Forum posts

Posted 13 years ago2011-06-01 18:21:47 UTC
in Desktops of May Post #295115
Does there need to be a new thread for every month? Why don't we just create a "Desktops" thread that you can post you monthly desktops on when the time comes.
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-20 19:14:53 UTC
in New mapping engines to consider. Post #294855
Anybody map for the CryEngine?
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-19 18:04:32 UTC
in Challenge: Pool Map Post #294807
Is the ladder thing absolutely necessary? It wouldn't really fit in in my map.
Posted 13 years ago2011-05-12 21:13:33 UTC
in Morning routine Post #294592
-Wake up at 6:00 AM
-Turn off alarm and go back to sleep
-Wake up again 15 minutes later and half asleep, get out of bed
-Take a shower
-Make breakfast (usually just a slice of toast or 2 with butter and some orange juice)
-Feed dogs and let them outside to do their business
-Go to school
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-27 22:01:44 UTC
in Fog Post #293969
Then I guess I'll try Testsu's or Captain Terror's methods
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-27 19:01:22 UTC
in Fog Post #293964
It is SP, but I thought that a SoHL map had to be run in SoHL, or can it be run in standard HL, that's really what I'm aiming for.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-27 00:24:02 UTC
in Fog Post #293949
Yeah, I need a pretty big area to be covered.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-26 23:47:45 UTC
in Fog Post #293947
Is there any way I can create fog without any additional coding to Half-Life?
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-23 01:49:48 UTC
in Portal 2 is out Post #293797
The only thing is sometimes I get off before I can finish a chapter, they had in the HL2 episodes and Portal so what made them not add it in Portal 2.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-22 22:49:52 UTC
in Portal 2 is out Post #293794
Um why can't I save when playing though with dev commentary? Does Valve expect to play though all of Portal 2 in one sitting when I'm listening to the dev commentaries?
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-21 19:55:16 UTC
in Portal 2 is out Post #293783
Every time I beat a great game like this I only end up wanting more.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-20 21:59:45 UTC
in Portal 2 is out Post #293752
Help, I got the first test chamber with the blue gel (repulsion gel I believe) and now I'm getting tons of mouse lag, my framerate is fine, averaging out at about 35 FPS but when looking around it skips and lags.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-20 19:51:28 UTC
in Portal 2 is out Post #293748
I'm loving it so far, gave a lot of good background information on ApSci and seems to have more of plot than Portal.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-19 21:22:33 UTC
in Portal 2 Problems Post #293725
There's a actually a mod of that called "Gold Portal."
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-07 23:57:27 UTC
in Converting Source textures to Goldsource Post #293195
I recently downloaded a high res texture pack for Half-Life Source and I wondering if I could convert Source's .vmt and .vtf texture files to Goldsource's .wad format. Is there a way to convert and/or view Source textures?
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-05 22:16:39 UTC
in This Bird Post #293071
Update: One of the stray cats that lives across the street came and sat under the bush,scared off the bird,hasn't come back yet.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-05 19:24:16 UTC
in This Bird Post #293057
I don't know morse code and if I did would I really want to know what he was saying. he could be sending me death threats and that he's gonna call his army to come and kill me, it'll be just like 'The Birds' just watch tomorrow there'll be two then three and so on until the house is surrounded.
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-04 23:43:52 UTC
in This Bird Post #293015
now why would I do that, he's not causing any harm, besides to himself maybe
Posted 13 years ago2011-04-04 23:09:02 UTC
in This Bird Post #293011
Spring has arrived and with it the Robins have returned. But this season there's one odd Robin. Everyday I wake up at 6:00, there is this robin and he sits and pecks at the window. I go to school come home around 3:00 he's STILL there pecking at the window. He doesn't seem very fearful, although he will fly away but only if you get right up to window. I remember a few years back there was a nest of babies in a bush in front of the window and I was curious so I fed the chicks (don't freak out about the mom never coming back because she did) my Mom said she thinks it's one of the babies and now it wants food but I'm doubtful of that. What's this birds problem?
User posted image
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-28 00:00:54 UTC
in Competition 30 Post #292566
Nope, still isn't working he does the same thing.

EDIT: Nevermind I added in a multi_manager and it worked although I don't seem to have the animation "defuse" so i used another one

DOUBLEEDIT: The stupid HD pack removes that animation for some reason
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-27 21:22:22 UTC
in Competition 30 Post #292562

User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Obliviously the tank is the main attraction of this map as it takes up about 10 of the 30 brushes. Basically just a military garage, I had planned to have the soldier kneeling down by the tank as if he was working on it but I'm still figuring out scripted sequences and couldn't get it to work properly.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-27 16:49:46 UTC
in Sky problems Post #292535
Well I'm having yet another problem and instead of spamming and creating a new topic.
This time it's with an aiscripted_sequence. I'm basically tring to just get a grunt to play the idle animation crouching_idle. I have it set up that when I spawn I hit a trigger_once that targets a multimanager, the multimanager targets my aiscripted_sequence with its target monster set to my grunt. I have the action animation set to crouching_idle and I have the repeatable flag checked. This is where it goes wrong, even with the repeatable flag checked he won't repeat. He walks to where he has to go plays the animation for about a second or two then gets up and goes into idle. Is there something I'm missing?
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-26 21:18:45 UTC
in Sky problems Post #292459
I'm having trouble lighting the sky in my map. I've done it before as you can see in my MPH Combat Hall map, but now it's not working and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I tried using a light_spot and setting to "is sky" and I also tried a light_environment. Is something I'm forgetting?

EDIT: Fixed, I had forgotten to add the "sky" texture to all faces of my sky brushes.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-21 20:45:51 UTC
in Batch Compiler Problem Post #292086
Hm I got it to load anyway, It seems to compile fine it just can't run the the game. That's not important though as long as it compiles.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-21 20:20:24 UTC
in Batch Compiler Problem Post #292084
Upon startup it tells me that it an operation not allowed by the security policy and to use the Microsoft .NET framework config tool to grant it access, but I can't find the .net framework config tool. Where is it?
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-21 19:56:23 UTC
in Batch Compiler Problem Post #292082
I get this error when trying to run Batch Compiler "Error Writing Batch File: C:Programfiles(x86)/Batch Compiler/compile.bat"
I checked that directory only to find compile.bat didn't exist. I re-downloaded the program but it still didn't show up. Does anybody know why this is happening? May it have to do with Windows 7? Are there alternate programs I can use to compile custom wads into the .bsp?
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-21 17:58:01 UTC
in Story time Post #292077
been teleported into game of Ricochet, he reacted by
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-14 20:57:33 UTC
in The Wall of TWHL Post #291716
Now your hidden computer is even better hidden.
Posted 13 years ago2011-03-01 19:10:27 UTC
in Desktops of March Post #290971
Posted 13 years ago2011-02-28 23:33:31 UTC
in Colony 42 Post #290942
Since when is Goldsource not "hip" There's plenty of content being made for it all the time and people (not just me) still enjoy it's mapping and playing on it.
Posted 13 years ago2011-02-28 21:05:55 UTC
in Teleport questions Post #290932
Thanks for all your help, I'm glad I found TWHL otherwise I might have never even started mapping.
Posted 13 years ago2011-02-24 10:28:24 UTC
in Teleport questions Post #290725
Yeah Joebama told me the same thing, to trigger the teleport with something else, I'm going to try it today.

EDIT: Got it to work I used trigger_once that targets a multisource which is the master of my teleport :)
Posted 13 years ago2011-02-23 23:27:03 UTC
in Teleport questions Post #290716
RC is the resonance cascade, and what I meant by that was you walk into the test chamber but you aren't teleported to xen until the RC occurs.

Thanks You both though very helpful.

EDIT: Arg the "delay before trigger" doesn't seem to be working. Anybody know why?
Posted 13 years ago2011-02-23 21:54:16 UTC
in Teleport questions Post #290713
How do I #1: Make a teleport so that teleporting sound plays and #2 set up a delayed teleport like the one during the RC where you teleport but not right as you get to the area you're being teleported away from?
Posted 13 years ago2011-02-18 20:09:10 UTC
in No PM's about map vault comments Post #290517
Another one on this topic, how do I add more screens of my map/ is it possible to add more screens to my map?
Posted 13 years ago2011-02-16 18:49:43 UTC
in Desktops of February Post #290459
User posted image
Ha ha ha I see the edit button now :)
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-31 23:57:35 UTC
in The Future of TWHL Post #289859

Just some suggestions :)
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-26 20:46:15 UTC
in Possible new laptop. Thoughts? Post #289676
I just got an Acer and it's been serving me well so far
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-23 18:34:57 UTC
in [CODE] Fix crowbar and Glock Post #289585
Don't know much about the topic but the original code was set for the Glock to have 18 rounds per clip so maybe if you set it back to that it would fix it, unless of course you don't want to make that change.
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-19 21:49:30 UTC
in Competition 30 chit chat Post #289364
Map another game?
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-17 19:46:29 UTC
in HL1 skyboxes Post #289277
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-17 17:12:20 UTC
in HL1 skyboxes Post #289270
Does anybody know the list of skys for HL1, I looked for them but valve wiki only gives their source game's sky names.
Posted 13 years ago2011-01-01 20:34:22 UTC
in Desktops of 2011 Post #288536
User posted image
Also how do you take a photo of your actual desktop?
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-06 17:24:12 UTC
in Goldeneye 007 Post #287734
Oh really I didn't notice, I thought I was tracking for while now but I must have forgotten about it. It just came to my mind yesterday and I assumed they hadn't done anything recently but nope my bad. :/ Epic fail
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-06 17:04:06 UTC
in Goldeneye 007 Post #287732
Opinions on:
Goldeneye 007 N64
Goldeneye 007 Wii
Goldeneye: Source

I for one just got the Wii version and its not bad, not as good as the N64 one but still a game worth playing. Of course the mod for Source isn't out yet but how do you think it will be?
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-02 22:18:46 UTC
in Desktops of December Post #287567
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-01 23:25:19 UTC
in WON Half-Life Mod error Post #287538
Huh just needed to have half-life fully updated works perfect now I can't believe I didn't think of that until now.
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-01 23:07:00 UTC
in WON Half-Life Mod error Post #287535
Maybe I need to make sure I have all the updates?
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-01 20:39:36 UTC
in WON Half-Life Mod error Post #287526
What? I don't know.
Posted 13 years ago2010-12-01 19:47:12 UTC
in WON Half-Life Mod error Post #287524
neither of them "could not load library c:/hl/pov/c_dlls/client.dll" But does the same thing for hl.dll