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Posted 7 years ago2017-03-21 21:29:16 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #334076
...what did the Xash3D "steal" from Valve to make that company so angry.
IIRC, Xash3D and other sorts of projects that use it had code from the 2003 HL2 leak. Which is deemed illegal to use by Valve, and for good reason.

EDIT: Also, Xash IMO is lego-work that crumbles if you touch it, I appreciate the effort that the developers put in, I just don't like the end-result.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-17 19:32:14 UTC
in Valve hammer light fail Post #334020
This Tool has been trashed!
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-17 16:18:47 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #334012
They've certainly neglected it at least.

Last Github commit: Latest commit 5d76170 on Dec 30, 2014. And I can't remember the last Steam update for it except the beta. And they say they are only fixing critical game-breaking bugs. If that.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-17 15:51:35 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #334008
I wouldn't exactly say were stuck in the past.

It's just fun to find out what we can do with an old engine.

Like 5 minutes after posting that I just had a look in the source and saw there were calls in the engine. :(

But if Valve stopped being lazy and released the engine already, then might it be possible? I wouldn't doubt it would require an overhaul and would be impractical, but maybe?
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-17 03:33:39 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333999
Yeah, I was having a good look at the terrain capabilities in Source and trying to mimic them in Goldsource.

May have gotten way in over my head with this project. REALLY way in over my head.

But it did get me thinking.

Aside from the pain in the ASS that is PARANOIA's renderer and meaningless code in the old SDK. I decided to start having a look at the interface system Valve left in.

I also looked into Half-Life 2's code and saw the same thing...but for physics objects/collisions/terrain. What if we could mount the HL2 .dlls into Half-Life 1 and be able to do basic terrain or physics collisions. Kinda like what Solokiller is doing with VGUI2 in HLEnhanced? Is this possible? I think it would require a massive overhaul with Vectors and all that stuff...but maybe someday?

Say drag the .dll over and extract the interface version/names and use the CBaseGameInterface from HLEnhanced to hook the .dlls over and bring out the functionality to at least get something to work, like building a physics-mesh and seeing it or seeing displacements. Obviously implying it will have it's own interface file.

On another note, might have to ditch the renderer and wait for a better one. Or maybe switch to Trinity. Or at least the client-side entity manager.

EDIT: But we should have a cleaned-up version of VHLT that is optimized. Sure mappers could use that and get way better performance.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-16 02:17:41 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333974
Well, just finished implementing the renderer. Needs a lot of fixing and cleaning up since it was written in 2006 and needs an old .dll that will """"break"""" it if it isn't there.

Wonder if I can ever set the depth-ranges without the .dll...or the stencil buffer and alpha buffer...
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Posted 7 years ago2017-03-16 00:01:02 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333973

It looks great.

Anyways, starting to add in all the effects. Decided I'm gonna use VGUI for the HUD now. No more nasty sprites and that would free up some precaching limits I believe.

Just gotta get that done and the renderer, along with completing all of the weapons, for now...they're just fancy viewmodel displayers.

Also did the lazy-weapon from an old tutorial. But there are flaws like waving the weapon up-and-down makes the viewmodel look STUPID. But that aside. Progressing well. Here are some test screenshots.
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Posted 7 years ago2017-03-15 01:42:27 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333969

I just checked, there are some physics calls being handled within the engine.

But that aside, it would be a lot better to handle everything client-side. Not as many pre-defined limits there. Also the networking would kill your PC...even after having like 100 physics-entities. And I have a relatively powerful computer.

The only problem would be is changing the physics code engine-side to handle Newton within Half-Life, and allowing for collisions with Newton objects. Regular Half-Life only supports SIMPLE collisions. Very SIMPLE collisions.

That's why HL2 changes that with Havok, it adds new collision types that makes it compatible with dynamically-shaped objects. But that's done in the engine. Which is locked closely by Valve. Hopefully they can change that sometime though... But I highly doubt it. Even then, I still have to fix it because I found some way to break it. Something about random access violations.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-13 23:00:21 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333944
I guess I'll have to figure out how to do that. Thanks.

I may as well post some pictures when I'm done with that so we can be on-topic.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-13 21:48:22 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333942
how about I post a video instead
Well that was sudden...
I know it's a bit off-topic, but should I use VGUI or stick with regular HUD sprites to display the HUD? It's supposed to look like the Half-Life 2 HUD.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-13 19:18:31 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333940
What was the error log exactly? I have a lot of extra code packed on and I dunno if mine would ever get under ~1000 errors/warnings.

Chances are if I'd ever move to the mess that is Xash3D/XT, I'd look into implementing the IVP and Havok physics engine, and studying Valve's implementation of it.

Which to me I find funny in it's own right...putting leaked illegal code into code that is based on illegal leaked code.

But I'd invest in fixing up Newton and having simple, stupid physics. Just don't know why mine doesn't work anyone. Something I did must've messed it up. Hopefully someone or I can fix that in the near future.

The only problem I see is that I can't access collision data from server/client's all engine code. And Valve aren't way too keen on releasing that either. Although it would probably benefit them.

So that might have to be delayed.

Aside from that, I finished all the main textures from Half-Life 2..just need to add the transparency to some of the textures. Also converted all the skyboxes over, blurry, but I hope fixing up the PARANOIA renderer will allow me to replace that with a 512-version like HL2. Also just finished converting the weapons and weapon items. Just need the sounds and I'll being coding. Then onto the actual HUD. And so forth. A lot of work to be done.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-13 17:30:37 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333938
Yeah, Shepard is right.

Physics in Half-Life 1 isn't gonna cut it. AT ALL. Unless you want to clip-brush everything, or take up MASSIVE w-poly counts with using vertex-modifying terrain.

So, chances are I'll have to port over my source code to Xash and beg the Russians to help with building physics collisions in Newton. And also getting my Newton to work again, since I somehow broke that.

EDIT: And I'm not too keen on porting my stuff over too...My version of the SDK looks completely different than the standard 2.3/4 SDK.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-13 16:18:50 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333934
many of the core game mechanics simply cannot translate into goldsource.
You'd be surprised what you can do with coding and a little bit of patience. :)

EDIT: I think the hardest things would be physics and terrain. Everything else has been done before.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-12 18:48:18 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333928
Working on a little HL2 port for HL1. Just getting the textures over and making sure they work correctly.

I'm not a mapper... :(
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Posted 7 years ago2017-03-07 00:40:56 UTC
in a bit news about my mod Post #333890

Seeing the mod page for the first time and glossing over the obvious grammatical errors, the glaring post-processing used in your trailer video, and the oddly formatted story...all I can really say is the mod needs work.

The mapping doesn't look bad, but the lighting could definitely use work, and the viewmodels you use are positioned in the strangest places, try shifting them and redoing the hand animations.

That aside, good luck with the mod though. Might give it a try sometime.
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-08 03:43:34 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333376
Maybe getting a little off-topic.

Working on a small test map, the first one I hope to finally finish.
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Posted 8 years ago2017-02-06 02:57:03 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #333358
Is r/wholesomememes leaking?
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Posted 8 years ago2016-12-18 19:10:58 UTC
in Maximum texture size Post #332793
Client-side entity manager? Effects you can get around with some hacks as well.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-18 18:57:30 UTC
in Maximum texture size Post #332791
You can still get around Half-Life's limits with some workarounds and tricks.
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-18 02:09:14 UTC
in Maximum texture size Post #332773
Couldn't you use a custom TGA loader and wrap it around the original sky, it would certainly get around the hard-coded limits.

But obviously, it is irritating for Valve not allowing you to change those pesky values, and it looks like they wont do anything about it.
Posted 8 years ago2016-10-21 20:20:36 UTC
in Issues with the Paranoia renderer Post #332085
I see how using the Paranoia renderer can have it's downfalls, so I decided to move on and restart my project.

I was recently reading on this and found out you had to use the same Paranoia DLLS, is there any way to load OpenGL effects (including that)? Without the hacked DLL, because it doesn't work on the newer Steam versions?
Posted 8 years ago2016-10-08 22:28:49 UTC
in Issues with the Paranoia renderer Post #331947
Having a look through the code, 'LoadCacheTexture' is used in 'SetupSpotLight', and it has a clamp argument.

When the game setups the spotlights, I believe it's used with the flashlight code as well, and when loading it, the clamp function is set to TRUE. So I don't know what you mean, unless it doesn't use that to render flashlights, then I have no idea where to put it.
They're the same thing. HL solved switchable lights by providing up to 4 lightmaps stored in the BSP per surface:
1 - Base inanimate lightmap
2, 3, 4 - Lightmaps containing light colors for each light that affects the surface. This can be both switchable lights and animated lights. Paranoia uses this slot to store it's bump map data, thus why switchable lights aren't supported.
I'm guessing there aren't many workarounds? If none?

A better plan would probably be to leave then alone, store the bump data in extra slots, and piggy-back off of it, but that wont work I guess because that would need tapping into the engine.
Posted 8 years ago2016-10-08 18:12:46 UTC
in Issues with the Paranoia renderer Post #331933
Custom light styles are not supported in any way by Paranoia, because as I said earlier, Paranoia's hlrad hijacks that to put bump map data alongside the normal lighting information.
Sorry, I meant toggle lights, not dynamic light styles.
As for the hacked dll, Paranoia I believe only uses it to set certain bits in the pixelformadescriptor for alpha and stencil bits, and to hack the depth range for the skybox they have, and to clear bits at the frame start. I can explain how it's used exactly.
That would be great, I want to see if I can fix it in the solution for the source that came for the '.dll'.
I never needed it because I rendered stuff properly, and didn't need ugly hacks, snip
With the way you properly render it, I might be able to do that by changing around some of the calls around. Hopefully it won't require me to add a whole lot of custom code. Any idea how to do the texture tiling thing you were talking about? I don't know much about OpenGL, just a little C++.
You could go on and fix Paranoia's renderer, but unless you want bump maps and specular lighting, it's not worth the effort. Also, you're likely to experience performance issues if you increase the detail in your levels, as a lot of the rendering code is extremely unoptimized.
Yeah, I'd have no idea how to optimize it, there's just code leaking everywhere. Everything seems to topple over and crash and burn whenever removing 1 thing or another. I had to remove the sky-box code to be able to play the game without seeing the sky-box flicker out 5 feet in front of me.
Posted 8 years ago2016-10-08 11:39:31 UTC
in Issues with the Paranoia renderer Post #331931
The shifting occurs because Paranoia's renderer automatically adjusts the flashlight size based on distance to the nearest wall. This is handled in the code that also sets up the flashlight.
'view.cpp' handles the function 'SetupFlashlight', you're right, it does shift and twist based on distance nearest to a wall.
Paranoia never implemented support for detail textures or decals on anything but the worldspawn, so you won't get that working without modifying the rendering code itself.
I kind of assumed that based on what I'm finding in the code, I think you have to put in a special entity that will change the custom light style.
I fixed this in Trinity, but porting the code would require some effort. This thing actually contains a lot of fixes that could be applied to Paranoia, but the code was changed substantially.
I have used Trinity in the past before, but it is very buggy for me. I decided to have a download of it and I see what you mean by being 'changed substantially'
Can you show an example of transparent objects being messed up? Also the engine you're using won't support switchable texture lights, because Paranoia's renderer overrides that functionality to implement bump maps and such.
It's not really so much as a bug as it is a nuisance, basically in game, say when you pick up your suit, the glass doesn't appear to be shaded in with the rest of the environment, might be a lack of the proper RAD that Paranoia's compilers use.
As for changing the name of opengl32.dll, that will disable the renderer entirely I believe. Paranoia used a lot of hacky methods that needed the stencil buffer, etc, and it was programmed to disable itself if it's missing. The hacky opengl32.dll acts as a bridge between Half-Life and the system's actual dll, overriding certain values sent to the GPU. If you rename it or take it out of that folder, it won't work.
I've talked to some of the developers and people who know the engine very well and your right, Paranoia uses a hell of a lot hack-y methods to display their effects. I think a lot of my bugs come from working around the VAC system. Because when Paranoia loaded the library, they used 'opengl32.dll', since hackers used this upload cheats into Half-Life later on, Valve removed the ability to have it. So, to overcome this, I had to rebuild and rename 'opengl32.dll' to 'opengl32wl.dll' to work around that.

I was having a look, and you don't use a external '.dll', you load your functions through shaders? Am I reading that right?

I know ARRANGEMENT does something similar but still haven't found out how, because all their features work right.

Basically I just want to know how to do that, instead of using that damn '.dll'.
I heard of people playing Paranoia in multiplayer with the hacky dll in place, and VAC didn't ban them, but I wouldn't bet my life on it. Maybe someone else can confirm this?
Same, I haven't tried it because I value my Steam account, but I think not having the hack on you can play some multiplayer. I heard it was a lot of fun to use the snipers, but I'm not so sure.
Posted 8 years ago2016-10-08 02:24:52 UTC
in Issues with the Paranoia renderer Post #331927
When I implemented the Paranoia renderer (just the stock one, the one that came with the official Paranoia toolkit, it just doesn't want to work right. I know there were quite a few bugs in the original and still need to find workarounds for, such as transparent objects being messed up, animated textures not working, grass not lighting properly, detail textures not working, decals on brush entities being broken, no dynamic lights (like flickering), and so on.

Even when I implemented it into my SDK I get even more bugs.

If anyone knows how to solve any of these, I would appreciate if you could come forward, and maybe help anyone else who have been having these bugs.

A few things to note, when I load the 'opengl32.dll', I changed the manager code to load 'opengl32wl.dll' so I can workaround the VAC stuff, this may have affected alpha and stencil bits as I cannot load them. If you want the mod folder/source please contact me, any help would be great, thanks in advance. Also I have no SOHL features implemented, so maybe need that.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-18 05:17:11 UTC
in Problems with adding 'r_shadows' Post #328340
And according to the SoHL 1.9 source code I've found, you should have this code :

if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("r_shadows") == 1 && gEngfuncs.GetViewModel() != m_pCurrentEntity)

Replace "DrawShadows();" by the original code (which is the glDepthMask(1); and assembly code).
So the glDepthMask(1) and the _asm and all that in the if r_shadows == 1? I tried that and it doesn't work.

		GL_StudioDrawShadow = (void(*)(void))(((unsigned int)IEngineStudio.GL_StudioDrawShadow) + 32);
		if (CVAR_GET_FLOAT("r_shadow") == 1 && gEngfuncs.GetViewModel() != m_pCurrentEntity)
			glDepthMask( 1 );
				push ecx;
				jmp [GL_StudioDrawShadow];

Anyways, thanks once again for putting up with my tiny coding knowledge.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-14 02:53:11 UTC
in Problems with adding 'r_shadows' Post #328229
Alas, no. I'm not familiar with Assembly or any of the code to call it. I think the notes referred to something about bypassing the locked CVar to run the code.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-12 00:54:52 UTC
in Problems with adding 'r_shadows' Post #328196
Can you run the mod through Visual Studio's debugger and tell me on which line it crashes?
I haven't set up debugging in my mod, but when I did and ran it with the 'r_shadows' code. I looked through the debug log and this is all I can really find.
snip snip

The thread 'Win32 Thread' (0x26b4) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 'Win32 Thread' (0x284) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
GL_SIZES: r:8 g:8 b:8 a:0 depth:24

snip snip

First-chance exception at 0x028a6a10 in hl.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000.

snip snip
There's a lot more to the log; here's the full:

I just think adding back the stencil shadows isn't a good idea maybe, but I don't know of any easy-intermediate way of adding shadows. Just to make it look that 'much' prettier.

But anyways, thanks again.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-11 19:04:23 UTC
in Problems with adding 'r_shadows' Post #328193
Right click on the client project, Properties, go into the Linker section and Input sub-section and add "opengl32.lib" to the additional dependencies. Clean the solution and build again.
That at least made me compile the solution, thanks. But testing it inside of the game, it freezes up and crashes.

Perhaps I'm missing something, or there is a more efficient way of doing this.
snip snip
Note that using any OpenGL operation will prevent your mod players from using the software or DirectX renderers. Also the changes you made look quite Windows-specific, so you won't be able to build OSX or Linux versions of your mod with that code. Additionally if you're not incredibly familiar with programming, you're going to have a very difficult time implementing anything complicated using OpenGL.
snip snip
I understand that doing that and getting it to work will make it only Windows, but most people use Windows anyway. Also, about the OpenGL, I'm sure just about everyone with a modern-ish computer uses OpenGL to run Half-Life.
Posted 9 years ago2016-01-10 05:45:11 UTC
in Problems with adding 'r_shadows' Post #328170
So I was looking through some of the Spirit of Half-Life 1.9 shadow code and I thought it was really cool. But even when when I compiled it correctly, it doesn't work. So I tried to fix it on the 2.3 SDK, but I keep on getting a strange error...
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= Off Topic =
LOL! Didn't realize I put tears...
= On Topic =

All the code I have changed/added:

CVAR_CREATE("r_shadows", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
#include <windows.h>
#include <gl\gl.h>
#include <gl\glu.h>
void (*GL_StudioDrawShadow)(void);

__declspec(naked) void DrawShadows(void)
glDepthMask( 1 );
	push ecx;
	jmp [GL_StudioDrawShadow];

I'm quite a scrub when it comes to coding... Also, this is for a mod I'm working on. Any help would be great, thanks.