Forum posts

Ok, Admer!! but remember that I struggle even with the "Hello World" program :walter: ha, ha!!! I will try to implement those parts into the infantry coder (monster_gunner.cpp).

Thanks! :crowbar:
I know scientists do, but, would not it be troublesome for monsters spawned by monstermakers?
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-29 08:16:01 UTC
in Half Life Weapon Sway Post #343178
Looks good. What´s the problem?, try to play with values to get the effect you want. ;)
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-28 09:17:33 UTC
in Half Life Remake Post #343172
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-28 09:15:27 UTC
in Half Life Weapon Sway Post #343170
What game is that?
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-19 20:33:59 UTC
in I have a problem with registering Milkshape Post #343143
I have lithunwrap, which´s free and you can do an UV map within seconds.

It´s free and legal. And donig things like this is easy as pie (even if it is the part I like the less when modelling... :nya: ) .
User posted image
Posted 5 years ago2019-09-14 22:14:19 UTC
in I have a problem with registering Milkshape Post #343128
Probably uninstalling it and reinstalling it will restart the trial period. It´s not illegal.
Mmmm, yes, you´re right, it´s a dance mat!! :lol: ( I mentioned that three replies before ^^ ), but on the last designs I did (remember, this is ONLY an idea, is not that I will start to produce anything!!) the device can be rolled because the very design of the touch area.

I am now porting the sketches to a 3D program and if all goes fine with my other project (I mean: if the animations of the HOG don´t give me any headache) I will finish the prototype images very soon. In fact, I think about it with the limits of what could be done at home with a 3D printer and very basic hardware that can be bought on any big hardware store. The software and behaviour will be explained in further posts.

For the limits of the device so you will not be granted with a head bump, the very design will avoid that, in fact, the way it works will tell you to stop before exiting its boundaries (no electroshock involved!!! :crowbar: ). The Jump sensors will take care of that too just in case (I´ll tell you how)

I haven´t a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, so I cannot tell you with precission how much it will weight, but I think it will not be more of 4 Kg, less than a suitcase filled with documents and it´s only a bit more weight than many other VR devices.

I have meditated about the goggles problem and I think that the structure is wrong in what FPS gaming is about, Imy designs are more similar to military helmets. I wear some copies done for airsoft and they are not as hard to wear as you can think, of course the real ones I am sure they are uncomfortable as hell, but for this device the final product must not weight so much and many accesories present in the military versions are not required to make them work as a platform for the VR visor. :)
Maybe it´s time to develop a prototype in 3D... :crowbar: I thought about the pressure in the jumping movements, but something similar was done for the dancing games almost a decade ago, so, I think the tecnology is already done for that part. :)

I know that Dancing Mats are already done, and it´s not a new device, but I have think about it to be a more "wearable" device to be used in 3D sports games, so its quality and toughness must be better.

Give me some days ;)
Haha, thanks!!! :P I have a newborn liver on a 6 foot and 225 lb body, I cannot stand a simple beeer without feel dizzy... ^^

The device is nothing but a big touchpad surface with some modifications. As accurate as that!! :)

Its mechanism is a s imple as:

2 feet on Stand surface = idle
1 feet on Stand 1 on Forward = advance
1 feet on Stand 1 on Backward = step back
1 feet on Stand 1 on Strafe surface = strafe on that direction
Both feet on air (you can configure this part too for long jump) = Jump

Crouch is detected by the 4 corner sensors .

For continuous strafe and aiming to a target (when you do a full circle around an enemy while you fire) you must only keep a feet on the Stand area and put the other feet along the outer circle while you aim to the target using the VR goggles and the stick. In the very moment you pot both feet on the Stand area you finish the strafe movement.

I thought in adding two kind of sticks, one in a shape of a smg and other in the shape of a normal pistol; I have played airsoft for some years and I usually passed from primary to secondary easily in the middle of combat, so I think this part will require some work, unless you use a single device with all functions for changing weapon and other stuff added. Even I designed a throwable device to simulate knives, grenades, and other stuff like that.

I have no idea of electronics apart of building my own PCs and a very little more, but i can define the way it should work.
The message was uncomplete... :( don't make fun of me please... :(
I have been seeing a lot of stuff about VR devices, but there´s only two or three companies creating devices to let you "move" while using VR goggles on FPS games, and, if so, they are SO expensive and bulky that are not affordable almost for anyone. I have designed a device and I want you to give me your thoughts about it.

It will use a regular USB connection and will coordinate its movement with the VR device, it will require some real movement for the player, and jumping and strafing will be available, the same goes for crouching and sprinting. I have highlighted some areas, of course all areas will be operative.

Its prize will be the one of a regular keyboard, and it wil lbe not more than 100 dollars, it will be designed so it can be stored and deployed in a few seconds. It will be cheap and be more accesible to people than oter devices more expensive and uncomfortable.

It could be customizable, as keyboards are through a very simple program, the pressure response can be regulated via software.
FPS MDD (Movement Detection Device)FPS MDD (Movement Detection Device)
Posted 5 years ago2019-08-21 07:51:42 UTC
in About " hud_color " Command Post #343055
In hud.h

#define RGB_WHITEISH 0x00FFFFFF//255,255,255

in ammo.cpp


over the line...

ScaleColors(r, g, b, a );

in battery.cpp over the line...

if (!(gHUD.m_iWeaponBits & (1<<(WEAPON_SUIT)) ))
return 1;

I put the same and worked. :)
I remember Solokiller pointed me to add console messages for a block of code that´s not working, I did that part the first (now I add a console printing part in every new code I try ;) ). And... well I find a "dirty" fix. Now it´s kind of solved, it is not perfect but solves all. Thanks for all the solutions!! :P
Posted 5 years ago2019-08-18 14:15:50 UTC
in About " hud_color " Command Post #343042
And binding a key to the "hud_color" order? like bind "c" hud_color whatever.... :|
If you need some of those models, just tell me, remember that I am quite good at modelling. ;)
Yes, I mean "delay", haha, my english sometime suck most than my coding!!

The code is executed right after when the primary or secondary fire is done, under the:


...part. So when a bullet is fired the code tells that if the player is a fake client (a bot) and ammo reaches zero, give it some little ammo applying some delay to preevnt the bot have "infinite" ammo (i did that part in a previous version of the bot simply adding that if its fakeclient just...


What I really want is to add a delay between the bot´s ammo reaches zero and the moment the code gives it some extra ammo.
This is the actual code.
It is located into the primary and secondary fire function of the weapon. It works!, but the reload is inmediate, which is not the purpose of the code as you can see because I put into it two retardants for both primary and secondary fire.

// Modulo para limitar la actividad de los Bots cuando se quedan sin munición y le regalamos un poco.
// Module to limit the activity of the Bots when they run out of ammunition and we give the a little ammo.
if (FBitSet(m_pPlayer->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT) && (m_pPlayer->m_rgAmmo[m_iPrimaryAmmoType] <= 0))
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 5.0;// Stop firing for a while
m_flNextSecondaryAttack = 5.0;// Stop firing for a while
m_pPlayer->m_rgAmmo[m_iPrimaryAmmoType] += 25;//Don´t add so much ammo


Retardant works fine here:

if ((FBitSet(m_pPlayer->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT))&&(m_iHeat>=200)){ m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 8.0f; }//Bots don´t fire for 5 secs if they overheat!!

Sure I am doing something wrong but again I´m lost.
Brilliant!!, I would like to see some swarm of cyber-bees in your mod, Admer!! or giant killer-wasps... :crowbar:
I put m_flFreeammotime = 0 in the spawn method of the weapon to see if it works, but with no avail :( Also, I have tried to put the if (FBitSet(m_pPlayer->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT) && (m_flFreeammotime && gpGlobals->time > m_flFreeammotime)) into the first "if" right under *m_flFreeammotime = gpGlobals->time + 8.0f; but it does not work either. :( . If I remove the m_flFreeammotime the Bots have this little ammount of ammo again available, but that´s not what I wanted, I want them to have that help after some time. I did this because sometimes the Bots don´t go close the reloader guys and remain helpless against the enemy because they are not reloaded, but without some handicap condition they last more than what´s intended to last.

This is my last version, don´t work either...

if (FBitSet(m_pPlayer->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT) && (m_pPlayer->m_rgAmmo[m_iPrimaryAmmoType] == 0))
m_flFreeammotime = gpGlobals->time + 8.0f;

if (m_flFreeammotime && gpGlobals->time > m_flFreeammotime)
m_flFreeammotime = 0;

EDIT: I´m a moron. Sorry, I´ll try THIS on the RELOAD function instead.... :\


if (FBitSet(m_pPlayer->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT) && (m_pPlayer->m_rgAmmo[m_iPrimaryAmmoType] == 0))
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = 5.0;
m_flNextSecondaryAttack = 5.0;


Just to keep them from firing continuously after reload. But With no luck... No free ammo added...
This is the function I created to do this:

1. If Bot (m_pPlayer->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT)...
2. Depletes its ammo (m_pPlayer->m_rgAmmo[m_iPrimaryAmmoType] == 0)
3. m_flFreeammotime (declered in weapons.h) increases its value 5 secs ( 8.0f )
4. Then if time (I think I wrote this right) is greater than m_flFreeammotime (m_flFreeammotime && gpGlobals->time > m_flFreeammotime)
5. Give some ammo to the bo (m_pPlayer->m_rgAmmo[m_iPrimaryAmmoType]+=25;) , but not before 5 seconds have passed...

The function:
/================================================================================================ / Modulo para limitar la actividad de los Bots cuando se quedan sin munición y le regalamos un poco
if (FBitSet(m_pPlayer->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT) && (m_pPlayer->m_rgAmmo[m_iPrimaryAmmoType] == 0))
m_flFreeammotime = gpGlobals->time + 8.0f;

if (FBitSet(m_pPlayer->pev->flags, FL_FAKECLIENT) && (m_flFreeammotime && gpGlobals->time > m_flFreeammotime))


It does not work. Bots deplete their ammo and remain that way, no ammo is given to them. The "m_flFreeammotime && gpGlobals->time > m_flFreeammotime" it´s the same code ( using m_flFreezeTime instead) used to detect if that time (5 secs) has passed and let the bots move after firing the weapons, and it works!, I thought that using the same code will work too but it does not.

What I am doing wrong? :(
Mmmmm, maybe I am wrong, but: this way I can do a SWARM of sentinels following a "leader" simply creating a hog monster composed by a single sentinel and then make the rest of them attach to the right bone. i.e: group 1 of sentinels attach to bone 1 , group to to bone 2, and so on, right?. BTW, you have learned A LOT of coding this years!!!!, you "talk" like Solo ands Sheppard!! :P
Thanks Admer. Never heard about that !! (shame). I am still learning, you know, and that method uses CODING, and remember that coding it´s my Achilles heel... :( :crowbar:
Can you give me an example? I want to understand that method! :gak:
Hi Dr.Orange!!, I have thought about this option in the first place, but since each finger then have to "open" in a different angle, the task was very complex. In this version I am animating each finger sepparately, and then make them join the same scripted sequence´s steps, from that they start to behave as individuals, but I need to "kill" three of them to avoid the processor suffer because of rendering the rest of models.
Each "finger" is not too heavy, probably 1k vertex and the same number of poly, but I am optimizing the mod beacuse apparently rendering rely entirely on the CPU and it makes the mod run only at 36 fps max actually with more than 32 bots and near 70 npcs at the same time fighting each others, and a bunch of tracers and sparks!!.
BIG thanks!!

I´m working on this:
caption textcaption text
Because of its size I need to remove three of the 6 fingers of the "hand" to reduce e-poly count once the sequence is finished, letting only 3 of the "fingers" play their role and attack the players.
Mmmmm, that´s useful!!, a couple of npcs will benefit from this method!, but what I want to REMOVE the npc even from memory, so I think the kill method will work, right?
Ages ago I did use the method wich the creators of cs_italy used to "kill" the chicken to remove a cycler from a map; but, how would be a better (and less crabby) way to do it?, also, how can I made it so I can apply it to a "living" npc instead of a cycler?.

The "WHY" behind this is a mere question of trying to make disappear some monsters that, after performing an scripted sequence, will remain on the map increasing e-poly count numbers.
Posted 5 years ago2019-08-14 05:42:23 UTC
in A Utopia At Stake Post #343001
I´ll keep an eye on UAS!!. :crowbar:
Posted 5 years ago2019-08-13 12:20:53 UTC
in A Utopia At Stake Post #342994
Do a compound bow please. With modable strenght for different purposes... and also different arrows!!! (explosive, hunting, shredding, poisonous, flammable...). :crowbar:
Posted 5 years ago2019-04-29 20:23:31 UTC
in Modelling issues (invisible model?) Post #342536
In HLMV check "show ground", and then you can see the actual size of the model compared with a (i think) square the size of a regular biped human.
Posted 5 years ago2019-04-21 16:25:13 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #342503
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
This is the Icarus hovercraft.
I have started from 0 with the UV maps, it looked a bit too grayish. As I finish it I´ll post new pics. Also there´s the Vishnu Ship, but I want to add more detail to it before posting pics :)

Oh!!, I am working on the Neb´s landing animation!!, I hope the menuzion map will be 100% done soon. :P

EDIT: posted the skinned UV maps. Now they look 100% accurate. :P
Posted 5 years ago2019-04-01 13:56:22 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #342380
I think you can use Milkshape 3D to make models for Doom3, it is easier to use, and you can use a lot of example work from other mods. :)
Posted 5 years ago2019-03-04 23:47:12 UTC
in More mods that never were... Post #342142

I have started two maps for this mod the very year I stopped to working on my other mod, zwc. The game puts you in the skin of a armored vehicle driver who finds himself (or herself) alone after all his-her team mates dissapear after the attack an unknown forces. The first map start in adestroyed bridge, no scape psssible but going forward, neither jumping, there´s fog (I mimmick that with func_ilusionaries before searching the right tutorial to make it with code) adn unknown sounds, like in "hte mist" story of Stephen King, you must then enter a tunnel which entrance is protected by a huge pair of blast doors that seemed to be destrouyed from the inside. You find an audio log telling that the survivors escaped through what seems a underground base to reach a automated train and so escape from the mountain on which the base is dig in.

I did a very basic coding there. Halo switchnig for weapons (sometime that make crash the mod), and the monsters, that should have had the ability of walwing in walls and ceilings, but I was not able to figure out how to do it (I make them fly sometimes instead of walk upside down!!). Also I made some weapons (flat black skin) that were insanely cool, overall the Kaulos SMG and the Gorad pistol.

I finally deleted all the data because I don´t feel myself able to finish what I wanted, and because ZWC was still unfinished, and thought about finishing one mod and then start another new mod. It will have had multiplay, cooperative vs monsters.

"Aileen Phelan Journey"

Year 2008. The grandaughter of Andrew Phelan ( "the trail of Cthulhu" was the origin of this mod) must discover and kill all that´s between her nad her girlfriend, kidnapped by cultist that wanted to summon Cthulhu again after the destruction of the bñack isle in 1941.

All the mod was based on basic maps full of models, like ZWC. I have scripted (very badly) very strong scenes with lots of gore, violence and sex, models worked right, scenes look perfect, but sometimes they loop like crazy the same death animation or, well, another scenes, which ruined the athmosphere. It was dark, and the first map was one cave full of monsters of which Aileen mus scape. Aileen is an ex SEAL, kicked from the corps because her sexual tendencies (yes, I know this part of the story is quite cheap), and can use perfectly almost every known weapon.The major problem was coding hte spells that Aileen learn through the story and also the huge amount of models I have to do for the mod. Finally I erased all again because I finally find myself unable to script all the scenes and do all the models I wanted.Also I find that the maps did not look right in some areas because of the lighting, which left flat black some models. I know now how to solve this, but I am not in the mood of starting all from scratch.


Oh, man, this was as simple as to use some three wespons clone of the crowbar and lots of NPCs runnign like idiots. I tried to code the shield but with no luck, and only did the main character (Leonidas) and two persian troopers (one with a spear and other with a sword). The map was only one, but you can advance to close distances with the enemy until arriving to Xerxes and his "praetorians" (excuse me for this). Again, I stuck with the shield´s c ode and left all undone. I deleted all again.

Basically I left those mods undone because I am too lazy and too exigent with myself... :walter:
Posted 5 years ago2019-02-25 17:34:40 UTC
in Reviving War in Europe (Half-Life mod) Post #342090
I did my own bots with bot #10, but I only wanted some kind of moving turrets, so for other most complex things I will go for HPBot. And, yes, download source, then modify and run your mod using the bot compiled files
Posted 5 years ago2019-02-25 16:18:23 UTC
in Reviving War in Europe (Half-Life mod) Post #342088
Bot #10 maybe?, or HPBot. It has full source released, and I think if you can code it´ll be not difficult to adjust it to your mod´s gameplay. :)
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-17 20:36:16 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #342053
Hats off... Admer has come :crowbar: Wonderful work!! Is that your school?
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-17 14:54:03 UTC
in NPC friendly unless you attack it. Post #342050
Hi. i am sure I have seen this on a tutorial ages ago, but i am not able to find it. So my question is, how can I make a friendly NPC attack you if you attck it?. I know how to make it change its relationship if it is hurt, but i cannot figure hot to make it attack the provoker.

I have seen this in the iSlave monster´s code
// TakeDamage - get provoked when injured

int CISlave :: TakeDamage( entvars_t* pevInflictor, entvars_t* pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType)
    // don't slash one of your own
    if ((bitsDamageType & DMG_SLASH) && pevAttacker && IRelationship( Instance(pevAttacker) )<= R_DL )
        return 0;

    m_afMemory |= bits_MEMORY_PROVOKED;
    return CSquadMonster::TakeDamage(pevInflictor, pevAttacker, flDamage, bitsDamageType);
But I cannot understand well how to modify it so the enemy attacks you...
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-16 19:45:51 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #342042
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-16 09:49:25 UTC
in programmatically changing origin and angles Post #342035
Are you trying to change the origin of bullet tracers and shell origin?
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-14 15:27:29 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #342023
Yes !, although in the end I can only distribute it privately, I refuse to leave the project abandoned.

I am working on the Icarus ship. It is still WIP. ;)
User posted image
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-12 22:08:09 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #342020
logoss hovercraftlogoss hovercraft
User posted image
User posted image
I know that this models look a bit underdetailed, but they are intended to be seen from a far point of view... :P
User posted image
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-09 09:42:02 UTC
in Can´t find "hud.h", but It´s in there!! Post #341997
No, every file is included, in fact there must be a problem of "location" of those files because if I move the lost header to another folder the problem disappear and other error pops out... I am still on it.
I don't think i am 200% secure, I am only saying that I don't take risks, and keep my system in good shape thank to a proper maintenance.
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-05 21:06:17 UTC
in Can´t find "hud.h", but It´s in there!! Post #341979
Eeemmmmm... I am using MSVC++ 6.0 (the "oldie goldie" one). The only "include" I found is in Tools > Options > And in "Project Settings" the only tabs I see are "General", "Debug","C/C++", "link","resources", "MIDL", "Browse Info", "custom build", "Pre-link step" and "post-build setup"... :\

Also, I have tried to cheat and create my own hud.h file renamed to hud1.h... but I have obtained the same 27 errors... :crowbar:

And if I put...

#include "..\hud.h"

The compiler throw this error that does not exist before!!

F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\utils.h(36) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'g_fRenderInitialized'
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\utils.h(36) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end of file found

For this code in utils.h

extern int g_iXashEngineBuildNumber;
extern BOOL g_fRenderInitialized;

Lost... I am lost... If someone want to take a look to the source, I will be glad to give a link to download it,..
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-05 18:08:52 UTC
in Can´t find "hud.h", but It´s in there!! Post #341975
Hi guys. I was trying to compile the client.dll after adding new files to the project, but It does not compile because... (sorry for the lenght)
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_backend.cpp(5) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_bloom.cpp(18) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_brushdecals.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_cull.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_debug.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_frustum.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_grass.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_light.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_lightmap.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_main.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_misc.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_movie.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_opengl.cpp(18) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_particle.cpp(17) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_postprocess.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_shader.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_shadows.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_sprite.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_studio.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_studiodecal.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_subview.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_surf.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_tempents.cpp(21) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_view.cpp(6) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_warp.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_weather.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
F:\DEVZWC20\ELEMENTOS BASICOS MAYO 2017\SINGLE-PLAYER SOURCE\cl_dll\renderer\r_world.cpp(16) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hud.h': No such file or directory
But the hud.h is there, I did not touched it!! is in there!! look:
I know it will look like a VERY basic mistake, but believe me if this don´t happen to me for some years now; Ok, maybe when I started to make disasters with the code in 2004, but I´m sure I know how to include a header file.

H-E-L-P :zomg:
I am still running XP and never have had any virus warnings... You must only have to keep you antivirus updated and never visit "extrange" or suspicious web sites. The same Win XP SP3 since 2009 without being reinstalled!! XD
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-30 21:11:47 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #341893
Yes!!, it´s the main hull texture. I think its name is graywall, it comes from a backup CD that I have when I started making maps for Counter-Strike in 1999.
Posted 6 years ago2019-01-30 15:16:51 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #341891
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User posted image
Logoss Hovercraft
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Vigilant Hovercraft

I have added more ships to the Zion map. The Logoss is still WIP, the textures are done, but I wanted them be more accurate. ;)