Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 10:11:25 UTC
in Traitor Post #133451
To use Spirit, just set up another configuration just as you would do for any other mod, and use the spirit.fgd instead of the hl one.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 09:25:48 UTC
in having a bit of a problem Post #133445
Check your configuration, you can say where to put the finished maps. Just direct that to your half-life/valve/maps folder.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 09:19:34 UTC
in having a bit of a problem Post #133442
Make sure you're not placing the .bsp in the wrong folder. It should go to the half-life/valve/maps folder.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 09:12:19 UTC
in Need help with hints, wpoly reduction Post #133439
Sometimes area's have acceptable poly counts exept from one point of view. Instead of tuning the area down, you can also restrict the player from getting to that point. I believe it was Mr. Ben who wrote about that trick and I haven't seen it mentioned a lot around.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 09:08:17 UTC
in having a bit of a problem Post #133435
Everything seems fine (though it seems you haven't put entities in the map?), but this line is wrong:
** Executing...
** Command: D:hlrad.exe
** Parameters: -dev -console +map "test_map"
You should start Half-Life with those parameters, not hlrad. Check in your configuration if you filled in the Game Executable in the Build Programs tab correctly. It should point to your Half-Life exe.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 08:42:12 UTC
in having a bit of a problem Post #133422
but they won't run thru console or thru run. unsure - :
map "map name" does the job, map map name doesn't work.

Anyway, how did you configure your Hammer options, especially those in the Build Programs tab?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 08:26:07 UTC
in having a bit of a problem Post #133417
You can have spaces in map names, but it's best to avoid them, yes.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-09 08:14:04 UTC
in having a bit of a problem Post #133413
You're not running any compile program and you're copying a file with game startup parameters...

Basically, you didn't configure your compile options correctly. Follow this tutorial and you should be able to compile maps just fine.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 18:51:34 UTC
in Cherynobl. Post #133347
I'd play Stalker and get a good impression of how that area really is. No way I'm going there myself. I've got other favorite vacation spots to go... :)

I've read they offered tours there a while ago, too, but as far as I know most people didn't like the dead cities. Seems that silence is creepy there.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 14:25:20 UTC
in 2 tracktrains and 1 trackautochange Post #133268
I remember having tested clip brushes on trains once, and when you stand next to a wall and a clip train is coming at you, insteas of crushing you it pins you down to your position since it can't push you any further. You can't move untill the train is gone. Funny artifact and it might come in handy in some occasions?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 13:52:08 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #133245
Wally, for example. Versatile thing for HL stuff.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 13:47:45 UTC
in 2 tracktrains and 1 trackautochange Post #133244
I know, and that's the advantage of clip-brushes. Valve did it too. But I agree, glass looks better when it's not too visible. Disadvantage is, and I think that counted when HL was released (nowadays we have better systems), is the transparancy overlay. Multiple transparant faces cause the scene to be redrawn and using too much of them really gives you trouble.

And still trouble with buggy trains? I'd think of using models but that's more something for HL2... I guess you'll have to live with it, or throw out the glass if the synchronisation problem is really that obvious.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 13:37:41 UTC
in 2 tracktrains and 1 trackautochange Post #133241
Clip brushes, Elon. Null brushes cause the faces of the train that connect to them to disappear. ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 13:34:31 UTC
in 2 tracktrains and 1 trackautochange Post #133237
Trains are somewhat buggy sometimes, yeah. You could make those windows a bit larger then they really are and make them thinner as the train hull, so nobody notices both from the inside and outside...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 13:27:54 UTC
in 2 tracktrains and 1 trackautochange Post #133233
How did you set this up, e.g. what entity triggers what other entity and when? Like, how did you trigger the track_autochance and such?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 10:23:17 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #133170
Thanks guys. :)

I've actually modelled one of those for a city HL map, kindof planned a RTS-styled machinima but never done anything with it after a while. If anyone's interested, I could fix up some screenshots but it's nothing too fancy.

I'll model them sooner or later, high-poly perhaps, but that's not going to be anywhere soon. School...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 09:51:02 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #133158
Oh, that.

Which ones have you seen then? I haven't put up a lot of architecture drawings as far as I can remember...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 09:38:54 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #133151
Don't like those as much as your architecture stuff, Captain, I must say.
Usually I sketch a lot and put less time in my drawings than in my released maps, so that might be a reason... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-08 08:23:43 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #133138
Woo, lots of nice art around here... :)
I like hand-drawings. Computer art is fine and all but hand drawings is what originally attracted me most.

Nice style, Kasperg. What tools did you use?
I like your drawings too, quiet_girl86. Quite realistic, like I try to.
You like abstract, Elon? What's it supposed to be?

I figered I could throw in some of my work as well, mostly mechanic or human themed. Some old work, some recent, just for fun: (yes, they're links...)
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 16:37:15 UTC
in HL1 map but useing HL2 Post #133043
Distributing content from within the .gcf files seems to be illegal. Go read the eula, I think it's in there.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 16:20:23 UTC
in Cherynobl. Post #133038
Read it long ago, as reference for Sector Gamma but also out of interest. Nice to see it being updated a bit.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 16:16:52 UTC
in HL1 map but useing HL2 Post #133037
Just use HL textures as a reference to build your own. Sure, it's going to take a while before you can draw good-looking textures, but in the end, it's worth it. Level-design more and more becomes a multi-skill task these days.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-07 16:15:02 UTC
in Need help with hints, wpoly reduction Post #133036
Hinting won't help a lot here since you have a lot of area's that have free line of sight to a lot of buildings/space/faces.
Changing the layout is your best option. CS maps go best with a path-based layout anyway. Exactly reconstructing real-life environments hardly ever gives you a good playable map, both performance-wire and gameplay-wise. And, as has been said above, it's often less interesting than a 'levelized' environment.

You might find David Johnstons articles interesting, like Common sense vs level design and The making of: dust.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-06 17:45:00 UTC
in Domes.... Post #132838
Dismaps exist of triangular faces, HrnyGoat, and are optimized for rendering. Might be a better choice when mapping with Source... :)

After all, I got pretty fed up with vm'ing terrain after attempting to create mudanchee... for HL2DM, it's definitely going so much easier...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-06 17:25:22 UTC
in Domes.... Post #132833
That's a messy method for the compilers, Kasperg... ;)

In the end, I think models are the easiest way to do domes, if you're able to model that is. Isn't the dome in CSS' de_dust made with a model?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-06 17:00:39 UTC
in Domes.... Post #132828
EDIT: Beat me to it, Satch. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-04 15:29:03 UTC
in Half-Life vs. Half-Life 2 Post #132387
I'd really recommend at least trying to create such textures. It's hard at first but will open up a wide array of new options. Sure, maps will take longer to build now so you should have a decent layout done before starting to do the looks (you don't want to waste time on models and textures that never get used) but I think it's worth it.

I'll go give it a try. Anyone remembers mudanchee, the map I never finished? Well, HL2 with it's dispmaps gives me the perfect engine to do it... I've got a layout done and am giving one of the area's some dismaps, then I'll start creating textures to make it look distinct, make it look like I intended it to do. It will probably take quite a while to finish this map now, but I'm going for it. It's a good opportunity to sharpen my overall skillset too... :)

What I do think is that the modding community will focus more on creating mods rather than a lot of custom maps. I hope that communities will spring up that bring modellers, texture artists and mappers (and sound composers?) together, otherwise I only see a future for very similar maps, and good all-round mappers...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-04 15:18:38 UTC
in Mapping Techniqe Post #132386
Generally speaking, it takes insight to create good maps.

Mister Plod, what do you think make your maps different from Valve's maps? Can you pinpoint a certain thing, or certain things? If you can find out your maps weaknesses, then you're half the way up on improving them.

For ecample, my weakest point is creating layouts. I usually started detailing some rooms and adding rooms and all that, untill I got stuck at a point that I couldn't get a good flow into it. So, I started reading articles about it, looking at other maps and all, and changing the way I'm working. Now, I've got a decent layout ready for a HL2DM map and am busy doing the looks of it. Now, I want to be sure that it plays well before I start detailing it even further.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-04 07:52:01 UTC
in Half-Life vs. Half-Life 2 Post #132307
Anyone read the recent interviews with Gabe Newell? He spoke about a Half-Life movie somewhat. They tried writing a script for it, some Hollywood guys tried too, but at the end, Valve thought it wouldn't make a good enough movie. Well, see for yourself what he said.

Anyway, Half-Life compared to Half-Life 2...
I think I liked the first most because it was refreshing, different than most other shooters. Half-Life 2 isn't a bad game, it plays away nicely and there's a lot of fun to it, but I felt that special thing was lost a bit. Maybe that's always the case with sequels, but maybe it could've been better than this.
From a mappers perspective, I liked Half-Life's diversity in enemies and weapons much more. I like Half-Life 2's new technology and increased possibilities though that makes production time longer and it's art content has quite some impact on mapping as it was. Nowadays anyone can make a map look good because of it's textures. Back then, those textures weren't so good and you had to create actual good architecture and make the map flow well. That last part is still the case, luckily... ;)
Anyway, I think a lot of people are pulled out of it now that it takes a texture artist and a modeller more to make a map stand out. It's not just mapping anymore. HL2's content gets quickly overused and only fits the styles and themes it was made for, it gives little freedom for other themes I think.

My 2 cents.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-04 07:39:28 UTC
in So many errors!!! Post #132302
It also looks like you placed several brushes outside Hammer's grid.
Invalid brushes cause these errors too. Seeing the amount of other errors, it's most likely that.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-03 18:11:20 UTC
in Fun, but ridiculously hard puzzle. Post #132220
Don't brag with your level progress, it makes no sense.
Anyway, this puzzle kindof reminds me of that HL mod I once read about. Half-Quake: Amen it's called.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-03 05:40:18 UTC
in New Mod Hosting? Post #131989
Fileplant... powerplant...

"Low space, build more fileplants"

Posted 19 years ago2005-09-03 03:50:36 UTC
in Trigger_Changetarget Post #131952
trigger_changetarget is also quite usefull when working with func_trains and func_tracktrains... look at the VERC for an article about multiple-floor elevators to see them put to good use.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-03 03:42:10 UTC
in New Mod Hosting? Post #131949
Try Fileplanet, I'd say, or a similar site...

but if Seventh wants to host, I'd rather take that... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 11:55:11 UTC
in Textures, Models, Prefabs, etc. Post #131768
If there's some people doing models, textures and all, then it might be usefull, yeah.

Snarkpit has this to some extend, though there isn't made much use of it, especially not these days.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 11:54:06 UTC
in Steam Post #131767
The Friends system was meant to see if your buddy's were on-line or not, and to chat with them. As far as I know, it never really worked properly...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 08:57:41 UTC
in Steam Post #131719
HL2DM seems to have a low priority, lower than CSS. That's sad, I think, because there's also quite some HL2DM players. Less than CSS, but hey... I just think HL2DM could do with some more attention, some more well-playing maps, some more weapon variation and all that.

Man, I'm starting to sound like the average CS-player... :|
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 07:35:54 UTC
in New map Im working on Post #131705
The lighting doesn't do it for me, and the trees are still just a square around the map (neither do they cast shadows). Work on those things, add a few bushes here and there and it'll greatly improve I think. A different grass texture might be good too.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-02 07:24:56 UTC
in Snark wrestling... Post #131703
Ghe, can happen, habboi. If I'm not wrong, people used to have that with my answering sprees a year ago. Now I'm having it with Elon Yariv's answers... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 19:57:55 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #131624
Hmm, understandable situation. Though then I think no current-gen engine would really fit for you, but it's always worth looking around a bit. The Unreal engine might be a good alternative...
_I don't like Counter-Strike : Source : it is just pure crap for me, the fact that Valve never played Counter-Strike, don't give a f#ck about the gamers, and have absolutely no clue about what CS really is ...
Nah, that's just because you're used to CS the way it is now. CSS is just somewhat different. People complain about CSS but they also complain about CS... Valve is actually putting up much more patches for CSS than they do for HL2DM... :|
And indeed, the majority of CS players doesn't really seem to have a high catch of good design...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 17:25:32 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #131613
What is about to make me tired of being of mapper?

the CS gamers and HLCSG/BSP ...
Yeah, but you're trying to do things with the HL engine that it wasn't really made for, like large, open, detailed maps and all that.
I once tried creating a cave map, using a triangle brush method, but that turned out to be nearly impossible to finish (and get a decent framerate and look) in HL. The Source engine would suit you much more, looking at your idea's, J.C.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 17:22:55 UTC
in Adobe PhotoShop Post #131612
Everyone's always talking about the big Photoshop...

I pretty much like PSP so far. It allows me to do what I want to do, so that's just fine.

Anyone who's done some more texture work bythway? I rarely see any texture artists here...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 17:20:19 UTC
in Some kind of camara thingy. Post #131610
Thanks. It's not that I need them but it's nice to know some more sites. I knew most of them anyway, though... ;)

Bytheway, how long have you been mapping, and have you released anything already?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 17:17:54 UTC
in mdl (non-passable) Post #131609
HL and CS are really annoying when it comes to using prop models. I used to modify my .fgd and use cyclers or cycler_sprites (I can't really remember which one), then clip them if necessary.

CS: CZ propably had this coded in, to use a models hitbox for clipping.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 10:14:47 UTC
in Some kind of camara thingy. Post #131501
Yeah, I've seen a lot of sites getting less active... my forum is quite for a few weeks too, though we're still mapping and playing and there's a new member every now and then.

I've been working on a site for us to get some more activity and provide more resources for beginning mappers, but due to a lot of other things I've kinda slowed down working on it. I'm planning to pick up on it as soon as I can though.

I've noticed too, that there's still quite some Dutch mappers around. It's not that people aren't busy anymore but I think the longer ones somewhat quit and there's a new load of people, attached to other sites than the current ones. Well, yeah...
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 10:02:58 UTC
in Some kind of camara thingy. Post #131497
Err, have you guys actually read about the entity? A point_viewcontrol itself can follow path_corners, you don't need to tie it to another entity...

And if you're not that good in english, Freshed, I've got a little Dutch mapping forum with a few other mapping friends... feel free to visit... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 09:39:40 UTC
in Some kind of camara thingy. Post #131484
Nah, just Google before asking, that's all... ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 09:34:11 UTC
in Some kind of camara thingy. Post #131480
Read up on the point_viewcontrol entity. As far as I know, it's the same system as used in HL. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 08:19:52 UTC
in sv_startsound problem Post #131468
What options did you give that ambient_generic, actually?

Already tried recreating it, tried different .wav's? Tried triggering it with a button to check if it wasn't a problem with the train?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 08:02:36 UTC
in sv_startsound problem Post #131465
A volume of 2555 is killing ears... 10 is by far sufficient in most cases...

So maybe you just gave it a too high value?