Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 07:04:22 UTC
in Make an FAQ? Post #49589
That seems to be part of the donkey work, isn't it?

But aren't there so-called retrieval programs? I've heard about NetAttach?, Teleport Pro, and wget... Not that I'm known with these programs but maybe they're usefull here?

And about the FAQ... go ahead, but most is already covered. If not on this site, then on others. And those that really investigate before asking would search around a few more sites than this one only...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 15:42:06 UTC
in Woops, heh, sorry 'The Wastes Forums Post #49423
I wonder, did you finally got Steam to work correctly, Jahzel?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 07:58:04 UTC
in Members of Resident-Mesa Post #49324
Let's put it like this: coders are hard to find, especially experienced coders. When your project doesn't make a good impression on them they're off, after all there's a lot of other mods they could join.

So in your case, you'd better forget about that coder and continue mapping. You don't need coding to create a good mod. You won't need another mapper at first too, it'll probably make things only more complicated as it requires a good communication and management...

Another thing: your website was very hard to read. The purple text on black background isn't a good choice for sake of readability. Maybe you could change that to something more easy to the eye? ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-09 07:39:23 UTC
in a suggestion for the map vault Post #49322
Or members could just find their own webspace and link to their zipped maps...

I don't see why TWHL should offer more space while people can easily do it themselves.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-07 12:08:22 UTC
in Fading and endgame Post #48732
Nope. Both entities have nothing to do with each other. The env_fade makes the screen fade black (or any color you choose) and the game_text displays the text on-screen.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-07 11:07:08 UTC
in modding name Post #48726
Terrel, I'd say you shouldn't bother about the name at first. You'll come across an idea you like. We don't know the complete story so it's difficult to think of a name that would fit nicely. Try not to think of it too much. I usually get the best idea's when I'm just relaxing... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-07 11:02:28 UTC
in This will probably ruin my reputation Post #48725
Because he has mastered the art of Googling...

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 18:13:59 UTC
in My New Mod Post #48540
Ah, ok. I already thought...

Still, you should take better screenshots. This doesn't really convince me of the quality of your mod.
Presentation, that's what it's all about here... and you may want to give a good first impression...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 18:09:01 UTC
in Error when testing Post #48537
-wadinclude wadname

That's all. Do not specify in what map it should be included as it's clear to the compile tools were they should include this .wad file in. After all, you compile a map... so the wad file gets included in that map... obvious, isn't it? ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 18:06:38 UTC
in My New Mod Post #48536
Then take screenshots of the detailed area's. After all, you want us to be impressed, right? If I were you I would show the best pieces of my map...

And these models, self-made? Nice work then...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 17:58:36 UTC
in My New Mod Post #48532
Suggestion: run Half-Life in OpenGL mode, not in software mode.

As for the screens, the level-design looks bland but you're improving. The walls really need more detail and texture usage is very repetetive. Lighting is better although some more variation would be good.

As for the models, you've got them from several other mods, right? The MP5 reminds me of the one used in that German mod (how was it called?). That shotgun is from Team Fortress, right? The last weapon I do not recognize though...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 17:54:14 UTC
in modding name Post #48530
Oops... not logged in. But that was me... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 17:12:31 UTC
in Error when testing Post #48508
Oh, yes, that's interesting...

First, scale down the amount of wad files you're using to below 8. It should be harmless to have more but when you get errors, it may be the cause of them.
Then, fix the leaks in your level.
Then, check the Hammer help files on how to properly set up Hammer. You're running some compile programs multiple times wich shouldn't be done.
First, run HLCSG, then HLBSP, then HLVIS and then HLRAD.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 16:56:22 UTC
in Will this reduced leafs? Post #48505
Nope, make all street lights entities. Just don't make one entitie of it, but only few street lights in the same entitie.

These buildings should stay solid, otherwise the whole VIS process is useless... After all, it divides the level into leafs based on the solid geometry it finds... Have you read this article already?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 16:29:57 UTC
in modding name Post #48500
How to bring out the story... well, I can't help you with that as I know only very little of it...

As for a name... Side Shifter or something like that? After all, Shephard now works for another side... whatever side that may be...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 16:23:34 UTC
in HL2 Map Editor Post #48499
It's actually called Flat shading...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 16:13:46 UTC
in the Teleport light point?? Post #48496
The link I gave also shows you a program called Wally, and another one called Half-Life Model Viewer. Both can browse the .pak file, allowing you to see what files are inside. Both can extract files too although Wally is generally easier to work with, as it also allows you to create your own .pak files and such.

Note that .pak files are just a way of storing other files. Look at it as a sort of box in wich you would put your drawings, so you don't loose them somewhere in your room... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 16:09:40 UTC
in Tricky Stuff Post #48495
Please note that you don't need to create a rotating camera and such stuff. The only thing that's really important in order to look at other area's is this entity, 'trigger_camera'.

This article tells you exactly what you can achieve with this entity, it also explains how to get it to work:

I just think that's a bit more specific as your link, polnareff. Nevertheless, good job for a new member! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 16:02:37 UTC
in ToDo Post #48494
I think it's best to keep things simple.

I think Visuals (construction), Layout (gameplay) and Overall ratings pretty well cover it. In your comment, you can stress specific things you liked or disliked.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 13:29:14 UTC
in dling my map Post #48464
What exactly do you mean? In what situation should these people be that they can directly download your map? Please specify the situation a bit more thorougly...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 05:16:45 UTC
in the Teleport light point?? Post #48378

On this page you can find two Sprite programs. The first, SprView, lets you view the available sprites. Search in the .pak file in the sprites folder.

Now you should be able to find a suitable sprite. Alternately, you can create your own with the second sprite program on that page.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 04:49:48 UTC
in Another scripted sequence prob in my map Post #48376
It creates a .nod or .nrp (or both) file, wich needs to be distributed with the map when you don't want others to experience this message.

Each time the map is recompiled, this node graph is out of date and needs to be rebuilt, e.g. the .nod or .nrp files are updated so to say.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 04:28:54 UTC
in models Post #48366
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 04:23:02 UTC
in the Teleport light point?? Post #48361
Err... you probably mean those glowing sprites?

env_sprite is the entity you want to use for that...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 04:22:01 UTC
in models Post #48360
TheDoenerKing is a well know site for prop models:

Further, I would recommend Google... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 03:44:07 UTC
in Survey: how you browse maps Post #48349

2. I start the game, goto console and from there access maps. Sometimes I place shortcuts to maps on my desktop, wich is handy for situations that require a lot of testing (changing game-code, for example).

3. Yes.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 02:46:06 UTC
in The Specialists Post #48324
In game, look at a texture, open up the console and type 'impulse 107'. It'll return you the name of the texture you're looking at. Handy for searching textures in large .wad files...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 02:05:43 UTC
in targets! Post #48317
Good. Let me know when you succeeded so I can remove my example map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 02:03:36 UTC
in targets! Post #48315
It has to keep moving. Only when it moves it can trigger it's target.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 01:57:42 UTC
in Will this reduced leafs? Post #48314
No. I've seen the map and the street lights were world brushes, right? That caused a lot of extra face splitting but not only that. It also splitted up the map into a lot of extra leafs. These streetlights should be made entities, then the amount of leafs would drastically decrease.

Be sure not to put all streetlights into one entitie though, as then it's spread across multiple leafs and in most cases such an entitie will always be rendered, no matter where the player is.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 01:53:10 UTC
in targets! Post #48312
What I said, a func_guntarget has to be active before it can trigger it's target.

What you do, is create a func_guntarget, and let it move along two path_corners. You'll see it doesn't move when the map starts. You'll also see that when you shoot it it won't activate it's target.
Now, create a trigger_once and let it target this func_guntarget. In the game, walk through the trigger and you'll see the func_guntarget starts moving. Now it is active and it will trigger it's target when shot.

That should do the trick for you. If you still don't succeed, I'll upload my testmap to the Vault.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 01:48:10 UTC
in targets! Post #48310
What you need to do, is to set the name of the func_guntarget that has to be triggered in the Fire on Damage propertie of the first func_guntarget.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 01:46:27 UTC
in targets! Post #48308
Right. I just made a small test map and everything works just fine. One thing you've probably overlooked is that a func_guntarget has to be active before it triggers anything when shot. So, the first func_guntarget needs to be triggered first... only then it will move and trigger it's target when shot.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 01:39:52 UTC
in targets! Post #48305
How exactly did you set-up your func_guntargets? What properties do they have?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 01:33:50 UTC
in targets! Post #48302

Give the second func_guntarget a name and let it be triggered by the first one. That should do it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-06 01:30:51 UTC
in Problem during the loading screen Post #48300
Are you sure compiled maps are placed in C:SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvemaps? This is an option in the Hammer configuration. Since Half-Life can't find your map on the server but no problems occured during the compile, your map is probably placed in the wrong directory.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 17:08:38 UTC
in extract .wads to jpgs then .wads again Post #48180
Why get the textures that you need only? You don't have to distribute these with your maps as everyone has them. Besides, when you use custom wads (with actually the same textures) it requires others to get those custom wads too before they can actually play your levels. That's a waste of file size...

But ok, I'll help you out. Open halflife.wad in Wally, then open a new .wad file. Select the textures you want and drag the selection to the other .wad file. You'll be asked if you want to move or copy them. Select copy and these textures are then copied into the new .wad file.

Also, never use .jpg files for textures. Due to their compression technology, they suffer a lot of quality loss. Always use .bmp files to save textures to, if you need to extract textures...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 17:02:39 UTC
in Tunnel Vision Post #48179
Look at the flags of this func_rotating and try the X or Y flag. These flags determine the axis that the func_rotating will rotate around. By default, it uses the Z axis.

Also make sure your func_rotating has an origin brush that's part of the entity.... this may be obvious to you but I don't know how far your knowledge goes...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 12:47:59 UTC
in NS map screenies! Post #48122
Looks nice, but very dark. The white background on that page doesn't make it easier to discern the architecture. You should make the map a bit brighter, but aside from that, the map looks nice...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 12:45:59 UTC
in My new ns map info and updates Post #48121
The floors and ceilings could do with some more variation. The walls could use some more details too. That's all I can say at this moment... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 12:35:43 UTC
in How do I update a map? Post #48119
Yes. Go to My Maps, it's in the Me part of the menu. Then click Edit on the map you wish to edit. From there, you can make adjustments to your submission.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 10:17:46 UTC
in Making the glass on a door breakable Post #48095
Make the glass a func_breakable, give it the Render properties you want and set it's health. Be sure to check the flags too...

As for having it moving with a door, that's impossible in normal Half-Life.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 07:08:01 UTC
in Fullbright problems Post #48077
Wait, these are XP-Cageys compile tools, not Zoners. Shouldn't be a problem though as they're based on the Zoner's tools.

Also, take a look at the documentation, it might provide helpfull information for you... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 07:04:53 UTC
in Fullbright problems Post #48076
No, that file contains several programs, they replace the old compile tools. Before, you've probably used QCSG, QBSP, QVIS and QRAD. Replace these with HLCSG, HLBSP, HLVIS and HLRAD. You can place the content of this zip file into any folder you want, since all you have to do is changing the Hammer's Build Programs references.

So, in Hammer, go to Tools -> Options, pick the Build Programs tab. You only need to change the 4 compile executables to the new ones you just downloaded. Once that is done, you can compile your maps with these new compilers.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 06:22:52 UTC
in Fullbright problems Post #48071
When you created a box level and putted an info_player_start in, the map turned out to be fullbright. What's really happening there is that the RAD program doesn't detect a light entity, and therefore has no lights to process. Thus, your map ends up full-bright. Place a light entity inside the box and compile again (with Zoner's compile tools, Hazardous! linked to them).

Be sure you've set up Hammer correctly, and that you've changed all references to the old compile tools to the new compile tools (HLRAD instead of QRAD, HLVIS instead of QVIS, and so on). Als be sure to run the RAD process on the map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 03:34:14 UTC
in favorite hl hero or villian Post #48049
Never heard of it, no...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 03:10:39 UTC
in ToDo Post #48042
Screenshots are indeed an important part of presenting your level. A screenshot gives a first impression of the map and if that's a good one, people are more likely to download it.
So, from the mappers point of view, it's just necessary to give a screenshot. Some people however think different, but that's their problem. Their map just isn't going to get a lot of attention....

As for giving seperate area's of level design a rating, I like it. It provides a more in-depth sign to people that browse through the vault, and to the mapper himself. So, a different rating system actually.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-05 02:55:44 UTC
in ToDo Post #48038
I'd suggest giving a recently uploaded map no rating at all. If it gets some responsible comments, each of which includes a star (or other) rating with it, then the more highly rated maps can go to vault consistent with their rating.
Amen brother.

As for commenting, it's up to a person himself how to comment. It's not a review after all. But I do agree with you some people have better comments than others. Personally I like such comment more as they provide a better feedback to the mapper. But then again, you can't demand such a thing...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-04 17:09:06 UTC
in HL2 Map Editor Post #47929
You've probably not seen the trailer video's yet... I suggest you take a look around and get your hands on them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-04 16:34:29 UTC
in favorite hl hero or villian Post #47926
And the first hero they had in mind is now known as 'Ivan the Space Biker', yeah...
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