Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-05-04 02:16:06 UTC
oh wait I meant TFC
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-03 16:16:51 UTC
in Takeshi's Castle sven co-op map Post #25238
it still lacks words like 'worlds', 'greatest' and a number indicating how many episodes there have been
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-03 02:38:05 UTC
in Takeshi's Castle sven co-op map Post #25170
So they renamed the show and stuck an american voice dub over it?
Its done under its actual title on UK TV too, with Craig Charles doing the voiceover. Why did they have to rename it for america though?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-02 12:28:08 UTC
in Takeshi's Castle sven co-op map Post #25078
I really didnt proof read that post, but I did use a nice word
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-02 02:41:45 UTC
in Takeshi's Castle sven co-op map Post #25007
Sounds like it would be a fun map on par with programmes like the crystal maze. Would probably make a good TFC map as theres enough scope for the fun genre (lack of physics-limiting crap in mods like CS), but with recently developments leading to the collapse of most of the community (due to the loss of some major servers to ths Steam debacle), I see little interest unfortunately.

Should've tried it about 2 years ago methinks :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 16:00:22 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24895
of course, its just I expected more people to be offended and hardly anyone even bothered downloading it

I guess any joke that takes effort on the part of the person recieving it is never well recieved
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 13:21:32 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24883
Im never bothering with making a joke like this ever again
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-01 04:27:38 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24806
yeah, that would've been so much funnier if itd been more realistic ho ho ho
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-30 14:55:10 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24691
plus the links which make it funny
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-30 08:44:46 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24646
im f**king funny too according to my housemate
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-30 06:34:21 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24636
thats it, unappreciated, im off again
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-30 04:19:50 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24632
play the map and find out ffs, jokes like this never work because it actually takes effort on someones part to download and install it
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-30 00:40:48 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24627
dont say you are quoting from my site without quoting EXACTLY please, a simple link would've sufficed (and you missed out all in the post)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-29 15:38:52 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24573
I wonder if anyone has noticed the point of why I released it though (and the accompanying statement of hatred on my main site)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-29 02:55:59 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24482
I wonder if anyones actually played the map yet
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 17:44:25 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24439
Hey guys! I decided to start the map project off for you all!
You can download the map and source here, have fun now!

(with apologies to anyone who is alive)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 15:18:58 UTC
in Rotating Avartar's (pics) Post #24397
S could stand for something ending in 'arcasm', or more likely 'hite'

The epileptor 7, guaranteed to cause you to have a fit even if you dont suffer from any epileptic condition. The random flashing lights and pulsating beats can turn a grown man into a quivering pile of jelly.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 15:13:57 UTC
in Too Many Entities in Visible Packet List Post #24395
if you dont want to see the error you could always turn developer mode off

stitch in time wastes time

or something like that
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 15:13:03 UTC
in climb maps Post #24394
excuse my language, but I must point out that CS mappers completely ripped the idea from the various TFC climb maps that've been around for AGES now.

I made one too (theonlywayisup), took me about 5 months to complete so dont say its a 'new fad' when its actually something old made new and interesting by those with no imagination.

You'll prolly say 'fun' maps are a new fad too ffs.
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-28 03:50:27 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24347
hey, im the only person around here allowed to use sarcasm
whatever that is anyway
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 15:15:47 UTC
in Super Tower for TWHL Post #24245
collaborative map projects dont work unless you single out a bunch of mappers you KNOW are reliable and likely to finish AND KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN ENTITY AND A BRUSH ENTITY
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 15:13:48 UTC
in What was your first map like? Post #24241
I know that technically the third map I started was the_valley_2
I dont have know however, I have loads of random stuff I used to mess around with and probably got through many many loads of unrefined stuff before starting valley (which I finished some 2 years later)

However, my first officially released map was concmap2001 (and the -r a few days later because I didnt really have a clue about mapping for tfc)
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 15:08:56 UTC
in Everyones The Admin! Post #24234
I should be the admin of 7ths posts, its only fair really
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-27 15:08:22 UTC
in Rotating Avartar's (pics) Post #24233
how about we rotate usernames as well, while rotating all the colours on your screen, randomly changing words in posts and playing loud music at you so noone has a f**king clue who anyone is, whats going on, or where you are

wave of the future, or wherever joe is actually from
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-25 20:51:52 UTC
in Great Site Guys! Post #20506
nah its all because of me
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-23 20:14:41 UTC
in Dedicated server error Post #20334
its really bad when the error is dedicated
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-23 20:11:38 UTC
in Turrent Trouble Post #20332
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-22 21:12:12 UTC
in Anime/Movies/TV Shows Post #20253
Im so desensitized to violence I walked into a shop today to see the owner being bludgeoned to death by a machete-weilding lunatic. I didn't even bat an eyelid and was suprised when he didn't ring up my purchase.

Just goes to show that GTA and DOOM are responsible for all the worlds evils. Yes, ban them all.

Heck lets just ban all forms of media that might influence anyone ever.

I dont think playing games like doom when I was younger affected me much, I believe I am a sa sa sss ss sane minded pppp pp p p pp person. Although I do own a sniper rifle, a desert eagle and an uzi and I liiiii--kkeee to shoot pigeons that PISS ME OFF BY FLAPPING THEIR WINGS ALL THE TIME ARGHH.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-22 21:06:53 UTC
in 3D studio max Post #20251
yes you created the teapot in halflife without the use of a model, I believe you. Oh wait your talking out of your arse because unless you restrict the model to the most simplistic possible version, the concave surfaces would not be possible.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-22 21:05:30 UTC
in Just release my latest map Post #20250
Its a sound (if basic) map, but its hardly an original idea. If you want to make a gimmick map, look to see if anyones already done it. If they have you could of course aim to improve their idea - because they created it entirely in rock'n'grass and cant map to save their lives. However I tend to prefer a novel idea over a well implemented existing one.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-21 06:08:33 UTC
in Anime/Movies/TV Shows Post #20080
wow david, you have totally changed my outlook. I now see that parents are STUPID if they dont buy their kids halflife and FORCE them to play the game. I mean OMG the game is like SO OLD dood, which means the rating no longer applies, infact screw ratings lets just buy our kids vice city and be done with it!

I dont give a that kids 9/10/11 have games like vice city, all I care about is that the parents dont actually moderate them and see that they are playing this crap.

Saying parents are being overbearing and MORONIC for restrcting a childs access to adult material is like saying its ok for these american parents you see who let their children eat anything they want so they can go on the next springer show with the title 'omg my child weighs as much as a small dump truck'
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-21 06:02:41 UTC
in The New TWHL Post #20076
I envisage a 2 being put on the end of the acronym

thats about it
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-21 05:59:06 UTC
in 3D studio max Post #20075
I can't see the point of designing anything in MAX to be used in hammer, it would surely take a lot longer and create massive amounts of invalid brushwork. Halflife is based on a very simple 3d framework and doesnt even support faces with an angle in both the X and Y direction
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-20 14:25:51 UTC
in Anime/Movies/TV Shows Post #19996
ffs, no wonder the current state of the halflife community is so poor. Theres far too many young people on the internet these days and of those they should NOT be playing a game that still carries an 18 certificate. I'd like to have a word with your parents that pay for your net connection and would've had to buy the game for you in the first place.

Plus I think most people are confusing anime with the americanised versions of shows like Pokemon and other childish nonsense. While in Japan most anime is aimed at the collegiate ages (15+), if I had children I would most certainly not let them watch it. Far too twisted and bizzare, same as the internet really. I didn't get onto the net until I was 13 and didn't begin online gaming until I was at least 16.

I know maturity varies with different people but I believe the internet is too global and unrestricted to be able to handle the younger generation and shield them from its darker areas.
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-20 14:19:46 UTC
in Spawn Problem! Post #19995
you should capitalise the 'i' too
oh and comma after 'OMG'
cannot would sound better as "can't"
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-20 14:18:40 UTC
in Permanent Light Flood.. Post #19994
surely they dont light the map at all, I thought fullbright was what the engine does to a map without any RAD information
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-20 14:15:52 UTC
in does anyone know what's wrong? Post #19992
are you even compiling the .map into a .bsp?
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-17 19:07:06 UTC
in ? Post #19627
can you just tell him to stfu about something that isnt possible in halflife
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-17 19:04:23 UTC
in Anime/Movies/TV Shows Post #19625
people who have the ability to say 'pokemon was fun when you were a kid' are far too young to be on the internet imo
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-17 19:02:53 UTC
in Flash Avatars Post #19624
animated porn would be nice
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-17 19:02:34 UTC
in Mirror challange Post #19623
I think you should go a bit higher level than that and think about what an INFINATE NUMBER OF REFLECTIONS entail for a 3d engine
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-15 14:36:22 UTC
in Anime/Movies/TV Shows Post #19439
I think he's talking about hentai, sick f**k
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-15 14:34:55 UTC
in Teleport destonation facing direction Post #19438
its best after using the compass to check the entity was actually changed (just click off then on again), sometimes you have to press enter after typing in a direction
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-14 21:22:05 UTC
in 5GhZ pc!!! Post #19393
No they didnt, all those show are stats
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-14 07:55:49 UTC
in 5GhZ pc!!! Post #19321
it may've been 5ghz, but they didn't do any benchmarks so i dont believe it very much
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-14 07:55:08 UTC
in The Old voting chestnut? Post #19320
that doesnt actually correlate cough overlord cough
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-13 22:01:53 UTC
in Anime/Movies/TV Shows Post #19276
you really have to be careful with anime, its bad when someone gets addictied to it after seeing their first show
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-13 22:00:51 UTC
in Comics Post #19275
Dilbert by far, but its an aquired taste
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-13 21:59:35 UTC
in null texture Post #19274
you should try to avoid concave brushes wherever possible, or you can get some bad physical/visual clipping problems
Posted 20 years ago2004-03-12 22:46:40 UTC
in Anime/Movies/TV Shows Post #19190
the concept of mahoromatic is simple, its the story of an android created to fight against an invading alien army, who has decomisioned herself to work as a maid in order to extend the remaining time she has left before she self-destructs

oh and its really, really perverse. Just like most anime