Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 15:16:12 UTC
in Program poll Post #45967
You don't have to use it, MoP...

Hammer 3.5b has some problems with Pitch, Yaw and Roll. I nearly never use it because of it's beta status. For inserting prop models in maps however, it has proven to be a trustworthy tool... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 15:14:07 UTC
in what are YOU? Post #45965
HL, both SP and DM. But most of you know that already, I gues... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 15:11:58 UTC
in Stupidest post ever competition Post #45964
Too many colors and it gets confusing easily as the badges all have the same shape and appearance. Not to mention color-blind people... ;)

A big M for moderators, a S for sub-mods, things like that. Or more symbolic, as long as they're easily discernable from each other.

Also, when a person holds his mouse on such a badge, it would be nice to see a text appearing, explaining what the badge stands for. Like some images on website, the text that appears when they don't show up, or when you hold your mouse cursor over them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 14:52:44 UTC
in Stupidest post ever competition Post #45951
I'd like badges that are more symbolic of what they represent, e.g. easier recognizable. But it's a good start Seventh... ;)

Oh, and my sharp eyes... I'm a community leader myself so mod options are in some way... attractive... :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 11:19:20 UTC
in ToDo Post #45880
Some threads may contain things that are better deleted totally, so to make the Deathrow only available to mods would be good, IMO.

As for getting an e-mail when there was replied to your thread, that sounds good. However, it's best to make it an option, e.g. you choose you want to get an e-mail for a specific thread. Oh, and only one e-mail when there is replied, not an e-mail for each reply... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 07:09:30 UTC
in Program poll Post #45794
I do most work in Hammer 3.4, but when I place prop models Hammer 3.5b does a fine job.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-28 07:04:01 UTC
in ToDo Post #45793
Nice thinking, Mike. I like that idea. I've seen that one some other sites and I found it a very handy thing.

As for the Change, it's good to see things are happening, long-asked-for changes are made. Like TWHL is growing up... ;)

Concerning the sub-mod system, I prefer that above a 10-ranking system. It's more simple, and less restrictive in my opinion. After all, TWHL is meant to help the newbies getting started...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 18:07:10 UTC
in Stupidest post ever competition Post #45619
Stupid posts? What more interested me on Sevenths screenshot was the [edit] [del] options below the member names, next to their posts... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 18:01:35 UTC
in Hint Brush Help Post #45618
Hint brushes are no magical r_speed reducers, they are helpfull in only a few situations. First, you need to know how the vis process actually works, only then you can take advantage of hint brushes.

I strongly advise reading this article, it explains it all very well:

As for your map, looks good, shows talent and effort. As for other r_speed reducing methods, I suggest looking through the map in wireframe mode and reducing the face splitting by making small objects that touch other faces (and split them up then) func_walls. This also makes your vis process a bit faster, details and small objects are best made entities. But that's covered in that article... Good luck! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 15:42:25 UTC
in help on problem "short ### surfaces" Post #45578
Software mode can only render up to 800 faces (I've heard it can be a bit more, but that's not important here). So, when you have more faces on-screen, some faces will dissappear as they can't be rendered, then you'll see this 'error'.

OpenGL mode is indeed strongly advised, it uses hardware accelleration and I'd say you haven't bought your video card to leave it unused... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 15:39:34 UTC
in Problem on weapon Post #45574
In Half-Life, we use a player_weaponstrip (brush-based entity). In ScenCoop, they might use the same entity. Just seacrh in the SvenCoop entities for this one. But, maybe it's different as it's a mod, so, when you can't find this one, ask on their forums...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 15:21:39 UTC
in My walls are buggy... Post #45561
How do they see you? Can you post a screenshot?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 02:02:19 UTC
in an example map (or more) i want made Post #45276
Well, maybe someone would be so friendly to create such an example but since I doubt that, I'll give you some tips so you can create this yourself.

1. Between the grunts and the sci's, put an invisible func_wall_toggle. This prevents the grunts from firing at the scientists. When the door is opened by the player, trigger this func_wall_toggle so it disappears. Now, the grunts will suddenly have line of fire to the scientists and they will kill them.
To get the grunts facing the scientists, set their direction with the little compass in their Properties box.
Note: prevent the grunts from seeying the player before they see the scientists, as then they will attack the player first.

2. Scripted_sentences... read about that in the HL Entity Guide here at TWHL. As for the grunts, set their Prisoner flag, so they won't attack the player...

Good luck!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 01:54:55 UTC
in 3ds MAX modeling question Post #45274
You really didn't find anything on Google?

There must be some helpfull tutorials between all those hits... isn't it?
Otherwise, you may want to search for a 3DS MAX community. Mappers generally know only little of modelling. Generally... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 01:43:09 UTC
in Texture Lump, Post #45271
You want us to check your .rmf or .map for problems? That's possible, you can upload it inside a .zip file onto this site, search for the Map Vault, Problem Maps section. Then click Submit a Map. Then, your map is visible in the Problems section and others can download it and give their comments (and hopefully find a solution).
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 17:33:42 UTC
in Texture Lump, Post #45165
Textures are stored in wad files. That's what they are for. Search for Wally, it allows you to browse through wad files.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 17:32:42 UTC
in mapping for other games... Post #45163
Unfamiliarity with tools causes you to be unable to express all of your ideas and qualities... don't underestimate that. But well, some principles are the same, that's right...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 16:23:03 UTC
in mapping for other games... Post #45122
I've only finished 2 HL maps. Detention, and The Playtest, wich was indeed for the Talking Scientists compo.

Sector Gamma is the map I'm currently working on, I really hope to release that within a few weeks... I really hope so... Finishing things has proven to be quite a difficult task...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 16:18:46 UTC
in mapping for other games... Post #45115
Oh yes, I've forgotten about Age of Empires! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 16:17:42 UTC
in mapping for other games... Post #45114

-Red Alert
-Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
-Command & Conquer: Generals
-Call of Duty

Not a lot indeed. Note that I've only finished 2 HL maps now, nothing else... Well, I've made a lot of Starcraft singleplayer missions, the scripting was real fun, and yes, I've finished quite a load of such maps, but I've never kept them... :|

Nah, let's get on with my latest map...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 16:01:54 UTC
in Trigger_hurt Post #45097
Copying similar wires and such can be of great help here, I don't know if you're used to the method of moving a selection while pressing Shift, so to duplicate the selection instead of moving it?

Or maybe your wires are all of quite unique shape, in that case it's just going to take some more time.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 15:59:36 UTC
in Trigger_hurt Post #45095
multi_managers have nothing to do with this. Linking objects to trigger_hurts? How would you want to do that? Nope, just a trigger_hurt surrounding the wire suffices.

As for the many wires... good luck! Mapping can (and does) take some time to get a good result, so join the club I'd say... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 15:56:51 UTC
in Texture Lump, Post #45094
More than 8 wad files doesn't always give errors but when you get errors, then those too many wad files are very suspicious. Try to use 8 or less wad files at once.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 15:54:35 UTC
in Editing sounds Post #45093
Cool Edit Pro is a non-free but very powerfull program to edit sound files, that may be usefull too when you can get a hand on it.

Oh, there seems to be a free trial-version downloadable. That should be worth a look.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 07:49:44 UTC
in The HL story Post #44991
G-man, our so-beloved mystery... we can only guess to what his real intentions and goals are.
Still funny to see those different theories about him... :)

As for Nihilant... "...I'm afraid to say it..." could also mean the scientist isn't that quick with killing. Like another scientist, the one that made the Gluon or at least helped developing it, who said he couldn't bring himself to kill other specimens. Ethical, you know.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 07:16:49 UTC
in Say goodbye Post #44982
But it's rather hindering when you can't. Just the restriction, as if you weren't trusted. The good ones suffer for the errors of the bad ones, so to say.
Anyway, this has happened, someone that posted 4 maps of good quality. Hypnos that was, if I'm not mistaken. So, it can happen...

Not that I have 5 finished maps under my belt, though... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 06:49:51 UTC
in Say goodbye Post #44977
Personally, I don't really like such restrictions. What if I want to publish some of my old map at once, some maps that aren't bad at all? What if I want to announce several things, several different subjects at once?

Some rules that members should keep themselves too, that's ok. In my opinion, off course. This would give moderators something to stand on, e.g. they then have a sort of law to base their actions on. So, a policy that members have to agree with first before entering the forum, or before becoming a member.

So far for my 2 cents...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 06:42:46 UTC
in TWHL is drowning - Do something about it Post #44976
As for rating, personally I like the Snarkpit system very much. Rating can only be done with a comment, and no more than once, the rating I mean. So, you're nearly forced to explain what you liked and what not, and the map author can also see who rated and how high.
This would also prevent pesky downratings like happened to me... over a 100 ratings of 1 star on Detention, with only one extra download...

Also, I like the policy idea, this gives moderators a base to stand on, and allows them to take action when rules are violated.

Well, so far my 2 cents...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 05:20:02 UTC
in "Homemade Decal" Queston Post #44970
The last color of that texture's palette defines the color it will show up in the game. Go ahead and check how it's done in the original decals.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 02:13:38 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #44935
Speed up, yes. But I guess it'll become quite a chaotic map then, when rooms don't fit in with each other. Some coherency should be maintained in my opinion.

But then again, it's never a bad idea to sketch out some idea's already or to brainstorm with people that have already done their part...

Now that we talk about it... I'd like to see the results so far just to get an idea of the overall map. Is this possible? :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 02:02:26 UTC
in advanced teleporter problem :( Post #44932
"Hey, he stole my kill!"

Ah, well, nevermind! Good to see such quick and good linkage.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 01:59:44 UTC
in advanced teleporter problem :( Post #44928
About your question, a switcheable teleporter is definitely possible. This is where the trigger_changetarget comes into play... :)
Read up on that entity here:

I think you can find out the rest yourself. After all, it isn't that hard to find out.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-26 01:55:15 UTC
in Trigger_hurt Post #44927
A trigger_hurt normally doesn't show up in the game... So I don't know what you have done... What properties has your trigger_hurt?

Also, what version of Half-Life do you use?

Another thing: for this wire to be unhealthy to the player, you don't have to put 4 copies of the wire around it and make them a trigger_hurt. Instead, create a wire that totally surrounds the original wire, so that it sticks out, and make that a trigger_hurt. Saves some time and is a bit easier to work with... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 09:13:34 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #44680
I remember I was on the original list, and I like to stay on the participants list, please...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 09:02:37 UTC
in Very Good Comp.idea! ! ! Post #44677
It's not really the compo subject that makes the map good. It's what the mapper makes of it. Personally, I like both idea's that are suggested in this thread, but after all, Seventh decides the subject for the next compo, so, we'll see...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 08:43:33 UTC
in "Map From Base" Compos Post #44675
That's what I call going on [UT2K3]Answering Spree[/UT2K3], Seventh... ;)

Congrats with winning the compo, 7th. Too bad I couldn't finish my work, but well, maybe that's what you get when you go LANning with a friend... Anyway, we'll see what the next compo will bring us...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 08:40:23 UTC
in NEED NEW MAP VAULTS!!!! Post #44674
It has been debated before, and what I remember is that the Map Vault is there for members to show off their maps. It's not a gatherplace for good maps, or for whatever you want from it. It's a place to show off your stuff. That's the initial intention of it, and that's fine for me. Now and then I go around, check some maps, give some comments. And when I find a great map, well, great... :)

And indeed, anyone can become a member and dump their stuff and leave, maybe that's a point to adress, and maybe the Vault system is a bit hard to navigate trough, but still...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 08:28:05 UTC
in Inverting boxes and adding a bottom Post #44671
Indeed. Or just rotate the selected brushes 180 degrees in the side view.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 08:26:46 UTC
in Strange hl bug... Post #44669
Monsters that don't show up in Half-Life? I've heard that before. Make sure you run HL in singleplayer mode, as the one that had this problem before ran in multiplayer mode.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 08:05:45 UTC
in Velocity too ow on func_pushable Post #44665
Wich is something I've experienced too in a few occassions. I guess func_pushable's are jus acting a bit strange now and then. I've found them to be best useable on only flat surfaces.

As for sky brushes, they are automatically clipped when you use ZHLT. The old compile tools didn't clip skybrushes, so they acted as water when you were inside them. It's actually possible to drown in them then...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 08:00:45 UTC
in wally using it properly Post #44664
There is a sound folder, named sound, not sounds. But that's the folder PaL meant, so there's nothing wrong.

Anyway, why should you want to unpack the .pak file? With Wally, you can browse through it, and so can Half-Life Model Viewer. It's easy to find the files you need, and they're useable just as good as if they were unpacked... You don't have to unpack it in order to use the files inside. Just browse through it with Wally or HLMV, and remember their file names and folders they're in, and fill that in in the entity properties...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 07:54:45 UTC
in Armed Trucks! Post #44663
In some area's in Surface Tension, such tanks did show up. In fact, there was a func_tank present at the place where the vehicle would stop, and it was only activated when the vehicle stopped there. With env_renders, it was then made visible (and the turret that moved, wich was actually a func_train, was either killtargeted or rendered away. Probably killtargeted as it shouldn't catch bullets so to say).

So, that's indeed faking, as hazardous! already said.

But to use such things in a CS map... I guess it's far too advanced for now. Maybe it's possible with a lot of entity trickery, but I think it's better to wait for CS2 and await it's possibilities. Nice idea though.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 05:21:28 UTC
in .spr to .mdl Post #44278
Err... changing a sprite into a model? No... there's no program that can do that.

But you could save the sprite as a bitmap (using Sprite Explorer or a similar program), create a model and apply that bitmap to it as a skin, then compile the model. However, it's not possible to let such a model follow a path, as far as I know, that is. You could animate the model accordingly, or just use a world brush to simulate your sprite and make a func_train of it. Well, just go ahead and try out...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 05:17:26 UTC
in How do I use ricochet fgd? Post #44277
Since a lot of entities in the Ricochet fgd are the same as the Half-Life entities (only necessary entities were added, I think), you can just use a trigger_hurt for the first and a trigger_push for the second thing you want. However, some experimenting might reveal other possibilities... just look for unknown entities and play with them, you'll find out...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 05:10:05 UTC
in hey ok i have set up the game for tfc Post #44276
Indeed, the question and description of the problem are very vague. Can you describe more clearly what happens and what you want to happen, e.g. what goes wrong?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 05:08:13 UTC
in transforming opposite sides problem Post #44275
Oh, and to rotate that selection is quite easy as it behaves just as normal, in fact it's just normal. So you can rotate it like you would do with any other brush or selection.

Alternately, you can flip the selection with Ctrl + L and Ctrl + I (flip horizontal, flip vertical).
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 05:04:20 UTC
in transforming opposite sides problem Post #44273
When dragging a brush or group of brushes, hold the Shift key when you release the mouse. Instead of having moved the selected brushes, you now have copied them to this new location. That might be helpfull to you.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 04:55:53 UTC
in ending the map Post #44271
A monster can trigger something, and you can set when to trigger that. In this situation, you would choose 'Death' for TriggerCondition, and fill in the name of the entity to be triggered in the TriggerTarget field. Now, the target it triggered when the monster dies.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 04:14:16 UTC
in wpoly counts Post #40616
As for having too many polygons, even after a lot of func_walling and hint-brush usage (that only are usefull in specific situations, they're no miracle-thing or such), then it's time to cut out in polygons. Removing details, you know. Or maybe redesigning parts of the level.

Yeah, sometimes it has to be done...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-12 04:00:40 UTC
in Question about compiling fast/full Post #40614
I don't know what's the real difference, although I do have an idea about it. What I think is that it checks a lot faster (and a lot less thoroughly therefor) what leafs can see what other leafs. At least that's where I think the main difference lies.

A good article about VIS (takes a while to load but it's worth it):