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Posted 7 years ago2016-10-16 17:41:10 UTC
in AllocBlock:Full Post #332046
AllocBlock is responsible for lightmaps. If this error occurs then there are too many lightmaps being generated. The reasons stated above can cause that.
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Posted 7 years ago2016-10-08 18:54:54 UTC
in 'abs':ambiguous call to overloaded funct Post #331936
This is a problem caused by changing standard library functions conflicting with older code in the SDK.
See this Github issue for the solution:

Basically, change all ambiguous abs calls to fabs.
Posted 7 years ago2016-10-08 18:28:10 UTC
in Issues with the Paranoia renderer Post #331934
Based on what i've found, disabling texture tiling is done using glTexParameter:

GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S and GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T with GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE will do this. This is for immediate mode, if using shaders you'll have to clamp it yourself.
Posted 7 years ago2016-10-06 09:18:38 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331906
C# can embed native code in it, Java can only link with native libraries. C# beats Java every time.

Minecraft runs pretty badly because of Java. It just can't handle the massive amount of data being processed by it, and if you run a lot of mods you'll notice the memory usage spiking to several Gb easily. Some mod packs won't run on 32 bit systems at all.
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Posted 7 years ago2016-10-01 14:35:41 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331867
You're going to need a few years of C++ experience before you can even think about writing a renderer.
Posted 7 years ago2016-10-01 11:47:55 UTC
in editor clipping 3d view Post #331855
Yeah, Hammer has hardcoded limits in it. SC's version of Hammer increases it to their new maximum distance if you need it.
Posted 7 years ago2016-10-01 07:41:11 UTC
in editor clipping 3d view Post #331850
See this:

There are a few other places that directly refer to 4096 and 8192 as well, those all need to be updated to make the game work properly with larger maps.
Posted 7 years ago2016-10-01 07:38:17 UTC
in Teleport delay Post #331849
You could use a trigger_once or trigger_multiple that unlocks the teleport's master with a delay, then maker sure the player is always touching the teleport.
Posted 7 years ago2016-10-01 07:37:17 UTC
in editor clipping 3d view Post #331847
The engine supports going as far as 16384 units from world origin (and maybe further, but i've never tested it). Game code will restrict entities to 4096 units from origin so unless the mod you're working with has increased that limit it won't work very well.
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Posted 7 years ago2016-09-30 13:38:21 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331814
To be a man with free time or not to be a man with free time? That is the question :P
Posted 7 years ago2016-09-29 21:02:45 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #331810
Half-Life and Quake both use vertex subdivision for water surfaces. That's how func_water wave effects work. It calculates waves using the current time, so it's not animation exactly, just a sine wave. Half-Life pioneered skeletal animation in video games using meshes made up out of vertices, whereas Quake only had the simpler vertex stuff.

Here's a video about Half-Life's skeletal animation system that explains the advantages over then-current techniques:
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Posted 7 years ago2016-09-29 18:49:25 UTC
in Activating entities Post #331806
The SDK version you're using requires a lot of changes to work in newer versions of C++, but i can help you port it.

Changing the output name is pretty easy, you go into the library settings, Link settings, and change the Output file name.

Copying the file is a bit harder, you'll need to add a post build step to copy it. This works for me: copy /Y "debughl\zwc.dll" "..\..\Xash3D2\ZWC\dlls\zwc.dll"

This will only work for the debug build (and only if your source code is relative to the game directory), i'm not sure if VS6 has variables for configurations or not. The ones that are used in newer versions didn't work, but if you switch over it'll be easier.
Posted 7 years ago2016-09-29 17:43:00 UTC
in Activating entities Post #331804
I've debugged your code, the problem is exactly what Shepard was talking about. Your weapon sets the max clip value to WEAPON_NOCLIP, which prevents it from ever calling Reload. I set it to INT_MAX (0x7FFFFFFF) and it works just fine, after modifying the while loop to use pEntity as the start entity.

It spawns a steady stream of monsters if you keep pressing it and kill the trolleys as they move, so it seems to be just fine.

I take it you're currently using VS6 to compile this? I recommend upgrading to a newer version since it's a pain in the ass to debug in that version, and it also allows for some standards violating code. If you need help with that, i can make it compatible with any version you want to use. I have 2010 and newer installed, so i can test any of them myself.
I'd also recommend modifying the build settings to output the correct dll name instead of hl.dll, since your mod uses a different name. You can also make it copy the dll over to your mod directory automatically.