Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 12:32:50 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181829
Are THESE enough trees? I found out the two elements that hurt performance the most in Kaufmann House. The 3d Skybox (the tree-line textures are huge) and of course the expensive water in the stream.
The water in the stream has a cubemap reflection (and a func_conveyor over it) and now I want to get rid of the skybox. If you look closely, you'll see that the guest house is missing.
I'm not entirely happy with the CS:S trees. Most of them have no collision model and I have to manually place clip brushes.
And one question. How long does it take to calculate the bot paths in a map this size?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 11:37:03 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181807
I cannot adress something If I can't see it's missing.
If you are referring to detail, you should know that I've had a "Always under 500 wpoly" policy for quite a long time.
Sometimes people complain about the lack of ambient sounds in my maps. It's difficult to add sound if there is no logical source for it.

But I totally agree. I also feel most of the maps you showed me as "great maps" lack something. We can't all be satisfied with the results. That will never change I'm afraid.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 11:19:22 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181802
If he had top rate feedback, does it mean there was someone better than him? Why can't we think he made the maps on his own? He probably playtested them, but I think the architecture is his.
I haven't played all of his maps, but FinalTube has to be my favourite. Rapidcore has 0.7 % of vertical gameplay
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 11:07:52 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #181799
If you don't mind, I'll post some screenshots of Sunden. The logo is nice but people will definitely check it out after seeing the screenies.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 10:54:51 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181797
dm_sacrifice (source) takes some steps forward in the priority list
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 10:50:30 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181795
But don't tell them I'm not a fan of their maps. It's just that I prefer the ones by Michael 'Wolf' Schulz :D (even if dm_powerhouse felt too much like UT2003's dm_asbestos)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 10:38:36 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181792
I had quite a lot of spelling mistakes on my post but I couldn't edit them, sorry about that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 10:35:51 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181789
Yeah, I just noticed it wasn't Scary_Jeff :D
But I've played Scorched, Talos, Scary_1... They fall into the category of nice maps with correct brushwork and good layouts. I still don't like them. There's that little bit of awe and inspiration missing.

The way to learn from your peers is not listening to how the criticise your map (who knows if the would have done the same thing under similar circumstances), it is by looking at their own work.
It's very easy to spot mistakes and suggest changes. It's harder to have one of your maps that you can point to as a reference. Don't you agree?
I usually never point out errors in maps unless I have made something similar before.
Imagine I went to vALVE and said: Dude, that Citadel could have more metallic texure variation!! Of course, I have never made a Citadel. So what the ** would I know...
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 09:54:47 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181780
I get more than enough daily feedback and criticism from my teachers when doing my real architectural projects at University. I don't need more of the same with mapping since it's a hobby.
I don't want to become a Gustavo or Scary_jeff (I don't like their themes at all, even if they are well crafted). It is not my objective.
What I want is to have fun while mapping. When I'm not enjoying a map, I tend to finish it. I am not a masochist who spends one year making a map just so other people think I'm 133t or something. I don't get paid, so I'm my own boss. By the way, there is not a single map out there that can be considered complete. But you already knew that, I bet.

Different people have different motivations. Welcome to the real World :)

About what I said in my comments in "Serene", I was just pointing out that you believe any map needs your (or other mapper's) advice to become better maps. I don't think that's always the case. Would you give me any tips on how to make my Tokyo Museum better? Maybe you could but since you are probably not entirely familiar with Le Corbusier's work, your opinion would be worthless :

@Habboi: I left "Carceri" aside again, and I'm finishing up "cs_fallingwater" The problem is I run out of memory while doing a full compile

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-23 19:50:03 UTC
in Keep your jesus off my penis Post #181717
Just one question: what do you understand by "intolerant" ? I don't know of any cases of church staff hunting down the promiscuos or kidnapping people who live with sexual freedom. You're surely talking about centuries long past? They just say their opinion, nothing more. If you or any other non-believer gets upset, it is because you also think you are doing something wrong, just the way a kid gets angry when punished.
Think about it. You'll rarely see religious people making fun of others, while religions are being laughed at every day, be it with songs, caricatures, films etc.
It's hard to say who is really being intolerant to be honest...
They can preach whatever they want as far as I'm concerned. Freedom of speech is for everyone. If you don't want to listen, don't go to church. It's not like they had some telepathic waves or something>> OMG!! I hear religious teachings!!! I - must - obey
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-23 15:56:54 UTC
in Newbie Questions (/apologize) Post #181690
The BSP is the playable level. The RMF and MAP files are the ones you use in the editor.
Don't Hollow if you can avoid it.
When it comes to wall and floor dimensions, the best thing to do is looking at the texture sizes. You'll see most wall textures are 128 pixels high. That means they go with walls that are 128 units tall etc.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-23 14:33:13 UTC
in Newbie Questions (/apologize) Post #181677
About the "little filler brushes", I also have to make them from time to time. There's nothing wrong about them, other than you take longer to make the map. Maps can get pretty messy and difficult to see after a while, but remember that your goal is to create a playable BSP, not a pretty RMF file.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-23 06:29:06 UTC
in Month of May Mini Contests! Post #181622
Most of us have been in this situation
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 20:16:44 UTC
in Teh desktops of mid-May~!!1 Post #181582
The background image is the only thing that has been changing in my desktop for the past 4 years.
The current one gets me in the mood for mapping :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 14:36:21 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181491
I think that particular computer panel was a func_wall. Since I was slightly out of the map area when I took the screenshot, entities became invisible.
All three bridges were done from scratch. As a matter of fact, I have an even older design for the bridge (besides the Voyager one, that is)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 14:10:56 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181489
To any mapper that wants to keep improving, I'd like to say that this star trek map is the result of 4 years of progress. I took screenshots of all three Enterprise bridges so you can compare. Things are rarely good the first time you try.

2002 - cs_1701ev2

2004 - Warpcore

2006 - unnamed project
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 13:18:47 UTC
in Muzzle TWHL server map rotation vote Post #181478
I nominate Spanish Lyceum (Lower floor). Warpcore has a very cramped layout IMO.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 05:40:26 UTC
in Newbie Questions (/apologize) Post #181434
I'd say that's a graphics card problem, unrelated to your map. Or does it happen only in that map?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 04:58:31 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181432
Same image as one I posted before but with changes. If some of you have played my startrek maps, the brown texture is almost everywhere. I created another texture for the different rooms, leaving the brown texture for the halls.
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-21 19:54:51 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #181371
Every time I play HLDM I remember why I decided to remove the tau cannon from my maps.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-21 13:37:00 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181336
@BJ: I'll give it try giving the blue light a slight purple tone. The original Enterprise-E halls have this color theme, I didn't make it up :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-21 10:45:02 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181329
Yes, I will be using the same (and upgraded) texture set. The brushwork is 100% from scratch, and not everything will happen in the same federation ship.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-21 09:26:17 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #181326
I have been working on more skins and continued a bit of this HL map. I have an interesting story for this minimod. I will of course try to make it last longer than my other HL singleplayer map.
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-21 09:07:00 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #181325
You don't have the year Rimrook
The deadline for contest entries is June 30th
But try making something anyway, do it for TWHL!
I'm starting planning for the "Combine Transport Hub", a map I've been wanting to make for quite a while. I might use it for the compo too, if the results are satisfactory.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-20 12:49:02 UTC
in Competition 20 Post #181168
Those are only obligations if you want them to be.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-19 21:30:49 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #181040
I finished my map. I have to do a final 5 hour compile (I just found a couple of displacement errors) and that's it.
I'll post some screens in the official Snarkpit thread and I will post the map in this vault. It might not be 100% compliant with the rules, but I'm happy with the result anyway.
I will again need file hosting for the 5 MB zip file.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-19 18:29:05 UTC
in Half-Life : Gyradell Invasion Post #181023
Quite nice.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 18:13:19 UTC
in Competition 20 Post #180851
It has been talked about several times: Is there a possibility of having simultaneous Hl1/Source competitions? I don't think there are that many people who would participate on both at the same time. With the current setup, HL1 mappers have to wait too much from one competition to the next, and same thing happens to Source mappers.
If it means too much trouble with coding etc, then forget what I just said. I just think that's the way most mappers feel about it. Time for another poll?

Back to the topic. I have only seen the MV entries so far, and picking 3 clear winners is going to be difficult. That's good news, I think.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 15:45:52 UTC
in Structure! Post #180822

I left unaltered spikes at both ends of the pillar. BSP.exe discards the part of the spike that is inside the half-cylinder. It still doesn't look perfect. By the way, none of it is func_walled.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 15:04:06 UTC
in Structure! Post #180803
I don't see the problem with the lower part of the concrete. How did you end up with invalid brushes?
A truncated spike with the sames sides as the cylinder would do the job well.
If you discarded this idea, what are you planning on doing now?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-18 14:31:09 UTC
in Structure! Post #180792
What sort of structures are you referring to?
I have tons of information on the matter (from university), but I would have to scan them.
Just tell me the size and nature of your desired area, and I'll investigate a bit. :)

Edit: the more I learn, the more puzzled I am at the amount of unnecessary support beams people use in their maps! :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-16 02:05:45 UTC
in Half-Life 3 screenshot Post #180355
unless you want to make a transit station or a combine forcefield, your maps just won't live up to the Valve standard. also because of the proprietary textures
There's always something you can do about it. Learn to make materials.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 18:34:50 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #180325
From the rules
The entries may be split into categories if several entries are received for different engines, but this depends on the number of entries received more than anything. In other words, do not be discouraged from making an older engines map if the predominant entries are of a newer type. Your creation is just as important as anyone else's.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 16:42:17 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #180305
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 15:23:01 UTC
in Point to Ponder! Post #180286
I'm in my third year of architecture school! That's halfway already. I've already noticed that it requires a lot of time and teamwork. And that time is the one I can't use for mapping. I don't think time and teamwork are a low priority, but mapping does have a lower priority compared to my university stuff...
Sometimes, both of them blend. I made the Tokyo Museum for university work, as well as Farnsworth House and Kaufmann House. I use hammer for most of my work at uni since it's faster than CAD etc.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 15:19:00 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #180281
@Hugh: my map has only two props so far, and It's bound to stay that way. A tree and a boat :D The rest is brushwork.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 15:10:09 UTC
in Point to Ponder! Post #180276
What occupation are you referring to?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 14:57:18 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #180272
Crazy misunderstanding... :nuts:
I'll post some screens of my map in a while. The area is quite big so I don't know if it'll break the rules.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 14:33:58 UTC
in Point to Ponder! Post #180266
Of course 7hour can be improved...It's my third source map after all.
I just mean that if I could invest more time on a single map (which I can't because of my studies) it would turn out be a good one. That's all I'm saying. My maps don't really need someone's advice to become better as much as they need more planning, dedication and polish.
In the end, what will separate me from being a great mapper is that I also want to be a good architect. :cry:
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 13:27:06 UTC
in Point to Ponder! Post #180258
4 years, and only up to "dm_punishment" is another way to look at it. I never said anything like I was the best mapper out there. But I know very well that my maps could be among the best if I invested at least half the time those "talented and gifted mappers" spend on them.
I would understand it if you think "False_accretion" is substandard. But "dm_7hour" (done in 20 days by the way) isn't that bad. Take a stroll around the map and think about it.
It will take you some time to understand that some people map for fun, and not every single one of their maps is meant for an international mapping prize.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 13:00:16 UTC
in Point to Ponder! Post #180249
My apologies about that.
Don't worry, I can make myself better if I want to without help.
I would just need more time and less university projects getting in the way.

It's not that hard to see after all: If I made Vilcabamba in 5 days, Kaufmann House in 1 month, what would my maps look like if I made them in months or years like your Snarkpit friends? Good question huh?
By the way, in what areas would you help me in? Weapon placement, area_portals? I doubt you or your buddies are in a position to talk to me about architecture, and I don't mean to sound rude. If your eyes see "floating_volume" as very badly constructed, I should doubt your opinion, no offence!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 12:46:46 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #180240
No, I meant I will work on my HL1 projects in the meantime.
Doing that for HL1 would be suicide!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 12:41:21 UTC
in Point to Ponder! Post #180236
You must find a way to solve that problem then. Maybe some people here won't listen to you unless you change your tone a bit. (If you actually want people to listen to you, that is)

The best teachers are not the ones who know most, but the ones who can transmit their knowledge best.

@Xyos: He is indeed a good mapper. He even suspects I am at the level he was 2 years ago. I must be in the right track then!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 12:30:37 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #180233
Don't worry about the compiling. I can run Hammer 3.5 while using the Source Batch Compiler. No time is lost.
And yes, I like this site.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 12:07:16 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #180223
Ok, I get what you mean. But I've been mapping for more than 5 years and I still think the competitions here are fun. This one seems more challenging and yet, I find it much easier than for example the "Test Lab" competition we had a while ago.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 11:48:00 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #180218
I don't think the concept of fun alters as time goes on. "Destructification" is a fun compo, and we're getting very nice entries, some of them with outstanding entity work.
This competition is as vague as the "Combine Transport Hub" I proposed, so a lot of people will stay away from it if they lack imagination or time.
I'm doing very good progress with my entry, but it takes 3 hours to do a full compile, saldy. I don't want to think of what will happen when I change the lightmap grid! :aghast:
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 09:00:51 UTC
in Point to Ponder! Post #180177
Maybe his goal was to anger you. And it seems he did so succesfully.
Rather than intimidating him, this post will probably make him laugh. You think that any reputation you have earned in other Internet sites has an effect here. My sincere advice is to abandon that idea, seriously. :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-15 08:47:54 UTC
in Half-Life 3 screenshot Post #180174
Yeah. I had never heard about "goldsource" until I saw it in a twhl thread some months ago.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-14 19:16:17 UTC
in Month of May Mini Contests! Post #180081
User posted image
Welcome to City 17...
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-14 14:16:38 UTC
in Competition 20 Post #180021
I think we should keep this thread open until the results are posted. I would like to comment each of the entries.
And Dr. Mapper should start thinking a theme for the Source Compo.
Thanks to everyone who participated and wrecked my map. Sorry again for the little errors in the rmf.