I'm experimenting with custom player models. If you can clean it up, maybe we can work together a little to get some better player animations. Like when the player jumps, or stand and float upwards on a ladder. These things erk me.
Also I swear you said you made the player model play the jump animation again on a walljump or doublejump. Oh well, a minor thing to tweak I guess.
If anything, ask Daubster what version of Spirit he's using for the base of 6D, its stable and I think its 1.5a4 or something crazy like that. 1.2 had some flaws remaining. Also ask him about the FMod thing being only triggered through the console and not map entities. A strange and pointless thing we found a while back. The MOD music is nice, but I would like to write my own tracks and use mp3s.
Why all of a sudden? I did some commission work with a guy on his 2D side scroller. I was inspired to try something with this. Also helped him clean up his mod a little script wise. Something that HL needs is a "if falling and hadn't jumped, play fall animation." so when you walk of an edge, you don't keep running and your legs kick at ever increasing speeds. For a ladder, get the player to face the ladder properly, not angled up or down like when you aim up or down, and play a different walk cycle animation which in turn would be a climbing one. Perhaps you can look at the swimming code to see how to change the animations up. I think its possible.
TL;DR -- Persuading Chickenfist to clean up Flatlife.
EDIT: Also, I had recently played Little Big Planet and was surprised how simple, pretty, and fun it was. This mod would be killer to have a grav gun powered by some 6D code. With Daub's permission tho, its still in the works and its ever evolving with refining and rewritings. That would add a new level depth to the mod. It wouldn't steal 6D's thunder though, it'd be using the code differently. I'm not worried of fact that it would be out before 6D either, the Unreal3 engine was used before Unreal Tournament 3 had even came out.
EDIT2: I fixed the player's looking animations. Now the player can look and aim straight up and down without wobbling around. Also, I made a spiffy somersault jump that looks fucking awesome, and so far everything is working perfectly. Still, the above mentioned tweaks need to be done, but the jump animation needs to play when the player is ducking and jumping. Just another tweak. None of what I had done was very hard, all I do is play with the rig and animation files, which is really easy and fun.
My what a long post.
TL;DR -- Fix the animations, some more refined animation had already been added.