although i found this topic hilarious, ill second the opinion that people should stop talking about who flamed who or why or when etcetc. NOw having peopole either post how sorry or not sorry they are will just make this topic even more jumbeled up, so i think we should call a global truce for this topic.
@freshd: i was part of a forum once where i also (in my opinion) gave helpful criteria to other peoples topics. They sadly looked at it as more shredding up the idea and showing them how stupid it is. I spose both is true. I'm not part of that forum anymore (it was for runescape, another game) not because i left cause people were upset at me or called me names or even wrote in their sigs how much they hated me, but because i was kicked (thrice) by the admin :(. So dont take stuff personal and just stick around lol. I'm sure youre just caught up in the moment and will recover your senses and pride in no time at all
Sry but i havnt tried surf maps yet, but try this link: a site where all tuts are linked. i highly recommend using the search