Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 16:34:26 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #35085
A completely different style than mine I must say. Sort of this japanese styled cartoon.

A bit of a static pose but that's a common problem I guess. Not so bad after all though. Heh, you should really start again! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 14:30:11 UTC
in i carvth and my map leakth :( Post #35052
No. Hint brushes are manually adjustments to the way vis creates the leafs. You'll need a layout made in such a way that not all leafs are visible from others. Have you read the tutorial completely?

When you see the complete map you either have a open layout or haven't run vis. And that's because of errors during the previous compile programs that have been run. Or you just don't run the vis program.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 11:07:00 UTC
in velocity? Post #35025
monster entities are automatically put to the ground no matter how high they're placed in the level, just like weapon and ammo entities. The cycler entity can also display models bu stays at it's placed location. Disadvantage is that it has a predefined 'hitbox', and the model cycles between it's various animations when this box is shot. For prop models with only an idle animation, this isn't a problem, although the 'hitbox' is often larger than the model used.

After all, I still haven't found my favorite model entity. Guess I'll have to code one... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 08:29:55 UTC
in Latest Security Breach screenies Post #34994
Wich is why gameplay is so very important. Something I tried to focus on in my contest entry map. As for now I've only given achitectural comments. You're right when you say that's not the most important, Andy.

A map doesn't consist of architecure only. It's the whole thing that comes together in a map. From models and texture usage to suspension and action. Something I tend to forget now and then. It's quite difficult to explain indeed, I guess one has to develop a feeling for it. Might be good to search for articles on gameplay and game experience...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-20 03:34:22 UTC
in i carvth and my map leakth :( Post #34962
For a good explanation on VIS, vis-blocking and hint-brushes:

The article is about Quake but the whole thing is about the same for HL. This may be a helpfull article I was just recently attended to.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 17:01:28 UTC
in Latest Security Breach screenies Post #34887
Thanks. It's nice to help develop this map by giving comments. Good to see you improve the map. Keep it up! :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 16:56:07 UTC
in env_shooter Post #34886
I get the idea. Doesn't the button_target activete each time you shoot it? Then have such a thing activate the env_shooter...

Just a thought...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 16:04:42 UTC
in Latest Security Breach screenies Post #34867
Looking already way better as the first time I saw this. Might I still recommend some things? I know, I'm really focussing on small things sometimes... :)

1. The railing could still be a bit thinner. The lower walls look good but the upper walls could use some more detail indeed. Just break the repetitiveness there. The ceiling could use some variation too, now it's just a big flat surface. Some supporting beams, external vents or vent openings, maybe a shaft that leads to a fan, such things could make it more interesting. Just play a little with height variation on it.

2. Looks a bit too repetetive. It could well do it with some valves, some machinery connected to these valves sticking out of the walls, some electricity cables or such. The wall insertion is a nice addition bytheway.

3. The green gue looks a bit too bright for the overall light level. The back of the room is pretty well filled up but the rest looks empty. Maybe spread the details some more across the room. Also, supporting beams sticking out a bit from the walls might break the repetitiveness of that surface. The texture only won't do it. The ceiling could also do with some supports. The lights now are subtle, not overdone. I like them now.

4. That area is still under construction I see. As for now, I'd say the bridge's railing isn't very well integrated with the bridge itself. It also looks strange why the bridge is higher than the two platforms, looks like two unnecessary placed elevators because of a too high bridge.

Heh, I'll check it out and be right back for more... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 11:13:23 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #34840
Very interesting, Jahzel... thanks.

Although it's a different style than mine, it might still be very helpfull. I remember having seen some of Feng's work in a games magazine, while ago.

Let's get drawing... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 07:41:49 UTC
in start up parameters Post #34821
I did a search on Google and found some, although not a full list:

-dev *
-console *
-32bpp *
-toconsole *
-particles x *
-heapsize x
-game modname *

+port x
+hostname servername
+map mapname *
+maxplayers x

I'm not sure if all of these work but that's easy to try out for you. The ones with a * are the ones I've tried and am sure of that they work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 07:12:29 UTC
in where can i get the model wiever Post #34815
You can find a link to it on the VERC. Also a very handy site for mappers...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 07:11:04 UTC
in CPR Post #34813
a lot of tweaking...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 07:09:28 UTC
in Starting with HEV suit? Post #34812
Blue Shift didn't start with the suit, there was just no suit in Blueshift. Coding. I've done it myself once, coding it so that the HUD always appeared, whether the player had the suit or not.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 04:04:08 UTC
in Spirit help! Post #34788
Only models can be mirrored, not the level architecture.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 04:02:59 UTC
in Need Elevator Help Post #34785

A bit complex at first but easy to do once you get it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 04:00:54 UTC
in Starting with HEV suit? Post #34784
To have the HEV at the start, place it at the same spot as the info_player_start.

As for the HEV speech system, it can't be turned off, unless you play around a bit with the sentences.txt, wich means you'll have to make a mod then as other players won't have this modified file, and giving them this changed version will cause the speech system not to work in any HL map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 03:41:48 UTC
in How do you make a wad file? Post #34777
Wally is for noobs.
So I'm a noob then.

As long as a program is easy to use and does what it has to do, there's no 'noobness' in using it. Besides, how easy is it to update your .wad file with Qlumpy? Can you just add or delete a texture from it or do you have to run the whole script again?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 03:37:29 UTC
in Model Problem in Counter Strike Post #34776
1. The 'invisible' area's won't be invisible with render mode Solid and amount 255. That works for brushes but not for models. In order to render these area's invisible, you'll need two specific .dlls, hw.dll and sw.dll if I'm correct, these need to be placed in the Half-Life folder. Only then models can use transparant parts. You don't have to set render properties for the model as these parts will always be invisible.

2. What entity do you use to insert a model in your map? Anyways, your non-solid problem can be solved by creating a clip-brush, this will block the players movement too... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-19 03:21:55 UTC
in vending machine problem Post #34773
As for the vending machine, you can also use two env_shooters, of wich one only spawns one beverage every time you trigger it, and the other spawns the whole load of beverages when the vending machine is destroyed. Then either change the targets of the buttons or give them a master that you'll turn off when the machine is destroyed, so you can't get beverage out of the thing anymore.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 17:09:33 UTC
in OMG, i hate Multi_managers!!! Post #34697
Make "Light_plant1" into "light_plant1" and "Light_stairs1" into "light_stairs1".

Another thing that pops into my mind: I've heard once that the name 'light' for light entities can also cause problems. Give them another name, say "lamp_plant1" or such. I think it's worth a try...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 16:40:13 UTC
in OMG, i hate Multi_managers!!! Post #34694
Also, capitals tend to give problems. Don't use them, it may well solve your problem.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 16:36:24 UTC
in OMG, i hate Multi_managers!!! Post #34693
You've filled in the name in the multi_managers properties already, right?

Now click the SmartEdit button, and then click the Add button. In 'key', fill in the name of the entitie that needs to be triggered, in 'value' fill in the delay from the moment that the multi_manager is triggered, e.g. the specified entity will be triggered x seconds after the multi_manager is triggered. You can add up to 16 entities in a multi_manager.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 11:31:28 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #34650
Yeah, I've seen Berlin from the TV tower. Really large... almost everywhere I looked I saw city...

Heh, I don't live in Amsterdam. I'm from a small city in the north of Holland, called Leeuwarden. 80.000 citizens. A small and quite place, just what I want... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 11:11:32 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #34643
That's a bad development indeed...

Berlin? Heh, previous year I've been to Berlin on vacation. Really impressive city... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 11:01:27 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #34641
Yeah, maybe it's because it was a fairly small school (600 pupils). I also think you'll get closer to the teachers in the last schoolyears.
This economy-teacher has the same first name as I do, that might also be an explanation... :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 10:51:00 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #34639
Unless I was just making small sketches, the teachers did notice. The one for economy didn't have a problem with it since I was pretty good at economy, and Latin... well, only 2 or 3 persons actually did something in the lessons...
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 10:49:05 UTC
in velocity? Post #34637
The only thing you have to fill in is Model, e.g. the relative pathname of your model. The rest of the properties can be left alone. Try inserting a monster_generic again with only that one filled in.
You may also try to use a monster_furniture or a cycler.

HLMV = Half-Life Model Viewer.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 10:41:17 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #34633
Heh, I used to draw during a lot of lessons... economy provided some excellent drawing-hours, as did Latin, since I never translated anything during those lessons. Not the last year, that is. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 10:33:07 UTC
in velocity? Post #34629
Hm, that's a problem indeed.

Question: when you open that model in HLMV and you turn on 'ground', is it above or below the ground face?
Also, how did you place this monster_generic and what properties does it have?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 10:31:58 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #34628
Yeah, I find drawing out your map idea's first pretty helpfull too.

Why did you stop drawing? No interest anymore or it didn't really worked out that good?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 10:23:05 UTC
in velocity? Post #34624
Further no problems? Then you can discard it, it's just a developers warning that players will not see when they don't run with the -dev parameter.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 10:22:02 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #34623
Just for fun. I saw a class-photo from a class from school and somehow it inspired me to draw this. Heh, you gotta see how many sketches fly around my room... I almost count them in kilogrammes instead of numbers... :)

Bytheway, you draw too?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 10:03:38 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #34619
Me knows. I haven't really accented them since it was to do about the proportions. The face isn't really detailed too, it's sketchy indeed.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 09:48:58 UTC
in Just a sketch... Post #34616
User posted image
Just a sketch, focussing somewhat on proportions. You like? :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 09:05:09 UTC
in Puzzles Post #34587
It's not just the puzzles that make the game experience. It's the combination of combat, puzzles and story, involvement in the game, that do it.

Best puzzle? I can't remember a lot in fact. I haven't made many really long single-player maps, mostly testmaps and such. As for my compo entry, the biggest puzzle there may well have been how to open that door that blocked movement to those 2 batteries... somewhere I've hidden a crowbar although not many have found it yet... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 08:31:45 UTC
in Mapping Contests; Win $$$ Post #34578
At the other hand, professional maps can be very good for your personal learning curve... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 07:24:56 UTC
in Mapping Contests; Win $$$ Post #34557
Yes, I know. So sending it wouldn't really prove the biggest problem I see now.

What I do remember from Chatbear's donation advertisements though, is that a lot of users weren't capable of sending money over the internet, due to their age or other reasons. I donated only because a Dutch friend of me was able to do so so I could send him the money to donate for me.
As far as I know, there are quite a lot of young mappers, and parents don't always trust sending money over the internet.

Just my thoughts about it. Maybe it'll work and that would be great... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 07:17:42 UTC
in Mapping Contests; Win $$$ Post #34554
It's a nice idea but sending money across the world can be tricky. Especially small amounts like 5 dollar.

Attractive idea though... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 06:13:21 UTC
in hint brush Post #34542
A good article indeed... thanks Andy! :)

I'll add a reference to it on my Dutch forum, we kinda stack up on tutorial links. Maybe that's a nice idea for this site too?
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 03:19:26 UTC
in hgrunt models Post #34532
Reskinning is indeed the easiest thing, it can even be done with HLMV if I'm correct.

As for really remodelling, it's best to just start and discover things yourself, and search for tutorials or ask on a forum when you stumble upon a problem. After all, it's the same learning process as with mapping, only a different subject... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 02:54:02 UTC
in hgrunt models Post #34528
Since the skeleton has to be the same, also in every bodypart you create. It's just a thing to take care of... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 02:52:45 UTC
in Mapping Contests; Win $$$ Post #34527
Yeah... bytheway, did you know that Periculoso (or something like that), the winner, is a Belgian? :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 02:27:45 UTC
in Mapping Contests; Win $$$ Post #34522
That $200 contest was run by the ZTK-clan, not the VERC... :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 02:19:45 UTC
in hint brush Post #34519
Nothing. I just don't look very often to the tutorials at TWHL since most of the time I already know other tutorials that cover the subject pretty well.

Hm, I feel the tutorial at Countermap covered it more in-depth. I think it's very good to know how vis works as you're actually manually interfering in it's process.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-18 02:10:37 UTC
in arbitrary teleporting Post #34517
A trigger_teleport can be turned on and off:

Might be very usefull to you, I used this in my competition map. The player only gets teleported after the fade has been completed, while he is already in the trigger_teleport for a while. However, there is a problem with teleporting: the player will teleport to a specific location, and it's view will be set to a specified angle. Spirit of Half-Life features seamless teleport, wich eliminates these two flaws.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 16:18:48 UTC
in hgrunt models Post #34413
^ that's was me... Somehow I don't really like this forum system... obviously... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 15:43:06 UTC
in My new mod Post #34384
The first two get pretty annoying to the eye, especially bleu/red is bad readable. The last one seems best so far but well... I'm not so sure of it.

Try something with not-so-contrasting colors, might be better. Test out some stuff if it's readable and pretty to the eye, that's very important.

As for text, red and other 'flashy' colors aren't my favorites. Rather something black or dirty white, an easy-on-the eye color. Best is, not to overdo it. Subtle tints can be much better.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 13:47:23 UTC
in teleporting func_train Post #34316
No, you can set a flag on the path_corner that the func_train has to teleport to. It's the 'Teleporter' flag. Instead of moving to it it will instantaneously appear at that path_corner.

For more info on path_corners and their abilities:
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 13:39:45 UTC
in scientist Torture Mod Preview Post #34311
The map's performance was just a serious thing. A technical issue rather than a designers issue. I think you should take it as a fact instead of seeing it as a debate that has to be won. It's not a debate, it's help from another mapper that attends you on things that can be done better in your map. In this case, they have to be done in order to make the map playable for the average player.

I don't want to make war about such a thing. I'd say, just accept it as a comment and take it into account. Anyways, it's not worth a fight. If you want to discard such comments, you're free to do so.

Oh, besides, I've commented on your map again, it may contain the solution to your vis-problem. Since I have experienced a sort-alike problem a while ago, I just thought on that yesterday.
Posted 20 years ago2004-06-17 12:17:07 UTC
in Origin in an elevator Post #34296
What do you use as elevator?

When you use a func_train, there's no need for an origin brush as the center of the func_train is taken to determine positions. You might want to know that a func_train uses path_corners as positions to move to. A path_corner must be specified so the game knows where the func_train starts. In a path_corner, you can specify the next path_corner where the func_train will move next to when triggered.

I hope that's helpfull... :)