Forum posts

Posted 8 years ago2016-06-27 17:49:49 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #330626
Loo... low... lau leemy?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-27 14:45:27 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #330623
Planning to work on my entry tonight then since we're still on. I'll be streaming again, aiming to start at 10pm BST through until midnight for anyone wanting to swing by and chat. :)

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-25 09:57:08 UTC
in Doom 4 Enemy Design Post #330596
Duke Nukem forever had a lot of interactivity, but literally everything else about it was sooo dire
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-24 19:01:33 UTC
in Doom 4 Enemy Design Post #330588
I'm gonna be honest, I've never been a fan of the DOOM franchise. I was a Duke Nukem 3D player.

The originals were alright, DOOM 3 is one of the worst games I've ever played.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-23 14:22:08 UTC
in Doom 4 Enemy Design Post #330578
I've played the demo and would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. It's certainly better than the usual modern tactical shooter's range of cannon fodder.

Dudes with guns / armoured dudes with guns
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-23 14:14:20 UTC
in soldier AI Post #330575
There may be remnants of code where they attempted to make the AI a little more intelligent (scientists jumping / climbing ladders as you can see in their animations in the Day One demo pack), which might be what those fgd fields are referring too.

In the released code, I don't believe that the AI is in any way "aware" of brush entities in the map, but this can be simulated with scripted events.

Perhaps you could amend your map so that the player needs to break something, or perhaps trigger an alarm and trigger the sequence in the normal way? :)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-23 09:35:58 UTC
in make barney hostile Post #330568
Yeah, not without coding... so basically not Vanilla HL.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-23 09:30:11 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #330566
Mother of God.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-23 09:29:14 UTC
in Doom 4 Enemy Design Post #330565
...about as useful as Ant in an Aussie accent competition
I cried. Sheer brilliance.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-22 14:49:46 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #330549
Awww shit guys. Don's bringing the fancy entity wizardry out to play.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-22 14:48:38 UTC
in How to make zombies move faster? Post #330548
Correct. So changing the speed of the animation changes the speed of movement. The joys of .QC file editing.

You can also make stronger variants of enemies by making their attack damage fire twice at the same time. So you could, for example make soldier zombies hit twice as hard. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-22 07:30:32 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #330541
If you're willing to pick up the connections and the hub map, I'll finish mine. :)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-21 22:36:49 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #330535
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-21 14:54:13 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #330524
Given the latest news on the Tetsu0 front, it's not likely that this will come to fruition. If you're happy with what you've got for it, why not finish up and fire it into the map vault? I'll be holding on to mine for now, but keep your eyes open as it may pop up in some playable form one day. :)

Were I not so busy, I would pick this up in an instant, but it simply isn't an option at this point in time.

I will be running projects in future, once The Core is done. However, as with TWHL Tower, they will be heavily themed to give participants a challenge or some inspiration. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-17 21:22:26 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #330495
I hope so. I'm nearly done with my map! :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-17 21:21:30 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330494
Please direct all your questions to Shepard62700FR

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-17 20:48:51 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330492
Oh my goodness. Well spotted. We will delete the mod immediately.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-17 04:49:09 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330483
You can use clip to stop the player getting snagged on the complex geometry.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-16 20:00:53 UTC
in What's up? Post #330478
In job hunting, it's almost always who you know, rather than what you know.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-15 21:17:32 UTC
in E3 2016 Post #330457

Ghost Recon Wildlands
Just as Ubisoft managed to ruin the Division between 2014's reveal and 2015's release, it appears they are on track to do the same with Wildlands. This looked incredible last year, but now it's looks like an early access indy title. Not impressed at all and really disappointed.

The Division
Aka Blanderlands. Screw this game. The underground update seems like a quick fix to their end game issue. I can't imagine playing it for longer would make it any less boring.

For Honour
Hack and slash games really aren't my cup of tea. This one had an interesting approach to combat, but overall it looks like every other hack and slasher to me.

Watch Dogs 2
Not played the original, but heard it was a massive let down. Regardless of my feelings towards this, I'm not going to trust them until I hear some positive reviews.

Just Dance 2017

South Park
The stick of truth was alright. I got bored of it really really quickly. Probably because I've not had a lot to do with South Park since I was 12.

Grow Up
You grow up! Dunno. Meh, I guess.

Trials of the Blood Dragon
Not really my kind of game, and Blood Dragon irritated me. It just seemed to proud of itself, like a smug fat toad or something.

Eagle Flight
Fun with VR probably, but like all gimmicks I imagine it would wear thin after a few games.

Star Trek Bridge Crew
As above. I'd get nothing out of this with VR or without as I'm not a Star Trek fan.

Assassin's Creed Movie
Just when I thought the franchise had outstayed it's welcome, MOVIE! Wooo! Urgh.

So Ubisoft's presentation is an all time low for me at this point. I took a little something away from EA at least, but everything here just disappoints or makes me feel disgust.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-15 18:57:53 UTC
in Sledge (Hammer Alternative) Alpha Build Post #330454
Admer gets it. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-15 16:18:06 UTC
in E3 2016 Post #330448
Yeah, that one. Not played the 2009 version. Heard it was shit.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-15 13:31:24 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330443
It's very nice. My only complaint would be the rocks through, They look far too smooth and it emphasises the repeating texture.

Love the concept though.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-15 13:25:47 UTC
in E3 2016 Post #330442
I'm having to catch up on E3 as the BST schedule is daft. 9pm into the wee hours of the morning on a school night! Pah!

EA Games Cringference

Titanfall 2
I had no interest in the first one, and I've only heard bad things about its lifespan. Adding swords isn't enough to gain my interest.

Mass Effect
Psyched for this! I loved the first three games covering Urby Shepard's adventures and Urby Ryder will have a blast exploring Andromeda, I'm sure. Hopefully we'll be seeing more of this in the coming months before their intended Spring 2017 release.

Star Wars
Meh, I'm not big on star wars games. Battlefront was fun in the beta, but EA is generally the worst in terms of their pricing. £60 special edition, but that doesn't include the DLC. No no, that's another £45. Daylight robbery.

However... this looks pretty spectacular. I could do without all the bullshit with the youtubers and random celebrities they pulled in to show it off, but it does look fun. Might be one I pick up, regardless of the aforementioned pricing bullshit, which will be exactly the same.

Looks like sports shit.

I have no opinion on this. I'm not really into artsy fartsy stylising in games. I just want to see what is going on.

The Bethesda let down

Quake Champions
An arena based multiplayer shooter featuring heroes with different abilities? So Overwatch? We don't need Overwatch. We have one. It's called Overwatch. It's great. Pity we're not getting a Quake reboot after the awesome Wolfenstein and Doom games by Beth/id. Also, pre rendered cinematic should be banned from E3.

TES Legends
I am so sick of trading card games and anyone who likes them should have their PC forcibly removed.

Fallout 4 updates
This was a real disappointment. After buying the season pass based on Bethesda's claim to be bringing bigger and better DLCs, they announce the final three after 7 months, and two of them are shitty Sims Stuff packs. For somebody who doesn't give a shit about Fallout 4's settlement system, this was a real tough pill to swallow. My only hope is that Nuka World follows in Far Harbours footsteps, as that was one of the biggest and best DLCs I've played for a fallout title.

Fallout Shelter
Is anyone still playing this. I deleted it the day Fallout 4 came out.

I never played the original, but this doesn't appear to be related in any way. Also, it's simply called Prey, which I guess means that it's a reboot of a series with a single game... what

TES Online
Stop peddling this shit. Especially stop peddling it by making it worse than it already was...

Dishonored 2
I'd probably care more about this if I'd gotten into the original, but I put it down after an hour and never went back.

Skyrim Remastered
I'm shamefully excited about this. I'm not keen on installing mods that make changes to this degree, so this is a very welcome update. Not only that, but I got it on PC because I'm smart. So it's free. Win win.

Fallout 4 VR
Aka Fallout overpriced gimmick edition. Pass.

Doom demo
This should not have been big news, but as soon as I heard it I grabbed it since I hadn't decided whether to get it or not. I will now that I played it, but the time limit to try it is just dumb... Like, really really dumb.

One more point that Valve News Network touched on however, is how quickly and bluntly Todd Howard answered the question: "Will there be an Elder Scrolls 6?" with "Yes. Of course."

That kind of confirmation from Valve on ANYTHING would be so welcome, even if it was a "No." Bethesda is inching their way up my favourite developers list, even if this conference was a bust.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-12 10:55:25 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330393
Dear God... Just because you CAN carve, doesn't mean you should. Ever.

Is entirely possible to make a phlegm sandwich for example...
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-10 05:16:40 UTC
in decals in game issue Post #330375
Well, first thing to check is whether you can create decals in game, such as bullet holes and so on. If that doesn't work, it's a settings issue.

Only other thing i can think of is that the decals have been moved in the 2D views on Hammer. You should only place decals using the 3D view as far as I recall.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-07 13:39:00 UTC
in Custom sound in my map Post #330369
Yeah, we used to resort to that hacky fix. We had a developer fix it. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-06 15:04:39 UTC
in Custom sound in my map Post #330359
31MB for one sound file in a map is ridiculous!

If it is a music track, then replace one of the existing mp3 files used by Half-Life, but this would only work for a mod. You don't want to go overwriting everyone's base game files and you'd get a well deserved back lashing if you did.

For a single map within Half-Life, you could use a .wav and an ambient_generic entity, but then you have two problems.

First, not everyone wants to hear the same music as you. If it's an ambient generic, they can't lower the volume or turn it off without affecting every other sound in the map.

Second, the quality would be horrendous. You'd also get the directional issue where the player would only hear it in the left or right speaker depending on their position in the map.

Long story short: Don't add music to maps, only mods.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-04 14:37:44 UTC
in 2 textures with one name Post #330341
You need to add ground, metal, rock or brick at the start of the texture for the custom sounds. for example: Metal_sfloor-hl2 is one of my textures, when you walk on a brush with said texture assigned it sounds like "ding ding ding"
Yeah, that's wrong. You just need to add the texture name to materials.txt
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-04 14:34:25 UTC
in Where can I find good textures Post #330339
Yup, (formerly is the way to go.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-03 11:36:48 UTC
in 2 textures with one name Post #330324
Same as the editor. I believe one will be selected at random when you compile the map. Best to rename one of them.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-02 19:15:27 UTC
in {blue ... Post #330319
Photoshop is probably one of the best programs you can use. Just ensure that you save your BMP as an indexed image. (Top menu: Image > Mode > Indexed Color) which should let you save as a 256 colour image by default. That's the best way to ensure consistency between the two programs, but that's not to say that transparency won't still be an issue. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-02 05:10:58 UTC
in {blue ... Post #330309
Best solution would be to change the colour at index 255 to something else like bright green. If the colour in the image itself doesn't change, then it's not using that index.

If it isn't, you can then use the fill tool to make sure that it is, then change the colour back to solid blue.

@Jessie I'm not so sure if compile tools affect it. With TWHL Tower, I had to edit one of JeffMOD's textures which was using pink for transparency. Did not work for me until I changed it to blue.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-06-01 21:33:55 UTC
in {blue ... Post #330304
Any chance of getting the .wad? Everything above should be all you need.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-31 19:38:06 UTC
in ~0Light texture's light... Post #330274
They're commented out. Remove the //
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-31 19:21:39 UTC
in Hi Post #330272
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-31 19:20:11 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330271

Also FYI, the total area of 512x512 is the limit, meaning you can have 256x1024 for example.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-25 13:41:13 UTC
in Half-Rats: Parasomnia Demo Out Now. Post #330227
I've managed to net myself a day off tomorrow, so whenever my daughter goes down for a nap I will jump in and do a preview playthrough of sorts. That way you can get my thoughts as they happen. :)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-24 16:47:35 UTC
in Half-Rats: Parasomnia Demo Out Now. Post #330219
Nope. My Internet speed would mean abysmal quality.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-24 07:11:48 UTC
in Half-Rats: Parasomnia Demo Out Now. Post #330213
Will check this out. Expect a playthrough. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-21 23:48:22 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330189
That crate texture is way too basic at the moment Dr.Orange.

It looks very much like an MSPaint job next to the standard textures.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-21 18:16:13 UTC
in HL3 Post #330182
Urgh, clickbait articles.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-13 07:42:32 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #330108
... Why? :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-09 21:43:09 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #330081
Love the BATMETAL and BATMETAL RETURNS vids :glad:
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-04 22:01:10 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #330044
I'm still about 75% done. Life and The Core are taking up a lot of time right now. I intend to finish my part soon though
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-02 18:40:22 UTC
in Monster properties Issue Post #330024
If I recall, monsters just jump right back up if you trigger a death animation.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-05-02 07:30:00 UTC
in Monster properties Issue Post #330019
One method is to place a trigger hurt around the monster. Then, make sure it's set to be deactivated by the monster's death.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-18 06:46:19 UTC
in I need my heartbeat. I need music... Post #329932
Do we not have a thread for this already?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 8 years ago2016-04-13 14:00:19 UTC
in TWHL World - Community Project Post #329882
I think this is probably one of my largest maps... and I'm about 75% of the way done
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer