 255, 255);
		SetCrosshair(m_pWeapon->hCrosshair, m_pWeapon->rcCrosshair, 255, 255, 255);
		gViewPort->ShowScope();//Mostrar HUD nada más "arrancar"

In in_camera.cpp...
void CAM_ToThirdPerson(void)
	vec3_t viewangles;

	gEngfuncs.GetViewAngles( (float *)viewangles );

	if( !cam_thirdperson )
		cam_thirdperson = 1;

		cam_ofs[ YAW ] = viewangles[ YAW ];
		cam_ofs[ PITCH ] = viewangles[ PITCH ];
		cam_ofs[ 2 ] = CAM_MIN_DIST;
        gViewPort->ShowScope1();//Aim System Zion Antiguo sistema de puntería
        gViewPort->HideScope();//Aim System Zion

//	if( cam_thirdperson )//ARM
//	{
//		CAM_ToFirstPerson();//ARM
//		return;
//	}

	gEngfuncs.Cvar_SetValue( "cam_command", 0 );

void CAM_ToFirstPerson(void)
	cam_thirdperson = 0;
	gViewPort->HideScope1();//Aim System Zion Antiguo sistema de puntería
	gEngfuncs.Cvar_SetValue( "cam_command", 0 );

In input.cpp ...
	// Mostrar-Esconder HUD HUD(c) Sluggo

	if ( g_bShowHudToggle )

			gHUD.m_iHideHUDDisplay &= ~ HIDEHUD_WEAPONS;
            gHUD.m_iHideHUDDisplay &= ~ HIDEHUD_HEALTH;
			gHUD.m_iHideHUDDisplay &= ~ HIDEHUD_ALL;
			gHUD.m_iHideHUDDisplay &= ~ HIDEHUD_FLASHLIGHT;
			if (  CL_IsThirdPerson ()) { gViewPort->ShowScope1(); gViewPort->HideScope();}
			if ( !CL_IsThirdPerson ()) { gViewPort->ShowScope(); gViewPort->HideScope1();}

			PlaySound("player/hudon.wav", 5);//(c)Admer

			if (gHUD.m_Health.m_iHealth <= 0) {gViewPort->HideScope(); gViewPort->HideScope1();}//NUEVO y Funciona


		if ( g_bHideHudToggle )
			gHUD.m_iHideHUDDisplay |=  HIDEHUD_WEAPONS;
			gHUD.m_iHideHUDDisplay |=  HIDEHUD_HEALTH;

			PlaySound("player/hudoff.wav", 5);//(c)Admer


And in vgui_TeamFortressViewport.cpp...
// Zion Thirdperson Aim System
void TeamFortressViewport::ShowScope()
   if (m_pScopePanel)
      m_pScopePanel->setVisible( true );

void TeamFortressViewport::HideScope()
   if (m_pScopePanel)
      m_pScopePanel->setVisible( false );

void TeamFortressViewport::CreateScope()
   // Create the panel
   m_pScopePanel = new CScopePanel(0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight);
   m_pScopePanel->setVisible( false );

void TeamFortressViewport::ShowScope1()
   if (m_pScopePanel1)
    m_pScopePanel1->setVisible( true );

void TeamFortressViewport::HideScope1()
   if (m_pScopePanel1)
      m_pScopePanel1->setVisible( false );

void TeamFortressViewport::CreateScope1()
   // Create the panel
   m_pScopePanel1 = new CScopePanel1 (0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight);
   m_pScopePanel1->setVisible( false );
No matter how many modifications I did trying to add the code that shows and hides that part of the HUD I cannot make it dissapear once I use the server command to hide the HUD ( zwc_cmd3 that is in the commandmenu.txt file for the in-game Help menu). The Showscope and Hidescope fucntions are not in any other place but there, of course...
E:\DevZWC20\Elementos Basicos MAYO 2017\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\ammo.cpp(634):	    gViewPort->ShowScope1();
E:\DevZWC20\Elementos Basicos MAYO 2017\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\ammo.cpp(646):		gViewPort->ShowScope();//Mostrar HUD nada más "arrancar"
E:\DevZWC20\Elementos Basicos MAYO 2017\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\in_camera.cpp(456):        gViewPort->ShowScope1();//Aim System Zion Antiguo sistema de puntería
E:\DevZWC20\Elementos Basicos MAYO 2017\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\in_camera.cpp(476):	gViewPort->ShowScope();//
E:\DevZWC20\Elementos Basicos MAYO 2017\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\input.cpp(899):			if (  CL_IsThirdPerson ()) { gViewPort->ShowScope1(); gViewPort->HideScope();}
E:\DevZWC20\Elementos Basicos MAYO 2017\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\input.cpp(900):			if ( !CL_IsThirdPerson ()) { gViewPort->ShowScope(); gViewPort->HideScope1();}
E:\DevZWC20\Elementos Basicos MAYO 2017\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\vgui_TeamFortressViewport.cpp(1913):void TeamFortressViewport::ShowScope()
E:\DevZWC20\Elementos Basicos MAYO 2017\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\vgui_TeamFortressViewport.cpp(1938):void TeamFortressViewport::ShowScope1()
E:\DevZWC20\Elementos Basicos MAYO 2017\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\vgui_TeamFortressViewport.h(578):    void ShowScope( void );
E:\DevZWC20\Elementos Basicos MAYO 2017\Single-Player Source\cl_dll\vgui_TeamFortressViewport.h(582):    void ShowScope1( void );
Please, help. :pwned: :crowbar:
Posted 4 years ago2020-03-01 23:24:35 UTC
in Gilding the lilly: selective types of sttack Post #343836
It works!!.The gunners now chase the trolley guys as if they "follow" and protect him, the only thing that I was not able to do is to keep them from showing the muzzleflash; of course no lightning is cast towards the trolley guy, but it is annoying to see the muzzleflash and hearing the shoot sound as they follow hte trolley guys . :(
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-29 19:34:28 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #343830
Holy s**t!!!!! :gak:
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-29 19:33:31 UTC
in Gilding the lilly: selective types of sttack Post #343829
It needed some testing but it works. For those to want it to use this code, it goes in the ATTACK function:
// Codigo para que ingonen a los Trolley y no les disparen CRASHEA EL JUEGO!!!!
CBaseEntity *pEnemy;

pEnemy = m_hEnemy;

if ( FClassnameIs( pEnemy->pev, "monster_trolley"  ))

BTW: they ATTACKS the trolley guys, but the laser is not shot anymore.

In this case I don´t want them to RANGE attack the trolley guys, instead I want the gunners MELEE attack them, well, that´s other history of the weird things I have to do for getting what I want :)
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-29 15:58:23 UTC
in Texlights, only for brushes? Post #343825
I have finally used Xash model compiler to obtain that result so I can´t tell :(.
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-29 13:16:36 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #343823
No solid estimate on release.
Oh. I wish I could start to play a good new singlepayer mod for old HL again, and yours look brilliant my friend!! :crowbar:

BTW: I have finally finished the menu background map, it has all of the ships and the cinematics play as they should!! :crowbar:
background map for Zion Warcry MODbackground map for Zion Warcry MOD
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-28 12:48:23 UTC
in Gilding the lilly: selective types of sttack Post #343813
Hi. I was trying to make one of my monsters be able to choose between two types of attack movements depending of the type of enemy they find. I have tried the method of FindEntitiesInSphere and FindEntityByClassname putting the name of the monster in there, but the result vary from the monster stop attacking any monster, game crashes to simply not working at all.

I have searched the SDK for sonething like this, but I have only found the
if pEnemy->isPlayer;
method that, of course, is not what I want.

Could it be done or I am exceeding what's do-able?
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-28 08:48:39 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #343812
Estimated release data?

BTW: I have finished the Gnosis
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
And the last ship, the Shiva (remember that the Osiris was destroyed...):
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-27 21:56:45 UTC
in Texlights, only for brushes? Post #343809
caption textcaption text
Thanks!!! :crowbar:
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-27 20:43:56 UTC
in Texlights, only for brushes? Post #343807
Oh, silly me :crowbar: But, where can I obtain the mdl compiler?, the f****ng STEAM tells me that I must launch it to just install the SDK... I hate Steam.... Btw, I have this:

But It return the same error message... :pwned:
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-27 15:11:10 UTC
in Texlights, only for brushes? Post #343805
abbadon can't just you make an "additive" type overlay for those bright areas and give that texture an additive flag?
I tried it. In fact the hoverpad has a separate mesh with only this type of texture (is a flat white 64x64 square), I tried to apply the additive and chrome effect but with no visible result, well, yes, the mesh turned into a greyish or transparent part of the hoverpad. :)
You can try adding flag "fullbright" in the .qc
Did not know that!!, of course I´ll try that!. :) Thanks!!!

 ************ ERROR ************
bad command $texrendermode
Bad luck this time! :(
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-26 19:12:38 UTC
in Texlights, only for brushes? Post #343802
Thanks a lot!, well I was trying several things, but I'm afraid this feature is only available in source :(
What I wanted is that the hoverpads of the Nebuchadnezzar ship look like they were emitting light. If someone can point me to a solution to make one of the textures of a model is fullbright in goldsource... =p
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-25 22:08:43 UTC
in Texlights, only for brushes? Post #343795
If you're talking about a model's texture, have you tried using the "chroma" or "additive" features?
Yes, both, but them gave me transparent meshes.
I don't know if you have played Deathmatch Classic; the player can shine and light the environment around while it moves, but I don't think there's such a coded feature in Half-Life.
Something VERY similar is what I want. So, that code is in the DMC sdk?, and, in the other hand. There was ages ago when I got that SDK in my hands, is it still available?
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-25 21:25:51 UTC
in Texlights, only for brushes? Post #343791
Mmm, and, is there a way that hte texture will not be affected by light?, I have explained it bad the firs time. I want a texture to be seen even into complete darkness. Like the ammo counter of the Doom3 smg.
Posted 4 years ago2020-02-25 18:50:35 UTC
in Texlights, only for brushes? Post #343788
I wonder if it could be possible to make a model´s texture to cast light. Is it possible?
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-09 13:48:02 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #343732
I am behind that case. I'll solve it!!. BTW, it looks like Marc Dacascos in John Wick 3... Looks better than the other!
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-02 22:00:55 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #343720
Turin?, Fíat ritmo, if it has rounded frontal lights.
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-02 16:07:12 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #343718
Lancia Delta , what's the prize?
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-01 19:08:46 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #343713
Looks like an old 80´s Skoda... :/
Posted 5 years ago2020-02-01 13:55:14 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #343711
:gak: I love that!!!, looks very proffesional, Admer. :crowbar: BTW, you are using Blender, right?