Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-04-19 11:56:52 UTC
in Darwin was clearly wrong Post #175169
Maybe adam and eve story is a metaphor to show the development of man.
That's pretty much EXACTLY what I think !

I recon that the bible was originally not meant to be taken so literally, but to illistrate something that could not be explained directly, like a higher power or God?

And to put something like that into human context.

(For the record, I am not religious in any way, except that I was Christanned, or whatever you call it) ^^
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-18 15:37:38 UTC
in ***WARNING*** Disturbing Subject Matter Post #174998
I haven't read the last 2 posts, btw.
Don't feel like reading right now ^^

Well you can't really execute anyone with a mental disorder, really.
I personally think they should execute him, but you just can't.

(Well sure, you can't execute anyone at all, but mental disorders are just completely out)

But, he was kind of to blame for not taking his anti-depressants, right ?

Tough call :lol:
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-16 19:10:18 UTC
in Anger Management Post #174679
fake or not, I love it !
it's pretty genius :lol:
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-16 17:03:17 UTC
in HL2D Post #174660
No matter what you do, you wont beat a game called "Abuse".
This IS the all time classic of this specific genere.
Hell yes, I've played that.
It's so awesome! I love a good old side-scroller now and then. ^^

But I must say, Lode Runner is the ultimate side-scroller of all time. No other has EVER come close to it, that I have played.
It was also the first game I ever had. ^^

But omg it's excellent !
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-16 05:17:53 UTC
in So, you think you can hear? Post #174567
Jeez that's bizarre :lol:

And pretty dang cool, hey 7th, are you Russian ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-15 15:51:58 UTC
in Competition 20 Post #174502
my PC really lags when I play this map for some reason.
Only when I'm in the start position, and looking down the tunnel, to the doorway.
Can anyone explain ? I haven't changed the map in any way.
Does it really matter if it only happens there? You can still edit it.
Guess not, but I thought my file might be corrupt or something, since nothing else ever lags on my PC,
so I don't want to send in a corrupt compo entry.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 07:37:43 UTC
in Competition 20 Post #174196
um, my PC really lags when I play this map for some reason.
Only when I'm in the start position, and looking down the tunnel, to the doorway.

Can anyone explain ? I haven't changed the map in any way.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 06:34:28 UTC
in Competition 20 Post #174182
Hey, cool idea for the compo.

I'm gonna join once my PC is fully working again.

Does the disaster have to be the 'Test Chamber disaster' from HL1, or any disaster you want ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 06:24:55 UTC
in A Steam Problem Post #174179
I've tried everything, and all the stuff Steam told me to do, still doesn't work.

So I guess I'll install another copy and spend a few days updating, installing, downloading, registering...

I hate Steam ^^
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-14 06:22:22 UTC
in The G-man...Mans greatest Mystery Post #174178
Haha, never heard about this conspiracy before.

G-Man's head is too thin, but otherwise it's uncanny ^^
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 12:47:06 UTC
in A Steam Problem Post #174016
About what you said 7th, :

Well, what happens is,
  • I double click on Half-Life 2: Deathmatch [which is on a constant 5%],
  • It says "Preparing to play Half-Life 2: Deathmatch..." for about 2-3 seconds,
  • The it says "The game is currently unavailable".
[and how do you forward ports]


Isn't there any Launch Options I could try ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 07:38:37 UTC
in A Steam Problem Post #173944
I'm remembered! ^^

Thanks, how do you open ports ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-13 04:19:58 UTC
in A Steam Problem Post #173916
Hey everyone, some of you might remember me from a while ago.

Well, I'm trying to come back to TWHL, but I don't want to until my Hammer is working.

So here's the problem:

My Steam runs fine, and I can see updates and stuff.
But none of my games can update, like for example, HL2DM is stuck on 5% and Hammer is stuck on 85%

If I run a game which is updating, it says Game is currently unavailable. Or the Steam servers are to busy.

But its been like that for about a month :

So yea, if anyone can help me it would be great. ^^
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-17 10:24:01 UTC
in Fears Post #158244
Paintings of people,
Long, dimly lit passages

When I'm walking down the passage, (which is dimly lit) I speed up when I pass an open door to a dark room

Reflections !!! omg, that scares the sh!t right out of me !

There's a place in my house where there's a big mirror. If you look into it, then behind you are 2 glass doors, and a window, all facing different directions. And I can see like, 5 different reflections of myself, all facing different directions. And for some reason, that scares me pissless. :quizzical:

Oh, and not being able to move my head or neck. I would rather die.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 08:37:06 UTC
in Access Denied ? Post #156614
OK, problem solved. It was because the shortcut I used took me to \computernamesteam,

instead of F://valve/steam/

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 08:21:21 UTC
in Access Denied ? Post #156613
Windows XP
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 07:57:07 UTC
in Access Denied ? Post #156610
(My bad,)

No, the disk isn't full, and yes I am administrator :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-07 06:05:48 UTC
in Access Denied ? Post #156600
Yep, got another problem, this time it's with the Steam folder itself. I don't seem to have any rights to any of the Folders or Files in my Steam folder !

If I try to make a new folder, delete something, copy or move something, it tells me "access denied" and "make sure disk is not full write protected and that the file is not currently in use"

But I am pretty sure Steam or any Source games are not running, I can't even paste maps in the maps folders !

Please help !
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-06 08:11:57 UTC
in My Steam Problem :\ Post #156415

Thank you, Hunter it worked. :biggrin: Now my life can continue and I am forever your disciple.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-06 08:01:35 UTC
in My Steam Problem :\ Post #156410
:glad: Thanks, I'll try that now,

I don't think I've moved any files around, do you have any idea what JIT debugging might be ?
Or how to enable it ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-06 07:21:56 UTC
in Easter Egg in Blue Shift. Post #156397
Hey Freshed, is your second screenshot the back of a toilet cubicle door?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-06 06:38:37 UTC
in My Steam Problem :\ Post #156393
Hi, I'm Slasher_101, and I have a Steam problem...

But seriously, when I try to run Steam, it comes with:
"Connecting to steam account: Slasher_101..." right ?

Then, when it seems to be done, an error message comes up and says:
Debug Assertion Failed

Program: F:olddataProgram FilesValveSteamSteam.exe
File: SrcCacheFileDirectory.cpp
Line: 1026


(Press Retry to Debug the application - JIT debugging must be enabled)
|Abort|  |Retry|  |Ignore|

That's the error message ^

I know error messages never really give you much info on how to fix something, but does anyone have any ideas ?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 03:17:22 UTC
in SWAT Echo 12 needs help! [Source] Post #144657
Holy sh**. Now I'm finally done with all that homework, and done with Grade 9, (second year of high school)

Now I'll be away for 28 days on a school thing, I leave today.

So c ya when I get back.

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-01 03:08:20 UTC
in "Lost Coast" released Post #144653
I for 1 thought it was friggin' kewl !
Though, to me the Combine seemed kinda out of place. The 'gun' didn't, and the Helicopter didn't, just all the soldiers.
And I'm glad I'm not the only one whose dead Combine soldiers went into that strange, slightly suggestive :D , "ragdoll" position.

I also like to think that the town is Ravenholm, without getting too technical.

EDIT: lol, I got to the other side of the bay, to the beach with all the factory-type stuff on it, without cheats.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 09:10:58 UTC
in - Scripting Problem - Post #139742
Thanks Evilsod, I think the invisible monster thing would work, but I can't use it in this instance, hard 2 explain. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 07:39:51 UTC
in - Scripting Problem - Post #139712
Do you know what the difference between the "target" and the "target monster" is in a scripted_sequence ?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 07:12:40 UTC
in - Scripting Problem - Post #139704
I'll try, but is there no way to make them like, completely 'scripted' so they don't really have AI ?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-06 02:59:33 UTC
in - Scripting Problem - Post #139655
Yep, tried that 2 :
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-05 17:48:10 UTC
in - Scripting Problem - Post #139605
I have the interuptions flag on,

I think the problem is that they finish their script, then go back to normal.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-05 17:41:01 UTC
in - Scripting Problem - Post #139599
Well, they don't attack me anymore, with the prisoner flag, but they still look at me if I move.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-05 17:33:34 UTC
in - Scripting Problem - Post #139595
How can I get an HGrunt do a little scripted sequence, and then get him to NOT attack me for the rest of the time ?

Also, I have an idle HGrunt leaning against a wall, I'm behind bars, which they can't see me through, but I can see them. But if I move, the HGrunt stops leaning and looks in my direction.

I need them both to completely ignore me.
  • Thanks
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-05 07:25:12 UTC
in SWAT Echo 12 needs help! [Source] Post #139466
Well I'm glad the mapping is on hold 4 now, the homework is relentless

:quizzical: <- My sig.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-05 06:24:08 UTC
in TWHL in FireFox Post #139460
Yea ! I can't either :quizzical:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-03 02:58:25 UTC
in SWAT Echo 12 needs help! [Source] Post #138902
I might not be able to do to much work on T-Tab, because my internet is seriously screwed, some days it's on, some days it's not :quizzical:

And I have stacks of work to do atm, but as soon as that's out of the way, I'll start work on it proparlly :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-28 04:30:56 UTC
in OpenGL vs. Software Post #137958
My OpenGL stopped working a while ago :
Posted 18 years ago2005-09-28 04:29:58 UTC
in What about it ? Post #137957
You and your antics
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-27 13:06:46 UTC
in Your desktop Post #137829
lol, everyone's flaming eachother, Neo - Trapt Luke - G_Kid,
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-27 06:26:30 UTC
in SWAT Echo 12 needs help! [Source] Post #137707
OK, now that my PC looks like it's fixed, I can get back to the map
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-27 06:06:13 UTC
in Bush vs Huricane Rita Post #137705
ROFL !! Both those are teh shiz.

I vote this thread be open to everyone to post comics :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-27 05:55:35 UTC
in Parkour. Post #137704
That was so damn awesome !

I've also seen that kind thing before, but not like a movie.

I say this pwns the hell out of Matrix :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-27 05:48:48 UTC
in I need your photos! Post #137703
So is there gonna be more of this map ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-27 05:46:59 UTC
in Now Playing Post #137702
Yellowcard - Way Away

Good song
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-25 05:49:59 UTC
in Your desktop Post #137326
Me desktop !

User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-25 05:28:04 UTC
in Your desktop Post #137321
An old thread revived... What ever happened 96a?
What's 96a ?

(Gonna post mine soon :) )
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-25 05:17:16 UTC
in Rotor Wash ? Post #137318
So, you can't like, artificially make A rotor wash, without a helicopter ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-24 18:04:02 UTC
in Rotor Wash ? Post #137251
Under the prop_physics flags, (and probablly other entities') there is a "Not affected by rotor wash" flag.

What exactly IS this Rotor wash ? :D
Cos I think it's exactly what I need for my map.

And is there an entity for it ?
  • Thanks
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-24 17:57:11 UTC
in Multiple textures on a Brush? Post #137247
You can change decals, by activating / deactivating the two (or more)

I'm not sure about textures. You might be able to.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-24 17:50:18 UTC
in Brushes Turning Black ? Post #137244
Oh yes, sorry bout that.

Well, anyway. I've decided to not make them entities, and just leave them as brushes.

Thanks 4 teh help
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-24 06:13:02 UTC
in Brushes Turning Black ? Post #137093
What about textures with /props, but no /model.

Do they act the same ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-24 06:02:07 UTC
in Brushes Turning Black ? Post #137092
Yes, I am using model textures.

And no I don't have cubemaps.

And I am running fast rad

But if I make them normal brushes, not entities, they don't change to black.