Forum posts

Posted 5 years ago2019-06-11 09:56:20 UTC
in E3 2019 Post #342726
Blair Witch looks like a new Outlast.
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Posted 5 years ago2019-06-10 22:49:09 UTC
in E3 2019 Post #342723
I must be getting old or depressed, all games look boring so far, even Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't look very appealing.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 5 years ago2019-06-09 08:51:24 UTC
in E3 2019 Post #342713
I'm hoping EA DICE would announce a third Mirror's Edge game, EA said Catalyst sold well and DICE is optimistic about the future of the series, but judging by the mixed reception of Catalyst I doubt they'll announce it anytime soon.
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Posted 6 years ago2019-02-02 18:42:42 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #341928
Made this for fun while testing how texture Importation works, will eventually turn it to a full adventure-style map hopefully.
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Posted 6 years ago2019-02-01 18:48:46 UTC
in Custom Skybox? Post #341907
Yes, that's what I'm using. It's mentioned among the methods in the303 site.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-30 11:13:04 UTC
in Custom Skybox? Post #341890
Wow. Thanks! I love it, author of the website even decided to be kind enough to illustrate the process with animated .gifs.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-30 10:40:38 UTC
in Custom Skybox? Post #341888
Man, why is it so complicated like this, why can't we just use a single image texture lol. Thanks I'll try. Hopefully I'll come up with something.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-29 10:39:52 UTC
in Custom Skybox? Post #341880
I have a single 256x256 image that I wish to use as a Skybox for something I'm working on, how do I import it so I can use it in the game? (environment map under map properties)
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Epistle 3 proved otherwise.
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So much hype to live up to, and not enough motivation to work on Singleplayer titles nowadays are 2 reasons I can think of for why this hasn't happened yet. but I also think it's because making a worthy successor is more than just recycling the same ideas. The original Half-Life was revolutionary in a way, Skeletal animations, Scripted sequences ... etc and Half-Life 2 took it to the next level with Facial animations and Realistic physics as part of the gameplay.

I think if a successor is to be made it needs to be just as revolutionary and memorable and that's not a simple task, It's probably best to let it rest in peace rather than make another DNF. there are several reports and leaks hinting at a possible HLVR in the works by Valve but I highly doubt that's going to be the next big thing.
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Posted 6 years ago2019-01-09 00:11:46 UTC
in Exporting Half-Life 2's viewmodels Post #341593
Thanks! This is just what I needed :)
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-08 11:26:50 UTC
in Exporting Half-Life 2's viewmodels Post #341587
Just a quick (probably also stupid) Question. Where are the viewmodels for the weapon of Half-Life 2 stored? and how do you export them? I found some inside hl2\models\weapons but it was missing several other weapons.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-12-23 12:36:15 UTC
in The Cafu Engine Post #341481
First screenshot reminds me so much of DOOM 3.
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Posted 6 years ago2018-12-18 11:29:23 UTC
in Low definition helmet and kevlar vest Post #341465
You can decompile your model into .smd file, import it to Blender using Blender Source Tools and use the "decimate" modifier to reduce the polycount.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-12-03 02:56:19 UTC
in Peer Review Post #341381
Beautiful work, it looks fun to play :) looking forward to try it.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-19 13:07:35 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #341275
Curious how will this be presented after the deadline? are you guys going to compile the levels into an easy to use package so we can play them all in a row? or at the very least an easy to install pack? that would be really cool, loving the screenshots here, you guys are doing good.

(sorry if this sounds like a silly questions, I'm new to this)
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-11-12 13:00:13 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #341233
F.E.A.R Extraction Point
Wolfenstein II The New Colossus
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Dark Souls Remastered

I feel like a weird person who enjoys games people no longer seem to talk about :P but I don't care as long as I'm having fun.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-10-01 11:18:07 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #340968
Awesome screenshots guys, Unfortunately I won't be able to participate in this competition, will there be more like it in the future? Thanks.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-09-04 18:10:46 UTC
in Restore HL1 moving camera from WON Post #340792
Yeah I believe that's what it's called, Sven Co-op and Black Mesa restored it so I guess it can still be re-enabled for mods.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-08-12 18:58:10 UTC
in (Release) Half-Life: Echoes Post #340503
Those who encounter crashes likely use pirated versions or CD Retail / WON versions lol, dunno why they even still use them, just redeem the key on Steam or buy a Steam copy, it's dirt cheap.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-08-08 12:12:19 UTC
in The ~Video Game Music~ Thread Post #340451
Jazz Jackrabbit - Jazz Castle
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Oh I'm fine with no bunnyhopping, I was just curious whether they fixed it or not.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
I believe it can be restored using server addons if people really want it, Adrenaline Gamer mod restored it I think.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Yeah that sounds hard to do, no wonder people don't bunnyhop anymore on servers lol, I think it's a good thing, I've seen a lot of Oldschool Multiplayer games get killed because they are invaded by super skilled players able to strafe jump and bunnyhop better than others.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Ah, so that's what is happening. I thought I was doing something wrong lol, Thanks!
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
I wonder is it still possible to perform bunnyhops in the current Steam version of Half-Life? asking because for some reason I can bunnyhop just fine in Sven Co-op but can't in the original Half-Life, are there any differences between SC and HL in terms of physics and bunnyhopping? Thanks.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-07-25 10:50:17 UTC
in Hammer Editor Tutorials Post #340256
Tutorial videos have proven helpful for me in the past, especially the short ones, they often show you how things are done and let you observe and redo them yourself which I like, I don't feel the same way reading articles, because these articles often expect you to know where things are and stuff (not to mention they're sometimes too long) leaving you completely lost if you're not familiar with the workflow, with tutorial videos I feel confident of any step i'm making because I know it works fine in the video.

Also @Admer456 yeah I noticed the similarities between GoldSrc games / mods so I decided to name these tutorials Hammer Editor tutorials instead.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-07-23 18:08:39 UTC
in Hammer Editor Tutorials Post #340238
Hi everyone, back again with something different.

When I first started mapping for GoldSrc, I was surprised by how difficult it is to find tutorials on how to use some of it's features, I had to jump from site to another to see how to use them, the TWHL Wiki and you guys have been a huge help, and Half-Life is like my first and favorite first-person shooter so I thought why not prepare bunch of tutorials for all new comers who may have troubles making maps for Classic Half-Life.

Most of the tutorials I come across are usually for the Source engine or are outdated or too long, so I prepared a series of tutorials that are short and to the point, I still have couple of other subjects that I wish to make tutorials for.

1 - Configuring the Editor
2 - Adding and Loading Textures and Custom Textures
3 - Your First Map - Basics and Controls
4 - Fixing Fullbright and Black Void Glitches - How to fix Leaks
5 - Curved Walls / Rounded Walls
6 - Basics of Entities - Adding and Editing Entities
7 - Adding Holes for Doors, Windows .... etc - Clipping Tool
8 - Adding and Changing Sky / 2D Skybox and Global Lighting
9 - See-through and Shoot-through Brush - the CLIP Brush
10 - Doors and Switches - Basics of Naming and Targetting
11 - Rotating Doors - the ORIGIN Brush
12 - Elevators, Moving Platforms and Trains / Moving Level Parts
13 - Moving Controllable Train - Rail cart ... etc
14 - Scripted Events - Using multi_manager
15 - Making NPCs do things - Scripted Sequences
16 - Setting up Multiple Objectives - multisource

I hope this helps all the newcomers to mapping and makes it easier to find information about how mapping features work in GoldSrc.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-07-23 17:47:59 UTC
in Half-Life Echoes releasing soon Post #340237
Can't wait to play it :)
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-07-16 16:09:06 UTC
in 6 minutes speedrun of Half-Life Post #340155
I enjoy watching speedruns, It's entertaining to watch people go through the game as fast as possible in unpredictable ways, but this one really hurts my head lol.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
I managed to fix it, I had to change the trigger_once to trigger_multiple, and used another Multisource as a boolean condition that is triggered after I reach the scientist, and remove the trigger using the scripted_sequence KillTarget to make sure it can't be triggered again afterwards, I have a feeling this isn't the best solution but it'll do for now, as long as other monsters are unable to trigger the scripted_sequence.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Thanks for the example, It helped me find the proper sounds to use for the retinal scanner ambient_generic objects :) , but now I'm having another small problem, the trigger gets activated by other monsters aswell, I only realized this after I placed couple of monsters near the trigger, this calls the scientist to activate the switch eventhough the trigger wasn't activated by him.

Is there anyway to prevent the trigger from being triggered by the other monsters? like a way to check which monster activated the trigger or something?
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Oh, so func_wall can also animate? good to know, Thanks for recommending me multimanager, I'll definitely give it a shot :) glad it's not as complicated as I made it seem lol, Thanks again.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
I'm trying to make a switch that can only be activated by AI, Here's my setup:

trigger_once targetting the scripted sequence, which is also targetting the switch, the trigger can be activated by Monsters and clients cannot activate it, I'm using Multisource as a Boolean condition that is set to true once the AI enters the trigger, so that the switch can only be activated after the AI activates the trigger, I'm using func_button for the switch and I have set it's Master to be the Multisource (which again, is only activated once the Monster_scientist enters the trigger).
It works perfectly fine and the AI faces and does the "retina" animation I want him to do, However I (player) can still activate the switch no matter what, but I only want the AI to activate it, how do I prevent players from pressing the switch? I spent so much time trying to do it but I couldn't figure out how, I'm I doing this the right way? Thank you, and sorry for asking too much questions, I'm fairly new to this :P
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-25 22:12:48 UTC
in GoldSrc Mapping - Creating outdoor environment Post #340013
Thanks! This will come in handy :)
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-25 18:21:29 UTC
in GoldSrc Mapping - Creating outdoor environment Post #340011
Been messing around with Hammer Editor for some time now and I've learned quite a few things, the map is shaping up well, Here's a glimpse at the curent layout:
Early layoutEarly layout
But now I've run into a (probably) small problem, I can't figure out how to do outdoor environments (Like cliffs, mountains ... etc) like the ones seen in the Surface Tension and the beginning of Residue Processing, I've already searched around and came across something called Displacement but it seems like it's only for Source games, so my Question is: How does one create Mountains or cliffs like those for GoldSrc games? what is the right way to do it? Thanks.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-19 16:01:32 UTC
in E3 2018 Post #339966
The only game I'm genuinely looking forward to is Doom Eternal.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-18 21:57:25 UTC
in Half-Life 2 Episode One Done Quicker - New WR Post #339952
Half-Life 2: Episode One - Done Quicker - 15:51.96 - WR
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Posted 6 years ago2018-06-14 10:46:41 UTC
in Problem Compiling map using Hammer Editor v3.4 Post #339916
Thank you, finally solved it, The Brush wasn't covering the whole area (kinda like a Leak I guess) adjusting the verteces positioning fixed it, also thanks for recommending me VHLT I'll definitely be using it from now on.
sluggard sluggardInsert Creative "Custom Title Text" here
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-14 08:03:58 UTC
in Problem Compiling map using Hammer Editor v3.4 Post #339912
Hello Half-Life fans, GoldSrc Mapping newcomer here and I have a few questions regarding compiling a Half-Life 1 / GoldSrc map that I hope to find answers for:

1 - What is the proper way to compile a map? do I just press F9 and run with normal settings?

2 - Sometimes the map refuses to launch, In fact I'm currently stuck having the following errors each time I attempt to run my map:

Link for .log file

And in game it says

map change failed: 'TestMap' not found on server.

I'm using Zoner's Half-Life tools to compile the level, as recommended by the article on Valve Developer Community wiki, any idea how I can fix this and how I can avoid having this error in the future?

Thanks in advance :heart:
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