Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 16:57:59 UTC
in Question about compiling fast/full Post #40477
I'd say, just full compile and see if the error still appears.

As for the error:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 16:46:13 UTC
in wpoly counts Post #40474
If you want to know the exact amount, go and do some tests, I'd say... :)

I've always been told that the limit is 800, and since I never run in software mode, I never really tested it. My opinion about software mode is also somewhat... negative... so why would I anyways? ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 15:51:21 UTC
in Train & Train Tracks Post #40465
Animating it? Then you want a model? I'd say leave it for now, you want a moving train, a controllable one, right? Then modelling has nothing to do with it. Just build your train from brushes in Hammer, read up on the func_tracktrain and path_track and func_traincontrols, and get experimenting. It's not so difficult, just search for some tutorials and read some entity guides.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 14:21:18 UTC
in My new mod Post #40461
The better mappers will care about how you represent yourself. When you don't use punctuation, it's a signal to them that says you either don't take the time to punctuate (bad impression) or you're another young kid with great mod idea's (one of the many, and probably one of the many that fails). It just looks... unprofessional.

A good first impression is cared about and will end you up in better positions.

So, I'm not so sure about the texture work anymore. First I want to see some results before jumping in. Right? :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 14:17:25 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40460
Ever heard of Frontpage? I've used it for both of my two websites so far, and it works ok so far. Although I feel I'm gonna need something better for the improvements I want to make to my sites, but so far it has served me well.

I don't use it's automatic webpage managing system though, as it puts some extra files in and such, wich I don't really like. But well, that may just be me... ;)

Your website looks so... prefab-alike. That's the problem I have with it. Nothing that looks as if there was spent time on it to make it look good. I'm sure you can do better, and you should do better when you want your mod to stand out of the crowd. Once again, good luck!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 14:11:17 UTC
in wpoly counts Post #40458
A good limit for deathmatch levels nowadays is about 800. Official maps stay below 800 in nearly all area's.

However, after all it also depends on what you're aiming for. High-end computers do support maps with wpoly amounts of 1200-1300 easily, but lower-end computers won't. Nightwatch for example aims for the a bit higher-end computers by setting their limit to 1300. For deatmatch levels, I personally would like all people to be able to play my map, and so stay below 800. 800 is the software mode limit for polygons, bytheway, so when you stay below, you're sure everyone has a good performance.

Not completely. There are more things that affect performance, like sprites that overlap each other, combat, model polygons, and so on. But you'll find out about that... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 14:00:31 UTC
in wpoly counts Post #40456
Yes, everything that exists of world brushes adds to your amount of wpolys, world polygons that is. (epolys are model polygons)

In the console, type gl_wireframe 1 or gl_wireframe 2 to see a wireframe view of your level, easily allowing you to see where the most polygons are and where you can or should cut out on polygons. Mind that this console command only works in OpenGL mode, software mode has a different command, r_drawflat 1 if I remember correctly.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 08:54:49 UTC
in rotating doors Post #40412
Anyway, you may also create your own custom wad file with a texture in it called 'origin'. It's all about the name after all, doesn't matter how the texture looks. Favorably, something easily discernable though... :)

Creating your own wad files? Do a search for a program called Wally. It's quite easy to work with, you'll see.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-11 08:48:13 UTC
in Mapper Wanted Post #40406
The website needs some work in order to give off a better impression of the mod. First, get another webhost, one without all the msn-frames. does a fine job for me with 30 MB free space and a smaller advertisement frame (wich you can get around with a little different url :)).

Then, the site itself. Little content, it could do with some less pages as some aren't necessary at this moment. The color schemes are very inconsistent, the pictures on the pages look good but somewhat misplaced. The whole website has a very incoherent look. Also, you may want to dedicate the website fully to your project instead of calling it a maps distrubution center. After all, a website to show off your mod is worth more than 5 minutes...

Well, so far, we'll see how this turns out. Good luck anyways.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-10 16:34:06 UTC
in talking dudes. Post #40269
Custom sounds need to be 11000 KhZ, 22000 KhZ gets played but then the mouth will not move.

As for your levels, arming the G-man is up to you. Test it, let some friends playtest your maps, just try some things out and see what's liked and what works well in the map. It's a designers choice... although some logic is required off course... defeating 30 grunts with a crowbar, well, you get what I mean. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-10 16:30:04 UTC
in func tank how to use shells and sound Post #40268
Tried to read this one already? At the end it describes how to get what you want:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-10 16:26:04 UTC
in rotating doors Post #40267
Create a brush, cover it with the 'origin' texture, make sure the center of that brush is on the axis of the door, and put it into the door entity together with the actual door brush(es). This origin brush' center, extended along the Z-axis, will act as the doors axis. When you want the door to rotate along the X or Y axis, you can set that with the func_door_rotatings flags.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-09 17:06:28 UTC
in Packing .pak files Post #40000
Isn't SoftImage XSI Free for Half-Life 2 editing?
Yes. Although that version has some limits, it's free and workable.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-09 15:51:54 UTC
in I got an idea(remade) Post #39983
I was on the list, somewhere at the end. And I'm still into this project. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-09 15:48:30 UTC
in funk_tank sounds and shells Post #39982
Time to fix some things on your computer first I guess then... format C and reinstall perhaps?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-09 15:46:15 UTC
in Func_TrackTrain whitout path_track Post #39981
There surely is a way to get cars into Half-Life. Coding. But it's pretty difficult and I doubt it'll be worth the time.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-09 15:26:27 UTC
in HL Command Line Post #39977
Well, do a search on Google, it's all available. But as far as I know, you'll have to use the parameters '+host ...', '+hostname ...' and '+map ...'. '+maxplayers ...' is also a working parameter. Well, try some stuff out, do a search and you'll find out.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-09 05:37:18 UTC
in Rediculas entity problem causing lag Post #39891
You probably mean gl_wireframe 2 instead of r_speeds 2, seventh... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-09 05:31:07 UTC
in funk_tank sounds and shells Post #39889
I often use Half-Life Model Viewer to search the sounds in the .pak files. Might be handy for you too...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-09 05:26:40 UTC
in Stuff mod Post #39888
The screenshots on that site showed full-bright maps... why put media of absolutely bad quality on the site? Better wait untill you got something good to show off, after all it's the first impression of the mod people will get...

and it wasn't a good impression, I must say.

Also, recruiting people for your mod requires you to have some decent work done already. There are loads of n00b mods that die after a few months, so skilled people won't jump in that fast...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 16:32:33 UTC
in Func_TrackTrain whitout path_track Post #39768
It's all there... just look for some tutorials or entity guides, most stuff is easy to find.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-08 13:25:09 UTC
in Func_TrackTrain whitout path_track Post #39734
Why would you need a func_tracktrain without path_tracks? Seems quite useless to me... but well, why don't you give it a try?

Cars like in CS:

Be warned though, cars in CS are pretty buggy...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 01:54:33 UTC
in Rediculas entity problem causing lag Post #39356
There are some TFC-specific forums around, have you tried these? Since your problem might be TFC-specific I'd say that's the way to go...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-07 01:50:34 UTC
in dripping pipes Post #39351
Or just an env_beam with a custom sprite... there are several ways to simulate dripping water, just go and try some out.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 17:16:57 UTC
in making teliporter flip player Post #39280

Although you can make floors slippery (func_friction) and so slow him down, but he'll slide around then too wich is probably not what you want.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 17:05:18 UTC
in please help Post #39278
Search a little...

It's around there, free versions that allow you to zip. Evaluated version, whatever it's called, just get it. It's not that difficult...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 09:22:23 UTC
in Blacked-out scientists Post #39163
Isit possible to light up models on a func_wall etc. correctly?
As I said, entities don't count. So you'll have to have a world brush below it wich is lit like you want your model to be lit. And invisible world brushes (null-texture) don't have a lightmap so they don't work (model becomes dark-lit)...

Yeah, it's limited, I know... :
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-06 08:37:12 UTC
in Blacked-out scientists Post #39151
Models are lit based on the world brush below them.

I guess in this situation, it may be that the scientist starts in an unlit room and that his lighting isn't updated for some reason when he's transported to the scripted_sequence location. Just a though though...

Maybe you can post the map in the Problems Section?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 10:29:55 UTC
in Timer Post #38724
Seconds are seconds.

Although I can imagine a low fps is somewhat disturbing for very small times.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 09:52:40 UTC
in aaa texture showing up in game Post #38716
i'm thinking about creating a small inacessible room in hammer and putting the train and the train controls there? sound good?
Used in HL several times, nothing wrong with that method.

Although I believe the func_traincontrols should be placed at the position the train will start in the game, not were it is in the editor. Could be wrong, though. Just experiment a bit.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 09:50:14 UTC
in Timer Post #38715
Wich means on faster PC's your neat timing is done with? :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 08:36:18 UTC
in modeling tutorial Post #38701
First vertex to last texture? Maybe the .qc editing and compiling could be added too? ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 08:28:35 UTC
in Timer Post #38698
0.01 or 0.001 for me, 0.1 can still be quite long for very neat time-schedules... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 08:27:44 UTC
in Easy way to place path_corners? Post #38697
About clip brushes and func_trains... I've done some testing on it sometimes. Normal func_trains would crush a player between a wall, we all know that. Clip brushes however do not... however, as long as the player is in this clip brush, he cannot move... It seems clip brushes only hold the player back when he moves, not when the clip brush moves... Just a funny thing I thought might be usefull or funny to know... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 08:22:55 UTC
in more help Post #38696
Lights with the same name behave the same, e.g. have the same appearance, as far as I've tested it. So, only give names when they're necessary, and give different names to lights that have to appear different.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 08:19:40 UTC
in Repeating a scripted_sentence sound Post #38693
A trigger_multiple just means that it's useable again, unlike the trigger_once. It doesn't mean it will trigger it's target more than once after you've run trough the trigger area.

What you need is a multi_manager. Let the trigger_multiple target a multi_manager, wich targets the scripted_sentence 3 times. Read up on how the multi_manager works on this site or visit the entities page of the VERC.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-04 08:13:34 UTC
in Timer Post #38688
A multi_manager can trigger itself, so for a loop you don't need a second multi_manager. However, you then need to set the Multithreaded flag, to avoid problems with this looped multi_manager.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 17:45:36 UTC
in My new mod Post #38564
erm Captain P do you think you could do some textures for me?
Maybe, depends on whether I have the time for it or not. Coming month I won't be available as I have some projects to finish and a vacation to go... :)

We'll see. Anyway, your website still has a lot of work to do. Most pages were unaccessible. Maybe another webhost? is quite a reliable one...
As for the layout and colors, it's clean and easy to the eye. Could use some more stylish layout maybe but I like it this way already.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 17:40:31 UTC
in Nightwatch Post #38560
I'm definitely a fan of Nightwatch, although I do not follow it so closely. The atmosphere in their levels is really strong, I'm looking forward to play the final release... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 17:35:48 UTC
in Easy way to place path_corners? Post #38556
Ah, my mistake. Selections don't get a cross at their center.

Kol's method is probably the easiest appearance. Although the resize handles of the selection can guide you somewhat too, together with the grid. Nah, you'll find a way that works best for you.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 08:57:55 UTC
in !!LEAK LEAK LEAK!! Post #38478
OMG! did anyone notice that pink pixel in c2a4b at about
-2356 345 -81 ??? What were valve thinking ???
I want my money back! ;) :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 07:45:16 UTC
in please help Post #38469
Read the instructions... it's all written out...

And I suppose when you have to browse for a ZIP file you have to have your map in that zip file...

As for textures, when you didn't use anything that wasn't already included in Half-Life, then you only need to put your .bsp in the zip file. That's all.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 07:33:08 UTC
in please help Post #38463
The Submit Map link in the Mapping Vault seems to be a good place to start... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 06:16:07 UTC
in my website Post #38456
Might I suggest Chatbear?

My Dutch forums are hosted by Chatbear, the VERC's forums, SoHL's forums... yeah, it's a good one... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 06:12:33 UTC
in Hammer window problem Post #38453
Reminds me of something I experience sometimes: I start up Hammer just like usual, full-screen and such, but somehow the top of the Hammer window is about 50-100 pixels below the actual top of the screen. Actually this only happens when I have Windows Media Player running already. Not that it's happening everytime I have WMP running, just now and then.

After restarting Hammer a few times it's usually solved. Still, it's a bit strange...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 06:06:31 UTC
in Rotating Problem Post #38452
Try clicking on the edge of the selection or just somewhere inside the selection box instead of that center cross. Just be sure not to click something that causes you to select other brushes...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-03 05:50:17 UTC
in Easy way to place path_corners? Post #38450
To find the center of the jeep, just select it... the cross you see when you have a selection is it's center... that should make it easier to place a path_corner at the right place.

As for compiling, for things like this I would compile without VIS and RAD as they aren't necessary in this case, it's just a compile to see if the jeep is at the right place.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 17:44:52 UTC
in Rotating Problem Post #38347
It's just the way that suits you best. Personally I never really use the Ctrl + M method as rotating with Shift pressed lets you rotate in steps of 15 degrees, easily allowing you to perform a 90 degree rotation. You can also set an option so that rotating automatically goes in steps of 15 degrees and pressing Shift allows free rotation.

As for your problem, Jake, what does happen when you click on the middle cross? I can't tell whats wrong from the information you've given.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 17:37:24 UTC
in Models in map Post #38343
Clip brushes are always invisible in the game. To make them invisible in the editor, search for the 'Hide Selected Objects' button, it's in the middle of the top button bar.

You can manage these so-called vis-groups in a box in the right of your editor. Tick them to get them visible or invisible, then hit the Apply button. Just try out a bit, you'l find out how it works pretty easily.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-02 07:56:48 UTC
in button targets 3 different ents Post #38227
multi_managers and trigger_changetargets... those are the entities you want to use here. Once you know these, the rest is simple to figure out.