Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 23:21:04 UTC
in Jedi Clan Mod- help wanted! Post #50276
I guess I could be a texturer. I'm good at drawing...
I will start learning to program for c++ soon, but I doubt I would learn fast enough, lol. I am also going to start modeling...
But I will probably do best at texturing (at least... for now)

PS:Have you got an idea for the story of this mod, or will it be mp?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 22:25:34 UTC
in Blueshift and Opfor FGD files Post #50271
Thanks :) . The active menu project there is defective....
But the link worked.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 21:04:48 UTC
in Texturing Post #50260
1. yes, it is. Use Shift+A then left-click the face you want to texture. Then click browse to pick a texture. If you want a different texture on another face of the brush use the same method, but pick a different texture for that face.

2. what do you mean by "in different ways"? Be more specific.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 20:55:36 UTC
in Blueshift and Opfor FGD files Post #50256
Ok, forgive my empty skull, but what's with this ddr site?
3 results: todo list, change log, and export to fgd...
I didn't login because I don't have a user account there. Could that be the problem?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 13:16:43 UTC
in Blueshift and Opfor FGD files Post #50159
Anyone who needs 'em there are plenty there.. I don't see a date though, so I'm not sure if they are the latest...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 12:44:48 UTC
in Blueshift and Opfor FGD files Post #50151
I got the Bshift fgd, but I'm still looking for the OPfor one...
I couldn't find it on planethl, so I'm googling again
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 10:14:08 UTC
in Blueshift and Opfor FGD files Post #50138
Does anyone here know where I can get them? Cause my net Is crappy and I couldn't open planetHL.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 00:22:29 UTC
in Everyones best tips Post #49984
-An entity's trigger target has a slight issue with multisources.
-Before you create a map, get an idea of what you want it to be like.
-Read the tutorials before you post.
-Start small, indeed.
-Carving can be tricky until you get familiar with it and its issues.
-Be careful with Vertex Manipulation. (It's a good Idea to back up your map beforehand)
-Light textures are better.
-Use your Hammer Setup Guide (help>help topics) or the tutorial on this page to set up hammer. (If you're using Steam, I dunno)
-It is good to create some experimental maps to tinker around. A little trial and error.
-Compile often.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 00:00:09 UTC
in Everyones best tips Post #49976
What if you want to use an env_light to light your map? :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 09:53:25 UTC
in why is my screenshot the old one? Post #49352
I did hit f5, I even opened the image alone... It's still the old one
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 09:04:34 UTC
in why is my screenshot the old one? Post #49336
The small version of my map's screenshot (completed maps>> "the demo") the old one?

thanks, in advance
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 08:18:50 UTC
in can't end the game Post #49329
I have had the same problems with trigger target... Here's how it would work: set three keys in the multi_manager that refer to the names of three multisources. Set the first multisource's target to your game_text, the second to your env_fade, and the third to a trigger_endsection and in the section field type: _oem_end_logo. It should work. You might want to see seven's example map. It doesn't have a bullsquid or something to kill, but you could use it for reference. You may also want to put the endsection out of the reach of the player, because the game could end earlier than it should, if the player walks through the endsection.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 07:31:02 UTC
in Fading and endgame Post #49319
thanx seventh....!!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 07:08:42 UTC
in Fading and endgame Post #49306
ok, so it's trigger_endsection...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 06:52:12 UTC
in Fading and endgame Post #49301
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 06:45:36 UTC
in Fading and endgame Post #49299
I uploaded the problem map....
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 06:04:36 UTC
in Fading and endgame Post #49291
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-08 21:21:38 UTC
in Fading and endgame Post #49174
I added a game_end, gave it a name "endgame", and a master "endmulti". I created a multisource with the name "endmulti". In the multi_manager (I used it also for the fade and text) I added a 3rd keyvalue (Key=endmulti, value=10). The multi_manager is activated by an AAAtrigger textured brush.
Result: Fading: OK; Text:OK; End: NO!!!!
Why doesn't this work?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-08 19:33:06 UTC
in Fading and endgame Post #49147
OK, I created the fade and text (using game_text). Now how do I make it the end of the game (game over), so it loads the last saved game...
The same thing that happens when you die or kill someone that you need (e.g. the "lambda team" scientist that was left behind to open the door for you)...
How do I turn it into an endgame? So it doesn't just fade and leave you walking around on a dark screen.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-08 18:04:36 UTC
in The twhl project Post #49118
I want to volunteer to be one of the mappers. I know I'm a tad unexperienced, but I'll do my best.

PS: I might not be around for a week or two, can I join in when I come back?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-08 17:53:07 UTC
in Opposing Force CRAPPY ERROR! Post #49114
Thank god I have my old PC!!! (I must have mucked up my system or sth). I installed it on my old pc, and then copied it to my new one, and now... It works! Thanks for taking the time to reply anyway.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-08 09:08:31 UTC
in Opposing Force CRAPPY ERROR! Post #48994
But that's what I'm telling you, It DOESN'T LET ME CHANGE IT!!! I haven't gotten to a Browse screen yet and I get that error. So I haven't gotten a chance to change the directory.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-08 00:04:48 UTC
in Opposing Force CRAPPY ERROR! Post #48888
I can't Install Opposing Force because: "This program can not be installed onto the root directory of any drive. Please specify a different location." I click ok, and it appears again and again and I keep clicking ok like a f***ing idiot, and I'm so MAD!!!!! Its 7:02 AM and I haven't slept!!!! PLEASE, anyone, if anybody in here knows how to fix this please help, I'm going INSANE here!!!!!!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-07 18:05:25 UTC
in Fading and endgame Post #48827
I don't see a game_text in the entity report of 7machinesbeta3.rmf
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-07 11:35:15 UTC
in Fading and endgame Post #48729
You used 3 env fades. Is that because there's three lines of text?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 19:02:06 UTC
in Fading and endgame Post #48551
How do I make one of those fades with text appearing? Y'know. If you click the left mouse button, it loads the latest save.
"SUBJECT: Freeman
status: failed to blah, blah, blah..."
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 21:30:15 UTC
in Another scripted sequence prob in my map Post #48273
The Node Graph thing: I get it too. I suppose because my HL is just a little older. Sometimes it could interfere with moving to path corners etc. If so, type "restart" into the game console, and it'll fix.
But I doubt that's the reason in this case. I think it's the angle like LlamaRama said.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 20:38:08 UTC
in is it possible to spawn things when... Post #48264
But when i try with buttons it works... :|
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 20:01:45 UTC
in is it possible to spawn things when... Post #48238
Didn't work...
As soon as I kill one of them....
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 19:45:27 UTC
in is it possible to spawn things when... Post #48225
thanks zombie :D
I'll try now
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 19:39:55 UTC
in is it possible to spawn things when... Post #48222
I'm not sure if I did it right.
It didn't work....
I tried grouping them. Is that what you mean by 'linking'?
PS: What's with the constant avatar changes? :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 19:12:05 UTC
in is it possible to spawn things when... Post #48217
Is it possible to trigger the spawning of things or people by killing all enemies in a specific location?
I kill this guy, this guy and this guy, and only then something appears.
If i kill just one of them, nothing happens...
Is this possible?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 12:54:35 UTC
in How do I update a map? Post #48125
Thanks for the info...
... I didn't see the edit/delete button... sorry if I wasted your time
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 12:03:22 UTC
in How do I update a map? Post #48113
I wanna update my submitted map... Is it possible?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 10:07:58 UTC
in Making the glass on a door breakable Post #48094
How do I do that? I gave it a health of 1, but it didn't work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-04 15:46:51 UTC
in favorite hl hero or villian Post #47918
Are the chumtoad.mdl and the friendy.mdl actually used somewhere in the game??? And what about construction.mdl??? He looks like the bshift version of barney, a little....

Friend: barney, 'cause he's so suicidal and stupid
Fiend: the gman
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-04 14:57:25 UTC
in Problem with MILKSHAPE 3D Post #47910
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-04 14:39:29 UTC
in Problem with MILKSHAPE 3D Post #47905
I am using windows xp, and when I run the prog I get the "this program has encountered a problem and needs to close" error message. Does anyone in here have the same problem, and do you know if I can fix it?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-01 18:46:06 UTC
in Doors Post #47445
Yep... same thing...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-01 18:13:21 UTC
in Doors Post #47439
First of all, it IS a func_door_rotating, and second - If I put it in "reverse dir" my door opens towards me when I'm walking towards it. Is the problem with the backwards thing fixable at all? Because I think I've seen the same problem in other HL maps. I'll try looking at a SP map... to see if there's the same thing there...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 23:09:51 UTC
in Doors Post #47285
When I walk backwards to a door I made it opens towards me, as if I'm pulling it. I don't want this. How do I make it open normally when I walk backwards to it?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 07:07:47 UTC
in 3ds MAX modeling question Post #44657
You could use gmax... It's a program especially for modeling, and it's very similar to 3dsmax. (And it's free, and more simple. I think it's smaller in file size.) There are tutorials up for download at the site. You can find the program at:

I've actually created models with this program.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 19:28:29 UTC
in pushables Post #44522
Ok, look. I'm trying to obscure a duct.. Get it? the duct is hidden behind the trashcan. it would look perfect there. I experimented a bit and i doubt that the can itself is the problem. I think the carving brush (I'm following the tutorials) is the thing... how can i create a doorway (which doesn't look like an ancient arch, but a normal doorway) without carving?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 19:15:37 UTC
in pushables Post #44518
Yes it works that way. But it's there for a reason. And besides when i put it agains the other wall it fits perfectly. But it looks ugly there.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 18:57:48 UTC
in pushables Post #44506
I'm trying to turn the trash can (original prefab) into a pushable, but it doesn't work. Not even the "push sound". As if it's moved to the World. But it's an entity. The strength is 30, the material is wood. The Gibs direction is relative to the attack. Friction is 400. And it's breakable. Everything else is the default setting... Oh, and it does break... But it doesn't move. I've put it in a corner about two units away from each wall. And one unit above ground level, just like in one of the example maps. help?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 18:17:47 UTC
in trashcan problems Post #44492
i fixed it.... inserted it again, tried texture lock again, and this time it worked... I'm confused ??? :| !!!?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 21:15:25 UTC
in trashcan problems Post #44184
texture lock didn't work, my friend. Why do you have to be such a warm cupcake? You were a noob once, too... so shut your closet door!
Oh, btw, the L,B,T and R are grayed out.... what do I do dammit!????
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 20:59:01 UTC
in trashcan problems Post #44177
I used the original prefab but the texture seems... out of place..., slightly to the left. I then copied the trashcan from
The map with the barney.... same thing ....
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 19:49:36 UTC
in How do i turn objects like file-cabinets Post #44164
I am a newbie in mapping, and I'm having fun with it. But I encountered a problem - the filing cabinets are facing the wrong direction. One of them is blocking the other and it looks kinda ridiculous... how do i turn them to make them face another direction?