Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 18:04:30 UTC
in R_Speeds... Low wpoly, High ms... Post #87821
Well... I make same tests and I discovered same things...
In same areas of my map, the:

wpoly is 8, and the ms is 19
wpoly is 249, and the ms is 2
wpoly is 947, and the ms is 23

So..... What's going wrong???
In the area that the wpoly is 8 my ms is 19, and in the area that wpoly is 249, the ms is 2... WHY???

:zonked: :nuts: :confused: :roll:


Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 16:58:42 UTC
in R_Speeds... Low wpoly, High ms... Post #87804
Sory about my english... I'm brasilian... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 16:55:27 UTC
in R_Speeds... Low wpoly, High ms... Post #87802
... ... ...
Thx, But I haven't spots and effect lights... My map is a outdoor, and my sky is on top of the walls... I haven't sounds or other effects like sprites...

I have:
1 enviorment light
14 simple lights
A sky on top of my walls
A big outdoor area
And water.... (a lot of water) - It can be my problem, but I can't remove it... It is one of more important parts of my map...

What more can I say??? :
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 16:20:11 UTC
in R_Speeds... Low wpoly, High ms... Post #87788
Seventh-Monkey, I know what the wpoly and Framerate are... And I know the ways to reduce the ms... I already HINT my map... I already use the VIS Blockers and etc... But my map is lagged... And I don't know what I do now...

My CSG compile-time is 1.10 min
My BSP compile-time is 37 sec
My VIS compile-time is 1.05 min (-full) :) (really fast, ahm?)
My RAD compile-time is 32 min (-bounce 15 -extra) :)

The faster VIS can I reach is this...
My Map is realy Big... But when I type in console gl_wireframe 2... The other side of my map and the ways don't appears... So, isn't rendered, right???
And now??? What I do???
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 15:21:03 UTC
in R_Speeds... Low wpoly, High ms... Post #87765
:zonked: Strange... My map have a problem, a strange problem...
I redeced de wpoly counts to 500, 350, in same areas to 25... The higher count is 1050... But were the wpoly counts is 500, 600, the ms is 25, 27, or in same cases 30... My frameRate is (on te highest area) 20 or lower... What I need do to drop the ms??? I going to crazy... Help...

Posted 20 years ago2005-01-24 18:43:57 UTC
in Overview Post #85546
THX THX THX THX THX....... Thanks Many Times... Thx Seventh-Monkey, I search and found... the problem is the -dev.....

C:SierraCounter-Strikehl.exe -game cstrike -dev+map rw_fort

Thanks again... And again...
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-24 17:35:52 UTC
in Overview Post #85517
THX :) ... But dont work :( ... My problem is when I type "dev_overview 1" or "dev_overview 2".... This command don't work... I don't know what I do... I'll explain more... I start my map with shortcut "C:SierraCounter-Strikehl.exe -game cstrike +map rw_fort"... the game start and I type in console "dev_overview 1"... I close the console and nothing.... Nothing happened.... Someone can help??? :D

THX again...
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-23 18:45:25 UTC
in Overview Post #85355
How I do to make overviews to CS 1.6??? I read the tutorial, but don't work... The "dev_overview" don't work... And I don't know what I need do... PLZ HELPPPP... :zonked:

Posted 20 years ago2005-01-23 16:13:31 UTC
in Decal help Post #85298
Hmmmm... You create your own decal??? If you create your texture and put it into other wad (different to the decals.wad) it will not work... I try many ways, but doesn't work... :(
My solution is, Create one texture that contain your decal.... is a "Fake Decal" but work.... Worst, but work...
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-09 12:08:29 UTC
in God damn see-through Post #82786
Make sure that blue area is really "blue" (0 0 255) and if it is the last collor of the pallette.... It's make difference..... :
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-09 12:01:30 UTC
in Sky... Post #82785
Really Thx.......... My VisTime down in 47min..... REALLY GOOD.... Thx... :P
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-07 11:03:00 UTC
in Sky... Post #82208
My problem is.... I dont want make a box hollowed... Exists another way???
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-07 10:25:45 UTC
in Sky... Post #82203
How I do to create a sky without use a big box around my map???
If you can tell me, I'll be very happy... :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-24 14:05:50 UTC
in I want a copy... Post #61689
My name is Nemo... And I want a copy for "CS Entity Guide"... I ever search... But I NEVER find one... Please, send me a copy... :roll: