Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-12 14:08:51 UTC
in Try To Make Biggest List Of Ideas Ever Post #58565
The point of this list is to help people with mapper's block (if there is such a thing).
Yes, there definitely exists something like a 'designers block'. Best is to just relax, delay the map for a while. Start with something different, just don't let yourself get stressed. After all, you're not forced to finish a map, even though that may seem the case so often.

It often happens people have an idea and start mapping on that immediatly. In most cases, I have horribly failed with this method. Now, I draw out my idea's and start to think of what else could I add. To me, this is really helpfull. It also helps me structure my work process better. Then again, maybe you're different and this doesn't work for you, but perhaps it's worth a try, to draw not only the idea but also a possible layout, and see, on paper, how it could play.
Most professionals work by this way. Maybe it doesn't work immediatly, I didn't do it when I just started but I've grown into it.

Perhaps this can help you? I hope so... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-12 13:54:16 UTC
in hl2 is almost there!! Post #58557

"The moment the game is made available, those who have pre-loaded and purchased Half-Life 2 via Steam will be ready to start playing right away."

Since you buy a CD-key trough Steam, it sounds obvious you can use your CD-key that came with the box you bought too... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-12 13:52:38 UTC
in hl2 is almost there!! Post #58556
You're so subtle, Jahzel...

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-12 08:06:27 UTC
in Try To Make Biggest List Of Ideas Ever Post #58475
Isn't it much better to learn how to get idea's instead of, well, asking others? Not that that would harm you, still...

I'd say you go and play some of the latest games, watch some movies, read some books, take a stroll outside, and so on. You can get idea's from virtually anything... Just, don't limit yourself to a specific area. Things don't have to be Black Mesa everywhere. Think outside the box and you'll see there's a whole new world outside it...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-12 07:57:26 UTC
in Random question... Post #58474
Alpha-stage means the game is not yet completely playable. Parts of the game are done but much still has to be linked together, and lots of things have to be finished yet.

Beta-stage means the game is playable, all things are in place, the game can be played from start to end. Although things still can be changed and such, the game is pretty close to it's final shape.

That's how far I understand it at the moment. There should be some articles on this, perhaps you can do a little search? ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 08:21:56 UTC
in Whatever happened to... Post #57956
"You know, you talk too much!"

"Shut up!"

"Where did I leave that shut-down (up) procedure chart?"

Members just go now and then. That's life. People change, their interests change, and so on. It just happens and I don't think you should worry too much about it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 08:12:10 UTC
in models vs. prefabs Post #57947
I bought Milkshape (only 25 euro) and I'm pretty well used to it now. It's a bit hard at first but very workable when you get the basics down. There's quite a lot of tutorials on Chumbalum's site, too, so it shouldn't be a problem for those that really want to learn it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 07:11:11 UTC
in models vs. prefabs Post #57923
You mean, you see it as a disadvantage also? Or you disagree?

Anyway, after all it's just from my experience and so may not count for everyone...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 06:33:04 UTC
in models vs. prefabs Post #57917
(Prefabs? Why do people always call detail things prefabs? I often make details myself, unique, for that map only.)

Prop models (as models used for details are often called) are very usefull for smaller and more detailed objects. For larger things like APC's their different lighting can quickly become pretty obvious. This can turn out very ugly but when done right it can also look just fine.

It's really a decision of the mapper where to use prop models and where to use solid geometry. Sometimes models are your only solution, sometimes they're just a good option and sometimes they would require too much time when you look at what value it really adds to the map.

The benefits of models would be (in my opinion):
1. No increase of compile time.
2. Prefab-like usage: easy to implement and easy to use again.
3. Modifying a model doesn't require you to recompile the map. Good for testing purposes.
4. Less effect on fps.
5. More (small) details possible.
6. Models can be animated.

The disadvantages:
1. No entity in HL seems to suit really so it requires a some .fgd modifications.
2. Different lighting. Models take their lighting from the world face they are above, wich can result in badly lit models.
3. They can take too much time to create (think of deadlines).
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 04:22:41 UTC
in Stealth fans: Look now! Post #57908
Also handy would be to use the same nickname everywhere (as well as avatar or sig)...

As for Vassy's mod:
Please, please let the player know what he needs to do at the start of the mod. I've seen way too many mods now that suppose the player knows exactly where to go and what to do while it's just not obvious. From Half-Life I remember I always had a goal, something to head for or to do. I hope you won't make that mistake unlike many others did...
Endlessy spawning grunts are a real pain. From MoHAA, I remember having killed everyone and still got soldiers after me. That's just frustrating... there would be other ways to encourage stealth-play...
Also, you plan on having playtesters?

But, how's progress?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 04:12:52 UTC
in Do func_walls need to be used... Post #57907
Func-walling detail (=small and/or complex) brushes will also decrease VIS compiling time, as well as deliver a simpler and probably faster vis-determination table. It wouldn't be a noticable fps gain I think, but it's always good to have smaller compile times when that doesn't hurt your maps quality (and in this case, it would likely only improve the maps quality).
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 04:01:55 UTC
in Life Gear, previews and news Post #57904
Most area's seemed of good size to me, although the very meager architecture made the ceiling look very low in especially that 200002 pic. It's not always the actual size that counts but how it feels towards the player. A guy once made a map with a ceiling that looked way heigher than it actually was, a bit of trickery can do a lot.
For example, over-stretched textures often make you feel very bad about the map's proportions. Try a grate texture 4x4 scaled and you'll feel yourself very small. Several things other than the real size of things affect the way a player 'feels' the proportions.

Detail isn't the small extra thingies and brushes but also the way things 'feel'. The way architecture is represented, the way rooms look logically placed and seem to have a purpose.
At this moment I'm working on a map featuring a small outside industrial area. Lots of buildings just don't work for me because they don't seem to have a purpose. That's a bit of detail too...

No deadline? More time to spend on the maps that means, I hope? Good... :)

And good luck, of course!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 01:18:27 UTC
in regular screenies? Post #57886
You put this .jpg on your webspace (if you don't have any, offers 30 MB for free but there are other free hosts as well) and refer to the url with specific tags wich you can see on the forum help page.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 17:45:47 UTC
in The TWHL Popularity Test Post #57860
'site' sounds like a better nickname then...

I also found out Captain P is used for several other things... funny...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 14:57:33 UTC
in Community Map for HL1/HL2 Post #57817
It's the "I have an idea (remade)" thread, in Maps'n'Mods.

And it's more a sort of singleplayer map(pack), not a DM map like happens on the Snarkpit.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 14:12:37 UTC
in Recommend a Map: Post #57809
Persian Letters definitely looks awesome but indeed it's a 'bit' big... I just thought you would like to see that.

Small map? Mhh... Alpha by SEThorian, simple layout but oh so fun... a real fragfest...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 14:01:49 UTC
in lighting Post #57807
Amen brother.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 13:58:52 UTC
in isnt this wierd? Post #57806
Strange when you look at the fact that CS is a mod of Half-Life... just a highly popular mod...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 05:51:15 UTC
in Life Gear, previews and news Post #57747
I know of several multiplayer maps that they took months too create... and that's all for just one map...

But from the results, I'd say it was worth the time...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 05:47:04 UTC
in Life Gear, previews and news Post #57745
That last screenshot looked better indeed.

It's not that I'm not satisfied, it's that I look critically at it and try to tell you were you could improve. Use my comments as you see fit...
It costs work, yes, why else would some (the better) mods take years to finish? It's not the amount of work that counts, it's the end result (although at certain points you would have to set priorities, I'd say you should give your maps more as that's an important part of any mod).
Don't set yourself a too strict deadline when that means the quality of the mod will heavily suffer from it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 17:31:13 UTC
in Life Gear, previews and news Post #57657
Then I'd say post screenshots of the more interesting parts. After all, you want to show the best of your map, right?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 17:28:49 UTC
in lighting Post #57653
The Z tools are faster so I see no point using the Q tools... these may even cause problems with Z-specific things, so why still use the Q anyway?

And you are only running CSG and BSP. Run VIS and RAD too, because RAD is for the lighting...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 15:45:21 UTC
in Life Gear, previews and news Post #57591
A good combination of light and dark spots would make for some interesting places - and screenshots... Dark corridors with light spots half-way and such, creates more athmosphere when done correctly.
I'd really recommend you to play more with that...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 15:40:55 UTC
in 3 things... Post #57589
I seem a bit late with posting...

37. The refresh button... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 15:40:09 UTC
in 3 things... Post #57588
34. Staring at PHP-code that writes itself as output.

(Don't know if that's possible but it would be quite similar to the tv-in-tv thing, if possible.)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 15:38:10 UTC
in Names? Post #57584
Now I think about it... MuzzleFlash sure would make for a scary monster name... :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 15:37:39 UTC
in Names? Post #57583
Preferrably TWHL-member names.

No, just kidding... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 09:59:39 UTC
in 3 things... Post #57514
Two mirrors would not give an infinite reflection, as eventually the photons would be absorbed. You would also not be able to see the reflection infinite, as your eye consists of a limited number of 'sensors'... So, infinite? No, but very close.
Correct me if I'm wrong...

31. Monitors.
32. Teachers (or more likely, your notebook. Or even more likely, your eye lids).

PS: That post wasn't at a forum with only 10 members, and wasn't made in 8 months, am I right? :)

At there is a topic that gets a new thread every 1000 posts. I believe they're at the 27th thread now...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 07:59:16 UTC
in 3 things... Post #57475
Combine an original thread with Dutch mapping friends and you'll nearly always end up with a long thread... Right now, our longest thread at CPCP is 880 posts long...

25. Staring at your forum's post amount.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 07:49:07 UTC
in 3 things... Post #57465
Clever, Seventh... clever...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 05:20:40 UTC
in Life Gear, previews and news Post #57457
Hey, that's actually the same as in Dutch!

Heh, within no time I'll be an English master here... :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 05:06:14 UTC
in 3 things... Post #57454
So who should it be? Nah, let's discuss that over at CPCP. Come, off we go!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 04:53:24 UTC
in 3 things... Post #57452
One thing is for sure, it's not your e-mails... :)

And I like to be vague at the moment. Yeah...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 04:49:19 UTC
in 3 things... Post #57450
Never mind. :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 04:44:12 UTC
in 3 things... Post #57448
Me loves Chatbear's tags! Short and easy to remember.

E-mails? ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 04:26:03 UTC
in Crimson Room: A puzzle game Post #57444
I think I missed an item too. I got tired with this and quitted after a while. I'd liked a more free movement control as most items would've been easily found with a FPS control system... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 04:24:20 UTC
in Life Gear, previews and news Post #57443
It's Captain, not Capt'n. No opostrophe... ;P

But yeah, thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

Heh, I even learn a little English on these forums...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 04:22:44 UTC
in 3 things... Post #57442
23. E-mails from certain persons... person, to be correct. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 01:22:13 UTC
in Life Gear, previews and news Post #57419
Nice idea's but the level-design is rather bland.

Think about what textures would fit with each other and beware of all-too repetetive looking ones. Some textures also don't seem to fit with the architecture itself, like bad aligning trims and such, making pillars looking very odd.
The architecture inside isn't really interesting yet. Try adding more difference into the walls, like integrated support pillars, trims and such. At this moment most looks very plain, long, repetetive surfaces with nothing to break up the monotoneness.
Lighting isn't interesting too. Try to maintain a good balance between dark spots and light ones. Inflitration often happens at night and those people like to hide in dark spots... It'll also make your maps look more interesting.

Hopefully you can use these comments. Good luck!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 01:10:47 UTC
in add dameg 2 wather or the toxi Post #57414
A trigger_hurt is much more customizable and the preferred entity for most mappers in this case. It's a brush-based entity bytheway, maybe you were looking at the point-based ones?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 01:05:57 UTC
in 3 things... Post #57413
19. Maps, preferrably good ones.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 17:14:48 UTC
in A few interesting articles... Post #57319
I know that article and it's indeed a very good one. Bookmark worthy.

But yeah, I was more referring to the ones most worthy reading. Nice to hear most of them are. Now I have some stuff to read coming months... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 16:36:01 UTC
in Problem with running a map. Post #57300
I really don't know what other thing could possibly cause the problem so I'd say just try it.

Perhaps you can upload your map into the Problems section of the Map Vault so we can experiment a bit.

Not now, I need some sleep... good night.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 16:27:31 UTC
in Problem with running a map. Post #57298
Put in an info_player_start and that error should go away. Then compile and see what happens.

You never know...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 16:25:14 UTC
in simple custom sprite Post #57294
I need some sleep now too, yeah.

Good night.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 16:21:06 UTC
in Problem with running a map. Post #57292
No errors during the compile? No problems in Hammer?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 16:20:03 UTC
in simple custom sprite Post #57291
Not OK... I'd say you get a webhost of your own, much better...

And the black background is probably caused by the render mode you've set your env_sprite to. Experiment with the different modes and FX and see what happens.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 15:19:51 UTC
in Recommend a Map: Post #57268
Some DM maps I really liked:
Persian Letters by Campaignjunkie
Parralaxion by Agent Smith
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 15:13:21 UTC
in simple custom sprite Post #57266
I believe totally black. Give that a try.

Oh, and I found Sprite Explorer 2.0 to be very usefull: it allows you to browse sprites (inlcuding those in .pak files) and it's very easy to create sprites with, too. Search for it on Google.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 14:50:28 UTC
in A few interesting articles... Post #57259
Just tell the name of the articles most worth reading, I have a gamasutra account.

Your article was insightfull and recognizable. I agree... :)

Big List of Single-Player Mapping Tips