3ds MAX modeling question Created 20 years ago2004-07-24 08:45:38 UTC by Crusader_bin Crusader_bin

Created 20 years ago2004-07-24 08:45:38 UTC by Crusader_bin Crusader_bin

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 08:45:38 UTC Post #44290
I have 3ds MAX and want to make some models for half life, where i can find tutorials on that? I want it for HALF LIFE (becouse it's not configured for it, i know what to do). And i don't wan't to download 107 mb tutorial : I was looking on Google and found nothing, so i hope you can help me.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 10:59:24 UTC Post #44327
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 11:08:49 UTC Post #44332
i know what to do
A mistake. I wanted to say: "I don't know what to do" sry :( And thx for that link. I still want to know how to make a model using 3ds MAX
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 11:30:55 UTC Post #44341
i've got an error
DLL <D:3dsmax6stdplugssmdlexp.dle> is not made for this version of the program - not loading
So? Is there any file that is working? And how to use it actualy? And i'm still looking for making models tutorial on that program (maybe download that 107 mb tutorial :( )
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 11:32:46 UTC Post #44342
Well, then you must get this tutorial.
But there's smaller ones too.
When you've finished your model and exported everything to .smd, you must create a .qc file for the model and use an .mdl compiler.
Milkshape makes this quite easy.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 11:36:52 UTC Post #44343
i have MilkShape but it expired before i wanted to do something with it :
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 11:45:35 UTC Post #44347
I doubt that you're using 3dsmax legally.
I won't support this, so you must find out how to use milkshape after expiration.
You could pay $25 and use it legally.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 11:52:36 UTC Post #44350
1. i have 30 day trial on 3dsmax, so (for now) i'm using it legally.
2. There is no way to use milkshape after expiration
3. 25 $ is far too much (25$ * 4=100 z?, more than a new game or most program at shop (good games 99z? programs 40-99z?)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 15:42:06 UTC Post #44394
I know that it's expensive. That's why I don't use it.
I guess you either must get a trial of 3dsmax4, if that exists, or format your HDD to reset milkshapes trial state.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 16:47:48 UTC Post #44433
i can't save in milkshape, but i think i can still convert "things". I'll try that tomorow, thx for support
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 05:14:56 UTC Post #44630
I was looking for tutorial like this one: http://www.gen3d.de/MS3DTutorial/index.html but for 3ds Max, and i can't find it. I want step by step tutorial telling how to create SIMPLE humanoid. It's nowhere to be found. Or it's not explained too good. I know nothing about that program, plz, can any1 tell me where to find a good tutorial?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 06:31:59 UTC Post #44650
HEEELP! I was looking 30 mins for extrude tool! I think there's no one :( Plz show me any tutorial, i can't do anything on my own : While you're going to respond i'll start that 107 mb tutorial download : REPLY!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-25 07:07:47 UTC Post #44657
You could use gmax... It's a program especially for modeling, and it's very similar to 3dsmax. (And it's free, and more simple. I think it's smaller in file size.) There are tutorials up for download at the site. You can find the program at: http://www.discreet.com/products/gmax/

I've actually created models with this program.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 01:47:46 UTC Post #45272
same for me :D So i STILL ask for step-by-step tutorial (best if on humanoind)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 01:54:55 UTC Post #45274
You really didn't find anything on Google?


There must be some helpfull tutorials between all those hits... isn't it?
Otherwise, you may want to search for a 3DS MAX community. Mappers generally know only little of modelling. Generally... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 02:20:32 UTC Post #45283
hehe i think all tutorials for 3d's max are on nwn sites try searching nwn+3d's max should get heaps..... :) some tell of how to get them working in nwn i think its the same with half life tho i haven't had 3d's max long ;) hope this helps
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-27 05:04:34 UTC Post #45366
maybe. I've found some tutorials in "help/tutorials" in 3d max (not what i wanted exactly but will od) still have no samples, well, maybe i can actualy start modeling some day :)
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