Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-03-23 01:57:30 UTC
in How can i add Water ?? Post #170365
glassfloor is i remember correctly is make a brush, top texture is glass and then tie it to the entity func_breakable
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 21:32:46 UTC
in weapons and ammo crates Post #170341
heres the ammo crate error. some crates work, others dont.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-22 19:28:14 UTC
in weapons and ammo crates Post #170323
2 problems: i put my weapons where i want them in hammer (in my case in a sort of hollowed out space in the wall, but when i run the map there either all over the floor or move when they spawn (like getting pushed) this is a great problem with the rocketlauncher. is there something i must observe while placing a weapon, like that the yellow box is totally free of brushes?

second problem is that half my ammo crates show up as big fat red errors in the game. i'm thinking its the ammo type but i cant be sure.

anyone can help me plz?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-15 20:34:03 UTC
in Lol, explosion Post #168522
now the killer question. Why does the house have explode? Should just a part of the house of even only a wall get blown out? Its the same with hollywood and cars. As soon as the car gets a dent in it everythings blown to kingdom come. Bourne identity has the best and most realistic car chase filmed, but thats my opinion. You dont have to make things blow up to make something great, but everyone has his preferences :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 20:42:08 UTC
in stciking brushes back together? Post #167824
0-o thx everyone, and thanks habboi for the unrelated but very helpful tip
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 18:32:24 UTC
in stciking brushes back together? Post #167799
thx, they didnt merge but its a good thing to know anyway. is there another way? also, how do i ungroup em again?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 18:29:44 UTC
in stciking brushes back together? Post #167796
is there a way to stick brushes back together after having cut them up, or just sticking em together at all? you know, so that they act as one and not lots of brushes. I dont mean parenting or anything but just sorta merging or fusing them
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-11 12:06:25 UTC
in Bumpmaps are blocky Post #167716
what exactly is a bumpmap?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-28 00:19:57 UTC
in light help Post #165455
you mean like a prop_static?
Try a prop_static and then change the world model to the light you want. Theres a folder with lights but some of the other folders also contain lights. just type light into your filter
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-27 22:57:06 UTC
in Need a .bsp to .vmf decompiler!!!!!!! Post #165449
sweet, thanx for clearing me up. question. What is a .ain (or .aim i cant remember rite now) for? I see that is always downloads right after the .bsp file on servers but ive never seen it before. whats it for?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-27 22:54:30 UTC
in Doors! Post #165448
func_door_rotating and then flag the "use opens" and unflag "touch opens" for the handle you'll need someoine else tho
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-27 21:24:49 UTC
in Need a .bsp to .vmf decompiler!!!!!!! Post #165437
isnt bsp. the general layout of the map (like burshes) and vmf is details and the other crap?

and i no what u mean :) happened to me in TES morrowind construction set. it really sucks
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-26 22:39:13 UTC
in Ambience of surf maps Post #165251
gay pron can also be uploaded as jpg pics.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-24 21:32:31 UTC
in Ambience of surf maps Post #164918
that was highly unnessar and disgusting :aggrieved:
but obviously, nasty bastards like me will actually do exactly what u said. Avvys ok with me
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-23 23:20:36 UTC
in Ambience of surf maps Post #164736
although i found this topic hilarious, ill second the opinion that people should stop talking about who flamed who or why or when etcetc. NOw having peopole either post how sorry or not sorry they are will just make this topic even more jumbeled up, so i think we should call a global truce for this topic.

@freshd: i was part of a forum once where i also (in my opinion) gave helpful criteria to other peoples topics. They sadly looked at it as more shredding up the idea and showing them how stupid it is. I spose both is true. I'm not part of that forum anymore (it was for runescape, another game) not because i left cause people were upset at me or called me names or even wrote in their sigs how much they hated me, but because i was kicked (thrice) by the admin :(. So dont take stuff personal and just stick around lol. I'm sure youre just caught up in the moment and will recover your senses and pride in no time at all :)

Sry but i havnt tried surf maps yet, but try this link:

Its a site where all tuts are linked. i highly recommend using the search ;)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-12 14:09:14 UTC
in creating ammo crates Post #162864
holy crp i swear when i clicked that last time i got the small breakables! oh well thx alot though
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-12 13:59:08 UTC
in creating ammo crates Post #162860
how can i create those ammo crates that have unlimited ammo? somehow i seem to either be blind or its simpler then i think
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-08 23:23:39 UTC
in individual camera to screens Post #162167
schweet thanks, youre my savior, thanks for the script tut help aswell

woa wait, would it be possible to make more dev_monitors so to have screens?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-07 23:39:16 UTC
in individual camera to screens Post #162024
er does anyone have any idea how to handle that kinda tut?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-07 23:37:29 UTC
in triggering teleportation for items Post #162023
i fixed it now. apparently the teleport brush doesnt work underwater so i raised the water lvl
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-05 21:22:31 UTC
in individual camera to screens Post #161652
I found this tuturial how to get my desired effect ( i think) but i dont know how to use the tuturial. I mean where do i copy past the scripts?
Heres the link
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-05 21:13:40 UTC
in triggering teleportation for items Post #161651
i did but still not the desired effect, ill try a diferent method to get the desired effect now
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-05 17:23:54 UTC
in triggering teleportation for items Post #161636
i have a pit of water where i want things that hit the bottem of the pit (in my map the things are buggies) to be teleported to a different part of the map.
I have a trigger_teleport brush aswell as an info_teleport_destination
both are linked to each other but somehow the buggies that hit the brush dont get teleported. I built it in a way that the driver dies a bit further up from the pit. How can i get the buggies to teleport to the destination?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-05 13:53:06 UTC
in individual camera to screens Post #161614
thanks alot
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 21:22:30 UTC
in individual camera to screens Post #161511
aw crp....well how can i then make the screens change cameras?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 20:48:49 UTC
in individual camera to screens Post #161502
is it possible to make individual screen that each project a different camera view? like have a room with lots of monitors that all show a different view at something or can only one camera view be projected at a time?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 17:09:20 UTC
in landing = death? Post #161475
uegh i feel like such a fool. it a brush thingy not an entity! thanks alot!
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 17:07:10 UTC
in black/purple checkers Post #161473
hum ok the problem with the screen is fixed ill try what u said for the glass :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 15:53:33 UTC
in landing = death? Post #161465
OK as everyone nos in HL2DM whereever you fall from you will only get hit for ten. Now i want to make a map where you have to hit a specefic place on the floor (for example a body of water). If you dont hit the water youll die from a broken back and whatnot.

Does anyone know how i could acomplish this?

I was thinking about a trigger_hurt but in HL2DM there dont seem to be any trigger (at least i dont have any in my entity list). :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-04 15:39:30 UTC
in black/purple checkers Post #161463
this happen in HL2DM though ive seen it happen in CSS aswell'

when ever i put a glass or monitor texture on something i get a black and purple checkered field. you can actually see through the glass but the checkers are still there reduced visibility highly.
Ive had this problem a couple of times when playing a map on a server, but somehow my friend didnt have the checkers.

By the way, the textures are not custom made and alrready show up in hammer as checkered purple/black

I saw a thread about this but the last post was in november s i didnt want to dig it up again.
The people in there said it means the textures missing, but how can it be missing if i just selected it from the browser in hammer?

Could it be my computer?